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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Everybody Loves Donuts
#781 - 2013-11-17 10:41:44 UTC
While I took a minute to skim through this thread, I obviously didn't read all of it. The only idea I have that I didn't see is the Mobile Drone Orphanage, a structure that scans for and automatically retrives "lost" Drones within a set radius, like on-grid or even up to 1 AU. This could also be a secondary function of some other mobile structure.

Beyond that, I second the ideas for mobile structures that:

# Allow for trade.
# Allow for ore compression (with some loss).
# Allow or a beacon to be deployed.
# Allow for a player-controlled billboard to be deployed.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#782 - 2013-11-17 12:35:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
My own stargate that does not show on overview. And when I deploy I can link to another simmilar gate in another system within 5 Ly). Cost 1 bil isk. Use pos fuel to continue working.

Cannot be deployed by characters in NPOC corps. THe deployed gate is linked to the corp not the player)

damm that is a jump bridge already :P dammm

Except I can put it in High sec and low sec :)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#783 - 2013-11-17 15:38:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Stargate Inhibitor - Basically, like an SBU, but not for SOV. Needs to be placed on both sides of a Stargate. Once both are online they will shut the stargate down. Low Hitpoints, but comes with a Reinforce-Timer (up to 1h). So you CAN deny access to your territory, and you CAN deny movement in hostile territory just to harass the inhabitants. And you can use them to get rid of people chasing you. Only one per System can be active.

- Creates stuff. Like, non-mineable asteroids. Stuff to make space pretty, you know. So you can put your other Units and Deployables there. So it looks like one of those Pirate-Hubs.

Deflector Unit - Hides itself and all other Deployables in it's vicinity from D-Scan. So you can hide your base from D-Scan, but people with Probes (Combat?) will still be able to scan you down - and then wreak havoc.

Pleasure Hub - You can dock your Non-Capital Ship(s) here. Has a Bay, so only a limited number of ships can be docked. You can set access by granting access to certain players, to your corp, to alliance, to Standings, or none at all. Has a Captain's Quarter with a Window, and will start shrieking with sirens and flashy red light (you know, flashy red, because the Pleasure Hub already has Red Light in it by default) if people who are not on the allowed list land on grid. Requires fuel: 'The Damsel' 0.05/h, Exotic Dancer (Male or Female) 2.0/h. And some other stuff. Has an amount of slots for:

Mobile Protective Sentry - Can only be deployed to a Pleasure Hub. Will start shooting people who land on grid of the Pleasure Hub without being on the allowed list.

Would like to see the second and third idea, something like the Fancy-Shmancy-Unit and pleasure hub definitely. Nice ideas
Silvia Heart
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#784 - 2013-11-17 17:35:32 UTC
Yet another mobile cloak disruptor:

-range 80km
-T1 will decloak ships moving faster then 250ms lvl1 A required
-T2 will decloak ships moving faster then 125ms lvl3 A

T1 worth about 25mill, T2 worth about 200mill

scoopable, 30k EFH, 200m3 size (sorry to miners), affects ships warping in
Tora Hamaji
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#785 - 2013-11-17 19:32:09 UTC
--Magnetic Field Generator--

Ignore the jargon name, the idea is a structure that multiplies the mass of ships within it's field by x5 (or reduces their inertia), making them take much longer to align/warp and maneuver.
Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#786 - 2013-11-17 20:21:53 UTC
Some kind of mobile microjumpdrive structure which can boost even non battleships forward 100km. Has a certain range where it can be activated and when activated boosts you 100km in the direction you are pointed.
Vanja Mojisola
#787 - 2013-11-17 22:25:49 UTC
I would like POS permissions to be fixed. They are very difficult to work with and do not support separation of responsibilities very well.

ACLs would be my preferred method. I should be able to say that a mobile lab is accessible by Corporation A, Corporation B, and by Bob, who is a friend not in the corporation.

My (hisec-based) CEO should not have to get involved every time I want to give someone access to POS services.

Also there should be a Personal Ship Maintenance Array similar to the Personal Hangar Array. Or, allow all structures to have a "personal" section; the Component Assembly Array should be able to store my stuff as well as storage for corp divisions.
Randy Wray
#788 - 2013-11-17 22:29:53 UTC
"Mobile warp drive inhibitor"

Slows down acceleration and deaccelerations of ships warping on and off grid by a fairly large amount. Can be anchored on gates in lowsec and nullsec. Main use is to slow ships down to make them easier to hit with smartbombs as they land.

This would make lowsec pipebombing FW fleets a thing.

Solo Pvper in all areas of space including wormhole space. Check out my youtube channel @ for mostly small scale pvp in lowsec/nullsec

420 Enterprises.
#789 - 2013-11-17 22:49:29 UTC
A Passive Electronic Warfare module which detects active scans ie DScan and scan probes providing classification of scanner type ship class and localisation of active scanner(s) acuracy relative to skill level required for passive electronic warfare.
#790 - 2013-11-18 02:05:45 UTC
A few Ideas:


Mobile Billboard: Billboard that lets you advertise stuff (no more advertisement with silly containers)

Low Sec:

Gate gun Sensor Scramblers: Delays response time of Gate guns by x seconds
Station gun Sensor Scramblers: Delays response time of Station guns by x seconds


Ecm Module: Periodicly pulses an Ecm Burst


Acceleration Gate Lock: Locks the Acceleration gate within 2.5 km unless you have the password. Hackable for password.
Link Suppressor: Blocks all command links from working in a predetermined area
Atrament Inc.
#791 - 2013-11-18 02:52:45 UTC
WH Map Anchors: They allow detection and mapping of areas of WH space by the players.

Ya, easier said then done, but creating them and destroying them would be... interesting.
Raccoon's with LightSabers
#792 - 2013-11-18 03:14:39 UTC
Idea 2: Player Created Incursion Device
-- Something that you anchor then online in a quickish time frame (15-20 minutes). Have the device create a cyno-like beacon for all in system to notice and warp to if they like. It should also be a low EHP device (~50k EHP or less).

-- Once onlined, it creates incursion like penalties in System (Reduced ship damage, Reduced ship resistances, Reduced bounties, etc). These penalties last for several hours, and offlining or detonating the incursion-device will not cease the system penalties. [don't inhibit cyno's though, as that makes this too potent]

Why? It's a device to encourage the locals to come out and fight, and if they don't, they have real consequences. Currently, there is very little reason for a group to actively defend their space beyond sov / tower attacks, as it is generally more prudent to stay safe until an enemy leaves system and then commence normal activity.

OK - I'll bite.
-How about a module that "encourages" PVP'rs to have to mine or PVE else they take serious PVP penalties?
-We could have another module that "encourages" Gankers to have to Carebear
-How about a module that "encourages" gate campers to strip naked and run through five systems flying only an unarmed hauler while chanting the Lord's Prayer?
-Or how about a module to "encourage" non-excursion players to have to step into an excursion or suffer serious penalties?

Better yet, how about we recognize the different facets of the game and individual players preferences and not try to meta-game others into playing the game the way we want them to? Yes, it's a pain to fly through 20 systems and not find anyone out and about to pew-pew because they're all doc'd up and doing other things. Or maybe they just don't want to bother with a nuisance patrol. But more than likely, they're smart (and / or outgunned) and don't want to fight on someone else's time table and terms.

What I would like to see:
I'd like to see a mining deployable that has a small shield (w/100k hit points), large enough shield radius to protect a ship, and requires the operator to manually target and initiate the mining of the asteroid (similar to a POS gun platform targeting and firing).
1. It should have a range of 60km and be able to fit mining crystals
2. Shield and ability to operate mining platform is accessible by the owner not corp or alliance
3. The player ship when inside the shield can not activate any ship modules
4. The deployable should have a large cargo space (80k m3)
5. 1 mining laser - Small, 2 mining lasers - Medium, 3 mining lasers - Large
6. It should require POS fuel to online and operate the shields
7. Restricted to .4 or less
8. Can only be dropped within 50km of a mining belt
9. Ignored by NPCs even when ship is within it's shield
10. Can be unloaded when offline
11. Can be scooped and reused
12. Designed to prevent bot mining and reduce chance for AFK mining. Perhaps requiring the operator to enter a random 3-digit access code when activating the mining laser each cycle (which runs for 5 min / cycle)

Cptn Bagel
Strategic Fighters Association
#793 - 2013-11-18 03:39:41 UTC
I'm just gonna dump some ideas here. some of them may be good, some of them may be awful.

1- a deployable sensor that reports to the owner of the structure when a ship comes on grid with it., acting as a sort of tripwire. The tech 2 version can tell you the number of objects that are on grid (not counting those that were present when it was deployed) The idea of this is so that you can keep an eye on the door when you have a feeling someone is trying to kill you. (note- they cannot sense cloaked ships, and can be fooled by placing a drone or cargo container on grid) These structures are relatively small in size, and do not appear on overview, meaning they must be spotted by eye, and targeted by mouse. The tech 2 version is a bit larger than the tech 1 version, making it a bit easier to notice at a glance. There will also be a limit on how many of these structures can be used at a time by each player, let's say 3 for fun.

2- A deployable automated barge that can be given a destination in the form of a station, planet, bookmark, or fleet member (though they must provide permission via pop up window). These transport drones will be fairly easy to destroy, will only be able to make one way trips (point A to point B, but not back to A), and will only have a cargohold of about 500 cubic meters. will The idea behind this is not to replace couriers or actual hauler pilots, but to be able to send packages to yourself for future use that are too small for a courier contract, or to another corp mate. Example A- My corporation scheduled a ice mining operation near our home system in the middle of nowhere, set to begin tomorrow afternoon. I have a barge there, but it has strip miners on it. I'm busy running missions in another empire, and plan to jump clone out to my barge, but need to have ice lasers transported there as well, so I buy some lasers and place them onboard a transport drone, which makes it's way out to the station my barge is at. Example B- my corp mate says he's missioning somewhere far away from a trade hub, and is low on ammo. I'm next to Rens, so I fill up a transport drone and send it off to him. Additionally, an Interbus version will be available to be purchased with Interbus loyalty points, which will have a slightly higher velocity, and an 800 cubic meter cargo bay. This can also be used to discretely transport small, valueable cargo, either by sending it in a single, inconspicuous transport drone, or by sending out a small fleet of maybe 10 drones so that thieves will have a harder time catching the one carrying the valuable cargo. Attacking these drones is a criminal offense warranting Concord intervention, though their destruction is easy to achieve. Additionally, to prevent them from being used in ludicrous numbers to replace freighters, each player can only have a maximum of 10 transport drones in space at a time. (They will require a skill to operate, each level allowing the operation of 2 additional drones)

3- A structure can be anchored near an offline tower or POS module that after 72 hours will allow the owner of the deployed structure to unanchor the tower or modules. In hi sec, you must be at war with the owner of the target to use this structure.

4- A "sleeper beacon" that mimics a sleeper drone distress signal, and when activated may cause a fleet of sleeper ships to warp on grid after a random amount of time. These modules are expensive to produce, difficult but possible to scan down, can be taken by anyone, and will turn off after 48 hours. These modules can be used to acquire more sleeper components, make the other side of a wormhole very dangerous, or even used to launch an attack on someone's POS. Obviously, these structures only work while inside a wormhole system, and if the sleepers are not destroyed after 24 hours, they will go home with your beacon

5- A large, mobile generator structure that can be used to recharge your ship on the spot. It can only hold a limited amount of power, but it does recharge at a decent rate. When deployed, it's power reserve is completely empty, but starts to fill up immediately. When attacked, it will enter a 24 hour reinforced mode during which it can be unanchored, but cannot be used.
Ferrocerium Spark
State War Academy
Caldari State
#794 - 2013-11-18 09:54:17 UTC
Mobile Sentry Drone Exterminator? Device that disables/destroys all sentry drones on grid? Or something similar that could counter slowcats and drone assigning tactics...
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#795 - 2013-11-18 09:59:09 UTC
Cyno BAIT !!

Any ship jumping within 5 L.Y have a chance of beign dragged to this system in a random location of the system. (that would make massive capital fleets movement a bit more problematic).

The module shoudl show active in map as a RED mark on the cynos active option

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#796 - 2013-11-18 10:00:08 UTC
Ferrocerium Spark wrote:
Mobile Sentry Drone Exterminator? Device that disables/destroys all sentry drones on grid? Or something similar that could counter slowcats and drone assigning tactics...

how about using ... Halo Set and 10 MN AB wolfs for that? :P

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#797 - 2013-11-18 10:52:54 UTC
Mobile Beacon-Unit:
Like a NPC-Beacon which allows other Ships to see it in the overview through the whole system and warp to the beacon. This could be used to signal a friendly fleet where to warp to, but the enemy could also use it. Of course you should be able to name it bevore deploying.

Mobile eWar-Units:
Units who apply different Types of eWar to friends and enemies alike like a bubble (Like 10% Web, Damping, Tracking disruption...)
Transcore Industries
#798 - 2013-11-18 13:40:16 UTC
Maybe :

A Portable Scan Unit :
Only Scan the amount of Signiture and Ano´s
Not the Kind ( maybe with high skills posible if the owner is in the system )
acessable from the sience & Industries tab ..

Mobile Lab / Factory
Rentable and limited ..

The Bilboard Idea is also nice
Maybe a kind of disc to put the info´s to the avalible ones

Trading outpost sounds also nice

Maybe a Sunray collecor array that loads / reloads capbooster / stationbatteries
for deployables ..
must be anchored in range X away from sun ..

Altered Ego
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#799 - 2013-11-18 14:21:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Altered Ego
EDIT: On second thought, mobile cloaking modules and decoys are a bad idea, people are already to scared to engage in combat in this game.
Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#800 - 2013-11-18 15:46:07 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

Would you like to see a mobile drug lab with a meta version called the 'Winnebago'?

Oh god yes!

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master