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Does WAR make players leave Eve?

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Princess Bride
#581 - 2013-11-18 18:16:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Jenn aSide wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:

Eve is a PVE and PVP game. I offer as proof of this the rather large amount of PVE content. Hundreds of missions, Incursions, Mining, Exploration, etc. Thousands of players spend thousands of hours exploring this content. Your choice of ignoring this content, and choosing to only PVP in ships, does not make it a PVP-only game.

No one is ignoring content. But PvP underlies everything else in EVE. A game that truly has a distinction between PvP and PvE doesn't all PvP to intrude. You can see this clearly in games that have "PvP" areas and where there is no non-consensual PvP outside of those areas.

Put another why, players CAN be exposed to PvE in EVE, but everyone IS subject to PvP in EVE, even if they don't "choose" it. Even in high sec unless docked. And even then if they trade.

On a funny side note, Incursions kind of turned EVE into more of a Non-Consensual PvE game was well in low sec and null sec because the incursion NPCs will kill you lol. There have always been rats appearing on gates in null and low, but now they have teeth if the constellation is under an incursion.

I understand the point you are making, I truly do. I also agree with pretty much everything you have stated. However, I disagree with the implication that being a PVE-focused player on Eve is "doing it wrong". My feeling is that a player who is most interested in the PVE content is still "an Eve player". Such a player is entitled to express their opinion, even if that opinion can be paraphrased as, "I like to PVE. I wish people would just leave me alone to play the game as I like to play the game." I don't see anything wrong with that sentiment, and I understand where they are coming from. The reality is, of course, that these people will probably, at some point, be confronted with PVP of some kind. While the philosophy of Eve is to allow this to happen, CCP has taken quite a few steps to throttle this kind of activity to an exceptional level. Eve players who have no interest in PVP are likely to only experience PVP in a small doses, and I believe this policy does help with new player retention. Sure, these players will never be "100% safe" in Eve and demanding 100% safety in Eve is futile. Good. If that wish was granted, I imagine it would make Eve far more boring.

However, I think a case can be made for how "integral" PVE is to Eve as well. Pretty much every single Eve player was introduced to basic game mechanics through PVE. The tutorial missions, followed by mission running for NPC corps, are invaluable in their teaching role, at least for most players. It's where people learn the UI, fitting basics, ship movement, etc. Unless you are joining under the tutelage of other players, you will likely learn the basics of Eve in missions. People who rant and rave about "PVE Carebears", insult other Eve players for their choice of play-style, and demand that high sec and low sec be replaced with a 100% Nullsec environment have no more validity than a recently ganked miner demanding that high sec be made "100% safe" for them. Considering how many Eve players started with the PVE content, and the number of players who do nothing but PVE (consensually), I would bet that the number of players who have never experienced Eve PVP is larger than the number who have never experienced Eve PVE.

Also, yeah, I had to laugh when I first heard about Incursion rats camping gates in Null and "nonconsensual PVEing" nullbears to death. 10 points to CCP for the irony there.

Eve is a nice balance of PVE and PVP.

Aid Bliss
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#582 - 2013-11-18 19:09:30 UTC
Very interesting thread. I'm a new player, focusing on pve and i imagine i will be for quite some time to come because right now it gives me time to become acquainted with, the notoriously steep, learning curve and being a bit of a lore geek i currently find checking out the npc corps and mission running quite interesting.
When it comes to pvp the question that most occurs to me is 'what's the point?'. Now i realise that might provoke some rather strong reactions but i certainly don't mean it in a trolling way but rather a devil's advocate way.
Ultimatly what's the point of these massive fleet battles us new players hear about? what does it really change within the eve universe?
Fleet A beats the crap outta fleet B at the arse end of the map and what does it really matter? Does it not really just come down to who has the biggest e-peen? Doesn't that seem kinda hollow?
For players actions to really effect the eve universe in any meaningful way then shouldn't some pvp content have a negligible effect on pve content? Would not more deeper, detailed pve content and more meaningful pvp content and also a melding of the two, benefit the game as a whole?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#583 - 2013-11-18 19:17:28 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
[quote=Jenn aSide]

I understand the point you are making, I truly do. I also agree with pretty much everything you have stated. However, I disagree with the implication that being a PVE-focused player on Eve is "doing it wrong".

And just who said that?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#584 - 2013-11-18 19:29:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
J'Poll wrote:

If you are playing the game in the way YOU like to play it, it should not be boring to play the game.

For some reason, people equate "you are playing it wrong" with "you aren't playing the way I play, so you are doing it wrong". It demonstrates a very egotistical mind to imagine that someone is sitting in front of a keyboard mad as hell that you aren't smashing keys and swirling mouses in the exact same fashion they are lol.

I'm a PVE player, I have fun doing it. I can't recall anyone telling me I'm playing wrong because I don't pvp much nowadays (though I do intend to jump back in at some point, just because I can lol), mainly because:

A- I don't think my preference for PvE over PvP exempts me from the rules of EVE, one main rule being "undocking is consent to be PvP'd"


b- I don't ask for the game to be changed to suit my preference for PvE over PvP. Quite the contrary in fact, I have argued in the past when PvE I enjoy (null anomalies, incursions, FW button orbiting) was unbalanced. It's the danger of non-consensual pvp that makes EVE fun. If it weren't, everyone would be on the test server where loses mean nothing.

No, the people who are "doing it wrong" are people who are limiting themselves in some way, not branching out to do other things (no one says it has to be pvp) and then complaining that they are bored and CCP should give them more things to do. The people who are doing it wrong are the people who hate a non-consensual pvp based game continuing to play that game while lobbying for it to be something they would prefer.
Lady Areola Fappington
#585 - 2013-11-18 19:34:11 UTC
Aid Bliss wrote:

Ultimatly what's the point of these massive fleet battles us new players hear about? what does it really change within the eve universe?

I'll give you a quick hypothetical.

Fleet A gets stomped
Corp members need ships
Ships that are shipped in by haulers
Carrying ships purchased in a market hub
Which a market guru made a billion ISK on
Because he had a spy in the losing fleet
Ships he originally bought from an industrialist
Who had the blueprints researched by a buddy
Who almost lost the BPCs to a gate camp
While, at the same time, a mining group collected the ore needed
Which lost an Orca to The New Order
After which they had the ore refined by a missioner
Because he had perfect standings with an NPC corp

We can go on like this through many levels. THAT is what changes in the Eve universe, the actions of thousands of players. We are the story of New Eden, not a script dictated from on-high by the devs.

In fact, every time the devs get into the storytelling thing, stuff ends up ending badly...

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Varius Xeral
#586 - 2013-11-18 19:55:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Varius Xeral
Aid Bliss wrote:
For players actions to really effect the eve universe in any meaningful way then shouldn't some pvp content have a negligible effect on pve content? Would not more deeper, detailed pve content and more meaningful pvp content and also a melding of the two, benefit the game as a whole?

You are correct. One of the largest, if not the single largest, failures of implementation in this game is properly balancing risk and reward. It is generally far more rewarding, from an accumulated pixel perspective, to not PvP. The baseline from tooling around in safety is already so high, that to balance rewards for risk-taking (ie, PvPing) would probably break the game. The result is that most PvP is done for its own sake, and not as part of a coherent calculated risk/reward decision that blends seamlessly with PvE.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Varius Xeral
#587 - 2013-11-18 19:57:07 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

We can go on like this through many levels. THAT is what changes in the Eve universe, the actions of thousands of players. We are the story of New Eden, not a script dictated from on-high by the devs.

In fact, every time the devs get into the storytelling thing, stuff ends up ending badly...

This is a good post, but it doesn't real address the point he was making, which is best captured in the last part of his post.

Again, though, a good post on its own anyway.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Rekon X
#588 - 2013-11-18 20:13:02 UTC
Is this thread still here?

Definition of goon - a stupid person Those who can do, those who can't spew

Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#589 - 2013-11-18 20:16:25 UTC
Varius Xeral wrote:
Aid Bliss wrote:
For players actions to really effect the eve universe in any meaningful way then shouldn't some pvp content have a negligible effect on pve content? Would not more deeper, detailed pve content and more meaningful pvp content and also a melding of the two, benefit the game as a whole?

You are correct. One of the largest, if not the single largest, failures of implementation in this game is properly balancing risk and reward. It is generally far more rewarding, from an accumulated pixel perspective, to not PvP. The baseline from tooling around in safety is already so high, that to balance rewards for risk-taking (ie, PvPing) would probably break the game. The result is that most PvP is done for its own sake, and not as part of a coherent calculated risk/reward decision that blends seamlessly with PvE.

If you make PVP more rewarding you have to make PVE less rewarding, no?
Princess Bride
#590 - 2013-11-18 20:20:49 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
[quote=Jenn aSide]

I understand the point you are making, I truly do. I also agree with pretty much everything you have stated. However, I disagree with the implication that being a PVE-focused player on Eve is "doing it wrong".

And just who said that?

verb (used with object), im·plied, im·ply·ing.
to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated: His words implied a lack of faith.

Varius Xeral
#591 - 2013-11-18 20:33:23 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
If you make PVP more rewarding you have to make PVE less rewarding, no?

If you make riskier pve (higher pvp influence and effects) more rewarding, then you have to make less risky pve less rewarding.

I'll reinforce that I'm speaking in generalities here, and there are numerous exceptions. You can get extremely rich at the top of the PvP food chain, but it doesn't scale well, and those at the bottom are better off not participating at all.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#592 - 2013-11-18 20:40:06 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
[quote=Jenn aSide]

I understand the point you are making, I truly do. I also agree with pretty much everything you have stated. However, I disagree with the implication that being a PVE-focused player on Eve is "doing it wrong".

And just who said that?

verb (used with object), im·plied, im·ply·ing.
to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated: His words implied a lack of faith.

So you are reading what others say and simply imagining it means something. That's the problem.

For YEARS we've watched high sec people read something and think that "implies" something that it does not, which is why I say very clearly (not implying anything here) that no one cares how you play. Some gankers pretend to simply because they know the weak players who will rage when killed like to imagine that everything is personal in that way.

There is nothing ambiguous about what I'm saying however: if you are playing a sand box game and not enjoying yourself, it's you, not the sandbox. I'm not even PvPing anymore , been playing since 2007 and still having a blast.
Toshiro Ozuwara
#593 - 2013-11-18 22:13:56 UTC
Aid Bliss wrote:
When it comes to pvp the question that most occurs to me is 'what's the point?'. Now i realise that might provoke some rather strong reactions but i certainly don't mean it in a trolling way but rather a devil's advocate way.
Ultimatly what's the point of these massive fleet battles us new players hear about? what does it really change within the eve universe?

It changes who controls which resources. It creates a ton of demand for ships and ammo, sov structures. It breaks down and builds new supply lines.

It rewards winners and punishes losers.

Aid Bliss wrote:
Fleet A beats the crap outta fleet B at the arse end of the map and what does it really matter? Does it not really just come down to who has the biggest e-peen? Doesn't that seem kinda hollow?

More hollow than running repetitive scripted missions in hisec?

Aid Bliss wrote:
For players actions to really effect the eve universe in any meaningful way then shouldn't some pvp content have a negligible effect on pve content? Would not more deeper, detailed pve content and more meaningful pvp content and also a melding of the two, benefit the game as a whole?

That is exactly what happens, but you need to leave hisec to see it.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Princess Bride
#594 - 2013-11-18 22:31:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Jenn aSide wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
[quote=Jenn aSide]

I understand the point you are making, I truly do. I also agree with pretty much everything you have stated. However, I disagree with the implication that being a PVE-focused player on Eve is "doing it wrong".

And just who said that?

verb (used with object), im·plied, im·ply·ing.
to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated: His words implied a lack of faith.

So you are reading what others say and simply imagining it means something. That's the problem.

No, that would be "infer".

[in-fur] verb, in·ferred, in·fer·ring.
verb (used with object)
to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#595 - 2013-11-19 01:33:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Does WAR make players leave Eve? Yes, it does. So does the UI, the lack of direct control like a plane sim, the overall complexity, the first death when a 4 day old newb decides to explore lowsec and ignores the warning. War and PvP are the foundation of Eve, without them I couldn't sell ships and modules to suicide gankers and miners or in RvB locations etc. I profit from war, and so does every other player in the game, even the ones that mindlessly chew rocks all day and then sell them on the market.

Changing the way PvP and war works in highsec as suggested by some posters, to protect the newbies, is a ridiculous thing to ask. It's not perfect by any means, no system ever will be. CCP will certainly revisit it sometime, but I don't see the basic mechanics; especially the one where if you're logged in you are subject to the risk of PvP being inflicted upon you, changing at all.

Ways to avoid a wardec

  • Anybody can remain in or drop back to an NPC corp to be immune from a war, that's poking a whole different beehive with a stick so I won't go into it.
  • Close and reopen a corp: wardec drops. As far as I know this was introduced a while back when *carebears squealed loud enough, and is still considered a legitimate move. Instant wardec nullification, and hilariously used by James 315 to point out a weakness in the wardec system.
  • Stay under the radar. Shitting up the forums is a sure fire way of grabbing the attention of the rogues who make life "interesting" for *carebears and like to see consequences for such things.

* I'm a carebear, a poor one Lol. I shoot crosses and everything. Sharing that name with the likes of some of the posters in here makes me ashamed to be one. They need a new name, or the likes of me and Omar do.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Princess Bride
#596 - 2013-11-19 02:04:11 UTC
At least three of the major "opposing viewpoint holders" in this thread have confirmed that they are carebears.

So basically, if CCP announced that they were planning to increase the minimum cost of wardeccing <50 member corps from 100 million to 200 million, they would not be affected by the change whatsoever. I wonder if they would complain as vocally as they have in this thread.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#597 - 2013-11-19 02:12:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Princess Bride wrote:
At least three of the major "opposing viewpoint holders" in this thread have confirmed that they are carebears.

So basically, if CCP announced that they were planning to increase the minimum cost of wardeccing <50 member corps from 100 million to 200 million, they would not be affected by the change whatsoever. I wonder if they would complain as vocally as they have in this thread.

I'll think you'll find the carebears you're talking about would be very vocally opposed to ANY increase, period. I for one would like to see it sit no higher than it's current level. We're considered carebears because we do a lot of PvE and basic industry, but make no mistake, many of us are well aware that PvP is what drives the game, and certainly don't believe in making highsec any safer.

People who play Eve and don't want to take part in war already have an option, stay in an NPC corp, pay your 11% tax for immunity from war, and suffer the very occasional suicide gank. You're not prevented from forming a specialist interest group within it to do things with like minded players, one of the NPC corps even has an unofficial PvP wing going on roams. Downside you don't get POS's and stuff.

For the rest of us there is player corps, our social scene is better than NPC chat, we get POS's and stuff to play with, we lose the immunity to war and the tax that pays for it.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Princess Bride
#598 - 2013-11-19 02:22:31 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
At least three of the major "opposing viewpoint holders" in this thread have confirmed that they are carebears.

So basically, if CCP announced that they were planning to increase the minimum cost of wardeccing <50 member corps from 100 million to 200 million, they would not be affected by the change whatsoever. I wonder if they would complain as vocally as they have in this thread.

I'll think you'll find the carebears you're talking about would be very vocally opposed to that increase, I for one would like to see it sit no higher than it's current level. We're considered carebears because we do a lot of PvE and basic industry, but make no mistake, many of us are well aware that PvP is what drives the game, and certainly don't believe in making highsec any safer.

People who play Eve and don't want to take part in war already have an option, stay in an NPC corp and suffer the very occasional suicide gank. You're not prevented from forming a specialist interest group within it to do things with like minded players, one of the NPC corps even has an unofficial PvP wing going on roams.

For the rest of us there is player corps, where the fact that we can be wardecced, or can do it to others is what keeps us playing.

Did you very vocally oppose the increase from 2 million to 50 million? Why do you feel that 50 million is the perfect number?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#599 - 2013-11-19 02:23:08 UTC
You're not prevented from forming a specialist interest group within it to do things with like minded players, one of the NPC corps even has an unofficial PvP wing going on roams.

Confirming that if you want PvP in an NPC corp, The Scope is the place to be.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#600 - 2013-11-19 02:45:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Princess Bride wrote:

Did you very vocally oppose the increase from 2 million to 50 million? Why do you feel that 50 million is the perfect number?
I don't believe I was playing then, or if I was, I was a mere newbie and as such had no real idea about it. As for 50 million being an ideal number, its the current figure, why change it? The cost of a wardec is not the problem, people will indulge in them regardless of cost. The problem is people who make or join corps without knowing about or accepting the consequences of that action. There needs to be something in the NPE or on joining and forming a player corp that explains them.

All pushing the price up will do is put the ability to wage war in the hands of the few, and you don't really want folks like goons(grr™) to be the only people that can afford highsec wardecs because they'd just wardec every corp in highsec, to see it burn, and to watch people like you squeal like stuck pigs about the mess you made, and the rest of us have to live with. Then those of us that got burned and didn't quit, we'd just gank every NPC corp member we see, so that they too can burn, and squeal some more. And thus would Dinsdale become a true prophet, and Mittens the great Satan.

People trying to make Eve something that it's not, will be the death of it. If CCP ever gives them more than some temporary placation and cursory notice, Eve is doomed. Eve doesn't need hundreds of thousands of new players, it needs hundreds, maybe thousands of better new players if it is to survive. Appealing to the greater herd just won't cut it with a niche game, and Eve is definitely and very successfully niche.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack