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The Marmite Collective Wardeccing... for a good cause ? Really ?

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#301 - 2013-11-29 03:14:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryhss
BKM Industries wrote:
Ryhss wrote:
Thy war decced us. We live in null sec so....

This is not much to boast about man we war dec people every single day. We run with 80-120 wars at a time most times.You can always pay to get out of it I am sure unless it is a paid war dec.

If your post was meant to imply your members never go into high sec and we wasted isk who cares. War decs are cheap and most "null sec" corps and alliances still have members in high sec.

@ William Pareka see you do not understand the game. That or the meaning of words. Look what I quoted you on before. You spoke of a ransom. Now you talk about a scam. Not all ransoms are scams and not all scams are ransom. The two words mean different things.

You also missed the main point of my post. You are acting as if ransoming has just been oked by CCP. Ransoms have been a part of this game always. CCP has said I did not break any rules. So nothing has changed in the game except for some people complaining that a few alliances and corps got a discount tto end a war dec if they donated to charity.

Not one single person from any of the corps who got the mail complained here. Many of out current war targets have posted here and like what we did. The only people who seem to be complaining about it are ones we are not at war with.

Now yeah you can say you are talking about what if's. Well what if you do some DDoS attacks tomorrow on the servers. Maybe eve should ban you now cause you have not broken the rules but hey you could tomorrow.

Wasn't a boast at all, just wondering why you wasted your isk and time is all. I have no prob the way you're wardeccing now for a good cause. Kudos

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

Xenias Gigawatt
The Greater Goon
#302 - 2013-11-29 03:33:21 UTC
Obmud wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Unfortunately, as long as someone is saying something on the subject it's not. Last time i checked when a law is decided in a country people dont magically vanish of the oposing opinion.

Unfortunately for you, this isn't a democracy. This is a dictatorship. And the people in charge just said that not only is it perfectly ok, but that there are no grey areas, it's not maybe ok, it's not kinda ok.

It is 100% ok. Perfectly acceptable in every way. And that means that you are wrong should you continue to disagree.

End of story. You don't get a mistrial, you don't get an appeal, and you don't get a second opinion.

Game over man, game over.

Are you SERIOUS ?

A dictatorship ? You're talking out of your behind mate, you have literally no clue what it feels like or means to live in a dictatorship. If you fail to realize the difference you're beyond help. Having rules is the case in both systems, the dictatorship opresses different opinions which CCP doesn't. You basically just accused them of doing that.

And while it's not a direct democracy you certainly have ways to influence the actual state of the state by various means, ccp does actually listen to their community either through direct subscriptions, CSM and places like here, forums. That's not exactly a quality of a totalitarian government.

Either that or you are really uneducated on the topic. I wish i was trolling here but i'm seriously speechless.

If you actually believe this you're an idiot, dude. You obviously don't actually know what a dictatorship is or what words mean.
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#303 - 2013-11-29 05:30:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrogh Habalu
Xenias Gigawatt wrote:
If you actually believe this you're an idiot, dude. You obviously don't actually know what a dictatorship is or what words mean.

C'mon man. All that people are taught these days is that anything that isn't called democracy by the bunch of high-ranked democrates governing said democracy is a terrible dystopian regime that sh**s on people for the lulz. Business as usual.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#304 - 2013-11-29 05:37:44 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Xenias Gigawatt wrote:
If you actually believe this you're an idiot, dude. You obviously don't actually know what a dictatorship is or what words mean.

C'mon man. All that people are taught these days is that anything that isn't called democracy by the bunch of high-ranked democrates governing said democracy is a terrible dystopian regime that sh**s on people for the lulz. Business as usual.

I laughed very hard at "sh**ts on people for the lulz".

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#305 - 2013-11-29 07:12:13 UTC
This is why NPC corps are the best corps.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Amarr Empire
#306 - 2013-11-29 09:04:06 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:



If you object to this practice, buy some battleships and... FIGHT BACK.

How difficult is it?

Well, it's not that it's difficult in and of itself.

It's just that making a whine thread and trying to fish for GM action against Marmite is much easier. It also has a greater chance of success than carebears flailing about like beached whales trying to fight against real players.

Ouch. Want a candle for that cave ?

Obmud wrote: I just thrive on forum drama. - by Riot Girl - at 2013.11.28 04:46:00

You should sig that, it will look good on you.

Amarr Empire
#307 - 2013-11-29 09:07:12 UTC
Xenias Gigawatt wrote:

If you actually believe this you're an idiot, dude. You obviously don't actually know what a dictatorship is or what words mean.

The reason why you might have 0 likes is probably because you write down to many arguments backing up your insults.

Obmud wrote: I just thrive on forum drama. - by Riot Girl - at 2013.11.28 04:46:00

You should sig that, it will look good on you.

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#308 - 2013-11-29 10:32:10 UTC
Obmud wrote:
The reason why you might have 0 likes is probably because you write down to many arguments backing up your insults.

Amount of likes, on the other hand, is obviously very argumentative.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#309 - 2013-11-29 10:37:46 UTC
OP why is your name Dumbo spelt backwards?
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#310 - 2013-11-29 10:48:03 UTC
Obmud wrote:
Xenias Gigawatt wrote:

If you actually believe this you're an idiot, dude. You obviously don't actually know what a dictatorship is or what words mean.

The reason why you might have 0 likes is probably because you write down to many arguments backing up your insults.

Does that mean me having 1988 make me more right than you? Come on dude, popularity != quality. Take Justin Bieber for example.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

LoGisTicAl ERr0R
#311 - 2013-11-29 11:04:53 UTC  |  Edited by: ResearchGuy10k
How about Marmite donates all the donations they get to Chribba's Trillion isk doubling for PFG?

now that would be an awesome plan.

Big smile

Chribba double donation (up to 1 trillion)
BKM Industries
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#312 - 2013-11-29 13:11:06 UTC  |  Edited by: BKM Industries
ResearchGuy10k wrote:
How about Marmite donates all the donations they get to Chribba's Trillion isk doubling for PFG?

now that would be an awesome plan.

Big smile

Chribba double donation (up to 1 trillion)

Seeing that would leave me open to getting banned for saying I was donating it to CCP then not doing so I think I will have to pass.

EDIT: Now I bet half the people here go and complain about how Cribba is a scam or can be if he wanted to lol.....
type something here to make a cool sig!!!
Circinaen Order
#313 - 2013-11-30 22:47:13 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

On a more serious note, our GMs are looking very carefully at everything going on around PLEX for GOOD. Smile

I hope so, because the perception we get is not much is being done. Let's play a basic psychological game of "if this then that":

What should happen:

"PLEX for GOOD" => Donations to needy => Joy Joy good feelings => Good CCP PR


"PLEX for GOOD" => Thin justification for war griefers to troll highsec => highsecs don't play => no PLEX generated => No donations to needy => No feel good moments => No CCP PR

I do know a little something about raising money for charity and I can tell you just letting anyone put their name on your giving program without vetting, guidelines, and approval is a sure way to ensure nobody has confidence in your giving programs.
Circinaen Order
#314 - 2013-11-30 23:12:48 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Obmud wrote:
So I log back to eve to see the marmites wardeccing left and right.

Here's the mail they sent out with the decs:

"We thought it would be a good idea to war dec alliances. And if they want to surrender they will have to donate a plex to the lex for good campaign. We just want to do something to support the Plex for good campaign of ccp".

I have several problems with this...

This leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, i understand when people bully others in eve just for their sheer pleasure and the harvest of tears, some (if not all) of the best stories in eve have come through the loss of someone else and they following rage and machoism is just the icing of the cake. However, why do you have to mix this with a tragedy that happened in real life ?

Can we PLEASE keep this separate ? How much and if i donated something to the philippines is my personal matter, i dont want to talk about it in eve, i dont even want to lay out how much i sent, it's none of your guys business and i certainly don't want to be blackmailed into a RL activity by anyone nomatter how "good" it is. You can dec me all day long just to be a ****, thats completely fine, this is eve in the end.


Considering the Red cross will use 90% of the money people donate just to pay the exorbitant salaries of their executives... that itself should get you a way bitter taste than anything related to wars. I myself would never donate a single penny to red cross. I just use this money to help smaller entities close by that I can see exactly how they use the money while operatign under the natinal jurisdiction and strictly forbidden to use the money for anything other than direct help.

Me and many other Red Cross disaster volunteers were on the ground away from friends and family to help out during the last few hurricanes. There were many other humanitarian organizations helping out as well. You can't really understand either the devastation or the organization needed to run these operations till you've seen it with your own eyes.

People who quote that largely inaccurate statistic (actual administrative cost of operations is 10%) usually follow up with a link to their own charity organization. Ever notice that? Here's the facts:

Strangely, I don't recall the Marmite alliance sending any volunteers to help out or any financial transparency on their part.
Brock Nelson
#315 - 2013-11-30 23:28:17 UTC
ResearchGuy10k wrote:
How about Marmite donates all the donations they get to Chribba's Trillion isk doubling for PFG?

now that would be an awesome plan.

Big smile

Chribba double donation (up to 1 trillion)

It's not Chribba that's donating up to 1 trillion if you bother to read the thread.

Signature removed, CCP Phantom

Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#316 - 2013-12-01 02:35:03 UTC
Brock Nelson wrote:

It's not Chribba that's donating up to 1 trillion if you bother to read the thread.

Amarr Citizen 155 is the one doubling the isk. I already liked the guy prior to this due to previous in-game encounters, but this just made me respect him much, much, more.
Ezekiel Ironstone
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#317 - 2013-12-01 02:53:31 UTC
I find this whole thread interesting.

CCP has stepped in and clearly stated that a corp/alliance can use in game mechanics (wardeccing) to gather funding(PLEX) for a charity program that CCP approves (PFG).

People on the receiving end of the wardec have a choice. Pay money, or lose the money anyway (through ship loss). Alternatively, if you look at it in realistic terms, the victim has to pay money or lose time (the time required to generate the isk to make up for their loss, which could actually be shortened by paying RL money for a PLEX to then sell for isk).

So does anyone else see an issue with this in regards to CCP taking the position of defining what is and isn't a moral cause in RL?

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#318 - 2013-12-01 03:01:18 UTC
Ezekiel Ironstone wrote:
I find this whole thread interesting.

So does anyone else see an issue with this in regards to CCP taking the position of defining what is and isn't a moral cause in RL?

But that's not what they're doing, they're defining what can and cannot be done on their game.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Circinaen Order
#319 - 2013-12-01 04:28:01 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Ezekiel Ironstone wrote:
I find this whole thread interesting.

So does anyone else see an issue with this in regards to CCP taking the position of defining what is and isn't a moral cause in RL?

But that's not what they're doing, they're defining what can and cannot be done on their game.

It's pretty hard to escape that question, however, when you are converting real money and labor into monopoly money and then back into real money for a cause. Its okay to be a warmonger in Eve, but if you tell me you are Robin Hood and rob me of my play money to turn it into real money for a cause, I think that's where people draw the line.
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#320 - 2013-12-01 04:49:36 UTC
Movash wrote:

It's pretty hard to escape that question, however, when you are converting real money and labor into monopoly money and then back into real money for a cause. Its okay to be a warmonger in Eve, but if you tell me you are Robin Hood and rob me of my play money to turn it into real money for a cause, I think that's where people draw the line.

Not everybody finances their play through plex. I could see how you would feel salty if you paid for some plex and then had to use it to ransom yourself later, but that is only on you; nobody forced you to buy the plex instead of just playing for your isk. Being a Robin Hood is a valid form of gameplay, so if you're dumb enough to get caught in a position where you're under the gun for a ransom and you paid RL money for that plex that financed your wallet, you can only blame yourself for that loss of RL dollars.