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Krixtal Icefluxor
#1 - 2011-11-20 03:47:24 UTC
Why hi sec players will NOT move into low or null no matter how much you cry about it.

PerkoneCaldari State
Serene Repose
PerkoneCaldari State
Likes received: 92

#1 Posted: 2011.11.11 05:53

Have you ever considered the reason most people don't go into null or low sec is because you're out there? This may be hard to believe, and it isn't meant as an insult. If your idea of "play" is destroying things, including the efforts and aspirations of other people, and you're unhappy with null and low sec because there's just not enough people out there to get your ya yas out, it may be highly likely the problem is with you, not the mechanics of the game.

The reason I say this is this issue of null/low/hi sec keeps getting tossed around, but the cogent point about why players aren't encouraged with the idea of leaving hi sec specifically isn't really covered adequately, or is so heavily stomped on by the "destructive" players who also can't seem to keep their attitudes confined to their playing "styles."

So, here it is. The great majority of EVE players do not find constantly fighting with no real opportunity to be creative (rather than destructive) a satisfying, enjoyable or productive way to spend time. This obviates (Google it) itself by the sheer numbers of complaints from the destructive players, and the relative lack of similar complaints by those who are contemptuously labeled "Care Bears." It's even to the point where the destructive minority is urging CCP to change game mechanics to force the productive players into their arena so they may be supplied with a steady stream of victims.

Oddly enough, this disdain for a destructive gaming style has not so much to do with cowardice (and the destructive types with some sort of bravery) as it has to do with the mind-numbing repetitiveness of destructive gameplay. Face it. More intelligent, and widely versed people require something a bit more intricate than pew pew to attract their interest. Self-imagined thugs, however, need only to kick a hole in something to get their titillating giggles out. The adrenalin rush is okay. The satisfaction of seeing an intricately planned and well-executed creation reach fruition is much, much better.

As long as the majority of players see null and low sec as a sucker's bet populated only by those that intend to destroy everything creative players build, just to provide yucks for a minority of vocal (putting it nicely) vandals you will NOT see a major migration of hi sec players into low or null sec. Funny thing about intelligent people. They aren't stupid.

Read it and weep.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-20 04:17:58 UTC
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.

Jooce McNasty
Islefive Consulting
#3 - 2011-11-20 04:21:34 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Why hi sec players will NOT move into low or null no matter how much you cry about it.

PerkoneCaldari State
Serene Repose
PerkoneCaldari State
Likes received: 92

#1 Posted: 2011.11.11 05:53

Have you ever considered the reason most people don't go into null or low sec is because you're out there? This may be hard to believe, and it isn't meant as an insult. If your idea of "play" is destroying things, including the efforts and aspirations of other people, and you're unhappy with null and low sec because there's just not enough people out there to get your ya yas out, it may be highly likely the problem is with you, not the mechanics of the game.

The reason I say this is this issue of null/low/hi sec keeps getting tossed around, but the cogent point about why players aren't encouraged with the idea of leaving hi sec specifically isn't really covered adequately, or is so heavily stomped on by the "destructive" players who also can't seem to keep their attitudes confined to their playing "styles."

So, here it is. The great majority of EVE players do not find constantly fighting with no real opportunity to be creative (rather than destructive) a satisfying, enjoyable or productive way to spend time. This obviates (Google it) itself by the sheer numbers of complaints from the destructive players, and the relative lack of similar complaints by those who are contemptuously labeled "Care Bears." It's even to the point where the destructive minority is urging CCP to change game mechanics to force the productive players into their arena so they may be supplied with a steady stream of victims.

Oddly enough, this disdain for a destructive gaming style has not so much to do with cowardice (and the destructive types with some sort of bravery) as it has to do with the mind-numbing repetitiveness of destructive gameplay. Face it. More intelligent, and widely versed people require something a bit more intricate than pew pew to attract their interest. Self-imagined thugs, however, need only to kick a hole in something to get their titillating giggles out. The adrenalin rush is okay. The satisfaction of seeing an intricately planned and well-executed creation reach fruition is much, much better.

As long as the majority of players see null and low sec as a sucker's bet populated only by those that intend to destroy everything creative players build, just to provide yucks for a minority of vocal (putting it nicely) vandals you will NOT see a major migration of hi sec players into low or null sec. Funny thing about intelligent people. They aren't stupid.

Read it and weep.

I would love to see more players in low/null but if people want to stay in hi-sec that's perfectly fine with me. Just cut the payout of incursions by 50% and L4's in Hi-sec by 50% and lets call it a day. If I am risking more in low/null I should be able to make more in low/null. Right now as it stands there is no reason to move out of hi-sec due to the isk/risk ratio.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#4 - 2011-11-20 04:23:44 UTC

It is what it is.

Swallow it.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-11-20 04:24:08 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.



I play EVE Online and i create things. OPs copied post is perfectly valid

Australian Fanfest Event

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-11-20 04:28:18 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.


More of the items in Eve are PC created than in any of the other games you mentioned. Likely more than all the games you mentioned combined. Problem?

90% of of the time my posts are about something I actually find interesting and want to learn more about. Do not be alarmed.

Krixtal Icefluxor
#7 - 2011-11-20 04:29:29 UTC
JitaJane wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.


More of the items in Eve are PC created than in any of the other games you mentioned. Likely more than all the games you mentioned combined. Problem?

My one comment.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2011-11-20 04:30:56 UTC
i just got here and im new to all this but i just want to mine and we need to change the rules to stop pvpers because i shouldnt have to play like them

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

#9 - 2011-11-20 05:04:49 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
i just got here and im new to all this but i just want to mine and we need to change the rules to stop pvpers because i shouldnt have to play like them

You're right. Everyone with any kind of mining laser or other non pvp high slot modules should be removed from the game. Enjoy flying your rookie ships.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

3 R Corporation
#10 - 2011-11-20 05:19:15 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.


And you chose to play a game famous for - its economy?

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-11-20 05:22:25 UTC
Weird. I clicked the link expecting to see one of my threads. OP must be blind or something.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-11-20 05:28:15 UTC
Common and repeated misconception about the sandbox. Eve has piles of user generated content. Orders of magnitude above any other MMO. To slow minds this does not translate any further than pew-pew. Which works well for those with a more economic sense of things because it means countless goons for hire to protect their investment at the paltry cost of 'ship replacement'

90% of of the time my posts are about something I actually find interesting and want to learn more about. Do not be alarmed.

Written Word
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-11-20 05:52:05 UTC
Start by creating your own bad posts first.

Then find a better game for your needs.
Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#14 - 2011-11-20 06:04:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Akita T
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Why hi sec players will NOT move into low or null no matter how much you cry about it.

The answer is much simpler.
It's all about the combination between ISK bottom line and enjoyment derivable from said ISK bottom line.

Given a certain highsec dweller (think random picks on a bell curve, not archetypes), on their own personal risk-vs-effort-vs-reward colour-coded "worth doing" 3D potential activity scatter graph (which differs from person to person AND also differs from day to day for the same person), at the CURRENT most likely values for most people (given likely death rates, cost of death, available activities to the best of their knowledge, most likely self-estimated average rewards for those activities if that particular person did it now, amount of effort needed for due diligence, time spent doing stuff, availability of replacements, various other convenience factors), most of the non-highsec activities//areas rate lower on the overall "worth doing" scale than similar activities//areas in highsec.

You can "fix" that problem by making non-highsec more attractive on that fabled graph.
You can do that by either (most obviously) upping the average rewards for doing stuff there as opposed to doing it in highsec... or by decreasing risks (which is basically what the OP is implying should be done, but which is not really all that feasible, at least not for the time being)... or by increasing enjoyment of living in non-highsec (which could be an alternative, eventually, but it's not that easy ; in the long run, that's the best option, but it also gives the least tangible results for the maximum amount of man-hours spent doing it, and as such is unlikely to happen very soon).
So basically, the easiest and most feasible of all the possible ways to "solve" this is to boost average rewards for non-highsec even higher than they are now (because they ARE generally higher, but not high enough yet).

Want people out in lowsec in droves ?

Make it so that after figuring out and compensating for most likely losses of a reasonably cautious pilot, that player still rakes in noticeably more ISK per non-enjoyable work unit (a combination of non-pleasurable effort needed and time needed to accomplish it) than anything similar done in highsec.

Yes, it IS that simple.
If you boost rewards in lowsec high ENOUGH then plenty more people move there eventually.
Ten Bulls
Sons of Olsagard
#15 - 2011-11-20 06:20:46 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.


What is this "Sandbox" thing CCP keep talking about...
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#16 - 2011-11-20 06:30:25 UTC
Ten Bulls wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
People who want to create, should play games about creation. Such as, Farmville, or The Sims.

People who want to compete, should play competitive games. Such as, Quake, or EVE Online.


What is this "Sandbox" thing CCP keep talking about...

It's that box that CCP built and filled with the sands of conflict.

Whether you are trying to kick over someone elses sand castle, or simply trying to keep others from kicking over yours, conflict is glue that makes everything stick together. Without it, everybody gets bored and takes their buckets and pails to a different game.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-11-20 07:11:15 UTC
Akita T wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Why hi sec players will NOT move into low or null no matter how much you cry about it.

The answer is much simpler.
It's all about the combination between ISK bottom line and enjoyment derivable from said ISK bottom line.

Given a certain highsec dweller (think random picks on a bell curve, not archetypes), on their own personal risk-vs-effort-vs-reward colour-coded "worth doing" 3D potential activity scatter graph (which differs from person to person AND also differs from day to day for the same person), at the CURRENT most likely values for most people (given likely death rates, cost of death, available activities to the best of their knowledge, most likely self-estimated average rewards for those activities if that particular person did it now, amount of effort needed for due diligence, time spent doing stuff, availability of replacements, various other convenience factors), most of the non-highsec activities//areas rate lower on the overall "worth doing" scale than similar activities//areas in highsec.

You can "fix" that problem by making non-highsec more attractive on that fabled graph.
You can do that by either (most obviously) upping the average rewards for doing stuff there as opposed to doing it in highsec... or by decreasing risks (which is basically what the OP is implying should be done, but which is not really all that feasible, at least not for the time being)... or by increasing enjoyment of living in non-highsec (which could be an alternative, eventually, but it's not that easy ; in the long run, that's the best option, but it also gives the least tangible results for the maximum amount of man-hours spent doing it, and as such is unlikely to happen very soon).
So basically, the easiest and most feasible of all the possible ways to "solve" this is to boost average rewards for non-highsec even higher than they are now (because they ARE generally higher, but not high enough yet).

Want people out in lowsec in droves ?
Low and null buff is much needed. But it needs to be a broad buff with a lot of availability. Because there are extremely lucrative null sec resources. The problem being they are easily monopolized. Buffing the plexes and mining yields are what we need. a low-sec gold rush must be fueled by gains that individual pilots can see.

Make it so that after figuring out and compensating for most likely losses of a reasonably cautious pilot, that player still rakes in noticeably more ISK per non-enjoyable work unit (a combination of non-pleasurable effort needed and time needed to accomplish it) than anything similar done in highsec.

Yes, it IS that simple.
If you boost rewards in lowsec high ENOUGH then plenty more people move there eventually.

90% of of the time my posts are about something I actually find interesting and want to learn more about. Do not be alarmed.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-11-20 07:23:16 UTC
How dare someone not want to play Eve the way I want them to play Eve.

Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#19 - 2011-11-20 08:21:48 UTC
Akita T wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Why hi sec players will NOT move into low or null no matter how much you cry about it.

The answer is much simpler.
And stuff.

All good stuff, mind. But I personally have a sneaking suspicion that it's even simpler than that:

Average day of an average EvEr:

Get up.
Go to work.
Go home.
Mek pew against those ebil Guristas for an hour.
Eat dinner with spouse.
Watch TV with spouse.
Go to bed.

I suspect even if low-sec income was boosted substantially a great many players would never go there because a) they'd never know about it (most peeps don't read forums or patch notes) and b) :effort:

Of course some players would but tbh I think many if not most of the players willing to put in the effort to make money in low-sec are already there running L5s.

Null-sec of course is a totally different ball game. Noone who's been slaving away at work all day long wants to continue being a slave in their spare time.

Sebero Sinak
#20 - 2011-11-20 08:27:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Sebero Sinak
+1 to the Op...Mostly for daring to say that on these forums.

We enjoyed building our little pos and doing PI but got an attitude when we saw the "sandox" in action. The sandbox is really a 55 gallon drum full of watered crap .

The way null / lowsec woks is someone bigger tries to drown you in it. Then someone bigger then him tries to drown both of you in it. Then....etc, etc.

We now spend about 90% of our time in null trying to annoy the biggest guy we can find.

If i find me and you find you - lets not tell each other.
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