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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Give MY NYX new and innovative features so I can indulge my BSG fantasies!

Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2011-11-22 03:11:37 UTC
You took our drones, how about in exchange you give Supercarriers a few new features? I was thinking it would be really cool to change Supercarriers so they can act as a mothership for supporting fleets in non-sov / hostile space without stations or POS.

1. "Repair facilites": A thing that lets you repair damaged modules and gear (for example, fully burned-out mods, damaged anchorable bubbles, damaged drones, etc)

These could consume either minerals from a mineral bay (optimal since you could theoretically resupply on raws from the surrounding environment) or possibly from some form of pre-compressed minerals stored in the SC.

2. "Assembly Lines" for commonly used consumables-- again, give supers the ability to carry minerals in a mineral bay (optimal since it allows supers to resupply themselves indefinitely provided there are asteroids around) or carry pre-compressed minerals, then use them in conjunction with the appropriate blueprints to manufacture things like nanite paste, anchorable bubbles, dictor bubbles, scripts, ammo, and drones (small stuff that roaming fleets burn through over time).

3. Reprocessing facilities. Give supers facilities for melting down ores and loot into minerals. Doesn't have to be as efficient as a station, but it would allow supers to, say, melt down dropped loot from hostile ships that are killed and then use the minerals to repair friendly gear or manufacture new consumables for their fleet. Could also (in theory) be used by the truly desperate to refuel their supercarrier in the middle of nowhere if they could be bothered to actually mine ice :3

I always thought the idea of supercaps being able to act as mobile lil mini-outposts of civilization was cool. It would give small groups that want to poke into low / nullsec without having to put down pos or rabid killers of men who wanted to live in hostile space a new and interesting way to support themselves. It would also give us existing supercarrier pilots something to do with our ships post-patch other than sit in a friendly pos and wait for an uncontested structure bash to appear on our calendars.

I already use a supercarrier to support behind-the-lines type activities. It's pretty useful as a lil base as it is, but it would be way more fun / useful if it could also do these things I mentioned :3

Come on, you know you want to do this! It would add a teamwork-oriented, non-combat set of abilities to the ships that would be a lot of fun to play with and would give supercarriers a valuable role to play that isn't dependent on making them overpowered on a battlefield. Do it, CCP! Indulge my BSG fantasies!
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2011-11-22 03:16:18 UTC
What you're describing sounds like something that could be the Rorqual's big brother ...

However, you are NOT describing a Super Carrier at all.
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2011-11-22 03:21:27 UTC
Hey now, I didn't say it could build ~*anything*~, its not an industrial-focused ship. Just the ability to build trivial little things that PvP ships consume would be nice. A combat-logistics related role, not an "industrial" role.

A Rorqual cousin that could build bigger things (maybe even cruiser and frigate-sized ships?) could be a really cool addition to the game as well, though.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#4 - 2011-11-22 04:40:18 UTC
Can't we instead introduce 2 new super carrier hulls?

1 with guns thats more pvp focused.

1 with "facilities" that could be used by fleet members or individual pilots.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2011-11-22 05:05:55 UTC
They already have supercaps with guns that are pvp focused :3