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Cashing out in FW

SGTheron Shal'Tek
#1 - 2013-11-22 14:22:31 UTC
I've been in Factional Warfare on multiple alts for a while now, and at first it was a 'goldmine' for me, I had no interest in pvp. I just wanted to make bank on the sites, which pretty much dumps millions of ISK into my wallet. I once made 1.3b in 3 days flying around a stabbed merlin that could take out the faction ship guarding the plex and that's it.

So that's all nice and grand, I love sitting on billions of ISK made from the sites... But for the past few months I've actually been fighting and doing FW as it's meant to be done (you know, where you actually attempt to shoot at other factions) and it's such a damn drag. The idea and concept behind FW is so good, but the fact that people are able to make billions of isk with an inexpensive ship and no PVP action is ridiculous. All they need to do is sit in a site, watch D-scan, and warp out at the slightest hint of a threat.

I was flying a cheap Thrasher the other day, just looking for a fight for fun. I didn't care if I lost my ship, I wanted to win but no matter what I just wanted to fight. There was another pilot, same faction as me, in a site plexing it down, and there were two WT's in the system, so I figured I'd fly to him so we stand a better chance and can work together. I get to him, he's in a Condor, and the two WT's are in Navy Comets. My Thrasher is worth 1.6m, and does 214 dps. Not sure what the condor was capable of, but we could have killed at least one of the 20m+ comets before we both died. That's not what happened though... My fellow militia jack ass ran as soon as they landed, and left me to die. I lost a cheap ship, who cares. I am always happy to lose a ship in a good fight :) BUT, the point is, this little worthless bastard was plexing just to get some cash and had no interest in any kind of fighting. Pretty worthless pilot.

So how about the LP reward system flip? Make the most profitable way to gain LP by fighting other pilots? Down the amount of LP people get from sites and increase how much they get from killing people to make FW do what it was intended - PVP! If they want to farm LP and not do pvp that bad, there are FW missions! (Though missions are complete bull ****, being 8+ jumps out is ********)
Mabego Tetrimon
Spiritus Draconis
#2 - 2013-11-22 14:39:52 UTC
if you now only find a way to prevent that ppl start shooting their alts to get valuable LP....
Berluth Luthian
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-11-22 14:56:27 UTC
What if you couldn't make the timer countdown if you had stabs on your ship?
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#4 - 2013-11-22 16:08:41 UTC
Berluth Luthian wrote:
What if you couldn't make the timer countdown if you had stabs on your ship?

then i guess you'd never be able to plex, you little girl
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-11-22 16:45:11 UTC
Oh god this thread again.

FW newbie and bittervet friendly alike. Newbies can plex or try their hand at pvp, and bittervets can run around farming newbies to inflate their ego.

Solution to your problem: start farming newbies. And if warp stabs are a problem, fit two scrams to get those juicy venture killmails.
Dan Carter Murray
#6 - 2013-11-22 17:54:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Dan Carter Murray
SGTheron Shal'Tek wrote:
I've been in Factional Warfare on multiple alts for a while now, and at first it was a 'goldmine' for me, I had no interest in pvp. I just wanted to make bank on the sites, which pretty much dumps millions of ISK into my wallet. I once made 1.3b in 3 days flying around a stabbed merlin that could take out the faction ship guarding the plex and that's it.

So that's all nice and grand, I love sitting on billions of ISK made from the sites... But for the past few months I've actually been fighting and doing FW as it's meant to be done (you know, where you actually attempt to shoot at other factions) and it's such a damn drag. The idea and concept behind FW is so good, but the fact that people are able to make billions of isk with an inexpensive ship and no PVP action is ridiculous. All they need to do is sit in a site, watch D-scan, and warp out at the slightest hint of a threat.

I was flying a cheap Thrasher the other day, just looking for a fight for fun. I didn't care if I lost my ship, I wanted to win but no matter what I just wanted to fight. There was another pilot, same faction as me, in a site plexing it down, and there were two WT's in the system, so I figured I'd fly to him so we stand a better chance and can work together. I get to him, he's in a Condor, and the two WT's are in Navy Comets. My Thrasher is worth 1.6m, and does 214 dps. Not sure what the condor was capable of, but we could have killed at least one of the 20m+ comets before we both died. That's not what happened though... My fellow militia jack ass ran as soon as they landed, and left me to die. I lost a cheap ship, who cares. I am always happy to lose a ship in a good fight :) BUT, the point is, this little worthless bastard was plexing just to get some cash and had no interest in any kind of fighting. Pretty worthless pilot.

So how about the LP reward system flip? Make the most profitable way to gain LP by fighting other pilots? Down the amount of LP people get from sites and increase how much they get from killing people to make FW do what it was intended - PVP! If they want to farm LP and not do pvp that bad, there are FW missions! (Though missions are complete bull ****, being 8+ jumps out is ********)

maybe the condor pilot was doing this:

I once made 1.3b in 3 days flying around a stabbed condor that could take out the faction ship guarding the plex and that's it.

so you shouldn't complain since you might be experienced in said things

also just drop LP altogether except for missions. that'll bring fw back to what it used to be although whether that's a good thing or not is vOv 50GB free space @

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#7 - 2013-11-22 18:09:38 UTC
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
also just drop LP altogether except for missions. that'll bring fw back to what it used to be
which was an empty low sec with a fraction of the pew.
Dan Carter Murray
#8 - 2013-11-22 18:13:16 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
also just drop LP altogether except for missions. that'll bring fw back to what it used to be
which was an empty low sec with a fraction of the pew.

you should quote the rest of the quote:

although whether that's a good thing or not is vOv 50GB free space @

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#9 - 2013-11-22 18:17:00 UTC
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
you should quote the rest of the quote:
Yeah my bad. Sorry.

Dan Carter Murray
#10 - 2013-11-22 19:31:31 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
you should quote the rest of the quote:
Yeah my bad.


YOU MONSTER! 50GB free space @

Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#11 - 2013-11-23 03:34:34 UTC
The greatest amount of fulfillment for the Gallente comes from the massacring of innocent civilians and a consistent dose of war crimes. X Gallentious would happily support this claim.
Agaton Khamssi
#12 - 2013-11-23 09:59:08 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
also just drop LP altogether except for missions. that'll bring fw back to what it used to be
which was an empty low sec with a fraction of the pew.

But LP gain for FW mission, should be bigger a bit

defensive plexing should be inverse proportional to Tier of Wae Zone
Abiding Ormolus
#13 - 2013-11-23 11:12:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Starbuck05
If you remove the lp gain from plexes or reduce lp gain it will only make running them even more annoying. Aside from the fact u gotta orbit a button for 15 mins (when there are no fights to be had) and getting payid to less to be worth the trouble..then people will just back of. Granted thats good in the way that it will lead people towards more pew but also means progresion towards any wz control will be slower or non existent. And tier change will be more stagnant..which is not good. The pendulum needs to swing periodicaly in order to let the markets and "soldiers" of both faction to have time to either make more isk,recuparate from a burnout or let the market recover.

The ideea as it is isnt bad..just needs to be tweked to stop the pure blooded farmers.

Just my 2cents of bad grammar typed oppinion

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Aioi Yukko
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2013-11-23 12:17:41 UTC
another of "those" post. Learn to use the search function, you are not the first to have "The idea".

TEST Damage Control Team of Forum Warrior.

Limitless Capabilities
#15 - 2013-11-23 23:26:15 UTC
...dude so some tard done something you did last couple o months and you are complaining?
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#16 - 2013-11-24 08:59:01 UTC
FW is fine.

Problem is your own thinking not game mechanics.
Ghost Phius
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2013-11-25 20:21:44 UTC
So you are the guy that collected/farmed LP to a certain level and now turn to others farming the same way and are telling them they are playing the game wrong.

WOW, I would love to have balls made out of that indestructible material which allows for that level of hypocrisy without one's own head exploding from the insanity of that position.Straight
Mason Drake
#18 - 2013-11-25 21:22:15 UTC
Ghost Phius wrote:
So you are the guy that collected/farmed LP to a certain level and now turn to others farming the same way and are telling them they are playing the game wrong.

WOW, I would love to have balls made out of that indestructible material which allows for that level of hypocrisy without one's own head exploding from the insanity of that position.Straight

Go to law school for the surgical removal of morals and then become a politician. That should get you close to "that level" of hypocrisy.
Screaming Hayabusa
#19 - 2013-11-26 14:53:06 UTC
Make button timer reset itself if the farmer activate cloak or warp off.
Illicit Expo
#20 - 2013-11-28 19:59:41 UTC
FW was fun when I tried it, is it not fun for you anymore? CryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCry
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