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Could CCP be about to repeat Incarna?

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The Love Dragons
#161 - 2013-11-19 20:50:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Falkor1984
Disturbing to see how all "negative" posts are removed while not breaking any rules. Apparently Incarna IS being repeated. Acknowledging the problem is the first step CCP. Hiding the problems by silencing the messengers will not solve them.
#162 - 2013-11-19 21:02:27 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
Tippia wrote:
…oh, and as far as five-year plans go, have a look at these two blogs from 2011 (and the twelve F&I threads connected to them) discussing long-term plans for nullsec.

In the initial blog, a vague idea of “improvements over a year or so” was put forward, but then the lay-offs happened and the focus was switched to fixing the game, so later on, it was revised to an even more vague some-time-in-the-future-maybe-five-years-or-so non-schedule. We're still 3+ years away from that, and it's entirely possible that the new vision is the first step towards actually implementing some of the ideas that came out of all that brainstorming and feedback.

ironic no?
CaldeteisX wrote:
Ah, this is good news, well overdue, but good news all the same. Big smile

Hopefully doesnt really take as long as 5 years though What?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#163 - 2013-11-19 21:07:50 UTC
Falkor1984 wrote:
Disturbing to see how all "negative" posts are removed while not breaking any rules. Apparently Incarna IS being repeated. Acknowledging the problem is the first step CCP. Hiding the problems by silencing the messengers will not solve them.

Go shoot the statue in Jita with the thousands of other disgruntled pilots then.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#164 - 2013-11-19 21:21:34 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
JamDunc wrote:
IThey sunk HUGE amounts of resources into it only to discover the players didn't want it

Are you kidding me? The player-base didn't want it? Of course they wanted it, and they still do. The reason everyone was pissed was because we never got it. We got one room, not even a multiplayer environment and a character creator that is worth **** all because no one ever sees your character.

People were pissed about Incarna because they failed to deliver, greed is good, they removed ship spinning and tried to force CQ on people. The CQ burned out people's graphics cards and wouldn't run on equipment that was well well above the recommended specs. That's why everyone was pissed. Not because they didn't want it.

I agree about everything else, by the way. I just cherry picked one of the only statements I disagree with.

Let's not forget that a huge bulk of the anger was also over the prospect of Pay 2 Win and a leaked internal newsletter regarding that ("Greed is good" or something like that).

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Rotten Legion
#165 - 2013-11-19 22:00:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Tippia wrote:

I put the marker a month early. That was pretty stupid of me, but you've got to give me credit for attempting to do it in 5 minutes before work. That said, I am still not agreeing with you. Let me show you why, and first remind you why we are arguing about this in the first place.

Tippia wrote:
Do we have a downward trend in population?

This is why we were arguing and you went on to say how Incursion was the start yada yada yada. Now, before I go onto my main point I just wanted to say that subs are more important than active members. If not to us, then to CCP certainly.

I draw your attention back to this one again (which you have been wilfully trying to ignore). Now, You can argue all you like but no one is going to see an overall downward trend between Incrusion and Incarna on that chart. Please tell me how there is an obvious downward trend in population there, make annotations if you think it will help. Back to active players charts.

Go to the Incursion release on the All Time chart, and take a look at it as you have described. Now imagine what that curve might look like if it were exaggerated, sharper rise with a quicker and deaper fall etc. Now move your eyes over to June 4th 2013 (the release of Odyssey) and tell me what you see. The exaggerated curve you were just thinking of. So at the end of the day the answer to your question

Tippia wrote:
Do we have a downward trend in population?

If your talking about active players (because subs weren't going down yet), then the answer is yes. A worse downward trend than before Incarna. Obviously we will have to wait and see if it continues, but this thread is here for speculation after all. I don't even think it will continue, not at the moment. But if we get too many expansions like this, I think it will eventually.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Broker Agent
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#166 - 2013-11-19 22:05:46 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
That was pretty stupid of me

No one admits they were wrong on the internet, you must be an imposter.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#167 - 2013-11-20 01:19:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Arduemont wrote:
This is why we were arguing and you went on to say how Incursion was the start yada yada yada. Now, before I go onto my main point I just wanted to say that subs are more important than active members. If not to us, then to CCP certainly.

I draw your attention back to this one again (which you have been wilfully trying to ignore).
No, I haven't. The posts have just been removed in the clumsy cleaning efforts.

That chart doesn't tell any different story. It shows a downturn from early '11 and onwards. The sources for his numbers are most certainly Fanfest '11 which happened in mid-spring and the numbers were thus collected by CCP somewhere during the early year (say around January or so).

…and I'm being generous here. The data is unsourced, devoid of granularity, and without any clear indication of time. Now, I know where the numbers are from because I was around at the time to hear them, but the end result is that the data is ambiguous and unreliable. Especially compared to the data we do have in abundance — numbers that have historically correlated extremely well with the population numbers
Go to the Incursion release on the All Time chart, and take a look at it as you have described.
2011-01-06: 36,430
2011-01-27: 35,128 ← as close to the Incursion expansion release as possible
2011-02-24: 34,278
2011-03-24: 32,378
2011-04-21: 31,634
2011-05-12: 30,479
2011-06-02: 30,637
2011-06-23: 31,884 ← Incarna is released
2011-06-30: 29,849 ← Jita riots

2011-11-24: 24,881 ← Crucible is releaseed

A clear downward trend that started with the release of Incursion, not Incarna. There was a slight upswing of pre-patch hype before the riots set in and the numbers kept crashing.

Now imagine what that curve might look like if it were exaggerated, sharper rise with a quicker and deaper fall etc. Now move your eyes over to June 4th 2013 (the release of Odyssey) and tell me what you see.
I see something that has absolutely no relevance to my point: that Incarna was not the simplistic causal chain of events it is often presented as. The trouble with Incarna started one year earlier and was pretty much invisible then. In fact, a big trend that is often ascribed to Incarna in the general narrative of the summer of rage turns out to be largely incorrectly attributed to that expansion.

So to notion that the new 5-year vision is a harbinger of a new Incarna — when the actual Incarna débâcle is so much bigger than just a lacklustre delivery of old promises and when Incarna itself couldn't be spotted when the trouble actually started, much less five years earlier — in nothing short of silly. The OP's suggestion that we can tie together the community trouble and the future vision ignores how the summer of rage was caused and what its actual effects were.

If we were headed for a new Incarna based on the future vision, we wouldn't know yet and the recent upsets would be pretty much irrelevant to the outcome. Conversely, if we were to get a new summer (winter?) of rage from the elements described in the OP, it would be almost completely unlike how Incarna happened.

Obviously we will have to wait and see if it continues, but this thread is here for speculation after all. I don't even think it will continue, not at the moment. But if we get too many expansions like this, I think it will eventually.
…and that would be a completely new situation that bears no resemblance to Incarna.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#168 - 2013-11-20 02:34:32 UTC
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

The last growth in EVE is the chunk Trinity-Apocrypha. As for growth I mean not a peak but an increase in playerbase that become stable over time. After Apocrypha we only have up and down, peaks, based more on the expectation, curiosity or delusion but always the curve tend to normalize around the same average, 30-35k player average per week. Very small numbers if we consider how much the MMORPG market expanded int he last 10 years.

It's always the same pool of players recycling, re-subbing, re-quitting, logging in more for some time, taking breaks waiting for something.... It's stagnant.

It's not rocket science: growing gameplay - > growing playerbase, stagnant gameplay -> stagnant playerbase.

Problem is The last series of expansion didnt changed this trend. Cruccible was a decent (only decent) mantainence expansion, but then the stagnation continued. Inferno and Retribution are bad expansion, Odissey is one of the worst expansion ever. None of the last expansions (post-Cruciblle) address properly any of the major/strategic issues in EVE. The pre-crucibble ones at least tried or showed awarness in respect of these issues. Then CCP was generally unable to deliver what needed.

To break the stagnation and start to grow again EVE needs something in line with Trinity and Apocrypha, and they cannot reach those levels till they're focused on other prducts.

The "only little things and minor mantainence" policy is only an excuse to keep resources on something else. And anyway is a self-referential approach, simply cater to the players already in the stagnant pool (and I'm one of them).

So, back to the OP question: could CCP repeat the so-called "Incarna" rage? No. Simply because nobody really care and everyone is looking around for something else. CCP in the first place.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#169 - 2013-11-20 02:49:56 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

#170 - 2013-11-20 03:21:16 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

Nope. EVE is a universe. That includes planets, spaceships, stations, starbases etc etc.
#171 - 2013-11-20 03:23:57 UTC
Personally I think the main problem with Seagulls vision is that it's very focused on high level alliance game play, and it's difficult to see where the smaller corps and solo players (which make up the majority of the player base) fit in.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#172 - 2013-11-20 03:25:19 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

Nope. EVE is a universe. That includes planets, spaceships, stations, starbases etc etc.

All of those things support or interact with the spaceships. At least your list didn't include dance emotes and fashion shows like some idiots keep blabbering about.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

#173 - 2013-11-20 03:29:30 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

Nope. EVE is a universe. That includes planets, spaceships, stations, starbases etc etc.

All of those things support or interact with the spaceships. At least your list didn't include dance emotes and fashion shows like some idiots keep blabbering about.

The exploration prototype is a more appropriate use of avatars if you ask me. Sounds more fun and dangerous and in the spirit of EVE.

Plus I have a list of people I want to jettison out of an airlock. Evil
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#174 - 2013-11-20 03:57:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Sura Sadiva
Flamespar wrote:
Personally I think the main problem with Seagulls vision is that it's very focused on high level alliance game play, and it's difficult to see where the smaller corps and solo players (which make up the majority of the player base) fit in.

To be fair, what has been delivered in Rubicon is focused on providing tools for solo palyers and small groups (depots and so on). They're just aimed to allow access and gameplay for smaller/solo operations.
Same for the few about player controlled space: player owned HS POCO are just aimed to... High Sec gameplay.

CCP knows that only a minority of their playerbase is intersted or involved in big alliances and such. I don't think they're so stupid to ignore this :)
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#175 - 2013-11-20 07:44:47 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
Personally I think the main problem with Seagulls vision is that it's very focused on high level alliance game play, and it's difficult to see where the smaller corps and solo players (which make up the majority of the player base) fit in.

To be fair, what has been delivered in Rubicon is focused on providing tools for solo palyers and small groups (depots and so on). They're just aimed to allow access and gameplay for smaller/solo operations.
Same for the few about player controlled space: player owned HS POCO are just aimed to... High Sec gameplay.

CCP knows that only a minority of their playerbase is intersted or involved in big alliances and such. I don't think they're so stupid to ignore this :)

Well, personal depots would be useful for solo gameplay if they weren't beacon-like loot piñatas, ready to spoil any safe spot they're deployed into.

CCP never gets it; a solo player needs stealthiness, a gank needs stupid assholes who thought nobody could find their depots and ambush them.

Obviously the gankers got their loot piñatas. Your depot was reinforced? Well boy, it's as good as lost -and your safe spot was wasted too. Go there, you'll be ambushed by a superior force. Bring a superior force... oh wait: you're solo playing, right? If you had a superior force, you would be ambushing solo assholes in their shiny I AM HERE, COME KILL ME!!! beacons...

So it all boils down to how long will take until the players supposedly benefiting from depots learn to not use them.

As for POCOs... they're PvP tools. They serve nothing to people doing PI (even worst than nothing, as they're just disrupting their gameplay). So, hisec gameplay my ass.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#176 - 2013-11-20 08:03:29 UTC
I've never heard a CCP vision I didn't absolutely love. But I've also never seen a CCP vision come to full fruition. It's okay, dreaming big is good. What I love abotu CCP is that they acknowledge reality all the time. They are trying to deliver us amazing things, without breaking what we already have. I have grown tired of some of the things I have done in EVE but I always come back to experience them again, or explore new avenues I have not yet gone down. It's not like all the other games in which each new expansion more or less erases everything that came before. It's that massive exfoliation that the rest of the gaming community eschews that I cannot stomach, that's what keeps me in EVE. In EVE, no bit is ever thrown away, CCP is constantly at work polishing and refining and maintaining.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#177 - 2013-11-20 08:05:47 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

The last growth in EVE is the chunk Trinity-Apocrypha. As for growth I mean not a peak but an increase in playerbase that become stable over time. After Apocrypha we only have up and down, peaks, based more on the expectation, curiosity or delusion but always the curve tend to normalize around the same average, 30-35k player average per week. Very small numbers if we consider how much the MMORPG market expanded int he last 10 years.

It's always the same pool of players recycling, re-subbing, re-quitting, logging in more for some time, taking breaks waiting for something.... It's stagnant.

It's not rocket science: growing gameplay - > growing playerbase, stagnant gameplay -> stagnant playerbase.

Problem is The last series of expansion didnt changed this trend. Cruccible was a decent (only decent) mantainence expansion, but then the stagnation continued. Inferno and Retribution are bad expansion, Odissey is one of the worst expansion ever. None of the last expansions (post-Cruciblle) address properly any of the major/strategic issues in EVE. The pre-crucibble ones at least tried or showed awarness in respect of these issues. Then CCP was generally unable to deliver what needed.

To break the stagnation and start to grow again EVE needs something in line with Trinity and Apocrypha, and they cannot reach those levels till they're focused on other prducts.

The "only little things and minor mantainence" policy is only an excuse to keep resources on something else. And anyway is a self-referential approach, simply cater to the players already in the stagnant pool (and I'm one of them).

So, back to the OP question: could CCP repeat the so-called "Incarna" rage? No. Simply because nobody really care and everyone is looking around for something else. CCP in the first place.

This is basically what I have posted earlier and can't be repeated enough.

I was here to see the last real good expansions like i.e. Trinity. Excluding Apocrypha, the next expansions have ALL been either lackluster, incomplete, insignificant or just bad. This certainly can't help the player base grow!

Even more worrysome, considering Apocrypha is the only "recent" very good expansion, is the CCP statement claiming they are not going to do Apocrypha-like "Jesus" expansions any more.

That is: "hey guys you know what? We officially tell you to forget ever seeing stuff like the only good expansion in the last 4 years again!"

See, I greatly miss a POSes redesign, I greatly miss a markets charts UI remake, I greatly miss a T2 invention streamline to not get crazy with 180 clicks a minute.


... do we need this with top priority or would we need new great gameplay expansions like we got with Apochrypha?

I mean, it's OK to have regular maintenance and even to get a "100 papercuts little things" expansion every now and then, but what about getting TRUE expansions done again?

By true I mean, with sensible new gameplay we can enjoy for years to come, exactly like we have got with Tryinity and Apochrypha.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#178 - 2013-11-20 08:07:05 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

I would offer you an horse blinders set, but I see you don't really need it to enjoy a tight tunnel vision!
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#179 - 2013-11-20 08:08:33 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Incarna was simply the last in a bad (for different reasons) expansions sequence: Dominion, Incursion, Tyrannis, Incarna. All bad, unable to deliver what expected, focused only to some specific subset of players and so on. But this doesnt mean WiS is bad. WiS was, and still is, one of the major strategic opportunities for EvE gameplay.

Nope. Eve is spaceships.

Nope. EVE is a universe. That includes planets, spaceships, stations, starbases etc etc.

All of those things support or interact with the spaceships. At least your list didn't include dance emotes and fashion shows like some idiots keep blabbering about.

You mean, like the prototypes presented, where players hop down off their ships and go explore relic structures and abandoned ships?
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#180 - 2013-11-20 08:25:32 UTC
Well, personal depots would be useful for solo gameplay if they weren't beacon-like loot piñatas, ready to spoil any safe spot they're deployed into.

CCP never gets it; a solo player needs stealthiness, a gank needs stupid assholes who thought nobody could find their depots and ambush them.

Obviously the gankers got their loot piñatas. Your depot was reinforced? Well boy, it's as good as lost -and your safe spot was wasted too. Go there, you'll be ambushed by a superior force. Bring a superior force... oh wait: you're solo playing, right? If you had a superior force, you would be ambushing solo assholes in their shiny I AM HERE, COME KILL ME!!! beacons...

So it all boils down to how long will take until the players supposedly benefiting from depots learn to not use them.

As for POCOs... they're PvP tools. They serve nothing to people doing PI (even worst than nothing, as they're just disrupting their gameplay). So, hisec gameplay my ass.

Firstly, I want to address your last statement, which can pretty well be summed up as: "hisec means that I deserve to be left alone!". Nope. One of the Ms in MMO means Multiplayer, you know. Adding more interaction with something that isn't a faceless NPC entity is a good thing, whether it hurts your bottom line personally or not.

As for the rest... yikes, you're just awful today, Chunks.

If depots were not scannable, they would be a massively broken, totally unreasonable item. Especially given how damned long the freaking things last out in open space before they go poof.

Even as they are, with a 2 day long reinforcement timer(which, at any point during the timer you can scoop your goods and split), you would have to be Special Ed special to be unable to retrieve your goods from one and run off. They're both incredibly useful and nigh invincible.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.