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Could CCP be about to repeat Incarna?

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Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#221 - 2013-11-21 14:18:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Trii Seo wrote:

That said, a lot of people pull out the "Hisec is paying customers! CCP should cater to us!". It's kind of like jumping up, waving your hands and saying "We're the favorite players!". So, why CCP shouldn't make things safer, bah, they should add more means to generate conflict?

If you got it any wronger, you would be pooping from your mouth. Shocked

The issue with hisec noisemakers is:

- hisec speakers consider that hisec is the single largest minority in the game
- they also consider that, actually hsiec is the majority of the game
- hisec is systematically disregarded by CCP as a viable game style
- hisec players are brutally soloers and completley disorganized
- hisec players don't voice their concerns -they quit
- hisec players only have a voice at the CSM, which by any measure severely disrepresents their weight in the game

And no, they don't ask more safety.

First, take a look at articles concerning EVE Online in news.

- Battle of Asakai was covered as a giant battle sparked by a single error backed up with a lot of bad calls.
- Disbanding and fall of the Band of Brothers
- Burn Jita
- Guiding Hand Social Club's murder of the Apocalypse Imperial Issue (I do believe that was the ship, my memory may be shoddy here)

There weren't any news concerning Joe the Carebear who plays single player. If we're talking money, let's be brutal: it's the ~ebil cawtels~ that generate ads. Their exploits make the gaming news (or news in general!) and have potential new players look at them and say: "wow, there's a game in which players can do that? I have to try this!"

I guess that this explains why only 1 in 10 players online bothered themselves to be at the battle of Asakai. By the way, the absolute disaster that was Operaiton Spectre, CCP's last live action event, gathered in excess of 3,000 hiseccers, plus some 1,000 nullseccers, and contrary to big battles, it was a gathering of non affiliated players.

But let's take your word. Let's say EVE had a PCU of 4,000 users, gathering for Big Battles. And let's say it also had 50,000 subcribers rather than 500,000. And CCP was living on 6 million dollars per year, roughly half of what currently they spend in marketing... That still would make for big headlines, but the game probably would resent a bit.Roll

EVE exists because someone pays for it, and guess what? Most money comes from most players, who turn to be Joe Nobody each one of them. There can't be no elite in shining headlines without the blue collar Joes paying the bills in hisec.

The reason why this game generates 68 million dollars per year, it's not the big battles. It's the anonymous Joe Nobody who dwells in hisec until he grows sick of not getting worth his money and leaves.

Second: Conflict feeds the Cycle.
As a sandbox, EVE is built on greed. The greed of its players. Latest example? Fountain War.(...)

What if conflict took the form of other stuff than just exploding ships? It already exists to a limited degree.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Prince Kobol
#222 - 2013-11-21 14:28:21 UTC
As Aralyn Cormallen and Trii Seo have said there are many issues with Sov Mechanics.

On top of that, if you wish to own Sov but have no desire to build Supers or having a Jump Bridge, don't bother.

Just save yourself an insane amount of isk and Live in NPC Null Sec.

Other then being able to build Supers and Jump Bridges, there is no other sane reason to own Sov Space.

The advantages is simply not worth the isk.

Yet CCP seems to think these issues are just in our heads and that Sov Mechanics are fine as they have done nothing to tackle this problem regardless of large number of forum posts / blogs / web articles that have been created over the years by various players / organisation.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#223 - 2013-11-21 15:38:07 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

The reason why this game generates 68 million dollars per year, it's not the big battles. It's the anonymous Joe Nobody who dwells in hisec until he grows sick of not getting worth his money and leaves.

You're laborating valid arguments toward someone that clealry barely distinguish game world and real world, and thing that "carebears" or "the fountain war" are things in some way relevant in terms of game industry; more than players dempgraphic and market trends :)

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#224 - 2013-11-21 17:20:29 UTC
Well, come to think of it the "blue collar joe" of hisec that grinds enough money for PLEX and doesn't lose enough spaceships to have the need to replace them would likely mostly buy PLEX on the market. Said PLEX being sold by evil cartelman John who has plenty of pocket change but limited time - or just can't be arsed to do pve, just wants to shoot people in the face so he sells GTCs.

As for ships exploding - when they do, they remove materials from the market. Someone's rear end being obliterated is a miner and manufacturer somewhere getting rich. There's plenty of other conflicts and means to solve them, of course - trade, scams, infiltration. What else would there be, racing who grinds the highest isk/hour in a mission?

And, actually, in your best effort to laborate valid arguments to me, a borderline insane maniac who can't get the difference between a game and real life (I, too, go to work in a spaceship and explode a traffic jam because it's made of neutrals, #nbsi4lyfe #yoloswag~) you might've completely missed the point of what I was saying.

Operation Spectre wasn't covered in gaming press like Asakai was. It didn't generate as much publicity as those player-made events.

Also, Prince:

I think they're actually doing something with Sov in the upcoming expansion arc, hopefully. The whole "we're breaking away from empires, carebears be scared!" theme just reeks of sov/pos revamp as part of "capsuleer independence" and there's a few sov holders on the CSM.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Prince Kobol
#225 - 2013-11-21 17:30:23 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:

Also, Prince:

I think they're actually doing something with Sov in the upcoming expansion arc, hopefully. The whole "we're breaking away from empires, carebears be scared!" theme just reeks of sov/pos revamp as part of "capsuleer independence" and there's a few sov holders on the CSM.

I really hope so but until I actually see Sov Changes deployed on Tranquillity the its all pie in sky.

I admit that I have completely lost faith in CCP
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#226 - 2013-11-21 17:43:05 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

Also, Prince:

I think they're actually doing something with Sov in the upcoming expansion arc, hopefully. The whole "we're breaking away from empires, carebears be scared!" theme just reeks of sov/pos revamp as part of "capsuleer independence" and there's a few sov holders on the CSM.

I really hope so but until I actually see Sov Changes deployed on Tranquillity the its all pie in sky.

I admit that I have completely lost faith in CCP

There's a thing I'm willing to forgive CCP here - Sov is a massive, giant thing to deal with. The mechanics are likely the infamous old code, breaking which would probably break something else and that's just the start.

If they get past the design hurdles (sov shouldn't be too easy to take to avoid ping-pong but it also shouldn't be the factor stopping people from going to war. Ideally you'd want a situation where big conflicts happen, but the system scales well with size from a constellation to several regions and doesn't require trillions of structure EHP to grind, I guess.) there's also a few things that would need to be addressed.

For instance, what of the current sov? Development indexes, supers mid-construction, spare infrastructure like SBUs, TCUs and Ihubs?

I do suppose it's fair that some people still don't trust CCP - I'm personally having a blast with Rubicon so far though.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Prince Kobol
#227 - 2013-11-21 17:48:24 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

Also, Prince:

I think they're actually doing something with Sov in the upcoming expansion arc, hopefully. The whole "we're breaking away from empires, carebears be scared!" theme just reeks of sov/pos revamp as part of "capsuleer independence" and there's a few sov holders on the CSM.

I really hope so but until I actually see Sov Changes deployed on Tranquillity the its all pie in sky.

I admit that I have completely lost faith in CCP

There's a thing I'm willing to forgive CCP here - Sov is a massive, giant thing to deal with. The mechanics are likely the infamous old code, breaking which would probably break something else and that's just the start.

If they get past the design hurdles (sov shouldn't be too easy to take to avoid ping-pong but it also shouldn't be the factor stopping people from going to war. Ideally you'd want a situation where big conflicts happen, but the system scales well with size from a constellation to several regions and doesn't require trillions of structure EHP to grind, I guess.) there's also a few things that would need to be addressed.

For instance, what of the current sov? Development indexes, supers mid-construction, spare infrastructure like SBUs, TCUs and Ihubs?

I do suppose it's fair that some people still don't trust CCP - I'm personally having a blast with Rubicon so far though.

I have no doubt that something like changing Sov Mechanics will be difficult and time consuming, what worries me is that at no point has CCP come to the community and asked what they think Sov should be.

I haven't seen anything from CCP that would indicate that they are even thinking about it.

For me they have to talk to the community about something this big so they do not make same mistakes as they did with dominion.

I am not saying they need to do what we say, but at the very least have a dialogue.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#228 - 2013-11-21 17:57:17 UTC
I think they're being sneaky about it to avoid wild speculation out and about and for now - are in touch with the CSM. Then, when they have a solid vision up, they'll drop it on the forums and unleash the monkeys, because let's face it - among the reasonable voice of community there will be a lot of shitpoasting.

To think of it, could explain why they released Rubicon so early. Give themselves time until the next expansion, much?

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#229 - 2013-11-21 18:05:47 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

Also, Prince:

I think they're actually doing something with Sov in the upcoming expansion arc, hopefully. The whole "we're breaking away from empires, carebears be scared!" theme just reeks of sov/pos revamp as part of "capsuleer independence" and there's a few sov holders on the CSM.

I really hope so but until I actually see Sov Changes deployed on Tranquillity the its all pie in sky.

I admit that I have completely lost faith in CCP

There's a thing I'm willing to forgive CCP here - Sov is a massive, giant thing to deal with. The mechanics are likely the infamous old code, breaking which would probably break something else and that's just the start.

If they get past the design hurdles (sov shouldn't be too easy to take to avoid ping-pong but it also shouldn't be the factor stopping people from going to war. Ideally you'd want a situation where big conflicts happen, but the system scales well with size from a constellation to several regions and doesn't require trillions of structure EHP to grind, I guess.) there's also a few things that would need to be addressed.

For instance, what of the current sov? Development indexes, supers mid-construction, spare infrastructure like SBUs, TCUs and Ihubs?

I do suppose it's fair that some people still don't trust CCP - I'm personally having a blast with Rubicon so far though.

Considering inty changes, the SOE ships, change to blops, and siphons, I'm thinking that CCP wants the players to change SOV before they do, or do things regarding SOV and "anti-SOV" activities that they could observe for a while.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#230 - 2013-11-21 19:36:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

That said, a lot of people pull out the "Hisec is paying customers! CCP should cater to us!". It's kind of like jumping up, waving your hands and saying "We're the favorite players!". So, why CCP shouldn't make things safer, bah, they should add more means to generate conflict?

If you got it any wronger, you would be pooping from your mouth. Shocked

The issue with hisec noisemakers is:

- hisec speakers consider that hisec is the single largest minority in the game
- they also consider that, actually hsiec is the majority of the game
- hisec is systematically disregarded by CCP as a viable game style
- hisec players are brutally soloers and completley disorganized
- hisec players don't voice their concerns -they quit
- hisec players only have a voice at the CSM, which by any measure severely disrepresents their weight in the game

And no, they don't ask more safety.

The main issue with hisec noisemakers is that they fail to realize that a huge part of the high-sec population they claim to represent are the alts of 0.0 players (as there is hardly any reason not to make your ISK in the safety of high-sec).

Most 0.0 players have spent countless hours on high-sec alts and know very well how high-sec works, most "hisec noisemakers" haven't even set foot into 0.0 (but still feel qualified to talk about the big picture).

Of my 12 characters 3 are in 0.0 and the others are spread between high-sec and low-sec (for cynos). I don't deprive my empire characters of CSM representation, I did cast votes for my one 0.0 and three high-sec accounts (actual character distribution across accounts is ofc more mixed but you get the point). Many high-sec accounts are represented on the CSM - in the so-called "0.0" candidates.


Da'iel Zehn
Evil Frosty's Premium Liqours and Fine Wines
#231 - 2013-11-21 19:42:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Da'iel Zehn
JamDunc wrote:
I don't mean they are about to start making us all space barbies again, I mean the mistakes they made in the past could be about to repeat themselves.

I for one would rather not eat stale cereal for the rest of my life. I prefer innovation and new ideas... and I want my space barbie to walk around stations and star ship interiors!

Edit: though... the character creator and pics seem to look a lot better than the actual character models in the captain quarters.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#232 - 2013-11-21 20:16:13 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Well, come to think of it the "blue collar joe" of hisec that grinds enough money for PLEX and doesn't lose enough spaceships to have the need to replace them would likely mostly buy PLEX on the market. Said PLEX being sold by evil cartelman John who has plenty of pocket change but limited time - or just can't be arsed to do pve, just wants to shoot people in the face so he sells GTCs.

As for ships exploding - when they do, they remove materials from the market. Someone's rear end being obliterated is a miner and manufacturer somewhere getting rich. There's plenty of other conflicts and means to solve them, of course - trade, scams, infiltration. What else would there be, racing who grinds the highest isk/hour in a mission?

And, actually, in your best effort to laborate valid arguments to me, a borderline insane maniac who can't get the difference between a game and real life (I, too, go to work in a spaceship and explode a traffic jam because it's made of neutrals, #nbsi4lyfe #yoloswag~) you might've completely missed the point of what I was saying.(...).

Your point is that nullsec makes publicity and publicity draws players. My point is that most of those players will stay in hisec, that EVE is unsustainable with only nullsec subcriptions and that CCP is killing EVE by not giving hiseccers a reason to stay.

You talk about player events -why it is impossible to set up a player event in hisec? Is it our fault that there's only PvE in hisec and ship to ship PvP elsewhere? Why can't we stage a PvP event without ships exploding? How about seizing your ship for illegal acitvities? Would that remove the ship from the game? How about having CONCORD kill you on sight? Would that remove ships from the game? How about disrupting your mind transfer protocol so you lose every skillpoint not stored in your medical clone? Would that hurt you? Would you feel the fear that a maybe you asploded the wrong miner, that a gank can end with a nepotistic politican using the might of the empires to crush you?

Is it our fault that when they say "sort it yourself", they only mean "take your sword and single-handedly defeat all their 50 throwaway alts"?

Where's the emergent gameplay they so much boast about? Is it in hisec? No? Then how is that my bloody fault?

Where is EVE in hisec?

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#233 - 2013-11-21 20:39:54 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

That said, a lot of people pull out the "Hisec is paying customers! CCP should cater to us!". It's kind of like jumping up, waving your hands and saying "We're the favorite players!". So, why CCP shouldn't make things safer, bah, they should add more means to generate conflict?

If you got it any wronger, you would be pooping from your mouth. Shocked

The issue with hisec noisemakers is:

- hisec speakers consider that hisec is the single largest minority in the game
- they also consider that, actually hsiec is the majority of the game
- hisec is systematically disregarded by CCP as a viable game style
- hisec players are brutally soloers and completley disorganized
- hisec players don't voice their concerns -they quit
- hisec players only have a voice at the CSM, which by any measure severely disrepresents their weight in the game

And no, they don't ask more safety.

The main issue with hisec noisemakers is that they fail to realize that a huge part of the high-sec population they claim to represent are the alts of 0.0 players (as there is hardly any reason not to make your ISK in the safety of high-sec).

Most 0.0 players have spent countless hours on high-sec alts and know very well how high-sec works, most "hisec noisemakers" haven't even set foot into 0.0 (but still feel qualified to talk about the big picture).

Of my 12 characters 3 are in 0.0 and the others are spread between high-sec and low-sec (for cynos). I don't deprive my empire characters of CSM representation, I did cast votes for my one 0.0 and three high-sec accounts (actual character distribution across accounts is ofc more mixed but you get the point). Many high-sec accounts are represented on the CSM - in the so-called "0.0" candidates.

And you log in all your hisec alts each time you play. You and every other nullsec are skewing population with iddling do-nothings, grrr. You mean, mean trolls! Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#234 - 2013-11-21 20:55:12 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
Oxide Ammar wrote:
As much as I'm enjoying reading this thread and (I'm quietly didn't have the pleasure to read thread like this from long time in forums) I want to hi jack it regrading the SOV mechanics. I'm almost finishing my first year in EVE and most of the issues you mentioned and everyone complain about in forums can be felt day by day, but I keep reading about reworking the SOV mechanics without proper explanation about what is broken about it. Can someone elaborate this ? and why CCP can't/don't want to fix it ?

Basically, the current sov system requires only a massive concentration of force by both sides at a single point at a given time, to the point that there is absolutely no reason to feint or hold back reserves, or attempt any tactics like distraction or flanking to draw attention from a secondary objective, or to attempt anything other than "bring the most of your biggest ships you possibly can". As a result of this, it means it only needs a couple of fights to go one way before its abundantly clear to both sides who is going to win every major timer, so there becomes no reason for the guaranteed loser to bother contesting any further timers, leaving the collapse and months-long clean-up cycle that's mentioned above.

Basically, before Dominion, Sov was atrocious when I had to wake up at 2.30am to shoot POSes, now it's worse.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#235 - 2013-11-22 08:30:06 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Your point is that nullsec makes publicity and publicity draws players. My point is that most of those players will stay in hisec, that EVE is unsustainable with only nullsec subcriptions and that CCP is killing EVE by not giving hiseccers a reason to stay.

You talk about player events -why it is impossible to set up a player event in hisec? Is it our fault that there's only PvE in hisec and ship to ship PvP elsewhere? Why can't we stage a PvP event without ships exploding? How about seizing your ship for illegal acitvities? Would that remove the ship from the game? How about having CONCORD kill you on sight? Would that remove ships from the game? How about disrupting your mind transfer protocol so you lose every skillpoint not stored in your medical clone? Would that hurt you? Would you feel the fear that a maybe you asploded the wrong miner, that a gank can end with a nepotistic politican using the might of the empires to crush you?

Is it our fault that when they say "sort it yourself", they only mean "take your sword and single-handedly defeat all their 50 throwaway alts"?

Where's the emergent gameplay they so much boast about? Is it in hisec? No? Then how is that my bloody fault?

Where is EVE in hisec?

Awoxing, suicide ganking, extortion - plenty of EVE in hisec. If someone really wants retaliation, he should either man up and beat the crap out of his attacker for crossing the wrong man or hire some muscle. A dumb man dies, a smart man profits.

(Suicide ganking already was nerfed by the way, with insurance removal, removal of boomeranging, decrease of CONCORD response times, increase of mining barge fitting AND tank. Which some dumb miners don't make use of, so they die. Simple.)

Most of those players stay in hisec because the game's risk:reward ratio is flawed and hisec is filled with bleating carebears screaming about how null is bad and filled with people who do nothing but play EVE 24/7. We generate publicity but have godawful PR, go figure.

And yes, Vera Algaert is right - a lot of 0.0 people have alts in hisec. Since you can't take a hisec station, hisec station can't get hellcamped it's the perfect place to park a new alt at, jack a bunch of +4's in and watch the sp go up for whatever purpose. Then there's Jita alts, so useful, some people have scamming alts, Ministry of Love is a nullsec SIG staging in hisec to have fun with locals - the list goes on.

Also might of the empires? Oh please, last time they tried to be mighty we called the event "November Massacre" and there were tears of epic proportions on the forums. CONCORD is supposed to be losing its grasp on power, soon we'll get to roam the streets and chuck molotov cocktails at their outposts.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#236 - 2013-11-22 11:16:34 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:

And yes, Vera Algaert is right - a lot of 0.0 people have alts in hisec. Since you can't take a hisec station, hisec station can't get hellcamped it's the perfect place to park a new alt at, jack a bunch of +4's in and watch the sp go up for whatever purpose.

If highsec stations cant get Hellcamped then what the **** was Burn Jita all about? An entire solar system with all stations was interdicted. I was there and you couldn't move in or out of any station without someone vaporising your arse. Luckily I wasn't affected I only went for a look.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#237 - 2013-11-22 12:22:11 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

And yes, Vera Algaert is right - a lot of 0.0 people have alts in hisec. Since you can't take a hisec station, hisec station can't get hellcamped it's the perfect place to park a new alt at, jack a bunch of +4's in and watch the sp go up for whatever purpose.

If highsec stations cant get Hellcamped then what the **** was Burn Jita all about? An entire solar system with all stations was interdicted. I was there and you couldn't move in or out of any station without someone vaporising your arse. Luckily I wasn't affected I only went for a look.

Hellcamp implies you can't warp out and you die when you undock.

It means: station is bubbled to hell. There's gangs permanently on grid. In Jita a lot of people survived by the virtue of instas and not being a target. In a hellcamp everything dies unless it's a stabbed to hell cloaky nullified something (and a hic doesn't lock it up in time to infinipoint).

So no, you can't hellcamp a hisec or lowsec station. If it's just ships on the undock it's a camp, not a hellcamp, and those are easier to deal with.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Varius Xeral
#238 - 2013-11-22 12:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Varius Xeral
Comparing Burn Jita to a hellcamp means you have no idea what a hellcamp is.

Edit: or what Burn Jita was, for that matter.

Double edit: you should probably just stop posting altogether.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#239 - 2013-11-22 13:57:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Trii Seo wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Your point is that nullsec makes publicity and publicity draws players. My point is that most of those players will stay in hisec, that EVE is unsustainable with only nullsec subcriptions and that CCP is killing EVE by not giving hiseccers a reason to stay.

You talk about player events -why it is impossible to set up a player event in hisec? Is it our fault that there's only PvE in hisec and ship to ship PvP elsewhere? Why can't we stage a PvP event without ships exploding? How about seizing your ship for illegal acitvities? Would that remove the ship from the game? How about having CONCORD kill you on sight? Would that remove ships from the game? How about disrupting your mind transfer protocol so you lose every skillpoint not stored in your medical clone? Would that hurt you? Would you feel the fear that a maybe you asploded the wrong miner, that a gank can end with a nepotistic politican using the might of the empires to crush you?

Is it our fault that when they say "sort it yourself", they only mean "take your sword and single-handedly defeat all their 50 throwaway alts"?

Where's the emergent gameplay they so much boast about? Is it in hisec? No? Then how is that my bloody fault?

Where is EVE in hisec?

Awoxing, suicide ganking, extortion - plenty of EVE in hisec. If someone really wants retaliation, he should either man up and beat the crap out of his attacker for crossing the wrong man or hire some muscle. A dumb man dies, a smart man profits.

(Suicide ganking already was nerfed by the way, with insurance removal, removal of boomeranging, decrease of CONCORD response times, increase of mining barge fitting AND tank. Which some dumb miners don't make use of, so they die. Simple.)

Most of those players stay in hisec because the game's risk:reward ratio is flawed and hisec is filled with bleating carebears screaming about how null is bad and filled with people who do nothing but play EVE 24/7. We generate publicity but have godawful PR, go figure.

And yes, Vera Algaert is right - a lot of 0.0 people have alts in hisec. Since you can't take a hisec station, hisec station can't get hellcamped it's the perfect place to park a new alt at, jack a bunch of +4's in and watch the sp go up for whatever purpose. Then there's Jita alts, so useful, some people have scamming alts, Ministry of Love is a nullsec SIG staging in hisec to have fun with locals - the list goes on.

Also might of the empires? Oh please, last time they tried to be mighty we called the event "November Massacre" and there were tears of epic proportions on the forums. CONCORD is supposed to be losing its grasp on power, soon we'll get to roam the streets and chuck molotov cocktails at their outposts.

How many 4 months old noobs you know who earn 2 PLEXes per month through PvE alone?

That's the terribad oh-we're-so-p*ss-poor-please-pity-us income level of nullsec sov space. Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#240 - 2013-11-22 13:59:02 UTC
i want to be space barbie