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so the concept of 1v1 , i think its TABOO nowadays

Crake Gaterau
#41 - 2013-11-17 20:53:33 UTC
I quit doing prearranged 1v1's a while back to avoid dishonored ones, and because I enjoyed setting up 1v1's through other means. And I haven't had a harder time finding 1v1's since to be honest. There are lots of ways to get 1v1's and there are plenty of ways to increase your chances. A lot of good ideas have already been brought up, like flying ships that don't seem to pose much of a threat, setting up a trap inside a plex or splitting up gangs. Learn how to create 1v1's on your own terms.

- You're sitting at a beacon inside a plex and there's a 5 man blob on short scan. Burn away and see if you can split them up.
- Jump to the gate of a plex with 3 frigates inside in an attempt to get their lonely friend in the plex next door to come and help and take him down as he lands on the gate.
- Learn what upper class ships and fits you can take on in your T1 frig. This will increase the number of targets as well.
- Steal the name of some noob militia in local and name your ship accordingly. You will seem oh so young and innocent and hopefully someone will decide it would be God's work to try to bring you down.

The list could be made long, but I guess you get the point. There are many strategies and tactics to increase your chances of getting 1v1's and it's not that difficult in FW areas in my experience.
Cpt Arareb
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2013-11-17 22:40:49 UTC
true 1v1 is rare, engage fleets and drag and separate one of they members fight 1v1 with him, you win continue separating the rest or gtfo and fight another day, I came to realize when im solo I have 99% of probabilities of fighting outnumber, migth as well prepare you and your ship for thatIdea
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#43 - 2013-11-18 00:22:57 UTC
Crake Gaterau wrote:
I quit doing prearranged 1v1's a while back to avoid dishonored ones, and because I enjoyed setting up 1v1's through other means. And I haven't had a harder time finding 1v1's since to be honest. There are lots of ways to get 1v1's and there are plenty of ways to increase your chances. A lot of good ideas have already been brought up, like flying ships that don't seem to pose much of a threat, setting up a trap inside a plex or splitting up gangs. Learn how to create 1v1's on your own terms.

- You're sitting at a beacon inside a plex and there's a 5 man blob on short scan. Burn away and see if you can split them up.
- Jump to the gate of a plex with 3 frigates inside in an attempt to get their lonely friend in the plex next door to come and help and take him down as he lands on the gate.
- Learn what upper class ships and fits you can take on in your T1 frig. This will increase the number of targets as well.
- Steal the name of some noob militia in local and name your ship accordingly. You will seem oh so young and innocent and hopefully someone will decide it would be God's work to try to bring you down.

The list could be made long, but I guess you get the point. There are many strategies and tactics to increase your chances of getting 1v1's and it's not that difficult in FW areas in my experience.

Quoted for truth!

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Inevitable Outcome
#44 - 2013-11-19 09:04:51 UTC
EVE PVP = Player Versus People

Keep that in mind.

Now more serious, there is still some nice 1v1 to be had. As most said, keep a list of the 1v1 guys and a a list of the guys that blob you or ecm you all the time.

Some corps have a policy to honor all 1v1s so chat them up. One that comes to mind is Heretics in Amamake. Just shout for a 1v1 in local.
Mabego Tetrimon
Spiritus Draconis
#45 - 2013-11-19 11:07:26 UTC
i give 1v1 only if i agree to them in local, and then only in fleet with me, so no booster,

otherwise, its all game. If i can i make SURE i win the fight ;)
Lenroc Elisav
Lenny'S TAX evasion 101
#46 - 2013-11-22 13:58:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Lenroc Elisav
Novacrow wrote:

My prob when I do this is three ppl on scan instead of just 1...every damn time

Drop a can at the gate insertion point burn away from it and sit at 50-70 km. If 3 come in, try to split them up and pick on them one at a time, if that doesn't seem doable just bail (remember to take names though).

The whole idea of asking for a 1vs1 in lowsec seems a bit out of whack for me. Don't go looking for a one night stand in the worst bar of the lowest district. Better ask for duels in high sec ;).
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2013-11-22 15:26:08 UTC
I'm relatively new to actively trying to find solo fights, but in my recent experience:

Even if you get 'blobbed' sometimes, that isn't always a bad thing. I've won three 3 v 1s in a frigate because I said 'frack it' and took a fight. Twice the third ship ran, and the other time I killed all 3. I'm 99% sure I would have won a 4 v 1, (2 cruisers, 2 frigs v Vexor) but I panicked and called for help too soon. Sometimes you get lucky on where a fight starts, and sometimes the other guys are failfit or T1 fit, or you just might be in a hard counter.

The rebalance of the T1 ships is the best thing ever. Generally, they are all useful now, AND people are much more willing to engage. I wish I had embraced the T1 frigate and cruiser love long ago.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2013-11-29 11:31:11 UTC
Eve is a game meant for unfair pvp, usually you want the odds stacked in your favor, but finding solo fights is very easy just follow these steps:

1. Fly something fast that will kill fast and die fast (frigates, destroyers are best) less likely their friends will arrive before the fights over. Fast ships means you will also not be caught on most gate camps.
2. Fly in low sec with sparse population and not in FW where there is tons of gangs, and pick your fights use dscan to find lone targets.
3. Scout out the systems nearby to see if your target has many friends (it is usually obvious if you are going to get jumped on)
4. Dont fly ships that are expensive and everyone wants to kill, like pirate or faction stuff.
5. Dont trashtalk in local, they will set a trap for you and have all their friends stab you once before letting you die.

Now most of the fights you get 1v1 are gonna be very 1 sided and not last very long, but eve is a game where once in awhile you will get a good fight that will make your day.

Abiding Ormolus
#49 - 2013-11-29 12:34:48 UTC
Mabego Tetrimon wrote:
i give 1v1 only if i agree to them in local, and then only in fleet with me, so no booster,

otherwise, its all game. If i can i make SURE i win the fight ;)

thats bullsh1t comin from u , that guy who needed 2 sfi and 2 ecm tristans to kill my vengeance then crying in local because i try to plex hallanen

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#50 - 2013-11-29 12:39:34 UTC
Three pages later:



got it? Good.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#51 - 2013-12-02 17:07:57 UTC
1 vs 1 is easy, select target, select ship that seems be underdog compared to target ship, go to kill him.

most of time target will stay and fight if it seems to be on his favor.

Also learn to bail out if **** hits the fan.
Degnar Oskold
#52 - 2013-12-05 16:50:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Degnar Oskold
I've had many more honourable 1 v 1 duels since Rubicon deployed than I did before.

I have discovered that there any many players in EVE who like to slowly orbit the button in FW plexes while my Astero warps in cloaked to their plex.

They then obligingly continue to slowly orbit until I uncloak, and then they will fight me in a 1 v 1 duel without ever calling in backup. It is confusing because they were waiting to fight me, while filling up their low slots with Warp Core stabilizers and including a cloaking device in their high slots. This makes it take a while for them to lock my ship once our 1 v1 duel begins.

I'd like to give props to TEST Alliance Please Ignore for being especially willing to set up duels vs my Astero by waiting inside plexes in Ventures. I never got to fight 1 v 1 many Ventures until TEST began trying to use them for solo PVP vs me.
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2014-01-09 15:20:48 UTC
At OP, define a good fight.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#54 - 2014-01-09 16:36:54 UTC
I dont know, I usually have a pretty easy time getting 1v1. I just go to kedama, oinasiken, pynekastoh, hikkoken or around there and sit in a plex. Getting gudfights every day.
Faceless Parmala
The Initiative.
#55 - 2014-01-12 16:27:05 UTC
I would like to put my hat in as one of the worst Solo PvP'ers in all of eve..I just cant seam to win those 3v1's or 5v1's Sad
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#56 - 2014-01-12 17:45:24 UTC
Ask for 1v1 in local. Many pilots are required by their corporation to honor a 1v1 if they accept.

Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#57 - 2014-01-14 05:06:17 UTC
if you ask specifically for a 1v1 in local before the fight began, i'll honor it.

but if you're just sitting in a plex solo, anything goes

(though im a big sucker for 1 v 1)
TSOE Po1ice
TSOE Consortium
#58 - 2014-01-14 08:48:44 UTC
Has anyone informed the OP that this is a multiplayer game and not a duel arena on Diablo 3?

The character does not represent the views/opinions of its Corporation or Alliance.

Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#59 - 2014-01-14 10:47:38 UTC
Sylphy wrote:
Has anyone informed the OP that this is a multiplayer game and not a duel arena on Diablo 3?

So? whats wrong with wanting a 1v1?
Colt Blackhawk
#60 - 2014-01-14 11:21:22 UTC
Sylphy wrote:
Has anyone informed the OP that this is a multiplayer game and not a duel arena on Diablo 3?

Well it is more like multiple players vs one single player. Eve is a damn ganking game. 20 idiots waiting to gank another idiot and tell him "gf" in local although it was an execution^^

DonĀ“t know how many times I got blobbed this month already. Brainless F1 pusher fleetsheep everywhere.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.