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PLEX market - call to arms!

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#61 - 2011-11-20 14:53:23 UTC
We've got some nice volatility going for sure!

Very very easy to get slaughtered if you look away from the screen for a few minutes!
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#62 - 2011-11-20 15:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Within last hour: quick spike to nearly 495, now rapidly crashing to who knows how low (under 470 now)
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#63 - 2011-11-20 15:08:23 UTC
This is loosing a steam.
Will slingshot up in the heavens hard, once suckers sold all their plex and lose all isk.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#64 - 2011-11-20 15:09:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
IceFyre S18 wrote:
This is loosing a steam.
Will slingshot up in the heavens hard, once suckers sold all their plex and lose all isk.

Sounds like wishful thinking :) Actually i'm not even sure this makes any sense.
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#65 - 2011-11-20 15:10:25 UTC
Maybe to you, but all other know what i'm talking about.
Mantra Achura
#66 - 2011-11-20 16:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Mantra Achura
IceFyre S18 wrote:
This is loosing a steam.
Will slingshot up in the heavens hard, once suckers sold all their plex and lose all isk.

People can buy off the market if they want, and prices will bounce back for a short time, but they have to be certain about selling for a much higher price to a greater fool ("Greater fool theory").
Our PLEX Syndicate will take care to make selling a painfull experience... Bear
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#67 - 2011-11-20 16:31:21 UTC
NOT people CAN buy.

people MUST buy from the market, or cancel the account.

I dare you to not buy PLEX at 450 and cancel your account.

It's a simply supply and demand.
Mantra Achura
#68 - 2011-11-20 17:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Mantra Achura
If the current market is just simple supply and demand I would agree.

The current state is that numbers of subscription are decreasing (indeed a lot of players are shutting down their accounts), but the number of transactions for PLEX rose more and more due to speculation. Most transactions are done between speculators than real consumers and speculators CAN decide to buy or not.
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#69 - 2011-11-20 17:40:59 UTC
But PLEX is the real one and only hard currency in eve.
I draw analogy of PLEX as gold bars and isk as printed paper money.

More and more people use PLEX for counting their rich, isk is losing his purchasing power and the only safe bet is PLEX.

One day, ccp will (maybe) allow selling PLEX for dollars, and in that particullar moment the actual value of plex will be presented.

And the actual value is higher, alot alot higher than 450 or 500 or 600 M per piece.

Anyways, this crash venture is over for me, i spent my weekend isk for this fun, alot of paperwork to do so i may post my findings and numbers later on, if someone interested. if not, all is public on, as always were.
Dirt 'n' Glitter
#70 - 2011-11-20 17:57:29 UTC
IceFyre S18 wrote:
But PLEX is the real one and only hard currency in eve.
I draw analogy of PLEX as gold bars and isk as printed paper money.

More and more people use PLEX for counting their rich, isk is losing his purchasing power and the only safe bet is PLEX.

One day, ccp will (maybe) allow selling PLEX for dollars, and in that particullar moment the actual value of plex will be presented.

And the actual value is higher, alot alot higher than 450 or 500 or 600 M per piece.

Anyways, this crash venture is over for me, i spent my weekend isk for this fun, alot of paperwork to do so i may post my findings and numbers later on, if someone interested. if not, all is public on, as always were.

then how do you explain the real lack of inflation in all products. When I started eve in 06, a megathron was 100m. I look today and its still about 100m. Granted t2 stuff is a lot cheaper than it was back then but that is because of invention. T2 stuff is relatively unchanged. A zealot used to be 100m, today its 120m. Which in MMO terms is near zero inflation.

My counter thesis to your point is that isk is isk, there is no inflation and therefor gold bars are only a commodity not a currency of last resort. PLEX is a commodity, just like all others and has only spiked recently due to some sort of 3rd party manipulation and or overall subscriber trends. shoot at blue for Vile Rat

Mantra Achura
#71 - 2011-11-20 18:15:16 UTC
The PLEX-gold analogy makes sense at first view.

The counter argument is gold is stable valued as it is one of the rare-earth elements and rises in price with more paper money influx. PLEX instead is made out of thin air (ingame wise) and consumed. That is why speculation on this item is very risky in my eyes as I miss a number of price indictaors such as raw materials and finished goods. PLEX is the only item not manufactured in a normal kind of way.

Dont' get me wrong. I've speculated with PLEX before and made several billions, but current prices are too high, the market is too hot, too much people are speculating that item and without a proper price trend indictator I'm lost in mass hysteria until someone is loosing his nerves and dumping his stuff.
Mantra Achura
#72 - 2011-11-20 18:57:04 UTC
Prices back again in the 462 - 469 range with some huge bulk sell orders >50 at about 473 mil ISK underway. Resistance gets harder to creak now.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2011-11-20 19:10:21 UTC
473 in sinq,can the rise be stopped?
Mantra Achura
#74 - 2011-11-20 19:27:06 UTC
laffbot wrote:
473 in sinq,can the rise be stopped?

Interregional trading as Jita prices were at 490 mil level today.
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#75 - 2011-11-20 20:00:29 UTC
Lithalnas wrote:
IceFyre S18 wrote:
But PLEX is the real one and only hard currency in eve.
I draw analogy of PLEX as gold bars and isk as printed paper money.

More and more people use PLEX for counting their rich, isk is losing his purchasing power and the only safe bet is PLEX.

One day, ccp will (maybe) allow selling PLEX for dollars, and in that particullar moment the actual value of plex will be presented.

And the actual value is higher, alot alot higher than 450 or 500 or 600 M per piece.

Anyways, this crash venture is over for me, i spent my weekend isk for this fun, alot of paperwork to do so i may post my findings and numbers later on, if someone interested. if not, all is public on, as always were.

then how do you explain the real lack of inflation in all products. When I started eve in 06, a megathron was 100m. I look today and its still about 100m. Granted t2 stuff is a lot cheaper than it was back then but that is because of invention. T2 stuff is relatively unchanged. A zealot used to be 100m, today its 120m. Which in MMO terms is near zero inflation.

My counter thesis to your point is that isk is isk, there is no inflation and therefor gold bars are only a commodity not a currency of last resort. PLEX is a commodity, just like all others and has only spiked recently due to some sort of 3rd party manipulation and or overall subscriber trends.

I have not mentioned inflation, but you're right spotting touching on the subject with my words.
back then with 2x20B donation you can sparkle and fund a world war north vs south, now it's laughable sum every other alt have.
So, in my eyes, the isk have lost huge value.

Let me point again, unrelated to this reply:
PLEX is not a Zealot, so you cannot afford, you don't fly,
PLEX is a must buy or 90% of eve cancel their account.

Second, when PLEX to $$$ comes one day, we all laugh at this price.
The ones holding 5.000 of PLEX, will laugh more.
Blue Binary
#76 - 2011-11-20 20:01:17 UTC
I wonder if the new Aurum token will relieve some of the pressure off PLEX? Blink
Mantra Achura
#77 - 2011-11-20 20:44:40 UTC
Blue Binary wrote:
I wonder if the new Aurum token will relieve some of the pressure off PLEX? Blink

Maybe. I have some Aurum in reserves I have never used and I want to sell. Aurum tokens would be the solution. Others can buy mine on the market and don't need to acquire a PLEX to buy their monocles.
Blue Binary
#78 - 2011-11-20 22:51:26 UTC
Mantra Achura wrote:
Blue Binary wrote:
I wonder if the new Aurum token will relieve some of the pressure off PLEX? Blink

Maybe. I have some Aurum in reserves I have never used and I want to sell. Aurum tokens would be the solution. Others can buy mine on the market and don't need to acquire a PLEX to buy their monocles.

I don't think CCP will allow the convertion of Aurum to Aurum Token, the market would be flooded with all the free Aurum that has been handed out recently. It would be more likely be Aurum tokens purchased via account management as PLEX is now.

It would make business sense for CCP to create another income stream by selling both Aurum and PLEX for real money, then they can both be traded in game for ISK. Uncoupling Aurum from PLEX would allow both to acheive their natural ISK value and take the pressure off PLEX.

With the current system of PLEX to Aurum, if they release such things as ship paint jobs on the Nex store, the pressure on PLEX would be much greater than it is now. It would price subscribers out of the game who rely on PLEX to pay for their subscription. CCP need to balance the number of PLEX sold (real money income) against ISK value, therefore it would be logical to remove unnecessary pressure from PLEX that isn't related to subscriptions.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#79 - 2011-11-21 05:50:28 UTC
We are employing some new strategies targeted at maximizing the losses for long PLEX speculators
IceFyre S18
Zulu Labs
#80 - 2011-11-21 06:23:44 UTC
What strategies? maximizing loss?
According to

Last 24 Hours Profit Top 10:
6.706.200.000 IceFyre S18 (published)

Go there see yourself, its public.
We all wait your new strategies...