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Does WAR make players leave Eve?

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Chin MonWang
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#561 - 2013-11-16 21:54:38 UTC
And how to bring back REAL WAR back again: this can be done quite easily by making the fights in low-sec + 0-sec 'limited engagements', meaning for instance: 1 ship entering low-sec can be attacked by 2 ships as a max. Or a fleet of 2 entering low-sec can be attacked by 4 ships as a max (still leaving the gangs a considerable edge).
So, gangs seeing a ship entering low-sec (+ the software automatically registering that as a solo) can dedicate 2 attack ships to battle it, as a max. And 1 ship entering low-sec (but software detecting a fleet of 2) then the gang can deploy 4 ships to attack, as a max. And when fight is over, then for say 3 minutes any new engagements will be prohibited by the timer.

This would make fightings in low-sec & 0-sec far more interesting since both parties now would have a real fighting chance based on risk-taking, bravery, cunningness, skills, tactics & strategics.

The above should NOT affect in any way the wars fought by wardec-parties, those game mechanics of course should stay unchanged. Only applied to non-wardec players going in low-sec or 0-sec.

The above change would still leave the gangs a considerable edge in the battles, however, those battles would be far more interesting then those we face now i.e. 3/4/5/6/7/8 vessels or more versus 1. Such a change would bring back 'risk-taking' & 'adventure' & 'suspense' back into the game in low-sec + 0-sec. thus such would result in far more entertaining action in low + nul. And I know even most gang-members would like to see far more action in low + 0 (..since the trend of bigger & bigger & bigger gang-alliances takes away the fun for them also).

This comment is meant as a constructive suggestion by me trying to improve & make battles far more challenging & interesting for all.

Just an idea of mine: is it worth considering? What do others think?

Princess Bride
#562 - 2013-11-17 14:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Your thinking is too linear when it comes to gate fights. You're only thinking about jumping, and forgetting entirely about warping. What happens, in your example, when 6 people warp onto grid after one fleet has jumped in to another fleet? What are the proposed restrictions? Can they attack? Can they be attacked? There is no way to force "fair" fighting.

Also, you started your post as a suggestion of how to bring back "REAL WAR" then end it with the caveat that this will not apply to war.

Chin MonWang
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#563 - 2013-11-18 00:24:55 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Your thinking is too linear when it comes to gate fights. You're only thinking about jumping, and forgetting entirely about warping. What happens, in your example, when 6 people warp onto grid after one fleet has jumped in to another fleet? What are the proposed restrictions? Can they attack? Can they be attacked? There is no way to force "fair" fighting.

Also, you started your post as a suggestion of how to bring back "REAL WAR" then end it with the caveat that this will not apply to war.

Yes, I concur with you: there is no 'easy solution' for it; it takes real experts (rules me out, for sure) to tackle the problems players are facing at present re ridiculous/boring/dumb gankings at low-sec gate entries; one could not even go in low-sec at present without being jumped by a gang of 3/4/5/6/7/8?! But it nevertheless is worth to keep striving for improvements? Would you not like to see active members doubling or trippling or more? I would, since EVE is no doubt unmatched whereas is comes to the potentials it has and could offer to enthousiastic SciFi-gamers.

Last time i went to low sec went as follows: I consulted the chart: 1 player in that low-sec system average 30 I waited a while (20 minutes)...charts keep stating 1x player I jumped in...& ...3x T3 cruisers + 1x Falcon waiting for me, lost in say 8 seconds. Even auto-destructing your own ship outside a station would provide more fun (great graphical blastsBig smile). So, even the 'info' provided by the system-charts is 'bend' in favour of gankers? If one is in a system one can see cloaked T3's being present there...but whereas it comes to the 'charts' that info is left out? Why? These are 'Alice-in-Wonderland-Magics' that should be adjusted in my opinion, since 'magics' do not relate to REAL war conditions?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#564 - 2013-11-18 00:41:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Chin MonWang wrote: could not even go in low-sec at present without being jumped by a gang of 3/4/5/6/7/8?!

What? No, your experience is not the experience of most on average. There are some gates regularly camped, but they are easily avoided.

Camps in lowsec aren't that bad and tend to be a few gates only.

Last time i went to low sec went as follows: I consulted the chart: 1 player in that low-sec system average 30 I waited a while (20 minutes)...charts keep stating 1x player I jumped in...& ...3x T3 cruisers + 1x Falcon waiting for me, lost in say 8 seconds. Even auto-destructing your own ship outside a station would provide more fun (great graphical blastsBig smile). So, even the 'info' provided by the system-charts is 'bend' in favour of gankers? If one is in a system one can see cloaked T3's being present there...but whereas it comes to the 'charts' that info is left out? Why? These are 'Alice-in-Wonderland-Magics' that should be adjusted in my opinion, since 'magics' do not relate to REAL war conditions?

Which system did you jump from and to?

The map is not up to the second live data for the most part. It's an indication, but not the only source of information to use. Best way is to know which gates are regularly camped and then jump off into lowsec through different gates and/or know which Corps regularly camp a gate and put their members on your watch-list so you can see when they are online/offline. Have an alt that you can jump through a gate first if you're really concerned and have it just for that purpose. Ask in local on the highsec side (not the best idea but some do it). etc.

There are many ways to avoid gate camps jumping from highsec to lowsec.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#565 - 2013-11-18 00:52:12 UTC
Chin MonWang wrote:
And how to bring back REAL WAR back again: this can be done quite easily by making the fights in low-sec + 0-sec 'limited engagements', meaning for instance: 1 ship entering low-sec can be attacked by 2 ships as a max. Or a fleet of 2 entering low-sec can be attacked by 4 ships as a max (still leaving the gangs a considerable edge).
That's a wonderfull idea.

Let's reduce the insanely huge amount of freedom this game offers
and instead implement artificial limitations that make no sense whatsoever
in a world that's all about freedom and doing whatever one wants to do.

You don't quite *get* EvE.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#566 - 2013-11-18 01:01:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Chin MonWang wrote:
This would make fightings in low-sec & 0-sec far more interesting since both parties now would have a real fighting chance based on risk-taking, bravery, cunningness, skills, tactics & strategics.

Risk-taking is in the mindset of the player, not a characteristic of the environment.

While the environment may affect the mindset, risk averse players will still be risk averse when the consequences of loss outway what they believe they will get out of a win.

To me, if you want to get players to make different risk-benefit decisions, then you need to begin right at the start of the game with the tutorials and build from there.

Currently, the tutorials enforce a stereotype that the game is a single player game as all of the tutorial missions focus on a single player completing tasks by mining, delivering items, picking things up, killing rats solo, etc; and it all happens in highsec.

So the effect is to reinforce the isolated way to play the game in a perceived 'safe' environment, where others figure out the social way to play it. What you are complaining about is not that the balance of play is against the solo player, but that the balance of play favours the socially connected player, which it should.

Unfortunately, nothing currently offered in the tutorials helps players to become connected to other players.

The tutorials should emphasise the social side of the game more and perhaps less players would be getting caught solo by small gangs, because there would be more small gangs, which would create gang-on-gang rather than 1-v-gang.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#567 - 2013-11-18 01:07:35 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
A well written, thought out post, with nice layout.
You hit it pretty much spot on.

I only miss a mentioning of the vets in starter corps additionally ruining the game for new players,
by telling them to mine or run missions for isk and thus underlining the single player experience,
instead of actively playing with them.

Which they can't.
Because they're ******* carebears.
And they're spreading the disease.

Great post !
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#568 - 2013-11-18 01:16:00 UTC
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#569 - 2013-11-18 01:19:50 UTC
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

PvE player wonders why he is bored...

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#570 - 2013-11-18 01:23:27 UTC
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.
Well ... it's not the game that's boring,
it's your approach towards it and the mindset you're having.

You're ruining your game all by yourself.

The only reason why you blame the game,
is because you don't see who is actually at fault.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#571 - 2013-11-18 01:25:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

PvE player wonders why he is bored...
Although it makes sense to generalise,
there are (must be) PvE players out there who aren't actually seeking constant
gratification/satisfaction/the fake feeling of fake accomplishment by shooting dumb AI
who won't actually ever pose any significant threat to them.

You can spot these people easily, btw, by blowing them up and looking at their reaction.

The more they rage/cry/"not actually care but still post",
the less of an actual life and self-worth they have.

Like that super moron who got ganked in his tengu.
Chin MonWang
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#572 - 2013-11-18 04:43:09 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Chin MonWang wrote:
This would make fightings in low-sec & 0-sec far more interesting since both parties now would have a real fighting chance based on risk-taking, bravery, cunningness, skills, tactics & strategics.

Risk-taking is in the mindset of the player, not a characteristic of the environment.

While the environment may affect the mindset, risk averse players will still be risk averse when the consequences of loss outway what they believe they will get out of a win.

To me, if you want to get players to make different risk-benefit decisions, then you need to begin right at the start of the game with the tutorials and build from there.

Currently, the tutorials enforce a stereotype that the game is a single player game as all of the tutorial missions focus on a single player completing tasks by mining, delivering items, picking things up, killing rats solo, etc; and it all happens in highsec.

So the effect is to reinforce the isolated way to play the game in a perceived 'safe' environment, where others figure out the social way to play it. What you are complaining about is not that the balance of play is against the solo player, but that the balance of play favours the socially connected player, which it should.

Unfortunately, nothing currently offered in the tutorials helps players to become connected to other players.

The tutorials should emphasise the social side of the game more and perhaps less players would be getting caught solo by small gangs, because there would be more small gangs, which would create gang-on-gang rather than 1-v-gang.

Yes, interesting reflections, ok. Though some of yr opinions I do not fully agree with:

First, I think the tutorials are as an "entrance approach" quite good: first let new players get used to the game by minings, explorings, missions, all in safe environment, mostly solo. Lots can be learned about the game that way, fast & effectively, giving them time to figure out what they favour: high/low sec & what kind of corp).

Secondly, I miss any nuance in your comment whereas it comes to "balance of play favours". You mention it as a black or white term, where are the shades of grey? I mean, there is a rich variation, such as:

...balance of play favours somewhat...
...balance of play favours...
...balance of play seriously favours....
...balance of play ridiculously favours....
(...& Alice I do not even want mention here...)

So, what is it exactly what you mean?

Look, players like me intending from time to time to do a bit fooling around (safespots) & suicide attacking gangs in low-sec know that ships will be lost guaranteed as soon as undocking, but so what, that is the purpose of ships (...we are not in the business of some kind of stamp collecting!Big smile). As long as it provides some entertainment and BEING ALLOWED TO SHOOT BACK IN THE PROCESS there will be sufficient reason to keep doing so. And I have no problem with the fact that the balance favours the gangs, not at long as it will not get to be standard: "the balance ridiculously favours the gangs" ( for instance by misleading charts, or 60% nerfed auto-targetting-missiles...thus bend game mechanics), it is all said with "right shades of grey" imo.

(you mentioned that system charts are often displaying info in a "delayed manner"? i wonder why, since all else happening in eve is non-delayed?..)

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#573 - 2013-11-18 06:08:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Caviar Liberta
March rabbit wrote:
Jythier Smith wrote:
The best part of this game is starting a corporation, getting going with making a name for it, and as soon as you do anything that even remotely bothers anyone, you're wardec'd and going to lose everything.

wardec doesn't mean "lose everything". it only means someone will have rights to engage you.

In other words, people that make stupid moves in making a war dec thinking they have to pour massive amounts of isk and assets into will end up with a nasty surprise when they find themselves in a war of attrition.

It ends up costing them more than they hoped to have gained from their little private war or wars.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#574 - 2013-11-18 07:02:12 UTC
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

A PvE player being bored in a PvP game.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#575 - 2013-11-18 07:04:32 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.
Well ... it's not the game that's boring,
it's your approach towards it and the mindset you're having.

You're ruining your game all by yourself.

The only reason why you blame the game,
is because you don't see who is actually at fault.


EVE is about what you make of it your own.
So if it is boring, YOU are making it boring for yourself and playing it wrong.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#576 - 2013-11-18 07:26:27 UTC
J'Poll wrote:


EVE is about what you make of it your own.
So if it is boring, YOU are making it boring for yourself and playing it wrong.

Except he's not playing it wrong. You are if you think other people are playing it wrong however. Because EVE is a Sandbox, and that means he can play his way AND you can play your way. Occasionally they will interact and have friction, but that doesn't make either of you wrong in how you personally want to play.

And lets be honest, PvE could be made far more interesting than it really is, as well as far more engaging and encourage spontaneous small fleets that happen naturally to do a sudden PvE site that appears. (Rather than the organised farming of incursions, I'm talking spontaneous things here). Instead we have a PvE system that basically everyone has to partake in due to the need for isk to do anything. I'm sure a lucky few manage to get around it somehow. And that PvE system is designed around classic MMO grind specifically names spawns that everyone has mapped to a fare thee well, and knows exactly what is needed to do any PvE. Like every other MMO, which doesn't prepare people well for PvP.

Instead if all you saw was 'Blood Raider Cruiser' and you had to use guesswork, you are more likely to pair up with a friend to do missions, in case you get a nasty set of Randomly generated ships, since you don't know exactly what spawn to kill in what order any more... And if you get rewarded for using PvP like mechanics of pointing NPC's, because that high bounty non mission objective ship warps off if you start winning, so by using a point you make more money... And if NPC's use realistic levels of eWar and sensible sized gangs against players vs having dozens of ships vs one yet loosing still.....
Suddenly PvP is seamless and people slide in & out of it much faster & easier.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#577 - 2013-11-18 08:32:18 UTC  |  Edited by: J'Poll
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
J'Poll wrote:


EVE is about what you make of it your own.
So if it is boring, YOU are making it boring for yourself and playing it wrong.

Except he's not playing it wrong. You are if you think other people are playing it wrong however. Because EVE is a Sandbox, and that means he can play his way AND you can play your way. Occasionally they will interact and have friction, but that doesn't make either of you wrong in how you personally want to play..

Point me where I said he has to play it in my way...please do.

I said, if you find the game boring, it's your own damn fault and you are playiing the game wrong.
As you can change how you play it and it will stop being boring.

I don't like mining, so if I start mining every day, it will be boring...I'm playing the game wrong, as I'm doing something I don't like.

If you are playing the game in the way YOU like to play it, it should not be boring to play the game.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#578 - 2013-11-18 10:15:16 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
J'Poll wrote:


EVE is about what you make of it your own.
So if it is boring, YOU are making it boring for yourself and playing it wrong.

Except he's not playing it wrong. You are if you think other people are playing it wrong however. Because EVE is a Sandbox, and that means he can play his way AND you can play your way. Occasionally they will interact and have friction, but that doesn't make either of you wrong in how you personally want to play..

Point me where I said he has to play it in my way...please do.

I said, if you find the game boring, it's your own damn fault and you are playiing the game wrong.
As you can change how you play it and it will stop being boring.

I don't like mining, so if I start mining every day, it will be boring...I'm playing the game wrong, as I'm doing something I don't like.

If you are playing the game in the way YOU like to play it, it should not be boring to play the game.
Please don't argue with a robotic parrot.
You can't win.

Special Olympics.
Princess Bride
#579 - 2013-11-18 15:36:18 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

A PvE player being bored in a PvP game.

Eve is a PVE and PVP game. I offer as proof of this the rather large amount of PVE content. Hundreds of missions, Incursions, Mining, Exploration, etc. Thousands of players spend thousands of hours exploring this content. Your choice of ignoring this content, and choosing to only PVP in ships, does not make it a PVP-only game.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#580 - 2013-11-18 16:49:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Princess Bride wrote:
J'Poll wrote:
Alexa Coates wrote:
war doesn't make me leave. boredom makes me leave. I'm at the point right now where I can fly all sub-cap ships. The only way for me to go up is to jump into caps. and caps bore me to death.

actually all of eve bores me. I love pve more than pvp and being forced into pvp by literally everything isn't any fun.

I like the idea of eve, but not the execution.

A PvE player being bored in a PvP game.

Eve is a PVE and PVP game. I offer as proof of this the rather large amount of PVE content. Hundreds of missions, Incursions, Mining, Exploration, etc. Thousands of players spend thousands of hours exploring this content. Your choice of ignoring this content, and choosing to only PVP in ships, does not make it a PVP-only game.

No one is ignoring content. But PvP underlies everything else in EVE. A game that truly has a distinction between PvP and PvE doesn't all PvP to intrude. You can see this clearly in games that have "PvP" areas and where there is no non-consensual PvP outside of those areas.

Put another why, players CAN be exposed to PvE in EVE, but everyone IS subject to PvP in EVE, even if they don't "choose" it. Even in high sec unless docked. And even then if they trade.

On a funny side note, Incursions kind of turned EVE into more of a Non-Consensual PvE game was well in low sec and null sec because the incursion NPCs will kill you lol. There have always been rats appearing on gates in null and low, but now they have teeth if the constellation is under an incursion.