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Could CCP be about to repeat Incarna?

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Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#101 - 2013-11-18 02:55:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Xavier Higdon wrote:
So when is EvE dying?

The EvE of old, that is the emergent game also developed in a bold, emergent way is over.

It's usually, unceremoniously called "spaghetti code", "can't touch the code" and so on by the devs generation who took a year to redo an inventory system and several months to create the current lol launcher.

I have my opinion about this: the dirty spaghetti coders invented EvE, made it great and unique and kept expanding it despite this addiction to pasta of theirs.

Those who came after them are very good and orderly executors, maintainers, preservers. But that's not enough to continue a glorious legacy made of one bold achievement after the other.

CCP needs URGENTLY to hire visionary designers and coders. And need to give them enough powers to be able to plan a course of action and carry it over multiple expansions if needed.
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#102 - 2013-11-18 04:06:08 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Xavier Higdon wrote:
So when is EvE dying?

The EvE of old, that is the emergent game also developed in a bold, emergent way is over.

It's usually, unceremoniously called "spaghetti code", "can't touch the code" and so on by the devs generation who took a year to redo an inventory system and several months to create the current lol launcher.

I have my opinion about this: the dirty spaghetti coders invented EvE, made it great and unique and kept expanding it despite this addiction to pasta of theirs.

Those who came after them are very good and orderly executors, maintainers, preservers. But that's not enough to continue a glorious legacy made of one bold achievement after the other.

CCP needs URGENTLY to hire visionary designers and coders. And need to give them enough powers to be able to plan a course of action and carry it over multiple expansions if needed.

Actually, it's likely they have those programmers. The reason they are streamlining everything is not because they lack that spark, but rather because they have a dream that they want to fulfil. You see, EvE is ancient in terms of code architecture, and in order for these newer developers to start building their visions they must start from a solid foundation of their own making. The launcher was so buggy because they built it from scratch, whereas the old one started out buggy, was patched many times, and then became stable. CCP is now in the remodeling phase, where they are consolidating, removing, streamlining and rebuilding the code in order to be able to start the next set of major projects. This is the chance for them to lay the groundwork for ten more years. Basically they have three choices. Do nothing but maintain the code as it is, meaning we will never see another major addition. Scrap the code entirely and start from scratch. This would mean a total reset of the EvE universe and the potential future release of EvE 2: EvE Reborn. Or do as they're doing now. This is the careful process of taking the archaic code, complete with it's spaghetti string nature, duct tape and bandaid fixes, and bringing it up to date, making it cleaner, clearer and easier to build on. This thankless task will let them begin adding those visionary aspects that we dream of every day. This will let them maintain the integrity of the persistent, single shard universe while planning the major changes to come. The other options would mean the end of EvE forever, with a chance of it being replaced by a new iteration. This option, the one they've chosen, means EvE has a future.
Matokin Lemant
#103 - 2013-11-18 06:37:13 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
JamDunc wrote:

Then we have the BIG one. Seaguls vision. Does anyone else remember the build up to Incarna? It was going to be awesome, it was going to be amazing, it was going to change the universe forever......but we can't tell you anything about how it will work. No we also can't tell the know for 'reasons'.

They sunk HUGE amounts of resources into it only to discover the players didn't want it (even though they had been hyped by the non information) all that Dev time goes to waste.

Today we have this new vision that is going to be awesome, it is going to be amazing, it is going to change the universe forever......but we can't tell you anything about how it will work. No we also can't tell the know for 'reasons'.

I know its early in the process and its not all final so they can't be super specific, but does anyone else feel a little history repeating.

Wel, there is one little detail. We're on month ~6 out of 36 until the Hallelujah Plan finishes releasing all the planned stuff. And as in the past the summer expansions have been weak (maybe because of icelandic winter wreaking havoc on productivity), likely there won't be much ~awezome~ until Winter 2014, a year from now.

Exactly Rubicon is a stepping stone which will lead to bigger and more sweeping changes...CCP has been saying this all along so what happen to those quotes OP?
Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#104 - 2013-11-18 07:02:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
Is this a rapid light missile thing?

Because that's the first thing I've seen in a while that seems to have a good deal of players aligned against it and is getting pushed through anyway. Ironically enough, there's been some posts in that thread about how rapid light missiles could have been fine if you could tracking disrupt it, a change which did not happen PRECISELY BECAUSE CCP listened to the player base.

I find it hard to justify a 40 second reload on a weapon system and it feels like a mistake to me but a single misstep in a long line of improvements is forgivable and I am willing to try it first. If it turns out to be a mistake it can be reversed. For the most part I've been pretty happy with what I've seen in the past year or so.

I'm finding CCP more open than ever regarding their plans for each expansion, so I don't know where you're finding this air of secrecy that is keeping you out. Unless your tinfoil is preventing the message from getting in.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#105 - 2013-11-18 07:36:37 UTC
Xavier Higdon wrote:

Actually, it's likely they have those programmers. The reason they are streamlining everything is not because they lack that spark, but rather because they have a dream that they want to fulfil. You see, EvE is ancient in terms of code architecture, and in order for these newer developers to start building their visions they must start from a solid foundation of their own making. The launcher was so buggy because they built it from scratch, whereas the old one started out buggy, was patched many times, and then became stable. CCP is now in the remodeling phase, where they are consolidating, removing, streamlining and rebuilding the code in order to be able to start the next set of major projects.

That would find me perfectly happy IF CCP did not keep going "spin off" and creating "dead in the cradle" games and other stuff that takes away from coding EvE.
Prince Kobol
#106 - 2013-11-18 07:38:26 UTC
Abulurd Boniface wrote:
Rekkr Nordgard wrote:
Rubicon will not be another Incarna for the simple fact that Rubicon is utterly lackluster in content, both promised and delivered. CCP's strategy seems to be that if they don't offer big features, then there will never be a big blowup. And thus we get our current situation - mediocre patches and a slow motion train wreck.

I keep reading this kind of comment and I'm getting a little tired of it.

It's not that you're not entitled to your opinion, by all means do express yourself freely. It's the straight-through-the-floor negativity that gets me.

So, do tell us, if it was up to you, your decision entirely, to be minutely executed by CCP: what would you want Rubicon to do for you? You are restricted by nothing at all. Go wild!

How about a complete rework of the Corp Management Interface, something which has been needed for years?

PoS's redone, something which the payers have been asking for years.

Null Sec Industry to be made worth while.

FIx the Risk v Rewards so many null sec pilots do not feel the need to have HS alts earning isk.

Is this good enough?
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#107 - 2013-11-18 07:57:51 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Xavier Higdon wrote:
So when is EvE dying?

The EvE of old, that is the emergent game also developed in a bold, emergent way is over.

It's usually, unceremoniously called "spaghetti code", "can't touch the code" and so on by the devs generation who took a year to redo an inventory system and several months to create the current lol launcher.

I have my opinion about this: the dirty spaghetti coders invented EvE, made it great and unique and kept expanding it despite this addiction to pasta of theirs.

Those who came after them are very good and orderly executors, maintainers, preservers. But that's not enough to continue a glorious legacy made of one bold achievement after the other.

CCP needs URGENTLY to hire visionary designers and coders. And need to give them enough powers to be able to plan a course of action and carry it over multiple expansions if needed.

Well, through Glass Doors reviews, we can have a limited peek on what goes on at CCP, and there's a tale about an old trend and a new emerging trend.

- Old trend, absolute lack of middle range personnel and top staff who's been promoted because they know their trade and not because of who they know in the company. Think of this, CCP is using SCRUM development and yet they barely promote anyone to be a controller -once a developer, always a developer. So you have SCRUM teams working without controllers. And in case there's a controller, chances are that he's there because he's a cool guy with the top brass. This is how they ended up with almost all top personnel being hired externally rather than promoted internally. And this is how they actually need to hire a Executive Producer externally (if they find him!) because there is no one to promote in house. And meanwhile the next three years of development and the future of their game is hanging on the shoulders of a Senior Developer hired three years ago...

- New trend, hiring Icelandic personnel above foreign personnel. This means that there are many sub-standard Icelandic programmers working at good old CCP, taking the place of way more talented foreigners just because they were born in the right place and speak the right language (that's a key factor to be a "cool guy" with the top brass, BTW).

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Vladimir Norkoff
Income Redistribution Service
#108 - 2013-11-18 08:32:43 UTC
Valleria Darkmoon wrote:
Because that's the first thing I've seen in a while that seems to have a good deal of players aligned against it and is getting pushed through anyway.
Then you weren't paying attention to the Loot Bukkake threads. Pretty much everyone hated. Got pushed thru anyway. Everybody still hates it.

Valleria Darkmoon wrote:
Ironically enough, there's been some posts in that thread about how rapid light missiles could have been fine if you could tracking disrupt it, a change which did not happen PRECISELY BECAUSE CCP listened to the player base.
And Tracking Disruptors working against missiles is STILL a bad idea. It would become the one e-war to rule them all. Tracking Comps would become mandatory because Arbi/Pilgrim/Curse/Sentinel would be everywhere. A new mod that functioned like a TD but against missiles? Yeah that would work. But one mod that does everything is a real bad idea. Would be even worse than ECM since there is no RNG.

But back to hating on CCP.... Yeah they be acting weird again.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#109 - 2013-11-18 11:32:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Abulurd Boniface wrote:
So, do tell us, if it was up to you, your decision entirely, to be minutely executed by CCP: what would you want Rubicon to do for you? You are restricted by nothing at all. Go wild!

Take tangible steps towards the below:

Fixing sovereignty.
Fixing PvE.
Fixing risk/reward balance.
Fixing industry.
Fixing capitals/supercapitals.
Fixing module imbalance ("metacide")

Instead we're getting a Future Vision of "Some time in the next 5 years maybe you'll be able to build your own stargates!" and another selection of diverse tweaks and widgets which in themselves are (mostly) interesting and useful but do little to address the elephants in the room.

It's good that CCP has a vision for where they want to be in the long-term future. It isn't good that they don't seem to have much inclination to Fix All The Broken Stupid Shit that the player currently has to struggle against on a day-to-day basis right now.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Prince Kobol
#110 - 2013-11-18 13:06:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Abulurd Boniface wrote:
So, do tell us, if it was up to you, your decision entirely, to be minutely executed by CCP: what would you want Rubicon to do for you? You are restricted by nothing at all. Go wild!

Take tangible steps towards the below:

Fixing sovereignty.
Fixing PvE.
Fixing risk/reward balance.
Fixing industry.
Fixing capitals/supercapitals.
Fixing module imbalance ("metacide")
Fixing Corp Management Interface *added by me*

Instead we're getting a Future Vision of "Some time in the next 5 years maybe you'll be able to build your own stargates!" and another selection of diverse tweaks and widgets which in themselves are (mostly) interesting and useful but do little to address the elephants in the room.

It's good that CCP has a vision for where they want to be in the long-term future. It isn't good that they don't seem to have much inclination to Fix All The Broken Stupid Shit that the player currently has to struggle against on a day-to-day basis right now.

The problem with a "Future Vision" is that CCP do not exactly inspire confidence that they will even get close to it. Let not forget about their other vision WIS.. that ended well.

Personally I am not interested in what might happen in 5 years, I would much prefer that they deal the major issues we have now such as those listed by Scatim Helicon.

If these issues are not dealt with then there might not be much of Eve left in 5 years.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#111 - 2013-11-18 13:17:16 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Xavier Higdon wrote:
So when is EvE dying?

The EvE of old, that is the emergent game also developed in a bold, emergent way is over.

It's usually, unceremoniously called "spaghetti code", "can't touch the code" and so on by the devs generation who took a year to redo an inventory system and several months to create the current lol launcher.

I have my opinion about this: the dirty spaghetti coders invented EvE, made it great and unique and kept expanding it despite this addiction to pasta of theirs.

Those who came after them are very good and orderly executors, maintainers, preservers. But that's not enough to continue a glorious legacy made of one bold achievement after the other.

CCP needs URGENTLY to hire visionary designers and coders. And need to give them enough powers to be able to plan a course of action and carry it over multiple expansions if needed.

EVE is a video game, not a mission to mars lol. I think they are doing fine and EVE is a much better game now than when i started in 2007. It's not what CCP is doing is the problem, it's your unreasonable expectations of what a game should offer.
#112 - 2013-11-18 14:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Wyrmlimion
2008 CCP: We have a Vision!
2009: CCP: We still have a vision!
2010: CCP: We have a damn vision!
2011: CCP: AHH we have a vision!
2012: CCP: Vision...Future!!
2013: CCP: THIS....IS...VISION!

Drop the 8 Ball CCP, throw it out the window!
Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#113 - 2013-11-18 14:22:04 UTC
Wyrmlimion wrote:
2008 CCP: We have a Vision!
2009: CCP: We still have a vision!
2010: CCP: We have a damn vision!
2011: CCP: AHH we have a vision!
2012: CCP: Vision...Future!!
2013: CCP: THIS....IS...VISION!

Drop the 8 Ball CCP, throw it out the window!

One Vision, One Purpose.

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#114 - 2013-11-18 14:54:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jenn aSide wrote:

EVE is a video game, not a mission to mars lol. I think they are doing fine and EVE is a much better game now than when i started in 2007. It's not what CCP is doing is the problem, it's your unreasonable expectations of what a game should offer.

No dear.

CCP have unreasonable expectations of what they should code.

A proper expansion - that is not just a series of database edits sold as rebalance - is a serious thing.

They give themselves six months flat.
Six months to deliver something that takes other larger software houses 2-3 years to deliver?

Is it me who have unreasonable expectations? No, it's CCP. In fact what do we get? Something castrated like PI, because they could not realistically create a "Dune for EvE" game in less than 2 years. And in fact they failed.
WiS? Same! MMOs with less detailed characters take years to develop, yet CCP allocated much less than that.

Also, another of their unreasonable self expectations: if you are a relatively small development company, you don't create your own 3D engine from scratch. If there's something abundant is exactly 3D engines, why on Earth would they want to reinvent the wheel... in a small time frame as well? And of course it failed.

There's not a lot to talk about here. Either you:

- Stick to 6 month cycles and thus are doomed to forever release mediocre filler content and bugfixes. Sooner or later the playerbase gets tired, it's not good seeing people looking for STO / SC / whatever and stick to EvE only because the other games fail, not because of the intrinsic goodness EvE's evolution (which ATM is quite slow).

- Get more people and start charging for expansions, Blizzard style. Would not end well here.

- Lay down a longer term plan spanning 2 years, show it to the playerbase, take their input and if it's welcome then really implement it as it should. Not yet another half assed piece of crap cobbled together in 6 months and that requires the next 2 years to vaguely fix (but will still remain vastly unfinished).

- Pay a TON for a visionary designer and give him white paper (could be bold and risky).

What certainly is not going to work is to keep the current inertia, the current attempts at creating bad games because they just lack the right people to create killer spin off games.
Goonswarm Federation
#115 - 2013-11-18 15:17:24 UTC
Arline Kley wrote:
Wyrmlimion wrote:
2008 CCP: We have a Vision!
2009: CCP: We still have a vision!
2010: CCP: We have a damn vision!
2011: CCP: AHH we have a vision!
2012: CCP: Vision...Future!!
2013: CCP: THIS....IS...VISION!

Drop the 8 Ball CCP, throw it out the window!

One Vision, One Purpose.

Peace through power!

My YouTube Channel - EVE Tutorials & other game related things!

My Website - Blogs, Livestreams & Forums

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#116 - 2013-11-18 15:21:06 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
JamDunc wrote:

Then we have the BIG one. Seaguls vision. Does anyone else remember the build up to Incarna? It was going to be awesome, it was going to be amazing, it was going to change the universe forever......but we can't tell you anything about how it will work. No we also can't tell the know for 'reasons'.

They sunk HUGE amounts of resources into it only to discover the players didn't want it (even though they had been hyped by the non information) all that Dev time goes to waste.

Today we have this new vision that is going to be awesome, it is going to be amazing, it is going to change the universe forever......but we can't tell you anything about how it will work. No we also can't tell the know for 'reasons'.

I know its early in the process and its not all final so they can't be super specific, but does anyone else feel a little history repeating.

Wel, there is one little detail. We're on month ~6 out of 36 until the Hallelujah Plan finishes releasing all the planned stuff. And as in the past the summer expansions have been weak (maybe because of icelandic winter wreaking havoc on productivity), likely there won't be much ~awezome~ until Winter 2014, a year from now.

Why do you say Winter 2014 specifically?
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#117 - 2013-11-18 15:35:32 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
The only thing that makes me nervous about this expansion is its name. Rubicon: the point of no return. It implies changes that cannot be reversed, no matter what, do or die, succeed or close the doors forever. It sounds like an appropriate name for an expansion changing Eve to F2P, or some other major shift. But I don't see evidence of that kind of permanent "things will never again be the same" plan in the Dev notes, so I'm probably just paranoid.

I hope that's the case anyway.

As I understand it, most of the changes will [or are intended to] add to the metagame ... Empire [hi-sec] having less influence with the transfer of wealth, power, and ISK being determined by player organizations rather than NPC entities.

I could be wrong. Actually, I'm usually wrong when numbers are involved because math is horrible. True story.

The changes in warp mechanics could, and probably will, shake things up a bit with fast tackle being... faster and more tackle'y ... POCO in Empire space will give capsuleers more options.... deployable structures.. more options. These are not the types of things that I perceive as having a small impact. That, to me, is why this expansion's moniker is Rubicon. Hopefully, things will never be the same.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#118 - 2013-11-18 15:43:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Sura Sadiva
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Also, another of their unreasonable self expectations: if you are a relatively small development company, you don't create your own 3D engine from scratch. If there's something abundant is exactly 3D engines, why on Earth would they want to reinvent the wheel... in a small time frame as well? And of course it failed.


Same as when they pretend they can carry on parallel developments for: EVE Online, Dust and Valkirye (not considering now WoD even if they claim is still in progress); only few big companies in the world are able to try (only "try") this, Sony, Blizzard, maybe... but with troubles anyway.

I'd be happy to simply see CCP focusing their resources on EVE instead of bad FPS for console or dogfight shooters with VR support and so on. People caring for EVE also care for this, evoking the "another EVE is dieing thread" meme is naive; here is not the playerbase, is CCP showing to not trust EVE and his ability to grow anymore, and feeling the need to get ready with something else.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#119 - 2013-11-18 15:45:11 UTC
well it's patch day tomorrow, I haven't seen the community this angry before a patch has been deployed before, even when taking into consideration the battlecruiser/battleship rebalancing and the heavy missile nerf. This is a bad omen, I predict that Rubicon is going to be **** and remembered alongside incarna as terribad on a number of levels.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#120 - 2013-11-18 15:53:38 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
well it's patch day tomorrow, I haven't seen the community this angry before a patch has been deployed before, even when taking into consideration the battlecruiser/battleship rebalancing and the heavy missile nerf. This is a bad omen, I predict that Rubicon is going to be **** and remembered alongside incarna as terribad on a number of levels.

I'm surprised by this... I think the updated warp mechanics will do a lot more to change things for the better than people think. Sure, other things need to be "fixed", added, subtracted from the game but it's not all going to happen at once and considering the magnitude of all this .. stuff .. [shrugs]

Who knows?