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PSA: Massive Goon "Scam"

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Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2013-11-24 17:40:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
Having just been kicked out of Goonswarm



Also he lkes pictures of half naked men, scam victims, covered in cream.
And he wanted to make them public too.

Welcome this wonderfull example of a human being.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2013-11-24 17:43:04 UTC
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
Also, a friend made a good observation- I am literally space Obama, which might be a good forum title. Like Obama, I will represent the interests of a socialist group, and my only qualifications are my community organizing (and scamming) skills. Oh, and I have big ideas.

*edit* Unlike Obama, I am a minority- a white male American who was in the Army.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2013-11-24 17:49:42 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
Also, a friend made a good observation- I am literally space Obama, which might be a good forum title. Like Obama, I will represent the interests of a socialist group, and my only qualifications are my community organizing (and scamming) skills. Oh, and I have big ideas.

*edit* Unlike Obama, I am a minority- a white male American who was in the Army.

Gonna frame that post.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#24 - 2013-11-24 18:00:08 UTC
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
I'm going to be going from corp to corp to teach the smaller corps a lot of the scams I learned from the big boys. As a special introductory offer, I'm only going to charge 25 million isk to awox your corp for a few days or so. In that time, I will clean out every hanger & container I have access to and steal every ship that isn't locked down. I'll help you recruit more of my Goon alt buddies and teach you why you should never trust anyone bearing the taint of the swarm. There's a lot I can wreck in a short time, so likely your fees to replace everything will only go up from here.

If you want to join a big nullsec alliance you should pony up the RMT and join Goonswarm like a good little automaton, but I am more than happy to backstab you on a more personal level, just to get you prepared for life in the swarm later.


State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-11-24 18:11:33 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Hi. For those not in the know, beancounter Jaynara is also Erotica1, and he's massively butthurt because he got **** on in a very large way. He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

You can see the start of his meltdown at and onward after that post.

Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know already Cool

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2013-11-24 18:15:27 UTC
I'm wondering how many EULA violations that falls under.
Because that **** is seriously appalling.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#27 - 2013-11-24 18:20:33 UTC
mynnna wrote:
He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

Are you kidding? From what I read there he's exemplifying all that Goons stand for and should be promoted Mitani's heir to the throne.

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#28 - 2013-11-24 18:22:22 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Hi. For those not in the know, beancounter Jaynara is also Erotica1, and he's massively butthurt because he got **** on in a very large way. He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

You can see the start of his meltdown at and onward after that post.

Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know already Cool

You kids know this is a game right? Oops

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-11-24 18:30:29 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Hi. For those not in the know, beancounter Jaynara is also Erotica1, and he's massively butthurt because he got **** on in a very large way. He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

You can see the start of his meltdown at and onward after that post.

Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know already Cool

You kids know this is a game right? Oops

It sure is, which is why coercing people into sending RL pics of themselves is a step or three too far.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#30 - 2013-11-24 18:36:14 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Hi. For those not in the know, beancounter Jaynara is also Erotica1, and he's massively butthurt because he got **** on in a very large way. He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

You can see the start of his meltdown at and onward after that post.

Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know already Cool

You kids know this is a game right? Oops

As settlers explored the dark, unknown regions of space, they discovered a celestial port that led to a beautiful and expansive system. It was the gateway to a place they dubbed "New Eden." Rich in minerals and resources, New Eden was bombarded with throngs of pilots hoping to stake their claim amongst fighters, pirates and corporations. Millions flourished in wealth and millions more died in warfare before the wormhole suddenly closed, severing the colonists from Earth - forever. A dark age fell upon New Eden for thousands of years before four dominant nations-states emerged: Amarr, Minmatar, Gallente, Caldari.

With more than 250,000 pilots existing within one persistent universe, create your own epic story - from the moment you enter the vast galaxy as a humble pilot commanding a small frigate to the day you are humiliated and deceived, forced to rub mayonnaise over your body with the promise of riches. Grab the controls and set course toward your imminent destiny in EVE Online.
Powers Sa
#31 - 2013-11-24 18:38:44 UTC
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
Having just left Goonswarm, I have something I feel I must get off my chest. And no, it's not some sort of condiment... this is serious...

Basically, there are some people who wish to make you believe that you must pay real money to get into their alliance. While that is one way, you don't have to. You can also pay isk.

It's frankly disgusting to me that so many alts are on the forums telling everyone that the "isk" deposit is a scam so that you will instead join some online website community that costs money. It's not a "scam" per se to pay the cash, because you can do that. But most of the alliance paid a refundable isk deposit and submitted to full api checks. During wartime, like now, these deposits are often understandably higher, and may vary depending on Goonswarm's proprietary risk assessment.

Anyway guys, that is all. I just want you to know.


Erotica1 bitter alt spotted.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Alavaria Fera
#32 - 2013-11-24 18:50:15 UTC
Powers Sa wrote:
beancounter Jaynara wrote:
Having just left Goonswarm, I have something I feel I must get off my chest. And no, it's not some sort of condiment... this is serious...

Basically, there are some people who wish to make you believe that you must pay real money to get into their alliance. While that is one way, you don't have to. You can also pay isk.

It's frankly disgusting to me that so many alts are on the forums telling everyone that the "isk" deposit is a scam so that you will instead join some online website community that costs money. It's not a "scam" per se to pay the cash, because you can do that. But most of the alliance paid a refundable isk deposit and submitted to full api checks. During wartime, like now, these deposits are often understandably higher, and may vary depending on Goonswarm's proprietary risk assessment.

Anyway guys, that is all. I just want you to know.


Erotica1 bitter alt spotted.

Seriously, ccp already confirmed that that person is a scammer, being their alt isn't cool

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#33 - 2013-11-24 19:07:31 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
mynnna wrote:
He thought his creepshots and pictures he collected from "clients" were funny and that we'd find it funny too - instead we chased him out of the alliance and did a pretty good job of shutting down his hopes to run for CSM9.

Are you kidding? From what I read there he's exemplifying all that Goons stand for and should be promoted Mitani's heir to the throne.

Erotica 1 is the modern day Coriolanus and the best CSM we never had.
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#34 - 2013-11-24 21:05:04 UTC
Anyone who trusts a goon or someone who claims to be a goon or someone who claimed to once be a goon or someone who once was a good is a fool.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Diamond Zerg
Taking Solo Away.
#35 - 2013-11-24 22:24:45 UTC
Is this thread able to be locked?
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#36 - 2013-11-24 22:57:03 UTC
Nerath Naaris wrote:
KuroVolt wrote:
The worst part is that terrible threads like this wont even get locked...

Just get some friends and derail it with a few posts about SOMER Blink, bad ISD moderation and off topic discussion.
Nope, not necessary.

Thread locked.

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22. Post constructively.

Negative feedback can be very useful to further improve EVE Online provided that it is presented in a civil and factual manner. All users are encouraged to honestly express their feelings regarding EVE Online and how it can be improved. Posts that are non-constructive, insulting or in breach of the rules will be deleted regardless of how valid the ideas behind them may be. Users are also reminded that posting with a lack of content also constitutes non-constructive posting.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

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