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Filled: Betty Bravo Junk Bond #1 - 100M @ 10% Uncollateralized

Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#1 - 2013-12-02 20:28:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Betty Bravo
Betty Bravo Junk Bond #1

I am a new character on a new account. I am seeking an uncollateralized loan to help me get started in EVE.

Bond Terms & Conditions

Total Amount: 100,000,000 (100 Million) ISK

Interest Rate: 10% per month

Minimum Individual Investment: 10,000,000 (10 Million) ISK

Maximum Individual Investment: 100,000,000 (100 Million) ISK

Start Date: Immediately on receipt of funds

End Date: 30 days after receipt of funds

Collateral: None. Entire investment is at risk with nothing more (or less) than my personal guarantee.

Audit: Optional at the request (and expense) of investor(s). This is not expected, since I am a new character, with practically no assets, and no history of dealings with any player character. I am the only character on my account. There is nothing to audit.

Interest: To be paid on or before End Date.

Principal: To be repaid on or before End Date.

Purpose: To jump-start my EVE career. I am currently training Cybernetics with a Prototype Cerebral Accelerator (included with my starter pack). The bulk of the loan proceeds will be used to purchase +4 learning implants to further accelerate my accumulation of Skill Points. Skills will be trained initially for mining, mission running, refining, and trading. Mined ore will be held until skills and standings allow for perfect refining, at which time it will be refined and sold. Following the first month of mining and grinding standings, I intend to transition from mining to ore and module reprocessing. It is possible that in the future I may need capital for my reprocessing activities, and to that end I intend to use this bond as an opportunity to bolster my credit history.

Risk: The main risk is that I may intentionally default on the loan. A secondary risk is that, despite my best efforts, I may fail to achieve the income necessary to perform as promised. Possible loss of the +4 implants is not material to this bond, since I can carry on without them.

Thank you for your time.

tl;dr Send me 100m. In 30 days I will send you back 110m. Unless I don't.

Edit: Filled. End date is January 3.
Billy Hix
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2013-12-02 20:40:49 UTC
You are going to buy a full set of +5 implants with 100M?
Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#3 - 2013-12-02 20:44:52 UTC
Billy Hix wrote:
You are going to buy a full set of +5 implants with 100M?

Good point. No, I was looking at the Standard implants which as you know, are +4.

I'll correct the original post.

Brock Nelson
#4 - 2013-12-02 21:23:52 UTC
This is a good idea, I should do a similar offerings

Signature removed, CCP Phantom

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#5 - 2013-12-02 21:29:33 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#6 - 2013-12-02 21:39:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Betty Bravo wrote:
Betty Bravo Junk Bond #1

I am a new character on a new account. I am seeking an uncollateralized loan to help me get started in EVE.

Since you mention auditing, let an auditor (me) tell you two things:

- New character on a new account is realistic.

- "help me get started in EVE" is not.

Your post is so aware of how offerings go, the terms so appropriate, you mention auditing well knowing nobody will do it (much less pay for it for a 100M loan).

So, OK you are a new character on a new account, but you are not going to convince me that you need to get started in EvE.

Your maybe 2008 main who has read MD many times "needs" a gift to get started on your 4th alt. This sounds like a more realistic scenario.
Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#7 - 2013-12-02 22:01:07 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Since you mention auditing, let an auditor (me) tell you two things:

- New character on a new account is realistic.

- "help me get started in EVE" is not...

Thank you for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to provide good advice.

I did not claim to be a new player, and the "me" getting started in EVE now is this character, not the player behind it.

I intend to grow this character from infancy, with no financial support other than what I can make in the game and what I can negotiate in the meta game. I could donate ISK to it (me) from another account, but then the success (or failure) would be diluted. In the same way, if I used another character as a reference, I would not be getting by on my own (lack of) merits.

The path I have set for this character I believe is workable even if the bond offering fails - it will just take longer to train the skills needed to reach the next goal. I understand the success of this bond is a long shot and I am prepared to accept its failure, but it is one of the things I (the player) have not tried in EVE, and I wanted to experience it one way or the other. On the other hand, time is the most precious resource, and if paying interest will let me move ahead more quickly, then why not give it a shot?

Regardless of my (the player's) past experience in EVE, this is my main character at the present time, and I intend to play it/me as a main.

If you choose to write me off as a scammer, I certainly can't blame you. I am an unknown quantity, and certainly no more deserving of trust than any of the other thousand new characters that started today.
Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#8 - 2013-12-03 00:33:44 UTC
Fun, fun, fun. /popcorn
#9 - 2013-12-03 01:17:41 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:
A secondary risk is that, despite my best efforts, I may fail to achieve the income necessary to perform as promised

You did not mention whether you are planning on plexing your account, or paying for a subscription outside the game. I ask because I am wondering if you will need to make 110m in your first month, or over 700m.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#10 - 2013-12-03 02:57:17 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:

I did not claim to be a new player, and the "me" getting started in EVE now is this character, not the player behind it.

I intend to grow this character from infancy, with no financial support other than what I can make in the game and what I can negotiate in the meta game. I could donate ISK to it (me) from another account, but then the success (or failure) would be diluted. In the same way, if I used another character as a reference, I would not be getting by on my own (lack of) merits.

I have learned *1* main thing in the last 4 years: that simple and clear is better.

Just write: "I want to see how I perform with this new alt with no support at all outside meta-gaming / whatever is your aim".

That's all what you needed to say.
Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#11 - 2013-12-03 03:58:02 UTC
Careby wrote:
You did not mention whether you are planning on plexing your account, or paying for a subscription outside the game. I ask because I am wondering if you will need to make 110m in your first month, or over 700m.

My account is paid up for 51 days (trial plus starter pack), which takes me well past the term of the requested loan. So I need to make a minimum of 110m to perform on the loan. Past that I plan to pay via credit card rather than "plexing" at least for the next few months, to maximize my chances of reaching my goals.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I have learned *1* main thing in the last 4 years: that simple and clear is better.

Just write: "I want to see how I perform with this new alt with no support at all outside meta-gaming / whatever is your aim".

That's all what you needed to say.

Your point is well taken.
#12 - 2013-12-03 19:25:39 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Since you mention auditing, let an auditor (me) tell you two things:

- New character on a new account is realistic.

- "help me get started in EVE" is not...

Thank you for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to provide good advice.

I did not claim to be a new player, and the "me" getting started in EVE now is this character, not the player behind it.

I intend to grow this character from infancy, with no financial support other than what I can make in the game and what I can negotiate in the meta game. I could donate ISK to it (me) from another account, but then the success (or failure) would be diluted. In the same way, if I used another character as a reference, I would not be getting by on my own (lack of) merits.

The path I have set for this character I believe is workable even if the bond offering fails - it will just take longer to train the skills needed to reach the next goal. I understand the success of this bond is a long shot and I am prepared to accept its failure, but it is one of the things I (the player) have not tried in EVE, and I wanted to experience it one way or the other. On the other hand, time is the most precious resource, and if paying interest will let me move ahead more quickly, then why not give it a shot?

Regardless of my (the player's) past experience in EVE, this is my main character at the present time, and I intend to play it/me as a main.

If you choose to write me off as a scammer, I certainly can't blame you. I am an unknown quantity, and certainly no more deserving of trust than any of the other thousand new characters that started today.

Why don't you tell us who your other characters are? Of course, if you do it means you won't be able to scam here without them getting banned but since you have no intention to scam in the first place that doesn't really matter.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#13 - 2013-12-03 20:27:58 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Why don't you tell us who your other characters are?

Because I wish to start as a new and unknown character. It could be because I am a serial scammer, out to score an easy 100M. It could be because I want to role play a different personality with no baggage. It could be because private details about my real life are known on my other character, and I wish to keep them private. Whatever the reason, the result is that my history is unknown, and that is pretty much the default condition for most characters in EVE.

My skill training is proceeding as planned. I finished one set of career missions. I made enough ISK to form a corporation, and currently have a balance of 3.25M in my wallet and 9.8M in other assets. I'm headed for a mission agent to grind standings. I have more than a day left to train Cybernetics 4, since I keep putting other needed skills ahead of it, and I'll probably buy learning implants one at a time with LP I earn from missions. I can only use two attributes at a time anyway. In spite of my failure in MD, I think I'm doing pretty well for my second day.

#14 - 2013-12-03 21:28:36 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:

Because I wish to start as a new and unknown character. It could be because I am a serial scammer, out to score an easy 100M. It could be because I want to role play a different personality with no baggage. It could be because private details about my real life are known on my other character, and I wish to keep them private. Whatever the reason, the result is that my history is unknown, and that is pretty much the default condition for most characters in EVE.

It's not really the default condition. We know more about you than about many characters and less than about certain others. The big problem is that what we do know about you rings enormous alarm bells. If I were to pull some figures out of my arse and guess what proportion of people asking for loans on MD wanted to conceal previous characters due to a history of scamming and what proportion wanted to conceal previous characters due to all other possible reasons combined, I strongly suspect the rate would be well over 9:1 in favour of concealing a history of scamming. What we know is that you do want to conceal your previous characters and that the most likely reasons for wanting to do so are a) avoiding the ban-hammer if you scam, and b) avoiding the consequences of a history of scamming. Investing in this would be a pretty stupid move even if you are completely legit.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#15 - 2013-12-03 22:08:05 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Investing in this would be a pretty stupid move even if you are completely legit.

Sure, I can understand your reasoning. In your shoes, I may very well have come to the same conclusion.

#16 - 2013-12-04 08:27:27 UTC
Your alt could cover this loan.
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2013-12-04 09:11:33 UTC
Cavalira wrote:
Your alt could cover this loan.

I agree meta game with ur alt.. take a loan pay it back profit. then if u dont pay it bakc can always log main on and blow ur self up,
#18 - 2013-12-04 12:46:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Careby
Betty Bravo wrote:
...I finished one set of career missions. I made enough ISK to form a corporation, and currently have a balance of 3.25M in my wallet and 9.8M in other assets...

Send me a full API key. If your information matches your story, I'll loan you the full 100m.

RAW23 wrote:
...Investing in this would be a pretty stupid move even if you are completely legit.

My uncle Jed used to say "A fool and his money are soon parted." I told him it isn't only fools - it happens to me all the time, too. He would just look at me and shake his head.
Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#19 - 2013-12-04 15:31:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Betty Bravo
Careby wrote:
Send me a full API key. If your information matches your story, I'll loan you the full 100m.

Thanks for your consideration. I sent the API information by eve-mail. I hope it meets with your approval.

Edit: Filled. One investor. End date January 3.

Thank you.
Clan Sammy Trade Empire
#20 - 2013-12-10 15:07:03 UTC
Careby wrote:

My uncle Jed used to say "A fool and his money are soon parted." I told him it isn't only fools - it happens to me all the time, too. He would just look at me and shake his head.

Best thing I've read on MD all day.
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