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Sell Orders

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***Wormhole Sales and 3rd Party Service *Selling Rhea Entrances!!* ***

First post First post
Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#621 - 2013-11-21 23:07:21 UTC
silent terror wrote:

Scammer don not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#622 - 2013-11-21 23:08:12 UTC
silent terror wrote:

Scammer don not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#623 - 2013-11-21 23:08:59 UTC
silent terror wrote:

Scammer don not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#624 - 2013-11-21 23:09:47 UTC
silent terror wrote:

Scammer don not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#625 - 2013-11-21 23:15:02 UTC
Scammer do not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
silent terror
#626 - 2013-11-22 21:13:51 UTC

I'm not sure I understand.

You have contacted CCP and said what? Scamming is not against eula and is in some ways encouraged.

All you have done here is contact CCP to say you are excessive bumping a thread

Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#627 - 2013-11-23 23:00:47 UTC
silent terror wrote:
Bump! - Also this account has'nt been sold. I was legit now not so much. I can write this here since clearly no one reads the threads....

I hope they continue to read my posts. DAILY, unless of course you would be interested in returning our ISK or producing the product we agreed to purchase from you.
silent terror
#628 - 2013-11-23 23:48:42 UTC
Like you read others?

Also did'nt work your bumping my thread just got me two more sales.

Interstellar Mayhem Corporation
Last Picks
#629 - 2013-11-24 15:21:38 UTC
Scammer do not trust!. Will take your ISK, close chat and block you. I will br re-posting daily to help spread the word about his activities. Any questions please feel free to contact me. CCP has been contacted.
silent terror
#630 - 2013-11-24 17:46:24 UTC
silent terror
#631 - 2013-11-26 17:54:12 UTC
Pampers Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#632 - 2013-11-26 22:33:21 UTC
Intrested in the c1 high please contact me ingame..
silent terror
#633 - 2013-11-27 16:51:15 UTC
mitra Okanata
Caldari State
#634 - 2013-11-27 19:42:29 UTC
Scammer !!
He is a well known scammer. Not to be trusted.
silent terror
#635 - 2013-11-28 21:38:11 UTC
silent terror
#636 - 2013-12-01 18:22:33 UTC
Dr Bilbo
Republic Vagabonds
#637 - 2013-12-03 01:38:56 UTC
well, saw mixed reviews... and he got me for 300 million.. for a wormhole entrance that did not exist. oh well, live and learn. to anyone that is even thinking about doing business with him, here is the chat log.

[21:09:14] Dr Bilbo > hey
[21:26:49] silent terror > hi
[21:27:03] silent terror > still looking for a wormhole?
[21:31:44] Dr Bilbo > yea, what do you currently have in a c2 or c3 variation?
[21:33:28] Dr Bilbo > prefer a c2 with 2 statics
[21:38:51] silent terror > i have a c2 static c4/high
[21:38:54] silent terror > very rare :)
[21:39:03] silent terror > also sorry i was semi afk
[21:39:12] Dr Bilbo > no prob, its ok
[21:39:24] Dr Bilbo > not really looking for c4, want c2/c3 static
[21:39:34] silent terror > ok i have a c2 static c3/high?
[21:39:37] silent terror > let me get u its id
[21:40:06] Dr Bilbo > sure that could work
[21:40:21] silent terror > J120308
[21:40:31] silent terror > also got one more
[21:40:38] silent terror > same statics, better p.i
[21:41:36] Dr Bilbo > ok whats that one.. ya not great pi ther
[21:41:55] silent terror > J162700
[21:42:17] Dr Bilbo > prices on those 2?
[21:42:32] silent terror > 400mil for first and 600
[21:42:35] silent terror > for second
[21:44:45] Dr Bilbo > give me a few minutes.. any towers or poco in these?
[21:44:57] silent terror > 100% empty
[21:46:07] Dr Bilbo > i have to assume the 2nd is very desirable.. how long have you had for sale?
[21:46:13] Dr Bilbo > for both, how long?
[21:46:35] silent terror > few days each
[21:48:07] Dr Bilbo > do you use 3rd party or any insurance for move in?
[21:51:28] silent terror > well i am a third party
[21:51:31] silent terror > so people use me :)
[21:51:58] Dr Bilbo > oh ok, so you are the 3rd party.. didnt see that on forums although didnt read a lot
[21:53:32] silent terror > yep
[21:53:36] silent terror > so interested then?
[21:54:13] Dr Bilbo > yea, for sure. how much time do i have to move in? did i read about insurance?
[21:54:46] silent terror > i can stay as long as u need in the wormhole
[21:54:55] silent terror > and yes if u get sieged i can cover your loses
[21:55:03] Dr Bilbo > i dont need weeks or anything crazy.. lol
[21:55:12] silent terror > heh ok
[21:55:32] Dr Bilbo > just to get my **** together and should be in a couple days max
[21:55:45] Dr Bilbo > how does payment go.. what % down and so on?
[22:00:37] silent terror > i usually ask for 100%/
[22:01:07] silent terror > if u drop payment then i can get u in whenever
[22:02:51] Dr Bilbo > i am buying one in the next day or so.. still checking forums and the other wormhole sale site as well. are those prices super duper firm? :}
[22:03:58] silent terror > na negociable
[22:05:05] Dr Bilbo > ok cool, gonna leave this open, im not the most patient person and those are what im looking for. pron decide shortly, rather than a day loil
[22:05:17] Dr Bilbo > *prob decide
[22:12:14] Dr Bilbo > are you going to be online next few houts?
[22:12:17] Dr Bilbo > hours*
[00:53:57] Dr Bilbo > ok, you here? whats the best price you can give me on those holes?
[01:05:47] silent terror > ok
[01:05:52] silent terror > i can do 300 for first
[01:05:56] silent terror > and 500 for second
[01:08:15] Dr Bilbo > ok the first one was... lemme scroll up
[01:08:36] Dr Bilbo > 120308? is 300m?
[01:09:26] silent terror > ye
[01:11:25] Dr Bilbo > for some reason i am getting 2 diff sets of pi on eveeye... can you tell me the planets in there?
[01:12:41] silent terror > emailed to u
[01:13:09] Dr Bilbo > got it.. ok that pi is fine with me, not great but heh
[01:13:42] silent terror > ok drop me the isk i will give u the entry
[01:13:50] Dr Bilbo > actually its quite decent.
[01:14:33] Dr Bilbo > sent
[01:14:38] silent terror > Earwik
[01:14:52] Dr Bilbo > f$%^ 28 jumps lmfao

----------------at least he didnt get my stuff---------------------------- or more isk for insurance--------------------------------

[01:14:55] silent terror > I have a freighter in every hub i can move any assets to the wormhole for u for free
[01:14:55] Dr Bilbo > ok omw
[01:15:04] Dr Bilbo > thats ok
[01:15:10] Dr Bilbo > dont have that muchlol
[01:15:20] silent terror > well saves u moving it?
[01:15:22] silent terror > I dont mind
[01:15:39] silent terror > may aswell then stock up on fuel aswell
[01:15:43] Dr Bilbo > thanks, maybe in a day or so, dont have crap yet
[01:15:46] silent terror > so u dont need to go out for any
[01:16:02] silent terror > ok, u got a tower yet i can set u up with a really good deal?
[01:16:11] Dr Bilbo > nope not yet
[01:16:18] Dr Bilbo > my rl buddy does tho
[01:16:21] silent terror > how about large tower sma cha all the defences and 2 weeks of fuel for 250 mil?
[01:16:42] Dr Bilbo > do you build them?
[01:16:47] silent terror > Ye
[01:16:56] silent terror > thats in the highsec of the wh
[01:17:01] silent terror > so u can take it straight in
[01:17:10] silent terror > already moved it there in hope youd buy it :P
[01:17:24] Dr Bilbo > i have a med setup
[01:17:37] silent terror > ewwww medium in wormholes
[01:17:42] silent terror > thats asking for siege :P
[01:17:52] silent terror > better buy my insurance!
[01:18:10] silent terror > 150mil if u get sieged in the next 6 months i cover all loses on killmails
[01:18:20] silent terror > just email me the loses i payout in 24hours
[01:18:55] Dr Bilbo > will think about it
[01:19:06] silent terror > ok cool

oh well.... anyhow, not the first, not the last douchebag we will come across in eve or rl......

you have been warned,
Sar Carstic
Gallente Federation
#638 - 2013-12-03 22:10:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Sar Carstic
A very entertaining read-through on a quiet work day, thanks for your game-enhancing work there Silent.

As someone who hasn't been playing for that long, some of the ISK figures involved DO have that "WOW" factor for me, and have made the thread all the more entertaining. Cheers!

Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

silent terror
#639 - 2013-12-04 17:16:04 UTC

Wormholes in stock
silent terror
#640 - 2013-12-07 19:02:01 UTC