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Request for Balance in Market PVP

Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-12-04 06:43:18 UTC
In my time playing EVE I've seen a lot of changes to the game. Feature and UI changes. Ship and Module balance changes. Changes to how Corps and Alliances function. Additions, removals, alterations, sometimes as often as on a monthly basis. But the one thing that I can't remember ever being changed is how the market functions. I don't remember a time when balancing Market PVP was even brought up for discussion. After 10 years I really think that should change.

CCP calls it Market PVP, but as far as I can tell it's really just Market Pinata. In PVP you should know who your opponent is, and you should be able to have some sort of meaningful response to their actions. You should also be able to tell the difference between a friend and a foe. Currently there's no way to do this on the Market of EVE. You buy and sell without knowing who you're buying from or selling to until after the transaction is complete. You post goods to market and adjust prices without knowing who you're undercutting, or who undercut you. This means that you may unknowingly purchase goods from someone you're at war with inadvertently funding your own destruction. It means that you can't tell if that guy that just undercut your sell order by .01 isk is the newb you just recruited to your corp just tryin to make some bank or some market bot with 50 other sell orders on market for the same item. In a gloriously backwards implementation you can post a Buy order with a minimum purchase amount, but you can't do the same for a Sell order. And most annoyingly, when you click on 'Buy This' you're not actually buying 'This' you're buying the lowest price item that meets the location, price, and quantity variables of your purchase order and that means you are incapable of purchasing items from a specific seller if there's someone else selling that item at the same location but at a lower price. This should all change.

The Market should show the identities of the people that posted the buy and sell orders. You should be able to see if you're buying from someone with Red standing before you make the purchase. You should also be able to tell the difference between a Market newb and a Tycoon trying to manipulate the market with 10 Sell orders up for the same item that he has a couple Buy orders up for. We should also be able to actually buy what we click on regardless of if there are cheaper goods at the same location. It really burns me up when I see a sell order on market for a low quantity and a bunch of people undercutting it by .01 isk with many times the amount. I don't care if they're bots or not...those kinds of market games annoy the crap outta me and I really wish I could just buy the stuff from the person that's being undercut even if it's gonna cost me a few extra cents and that's just not possible in the current market. I can't even send that person a mail telling them to take it off market and contract me the stuff because I don't know who posted it.

Now, this leads to a few extra ideas:

First, that the possibility for Market Anonymity should remain in the game, otherwise some people just wouldn't be capable of using the market at all given their reputations among the player base. Anonymity should be a luxury though, something that costs a bit more than a normal buy order, so make it have a higher Brokerage fee to post an order Anonymously.

Second, since we're talking about allowing people to see the identities of the buyers and sellers why not allow players to give discounts to friends and markups to enemies. I wouldn't mind so much selling to people on my Red list if I could charge them a 50% markup and I wouldn't feel so bad when I see a friend's name in my buyers history if I could give them a 20% discount on the purchase automatically. So we should have options to apply discounts based on standing, just 4 boxes on the buy/sell order window would do 1 for Dark Blue, 1 for Blue, 1 for Orange, and 1 for Red and we could just put a % number in the box that would be automatically applied to a buyer/seller with those standings. Four sliders would work too if typing numbers isn't your thing. You wouldn't need to use them if you didn't want to, in which case everyone would be charged the normal price. The actual price adjustment wouldn't be seen till the buyer/seller opened the window to finalize the transaction, at which point they could get a popup that says something like 'Your standings with the client have adjusted the offered price' and you'd then see the adjusted values in the window and perhaps have to do some math to tell if the price went up or down. But before then you'd be able to see your own personal standings with the person that posted the items by clicking on their names in the window, or even have the Overview settings apply the appropriate backgrounds or icons to their listings as if they were being seen in the overview or a chat channel. So you could steer clear of funding your enemies while preferring to commerce with friends.

Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2013-12-04 06:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Grenn Putubi
Finally there are a couple things about the existing market features that deserve addressing:

1. Let us post sell orders with a Minimum purchase requirement. I can do it with a buy order, why not a sell order? Sometimes I have a lot of something that I'm willing to part with at a discount if I can sell it all at once instead of waiting for it to trickle out of an order over a month's time. Let me put 100 million units of ammo on the market at a 20% discount, but require that the purchaser buy the entire amount so I don't end up staring at the order forever waiting for it to complete.

2. Change the way buy orders work in conjunction with Margin Trading. Require that you keep at least enough isk in escrow to make a single purchase. So if you put up a buy order for an item the amount in escrow needs to allow you to purchase at least 1 unit of the item in question, or in the case that a buy order has a minimum amount at least enough to make 1 purchase. Meaning that someone placing a buy order for 1000 units of an item with a minimum buy order of 1000 would be required to front the isk for the entire purchase regardless of his level in Margin Trading. But someone placing a buy order for the same 1000 units with only a 100 unit minimum would only have to put isk in escrow according to his Margin Trading skill since 100 units would have the price be below the 24% threshold that you reach at lvl5 in Margin Trading. The amount in escrow should also be refilled from the player's wallet at the time a purchase is made and if the required amount in escrow can't be fulfilled the order should then be removed from the market. This is how markets work in reality and it makes sense for the brokerages to require their customers to keep funds in escrow to cover their intended purchases, Margin Calls happen in real life for this very reason. For players placing orders for large quantities of low value items (ie minerals, salvage, etc...) this would have very little impact on how they do business. For players placing orders for low quantities of high value items it would create a significant change in the how they play the market and could help curb one of the more ridiculous scams in the game since the player would be required to front the isk for at least 1 complete purchase. Any purchases they could not afford after that first purchase would be cancelled before they could happen and no seller would walk away from a deal completely empty handed since at least 1 unit of whatever they were trying to sell would be guaranteed to transact.

3. Consider changing the time limit on altering market orders to be more than 5 minutes. I'm not totally certain this is warranted, but it's never really made sense to me that 'Market PVP' quite literally required players to sit at their computers waiting for their next chance to undercut the guy that undercut the guy that undercut them. I think I'd like to see the timer changed to an increasing cool down. Something like 5 minutes for the first modification, and then a 5 min timer, if you make a modification in that 5 minutes you can't make another change to that item for 15 minutes. If you make another change to the item within 5 minutes of that 15 min timer expiring you need to wait 30 mins before you can make another change, etc.... So you can make a change every 10mins without facing a penalty, but if you change things quickly you'll end up waiting a long time before you can make your next change. The numbers probably need to be played with, but it's something I think should be considered if not just a flat increase to the timer for modifications from 5 minutes to 10 or 15mins to help curb the market bots from having such a powerful effect on things.
Bobby Frutt
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-12-04 06:49:57 UTC
I'll have to read through the entirety later, I admit I did stop at some point. +1 from what I've read. Anonymous trading is a bunch of BS.

People will respond, "they can just make a new alt to trade with...".
That alt won't have 5 months of trading skills your trading character does.
Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#4 - 2013-12-04 07:49:23 UTC
Most of what has been posted in the OP has been posted multiple times before in some way shape or form, and frankly it all makes sense.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#5 - 2013-12-04 08:16:09 UTC
1. This is absolutely essential. Learn brevity.
2. Just as I wouldn't want increasing length cycles of weapon fire in combat PvP I wouldn't want it on my market PvP either, so no on increasing the order cool down beyond 5 mins.
3. Minimum buys on bulk sales sounds interesting.
4. CCP is looking into the buy order scam.
5. I played the market in wow and you can see the seller's name. It does add complexity to market PvP but for anyone not able to play 10+ hours a day you will find people like me will crush you with this information. I had spreadsheets of my competitors game playing times and market strategies. This coupled with a lot of free time let me tank an entire market economy for three months. In the end only myself and two other players remained. Those two others had no life just like me. They were not using bots because I found a strategy for beating bots as well.
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2013-12-04 14:19:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Grenn Putubi
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. This is absolutely essential. Learn brevity.
2. Just as I wouldn't want increasing length cycles of weapon fire in combat PvP I wouldn't want it on my market PvP either, so no on increasing the order cool down beyond 5 mins.
3. Minimum buys on bulk sales sounds interesting.
4. CCP is looking into the buy order scam.
5. I played the market in wow and you can see the seller's name. It does add complexity to market PvP but for anyone not able to play 10+ hours a day you will find people like me will crush you with this information. I had spreadsheets of my competitors game playing times and market strategies. This coupled with a lot of free time let me tank an entire market economy for three months. In the end only myself and two other players remained. Those two others had no life just like me. They were not using bots because I found a strategy for beating bots as well.
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

Brevity has it's place, but sometimes you need to be certain the reader understands what you're saying. If you want to read my post quickly you can just read the first 2 sentences of each paragraph because that's where the main idea is. The rest of the space is filled with an explanation of that idea, and that's a standard writing mechanic in a professional setting. It's pretty much the core of AP style and if you've written papers for a college course should be familiar with it.

EVE is unique in the gaming world in that war isn't just waged on the battlefield, it encompasses the entirety of the game. The ability to buy from a specific seller or to charge a Red a mark up would bring War to the Market for real. It may not often be used, but when it is used it would make a huge difference. It would add a whole new aspect to War in that you could run someone out of an area just by taking over the market and forcing them to go somewhere else to resupply if they want reasonable prices. If you see an invader posting goods that you're reasonably sure were harvested from areas you control you could refuse to purchase them instead of letting them profit from their efforts without having to haul the goods outside your space. These are just a few of the options that such a feature would open for players.

Yes there are ways to do some of these things in the game already through contracts or personal trading, but implementing these features on the actual Market would have a massive effect on how people play the market and the game in general.
Zvaarian the Red
Evil Leprechaun Brigade
#7 - 2013-12-04 14:33:00 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. This is absolutely essential. Learn brevity.
2. Just as I wouldn't want increasing length cycles of weapon fire in combat PvP I wouldn't want it on my market PvP either, so no on increasing the order cool down beyond 5 mins.
3. Minimum buys on bulk sales sounds interesting.
4. CCP is looking into the buy order scam.
5. I played the market in wow and you can see the seller's name. It does add complexity to market PvP but for anyone not able to play 10+ hours a day you will find people like me will crush you with this information. I had spreadsheets of my competitors game playing times and market strategies. This coupled with a lot of free time let me tank an entire market economy for three months. In the end only myself and two other players remained. Those two others had no life just like me. They were not using bots because I found a strategy for beating bots as well.
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

Did you seriously just draw parallels between the economy of WoW and the economy of EVE?
Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-12-04 15:59:13 UTC
Zvaarian the Red wrote:
Did you seriously just draw parallels between the economy of WoW and the economy of EVE?

Yeah, that caught me a bit off guard too...

Kinda like comparing a flea market to the trading floor on Wall Street...there are parallels, but they're only vaguely relevant.
Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#9 - 2013-12-05 01:33:26 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
5. I played the market in wow and you can see the seller's name. < snip >
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.

These 2 ideas are needed to work together, without being able to buy from who you want to, it is useless to be able to see who they are.
As for weather it will be used, I would be happy paying more if it is going to a blue instead of the cheaper order going to a red/neutral.

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

The ability to buy from specific orders would also benefit the discounts idea, if you can see a Blue order that is a little bit more, you might be more likely to buy from it, especially if you know the seller is one that often puts a discount on their goods.
Seamen Force
#10 - 2013-12-05 05:07:36 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#11 - 2013-12-05 08:06:51 UTC
Zvaarian the Red wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. This is absolutely essential. Learn brevity.
2. Just as I wouldn't want increasing length cycles of weapon fire in combat PvP I wouldn't want it on my market PvP either, so no on increasing the order cool down beyond 5 mins.
3. Minimum buys on bulk sales sounds interesting.
4. CCP is looking into the buy order scam.
5. I played the market OP's suggeswow and you can see the seller's name. It does add complexity to market PvP but for anyone not able to play 10+ hours a day you will find people like me will crush you with this information. I had spreadsheets of my competitors game playing times and market strategies. This coupled with a lot of free time let me tank an entire market economy for three months. In the end only myself and two other players remained. Those two others had no life just like me. They were not using bots because I found a strategy for beating bots as well.
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

Did you seriously just draw parallels between the economy of WoW and the economy of EVE?

Since the OP is asking for changes to EVE's economy that already exist in WOW yes. When you are considering a project it is a good idea to seek counsel from people that have experience with concepts as similar to your idea as possible. I will emphasis the word similar since obviously the condition doesn't exist in EVE so zero people in the world have the exact background to counsel on the OP's suggestions. My background is probably about as close as you are likely to find.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#12 - 2013-12-05 08:10:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
Grenn Putubi wrote:
Zvaarian the Red wrote:
Did you seriously just draw parallels between the economy of WoW and the economy of EVE?

Yeah, that caught me a bit off guard too...

Kinda like comparing a flea market to the trading floor on Wall Street...there are parallels, but they're only vaguely relevant.

When you are asking for changes to EVE's economy that strongly mirror concepts that have existed in WOW for years the parallels cannot be justifiable said to be "vague".

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#13 - 2013-12-05 08:35:33 UTC
Caldari 5 wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
5. I played the market in wow and you can see the seller's name. < snip >
6. The ability to buy from any seller could be added but I promise based on experience with this mechanic in wow it will be little used.

These 2 ideas are needed to work together, without being able to buy from who you want to, it is useless to be able to see who they are.
As for weather it will be used, I would be happy paying more if it is going to a blue instead of the cheaper order going to a red/neutral.

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
7. Underselling to friends sounds interesting but it too will be little used and can be accomplished already anyways using a variety of methods.

The ability to buy from specific orders would also benefit the discounts idea, if you can see a Blue order that is a little bit more, you might be more likely to buy from it, especially if you know the seller is one that often puts a discount on their goods.

I didn't claim it wouldn't be used only that it would be little used in practice. In WOW you can see who purchased something from you and having been the guild leader of a guild of hundreds it was infrequent for guild mates to buy from me even though my items were usually cheap since frequent undercutting was my market weapon of choice.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#14 - 2013-12-05 08:56:22 UTC
Grenn Putubi wrote:

Brevity has it's place, but sometimes you need to be certain the reader understands what you're saying. If you want to read my post quickly you can just read the first 2 sentences of each paragraph because that's where the main idea is. The rest of the space is filled with an explanation of that idea, and that's a standard writing mechanic in a professional setting. It's pretty much the core of AP style and if you've written papers for a college course should be familiar with it.

EVE is unique in the gaming world in that war isn't just waged on the battlefield, it encompasses the entirety of the game. The ability to buy from a specific seller or to charge a Red a mark up would bring War to the Market for real. It may not often be used, but when it is used it would make a huge difference. It would add a whole new aspect to War in that you could run someone out of an area just by taking over the market and forcing them to go somewhere else to resupply if they want reasonable prices. If you see an invader posting goods that you're reasonably sure were harvested from areas you control you could refuse to purchase them instead of letting them profit from their efforts without having to haul the goods outside your space. These are just a few of the options that such a feature would open for players.

Yes there are ways to do some of these things in the game already through contracts or personal trading, but implementing these features on the actual Market would have a massive effect on how people play the market and the game in general.

1. I am familiar with how things are done in college but my point wasn't made in a college it was made on a gaming forum were for the benefit of your audience you practice brevity.

2. My point wasn't that your suggestions wouldn't work but that they work to benefit no lifers like myself to such a degree that people like me would find it easier and easier to dominate EVE's economy and players that didn't play EVE 10+ hours a day no matter their market savvy would find even beginning to compete hard or as many found out on my WOW server impossible.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-12-05 13:19:17 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

1. I am familiar with how things are done in college but my point wasn't made in a college it was made on a gaming forum were for the benefit of your audience you practice brevity.

2. My point wasn't that your suggestions wouldn't work but that they work to benefit no lifers like myself to such a degree that people like me would find it easier and easier to dominate EVE's economy and players that didn't play EVE 10+ hours a day no matter their market savvy would find even beginning to compete hard or as many found out on my WOW server impossible.

If you restrict your idea of the market only to the Hubs like Jita and Amarr then yes, it will make it possible for people with a lot of free time to dominate the market during their timezone. But the market is awake when you're not, unless you don't sleep, and it's much bigger than just 'The Hubs'.

Beyond that I think you're underestimating the difference between the economy of EVE and the economy of a game like WoW. In WOW you don't really have 'enemies' that you can do financial battle with. You have competition on the market sure, but if your guildmates buy from someone you don't like that can't give them a tangible financial edge to destroy you in combat and you don't have space they can invade using those funds.
Swiftstrike Incorporated
#16 - 2013-12-05 13:58:41 UTC
+1 for the proposed changes.

As for "people with no life will abuse the changes"... go right ahead. If you are prepared to sink that much time into a video game then you deserve a distinct advantage. If the New Eden economy tanks as a result, all the changes can be undone in 1 down time.

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2013-12-05 14:51:25 UTC
Don't underestimate the amount of people that have no life and are willing to abuse these changes either. You may end up finding more competition than you can handle :)
Toaulk Rokbyter
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-12-05 15:11:22 UTC
I think all of these ideas are actually fantastic. Here is what will likely happen.... based on the scenarios provided.

Jita/other major hubs will become massive centers of trade run by tycoons with more isk than the rest of us. This means you will get reasonable deals on your items, both in buying and selling, and things will continue as per normal.

This will also mean that on the fringes, specifically in Null/low sec, real war over market goods will be possible.

It also means that in areas away from true market hubs, smaller groups will be able to actually work together to corner a market and have an advantage.

I like all of these things.

This is a sandbox. Kids don't wear invisibility cloaks to play in a sandbox. If they steal all they toys and hoard them for themselves, they are easy to see, and going to war with them over it should be your choice. Its not a choice you can make right now at all, and I don't like not having choices.
Grenn Putubi
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2013-12-05 20:57:13 UTC
Toaulk Rokbyter wrote:
I think all of these ideas are actually fantastic. Here is what will likely happen.... based on the scenarios provided.

Jita/other major hubs will become massive centers of trade run by tycoons with more isk than the rest of us. This means you will get reasonable deals on your items, both in buying and selling, and things will continue as per normal.

This will also mean that on the fringes, specifically in Null/low sec, real war over market goods will be possible.

It also means that in areas away from true market hubs, smaller groups will be able to actually work together to corner a market and have an advantage.

I like all of these things.

This is a sandbox. Kids don't wear invisibility cloaks to play in a sandbox. If they steal all they toys and hoard them for themselves, they are easy to see, and going to war with them over it should be your choice. Its not a choice you can make right now at all, and I don't like not having choices.

So much this :)
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-12-05 21:21:26 UTC  |  Edited by: BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
Discounts for blues would be far more useful in eve than in other mmo's. This could be used by traders for larger corporations to force neutrals or reds out of a region by making the market nearly inaccessible to them. In conjunction with the right intel, war could take on a different look.

I should mention that I have mixed feelings about margin trading changes. I feel that the anonymity changes would hurt margin trade scammers enough, and that additional nerfs are probably not warranted. My opinion may change depending on how the market looks after the other suggestions are implemented.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

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