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Invulnerable, invulnerable, failed to target nothing - Rubicon killed my EVE fun

Lady Flute
Ilmarinen Group
#1 - 2013-12-10 01:49:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Flute
I like to fly interceptors, and stealth bombers.

When my stealth bomber lost its cruise missiles, I was annoyed.
When my Tristan got changed to look like something Batman would fly, I was doubtful, but honestly I love it now.

But with Rubicon, it's all over.

I play with high ping, because I live on the other side of the planet to the server (literally). I can play War Thunder fine.

I have played EVE Online since 2005, because it was a game where I could pvp and have fun despite my latency. In many games, such as Ultima Online pre-Trammel, I died often not for want of player or character skill, but because of my ping. But in EVE Online, which was much more in keeping with a fast paced game of chess, I could finally enjoy myself. And I have so loved this game. I even bought the collectors edition.

But now ... Rubicon.


You know, the one where I got to play too. The instant warping instant locking interceptors I am sure were wonderfully balanced - when tested in Iceland on the server in London.

My experience, even with near perfect skills for interceptors, and even with a remote sensor booster ship to make sure ... I try to tackle another interceptor on a gate when they decloak and get "Invunlernable, Invunerable, [failed to target nothing]' and see they are already 10,000km away .

So please do one of four options:

1. Slow things down again so that there is no 'instant' in EVE Online again. Because all that means is whoever has the best ping goes first, which also means everyone not living in Europe of USA with good ping is literally a second class customer, doomed to lose in interceptor pvp that now dominates the game. I pay the same money per month, I want the same chance to win. I used to have that: with Rubicon taking 'instant' to a whole new level, I do not have that any more. The fundamental tolerance for latency in EVE Online has been changed, and with that you have made me invalid in pvp because the changes have not been designed with delays built in to level the playing field for ping. Fast is fine. Instant is not: not if I have to pay monthly fees just to lose.

2. Add programmes in-game that runs at server speed, so the game is not waiting for my client. If you want instant, make it instant. Two simple examples: "target and point selected ship the instant it is no longer invulnerable", and "On ship loss execute manouver A" (e.g. warp to planet 6 at 50); or

3. Formally permit the use of programmes that do (2). People are doing things so fast that to me it appears the only logical answer is that they are not doing things themselves at all: a programme is. When my ship explodes and my pod is already targetted and pointed before I even see my ship exploding is the classic example. There is instant, and then there is inhumanly fast. Sure it could just be my lag, but then again even I command going to warp and cloaking as close to simultaneous as I can humanly get, so someone who can spot, target, and point my cloaky in that split second is well ... very likely a cheat programme. So if you want to keep things as they are, and are not prepared to write in-game subroutines that can be loaded into the ships computer in advance, then permit us to use things others have written.

4. If I get substandard gameplay now, stop charging me full monthly fees. I want the game I pay for - and my internet was just fine to play this game and have fun before Rubicon. Sure high ping helped me lose, but so be it. However now I am simply doomed to lose, because some designer wanted to make EVE Online more twitchy, I guess because Star Citizen is looking really good now.

So basically it boils down to this ...

I want my gameplay back. I don't want enemy ships to instantly appear in local pointing me, when the system was clear AND I was watching local and aligned. I don't want to have a -1000% chance to point enemy interceptors because they have gone to warp before my client even draws them in. And I don't want 100% time dilation when our fleet is simply flying home from a CTA and the server can't even handle 150 ships loading in together any more. I got to red 100% time dilation that took 10 minutes to warp gate to gate with FIFTEEN ships in local. Sure I would have missed all the tackles, but I would have liked to at least had the chance to shoot at that titan. But the battle was over before I crossed the three systems left to cover ... so broken is the current server allocation process, especially when combining all these "instant" action changes - masses of drones firing in unison with unlimited 'assist', Interceptors that move instantly but then making time stand still ...

And if I can't have my gameplay back, then make it free to play for everyone like me who have pings that are no longer supported by the Rubicon design changes. I didn't ask for interceptors to be instant warping. I didn't make sebos make things instantly locking. I didn't add all the crap that is downloaded every time you enter a system, thanks to Odyssey.

I just want to play.

So fix the damn servers, and if you are not going to change anything, not going to add in-game advance routines, not going to permit us to legitimately use third party software to overcome ping issues, and not going to change the billing, at least give me a refund of all my skill points in small ships that are simply invalid now.

I can fly a battleship, and if parking an Abaddon trio on a gate with smartbombs going off is the best I can hope for in terms of thrilling pvp in Rubicon ... so be it. But I'd rather have unallocated skill points to put into something that suits my ping. I don't know ... like carriers or something, just assign everything to others while sitting 99.5% inside a pos shield. Yay.
Lady Flute
Ilmarinen Group
#2 - 2013-12-10 02:29:10 UTC
Oh and speaking of issues ...

... bombs take too long to land now. Interceptors shouldn't always be able to warp and always be able to just zoom out of the way of a bomb drop. Given you can't kill big things with a bomb anyway, the practical inability to catch any interceptor except some poor schmuck on the other side of the planet who can't even see the bomb just makes them totally pointless.

If bombers can't really bomb things anymore ... why are they a bomber again?

Increase the blast radius, increase the speed of the flight, or allow remote command detonation ... anything. Because currently if you drop on interceptors, they literally can fly out of the way, point you, and kill you, before the bomb even goes off. Even with a ship with defences and max skills.

I know the changes to warping were meant to shake things up.

But seriously ... invalidating players because their ping is too high, and wiping out entire classes of ships at a stroke? Really?
And if you think everything is fine and dandy stop pretending.

We all know part of the recently announced design in Star Citizen is pvp instances, and a matchmaking system that includes matching opponents based on latency. You can't make EVE Online instant this, instant that, when for 10 years it wasn't, and then pretend that latency is not an issues for customers. Because guess what - the competition knows it really is an issue, and they are designing their game ground up to deal with it.

So we've crossed the Rubicon. And from my perspective, EVE Online blundered. I love interceptors going fast. But do they really have to go to warp so fast they are gone before I even have ONE momentary chance to point them? There is fast paced, and there is ridiculously broken. EVE Online has freighters, delivery missions, and ice mining. No-one ever accused it of being too fast paced for their internet to keep up before ... until we crossed the Rubicon. And fell in and started drowning in the muddy water.

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#3 - 2013-12-10 16:08:34 UTC
nothing new,

regarding the ceptors, your ping is not the only one to blame, i do have an excellent connection, with a ping around 25ms, yet ceptors can't be caught.

in fact, anything that warp under 2 sec cannot be caught as of the current server tick is 1hz

basically, since the server need 1 tick to register your lock, then another tick to apply the point, it is basically a 2 sec delay between the moment he decloack and the server register the point.

since said ceptor warp under 2 sec, server sid he will be in warp before server register your point.

even if point was preactivated, server will still not apply lock and point on same tick.

this is the case since incursion in fact, pre-incursion i was able to catch pods on gates with my stiletto, now they are already in warp @ 100+ km when they actually appear in overview.

and as i said earlier, i do have the luck of a very good connection.

as usual, CCP as been made aware of this and still don't care.

so yeah, provided there are no sartbomb, and the pilot doesn't screw up, it is impossible to catch a ceptor now that it has a bubble imunity, this was raised in discussion before rubicon, CCP discarded all the arguments saying "shhhhh it'll be fine....."
Grace Ishukone
Ishukone Advanced Research
#4 - 2013-12-11 03:31:11 UTC
Nice explanation.

So the simple answer ... they really did break the game in Rubicon, and if people with superb ping can't lock interceptors then people with poor ping are the only ones who can be locked.

i.e. Flute is right, Rubicon made a large proportion of CCP's customers into second grade customers. Without superb ping, they will get caught and literally can never catch their opponent in reply.

Same will go for ECM. They can be locked and ecm'd before they can tell their drones to undock lock and attack. Best ping now wins, all customers in Southern Hemisphere are now much more likely to quit EVE online when Star Citizen, with its ping match criteria hidden in the background for pvp, goes live.

Sad but true. So CCP ... fix this. Quickly, before the open Alpha begins and people start leaving in large numbers.