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[NERF] Serpentis web bonus change

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Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#261 - 2013-11-28 17:59:13 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
MeBiatch wrote:
but it seems like the bonus is just pure op.

I'm not even sure if you actually think about how ridiculously overpowered the Machariel is going to be against the Vindicator. The only way to have a chance to fight a Machariel in a Vindicator is to use the web. Without the web bonus, the Vindicator will lose to it EVERY single time. PERIOD.

Sure, if the Machariel gets it's speed nerfed as much as the nerf for the Vindicator will be by going from 90% to 60% web strenght, then fine.

So no, if the Machariel doesn't get a massive speed nerf, then no, the web bonus doesn't have to go. Infact, it doesn't even have to go as the main Serpentis bonus is web strenght and DPS, Blood Raider's strenght is web range and neuts, Angel Cartel's strenghts are tracking and speed and Guristas strenghts are drones and shield resists.

So everyone have it's own strenghts.

Just to make a very clear example. Would you or anyone else who use a Machariel accept to remove the speed advantages the Machariel have over other ships for another bonus?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#262 - 2013-11-28 18:01:43 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Bonuses a curse recive from links include speed, signature, tackle range (very relevant to use its NEUT RANGE BONUS effectively). Shield resistances, shield repair speed, armro resit if you use strange fits, sensr strenght, and mostly important huge boost to track dirsruptor.

Not my fault you cannot grasp concepts that are not rubbed direclty into your face.

Every ship receives these bonuses. However, most other ships receive additional bonuses that the Curse doesn't, such as an indirect improvement of their weapon systems. The fact is that the Curse is a lot worse if both you and the opponent have links than it is if neither of you do. It's the same problem with missile boats, if both you and your opponent have links, a turret-based ship suffers far less from your increased speed and reduced sig because his own increased speed allows him to cut down on transversal to some extent, while at the same time NOTHING you can possibly do can increase your missile damage.
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#263 - 2013-11-28 18:16:16 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I think there's a couple of problems with you OP, but I can see that there's a bit of confusion stemming from how quickly the question got answered in a AMA format.

I'll start by confirming that some kind of change to the Serpentis and Blood Raider web bonus is something we have been thinking about for a while.

Web strength bonuses are some of the most powerful bonuses available to any ship, which makes them very interesting and valuable but also makes some of their results problematic. Interestingly, the way the strength of the bonus presents itself is very different in different contexts. At the frigate level with the Daredevil, the power of 90% webs primarily comes from range control. At the battleship level with the Vindicator it primarily comes from transversal control (especially when used as a force multiplier). At the cruiser level it falls in the middle and ends up being (relatively speaking) less powerful and less oppressive as a result.
I am not going to try to claim that we have our plan of action worked out, and there will be plenty of discussion before we implement our Pirate ship balance pass.

One thing I can say for sure though is that we consider the solo Daredevil and the force multiplier Vindicator to both be too strong in their current states, and that we recognize that the primary source of their disproportionate power is the web bonus (for different reasons as I said above).

Another thing I can say for sure is that we will never base our design decisions on what Nyancat has stockpiled or not stockpiled.

i know i wont get any likes for this. but the web bonus needs to go.

I understand why it was done back with the nano nerf back in the day. but it seems like the bonus is just pure op.

now with the other op bonus (resistance) you guys just reduced the amount. this could also be done like a 7.5% per level.
or you could just go something new like a falloff bonus... it would **** off alot of people though it would help with the frig keep range and it would help with the transeversal for the bs

i'll give you a like for this 90% webs are OP and need a nerf .. and webs in general need a rebalance..

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#264 - 2013-11-28 18:22:26 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Harvey James wrote:
i'll give you a like for this 90% webs are OP and need a nerf .. and webs in general need a rebalance..

Can you explain what's so op with 90% webs when a Bhaalgorn can neut over 3k cap in one cycle with 3 neuts?

Because getting capped out by a Bhaalgorn prevents you from using your guns (if they use cap), it prevents you from MWD'ing, it prevents you from doing anything pretty much while a 90% web can only slow your ship down.

I'm not sure what's more op here actually.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#265 - 2013-11-28 18:23:58 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
but it seems like the bonus is just pure op.

I'm not even sure if you actually think about how ridiculously overpowered the Machariel is going to be against the Vindicator. The only way to have a chance to fight a Machariel in a Vindicator is to use the web. Without the web bonus, the Vindicator will lose to it EVERY single time. PERIOD.

Sure, if the Machariel gets it's speed nerfed as much as the nerf for the Vindicator will be by going from 90% to 60% web strenght, then fine.

So no, if the Machariel doesn't get a massive speed nerf, then no, the web bonus doesn't have to go. Infact, it doesn't even have to go as the main Serpentis bonus is web strenght and DPS, Blood Raider's strenght is web range and neuts, Angel Cartel's strenghts are tracking and speed and Guristas strenghts are drones and shield resists.

So everyone have it's own strenghts.

Just to make a very clear example. Would you or anyone else who use a Machariel accept to remove the speed advantages the Machariel have over other ships for another bonus?

This, pretty much. We might as well turn ALL ships into the same, or very similar ones, with just different skins.
#266 - 2013-11-28 18:26:28 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
but it seems like the bonus is just pure op.

I'm not even sure if you actually think about how ridiculously overpowered the Machariel is going to be against the Vindicator. The only way to have a chance to fight a Machariel in a Vindicator is to use the web. Without the web bonus, the Vindicator will lose to it EVERY single time. PERIOD.

Sure, if the Machariel gets it's speed nerfed as much as the nerf for the Vindicator will be by going from 90% to 60% web strenght, then fine.

So no, if the Machariel doesn't get a massive speed nerf, then no, the web bonus doesn't have to go. Infact, it doesn't even have to go as the main Serpentis bonus is web strenght and DPS, Blood Raider's strenght is web range and neuts, Angel Cartel's strenghts are tracking and speed and Guristas strenghts are drones and shield resists.

So everyone have it's own strenghts.

Just to make a very clear example. Would you or anyone else who use a Machariel accept to remove the speed advantages the Machariel have over other ships for another bonus?

its kinda hard to start to compare the ships without knowing ccp plans for the mach.

I know its going to be hit with a hard nerf. Just not sure if its going to be range or speed or ehp... or maybe a little of all three.

though just by looking at the web bonus by its self its a op bonus period.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#267 - 2013-11-28 18:27:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
NightmareX wrote:
Harvey James wrote:
i'll give you a like for this 90% webs are OP and need a nerf .. and webs in general need a rebalance..

Can you explain what's so op with 90% webs when a Bhaalgorn can neut over 3k cap in one cycle with 3 neuts?

Because getting capped out by a Bhaalgorn prevents you from using your guns (if they use cap), it prevents you from MWD'ing, it prevents you from doing anything pretty much while a 90% web can only slow your ship down.

I'm not sure what's more op here actually.

mm.. true maybe 15% is too strong and needs a nerf also.. i would also like too see neuts get a range nerf 25km is too high

small ... 6.3km
medium ... 9.6km
large .... 12.9km

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Psychoactive Stimulant
#268 - 2013-11-28 18:28:20 UTC
Am I inb4 "selling all my stuff and going back to WoW"?

For a bunch of thug veterans, you children sure do whine a lot.

Why not just... adapt?
#269 - 2013-11-28 18:28:39 UTC
Nyancat Audeles wrote:
This, pretty much. We might as well turn ALL ships into the same, or very similar ones, with just different skins.

not true CCP went in a new direction with the strat.

Perhaps we will see more flavour comming from the rebalance then we are prepared for.

we all think its just going to be some slight adjustments...

but they could do some radical changes...

who knoes.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Thaddeus Eggeras
Urkrathos Corp
#270 - 2013-11-28 18:31:04 UTC
First off none of these ships even with this bonus are OP at all. The Daredevil isn't anything like it use to be, and can't compete with AFs or interceptors at all, and has issues with other faction ships, so OP nope. The other 2 are rarely even used for PvP, which right there says they aren't OP. What I can't understand with CCP anymore is why you keep fixing things that aren't broke. Leave them be. Fix Rapids, hell look into most missiles, rebalance priate faction ships, etc, but don't fix things that don't need it.
The 90% is nice, but it still has less then 20km even with faction webs, so no matter what you have to get close, and as these ships are slow (beisdes the DD), only someone with some trick up their sleeve or someone not knowing what the ships can do ever get close to them. Only these and blood get that bonus, leave it alone, it's a cool bonus that has been in EVE for a good while with no issues. Just like changing how the Cruifier ,Golem, etc look, why? There is no need to. Get the SoE BS out, make a Cald/Min faction pirate race and you have new ship designs. Stop changing what EVE is. I already know a few people who rarely play now or stopped all together because they believe CCP is going too far with all this, I'm beginning to wonder if they are right.
STOP fixing things that don't need fix and focus on REAL issues.
Naomi Anthar
#271 - 2013-11-28 18:40:51 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
but it seems like the bonus is just pure op.

I'm not even sure if you actually think about how ridiculously overpowered the Machariel is going to be against the Vindicator. The only way to have a chance to fight a Machariel in a Vindicator is to use the web. Without the web bonus, the Vindicator will lose to it EVERY single time. PERIOD.

Sure, if the Machariel gets it's speed nerfed as much as the nerf for the Vindicator will be by going from 90% to 60% web strenght, then fine.

So no, if the Machariel doesn't get a massive speed nerf, then no, the web bonus doesn't have to go. Infact, it doesn't even have to go as the main Serpentis bonus is web strenght and DPS, Blood Raider's strenght is web range and neuts, Angel Cartel's strenghts are tracking and speed and Guristas strenghts are drones and shield resists.

So everyone have it's own strenghts.

Just to make a very clear example. Would you or anyone else who use a Machariel accept to remove the speed advantages the Machariel have over other ships for another bonus?

Silence ! Because of such idiots like you Sansha nation ships are **** forever.
"So everyone have it's own strenghts." what is strenght of Sansha ships ?

I will go on what is strenght of Guristas when tristan is as strong as worm and ishtar does shield tanking / drones better/equal than Gila ? etc

What is strenght of Blood Raiders when neuting is done way better by sentinel than cruor and webbing by hyena ? And dpsing by almost every single combat ship ?

What is strenght of Sansha nations ? Most ******** bonuses around ? The COMPLETE lack of creativity ... role bonus ? damage , another damage bonus and another "damage " bonus of tracking. Lets not forget that base speed of succubus is 264 when T1 Stabber CRUISER goes 290. Phantasm base speed is 164 and machariel 161(?). WTF

The only strong pirate factions now are Angel Cartel and Serpentis.


So we got ONLY 2 choices. Because keeping stuff that way is MOST ******** and unacceptable.

FIRST OPTION : Nerf Angel / Serpentis - i don't like that idea as i love strong pirate ships.

SECOND OPTION : MASSIVE buffs to other 3 pirate factions - especially SANSHA NATION.

And when i'm talking about MASSIVE BUFFS i'm not talking about few PWG / CPU added and maybe 2 more light drones.

An example of new succubus i would make myself :

Slot layout : 2H / 5M / 3L , 2 turrets .... YES YES GODDAMN sansha ships HATE 2 utility highs

Role bonus : 125% small energy turret damage (more creative than adding drone to every possible ship around)

Amarr bonus : Energy turrets ignore 7.5% em/thermal resist of target per level (can adjust to 10% or 5% if too strong , too weak)
Caldari bonus : 7,5% shield hp bonus per level (same as above can be adjusted)

I will not go into details of shield hp, armor hp etc.

But it's just idea of CREATIVE NEW AND UNIQUE bonuses you can add instead of damage + damage + tracking.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#272 - 2013-11-28 18:41:38 UTC
Psychoactive Stimulant wrote:
Am I inb4 "selling all my stuff and going back to WoW"?

For a bunch of thug veterans, you children sure do whine a lot.

Why not just... adapt?

Said the giant cookie cutter to the crowd screaming in despair.

Brain hackz0r. Execute schizophrenia virus. Hyper-phishing activated. Downloading reality.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#273 - 2013-11-28 18:43:33 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
MeBiatch wrote:
though just by looking at the web bonus by its self its a op bonus period.

I wouldn't say that.

If you had been using the Vindicator and knows how little room the Vindicator has to apply it's damage, you will know why the ship needs the web bonus.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Naomi Anthar
#274 - 2013-11-28 18:44:52 UTC
Thaddeus Eggeras wrote:
First off none of these ships even with this bonus are OP at all. The Daredevil isn't anything like it use to be, and can't compete with AFs or interceptors at all, and has issues with other faction ships, so OP nope. The other 2 are rarely even used for PvP, which right there says they aren't OP. What I can't understand with CCP anymore is why you keep fixing things that aren't broke. Leave them be. Fix Rapids, hell look into most missiles, rebalance priate faction ships, etc, but don't fix things that don't need it.
The 90% is nice, but it still has less then 20km even with faction webs, so no matter what you have to get close, and as these ships are slow (beisdes the DD), only someone with some trick up their sleeve or someone not knowing what the ships can do ever get close to them. Only these and blood get that bonus, leave it alone, it's a cool bonus that has been in EVE for a good while with no issues. Just like changing how the Cruifier ,Golem, etc look, why? There is no need to. Get the SoE BS out, make a Cald/Min faction pirate race and you have new ship designs. Stop changing what EVE is. I already know a few people who rarely play now or stopped all together because they believe CCP is going too far with all this, I'm beginning to wonder if they are right.
STOP fixing things that don't need fix and focus on REAL issues.

Another fool...

Read my post above... dude PIRATE SHIPS ARE NOT OK AT ALL. Just because you never ever seen succubus ingame or phantasm. Does not mean those ships are limited edition. THOSE SHIPS NEED LOVE NOW. You don't see them because they are DEEP BELOW standard t1 ships. Yes they are not just medicore. They are obnoxiously bad and probably most broken and most useless hulls in this game.

Pirate rebalance should be priority above all other hulls.

YES FIX THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN(pirate ships) AND IGNORE MINOR ISSUES Thaddeus is talking about.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#275 - 2013-11-28 18:51:44 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Naomi Anthar wrote:
Another fool...

Read my post above... dude PIRATE SHIPS ARE NOT OK AT ALL. Just because you never ever seen succubus ingame or phantasm. Does not mean those ships are limited edition. THOSE SHIPS NEED LOVE NOW. You don't see them because they are DEEP BELOW standard t1 ships. Yes they are not just medicore. They are obnoxiously bad and probably most broken and most useless hulls in this game.

Pirate rebalance should be priority above all other hulls.

YES FIX THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN(pirate ships) AND IGNORE MINOR ISSUES Thaddeus is talking about.

Let me guess, you have never flown pirate ships like the Vigilant and Vindicator in real PVP like i have?

I bet you have been buttraped and killed by them as you seems kinda butthurt over them.

When you pay over 1 billion isk for the Vindicator, you expect the ship to be very good at something. And as Serpentis ships is all about DPS and applying the DPS, it needs some kind of tool to be able to do that. So, let us hear on how you would change the Serpentis ships and still be able to keep the ships to the root of doing DPS and applying DPS?

EDIT: And what exactly makes a 90% webber at 18 km on a Vindicator more powerfull than a Bhaalgorn webbing you at 60% at 36.4 km?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#276 - 2013-11-28 18:52:12 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Harvey James wrote:
i'll give you a like for this 90% webs are OP and need a nerf .. and webs in general need a rebalance..

Can you explain what's so op with 90% webs when a Bhaalgorn can neut over 3k cap in one cycle with 3 neuts?

Because getting capped out by a Bhaalgorn prevents you from using your guns (if they use cap), it prevents you from MWD'ing, it prevents you from doing anything pretty much while a 90% web can only slow your ship down.

I'm not sure what's more op here actually.

Why is so hard for you to understand that the serpentis web bonus make a web 4 TIMES stronger. While the baalghorn bonus makes a neutralizer 75% stronger.

There is a HUGE difference there!

Webs at 90% are much more absolute, specially when combined with superior firepower of serpentis ship. The shisp are not hugely OP, but they clearly have the most sinergetic bonus set !

I don't think the bonus need to be removed. But it could be reduced to 7.5% per level on the vindicator and left alone in the vigilant. The daredevil is harder to emit a precise diagnostics

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#277 - 2013-11-28 18:53:11 UTC
Everyone, including CCP, is focusing on one thing, and I think it's a side issue. The issue isn't 90% webs, because if it were, the Cruor and Ashimmu would be mentioned as well. However, as we have seen they are not viable in their current state. They don't have enough tank, and their "EWAR" capabilities are below acceptable. A single NOS will keep most ships going while the Cruor tries to neut it. Lasers have terrific range by themselves, but what matters really is the neut. It just can't pull it off.

If the webs were the issue, then if a Cruor can maintain any semblance of range it should be able to win against a Daredevil pilot of equal skill. It simply cannot, because the neut just isn't worth it. It doesn't do the job.

The issue is the mobility of the Daredevil in particular, coupled with the webs and damage projection of blasters. It's a ship issue, not a module issue. So look at what makes the Daredevil so powerful: this combination of stats.

Then look at the Vindicator. It's slow as heck, but it has damage projection out to 20km easily, followed by high DPS potential and 90% webs. But it's a brawling pirate battleship! That is what it does.

I think the Daredevil could use a bit less agility, but look at everything before you make these decisions. Stop focusing on what you see, which in your mind is the "glaring problem". It isn't the web bonus and never has been.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#278 - 2013-11-28 19:00:54 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Why is so hard for you to understand that the serpentis web bonus make a web 4 TIMES stronger. While the baalghorn bonus makes a neutralizer 75% stronger.

There is a HUGE difference there!

Webs at 90% are much more absolute, specially when combined with superior firepower of serpentis ship. The shisp are not hugely OP, but they clearly have the most sinergetic bonus set !

I don't think the bonus need to be removed. But it could be reduced to 7.5% per level on the vindicator and left alone in the vigilant. The daredevil is harder to emit a precise diagnostics

Where do you get the 4 times from?

If you take a ship that goes 100 m/s and 90% web it, it will do 10 m/s. Now take a normal 60% web. You will take that 100 m/s ship down to 40 m/s. The 2nd 60% webber will take it down to 16 m/s. A third 60% webber takes it to 6.4 m/s.

So you have to use 2x normal webbers to get to almost the same effects as the 90% webber gets.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Naomi Anthar
#279 - 2013-11-28 19:04:21 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Naomi Anthar wrote:
Another fool...

Read my post above... dude PIRATE SHIPS ARE NOT OK AT ALL. Just because you never ever seen succubus ingame or phantasm. Does not mean those ships are limited edition. THOSE SHIPS NEED LOVE NOW. You don't see them because they are DEEP BELOW standard t1 ships. Yes they are not just medicore. They are obnoxiously bad and probably most broken and most useless hulls in this game.

Pirate rebalance should be priority above all other hulls.

YES FIX THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN(pirate ships) AND IGNORE MINOR ISSUES Thaddeus is talking about.

Let me guess, you have never flown pirate ships like the Vigilant and Vindicator in real PVP like i have?

I bet you have been buttraped and killed by them as you seems kinda butthurt over them.

When you pay over 1 billion isk for the Vindicator, you expect the ship to be very good at something. And as Serpentis ships is all about DPS and applying the DPS, it needs some kind of tool to be able to do that. So, let us hear on how you would change the Serpentis ships and still be able to keep the ships to the root of doing DPS and applying DPS?

EDIT: And what exactly makes a 90% webber at 18 km on a Vindicator more powerfull than a Bhaalgorn webbing you at 60% at 36.4 km?

You are total ******, i'm calling it now. No i actually i raped last rail dd with lol kiting coercer kiting at 19/20km with mwd.
I'm not ok with other pirate ships like Sansha nation mostly to be left as piece of **** you idiot.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#280 - 2013-11-28 19:05:56 UTC
Naomi Anthar wrote:
You are total ******, i'm calling it now. No i actually i raped last rail dd with lol kiting coercer kiting at 19/20km with mwd.
I'm not ok with other pirate ships like Sansha nation mostly to be left as piece of **** you idiot.

Well first of all, if you have to start calling others for different things here, it's a pretty clear sign that you have lost this discussion.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama