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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Chirality Tisteloin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#641 - 2013-11-14 19:26:55 UTC
IdeaDrone Control Proxie
Can assign a flight of drones to this structure. Will send the drones to counter-attack when other nearby structures are under attack. Drones receive remote reps from the Proxie.

See you at my blog:

Selarin Chor
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#642 - 2013-11-14 19:27:04 UTC
Don't know if something like this was already suggested, but...

What about: spy module?

We can deploy near a gate or any point of interest and while it wont give us image (hummm) it would allow you to use your on board scanner.

No need to be logging my alt to get intel...

Lyra Gerie
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#643 - 2013-11-14 19:28:42 UTC
A structure that is capable of detecting and decloaking cloaked ships.

How it would work:
Drag from cargo to space, online time ~1-3 minutes. Once onlined a player can control it. It requires some kind of fuel/ammo to fire it and probably enough space for 3-6 shots.

When a player controls it they aim and fire it as a longer range 90 degree cone which detects anything using a cloaking module inside it, deactivates the module and prevents it from being reactivated for 60 seconds. There is a secondary short range fire that provides 360 degree coverage and does not need to be aimed.
Ranges for structure size.

cone - 75km
spherical - 25km

cone - 160km
spherical - 55km

cone - 245km
spherical - 90km

Ehp would be 90k/250k/650k.

Due to the nature of this structure players who are cloaked due to gates/WH's are not affected by this structure.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#644 - 2013-11-14 19:34:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
List of Currently Proposed Ideas:

User Content Creation Ideas:
--- System Beacons (deployable-system wide warpable beacons, aka distress calls)
--- Deadspace pocket creators.
--- Mobile Acceleration Gates.
--- Decoy Ships. (Need some limits to prevent overuse & spamming)
--- Signature Decoys (for false scan reports)
--- Decoy Wormhole (doesn't go anywhere)
--- Capture the Flag Device
--- Space Lane Lap Counter (for racing ships).

Interesting Features:
--- System-wide (or grid wide) create-a-WH-effect
--- Player-Created Incursion Device (System wide damage penalties, resist penalties, bounty penalties, etc)
--- System-wide or grid-wide anti- off grid booster module
--- Decoy Cyno (Fake cyno to scare people away as they think you're about to hotdrop them).
--- Decoy Asteroid Belt

Gate Camper Wet Dreams:
--- AOE Decloakers (be it within x km's, on grid, or for the entire system).
--- Group cloak structure.
--- Group obfuscation from dscan.
--- Covert Cyno Inhibitor.
--- AOE Webbers.
--- AOE anti-nullification bubble
--- Warp Interceptor Device (catches ships midwarp rather than at destination)
--- Sonar device to show you the location of cloaked ships.
--- (Lowsec) Warp deviators (ship randomly lands within 15 km's of warp destination)
--- Gate Re-router
--- Repulser or Attractor Module (pulls player ships from / to this device).
--- Travel Inhibitor (Prevents people from jumping/cynoing into/out of system).
--- Mobile Trap (Traps all players within x km's into a sphere of death.. no one can leave until the trap is destroyed).
--- Device that allows gate jumps despite weapon timers.
--- Device that disables navigation commands (Keep at range, orbit, approach)
--- Cyno Desyncronizer (Ships that jump to a cyno under the desyncronizer effect randomly spawn elsewhere on grid, or in system)
--- Autopilot deviator (chance based: Directs ships on autopilot to this location)
--- Cloaking Delayer -- increase the recloak delay of ships nearby

Travel Features
--- Create your own Stargates
--- WH generator (usually limited as k-space to k-space)
--- Stargate disablers
--- WH stabilizers (the better ideas slowly regen mass and extend lifetime, the pisspoor ideas allow 200 BS in at once).
--- WH Collapser
--- WH Re-router (allows you to route a WH to somewhere else)
--- Jump Portal and/or Jump Bridge structures
--- Jump Portal & Jump Bridge inhibitors
--- Cyno Generators
--- Public Cyno Generators
--- Warp Tunnel Generators (to warp faster between two points).
--- Device that allows Supers into WH's (better if it is a 1-way trip).
--- Destructable Gates
--- Auto-Transporter (To move goods from point a to b for you?)
--- Mobility Enhancer (Allows ships on grid to be faster and more agile).
--- Warp Agility Enhancer (Allows ships on grid to accelerate into warp faster).
--- teleport Bomb/vortex/device (Teleports pilots to a random place in system, random system, specific system, specific place, etc)

Carebear Features:
--- Auto-mining structures (Gas, Ice, Ore).
--- Auto-hualing structures.
--- Deployable Auto-repair service
--- Deployable Mission Agents
--- Deployable Shield (like POS Force Field)
--- Deployable anti-bomb device
--- Deployable Logistics Platform (including energy xfer)
--- Ammo Dispensor
--- Sun Harvesters
--- Moon Mining Array
--- NPC Bait/Tuant Module
--- Moon Scanner
--- System Scanner (Either Sigs, Combat Ships, Cloaked Ships)
--- Jet Can Auto-tractoring device
--- Take-me-Home device (Teleports you & your ship to your home station)
--- Collect-the-drones Device (Collects drones on field that are disconnected from a ship).
--- Make-me-safe deployable (Makes your ship / site unscannable and/or unprobe-able)
--- Sig Radius Suppressor (Makes everythings sig radius smaller == harder to scan, less damage, etc).
--- Device to increase Bounties, LP payouts, etc.
--- Deployable NEX Store
--- Space Elevators (to bypass POCOs)
--- Emergency Warp deployable (warps your ship in a random direction up to 1000 km's)
--- Pirate Beacon (Attracts NPCs to beacon)
--- Truesec altering device (to lower the truesec of a system and make it better for PvE)
--- Decoy wreck: Salvaging it makes you a suspect.

Anti-Carebear Features:
--- Anomaly & Signature Suppressor (stops them from spawn and/or despawns sites)
--- Disable or Delay Concord Structure
--- POCO / PI Syphon
--- Reaction POS Syhpons
--- Mobile destroy-all-wrecks grid cleaner (aka Mega Maid)
--- System-wide Syphon NPC bounties from ratters.
--- Deployable Hacker (To access secured containers)
--- POS Siphon that steals Fuel &/or Stront
--- PI Bombardment Module (to destroy PI infrastructure)
--- Planet destroying Deathstars
--- Device that inhibits Concord response (be it extra time to Concord free zones)
--- Deployable Tax Collector (Taxes system activities for you to collect).

Assault Features (Note: Mass spamming offensive modules needs to be considered)
--- Mines
--- Boobie trapped cans (open them and boom)
--- Time Bombs
--- Bump Bombs (after a time, these detonate and bump ships away).
--- Smart bombs (proximity activated)
--- Firewall --- A whole wall of auto-smartbombing deployables.
--- Weapons (Sentry Guns, Missile Launchers, Bomb Launchers, Drone Launchers, Death Rays, i.e. things to blap an opponent be it at a station, gate, base, wherever).
--- EWAR batteries (webbers, ECM, ECM Bursters, Neuts)
--- Drone Assist Units (cause your 5 drones aren't enough)
--- Drone Bandwidth Jammers
--- Auto-RF POS seige device
--- Planet Bombarders
--- Anti-Cynojammer (allows you to cyno into a cynojammed position).
--- Warfare Link Jammer (makes warfare links ineffective)
--- Device that disabled the "assist drones" feature
--- POS Weapon Hacker (to take control of an enemy POS's guns &/or EWAR batteries)
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#645 - 2013-11-14 19:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
Station-like Services Features.
--- Repair facility
--- Manufacturing Depot
--- Labs
--- Refinery
--- Ore Compressor
--- Drug MFG Depot
--- Market Hub or Trade Outpost (i.e. a place to sell items outside of a station)
--- Black Market
--- Ship Maintenance Arrays (To store ships and/or refit them).
--- Personal Hangar Arrays (So you and a buddy can store stuff without mixing stuff)
--- Deployable Storage in many forms (some suggest these be covert)
--- Repair burned out modules Depot
--- Repair drone Depot
--- Med Facilities (Full Clone Servicing)
--- Clone Bank (allows you to store &/or swap clones)
--- Bases (aka modular POSs)
--- Fighter Hangars (To store fighters & Fighter bombers)
--- Ship Anchor (To safely anchor vessels in space).
--- Captains Quarters with a Window
--- Courier Contract Depot (a pickup / destination location for courier contracts)

Intel Altering Devices:
--- Disable Local (both for a system, and for a constellation)
--- Delay local (as in you don't show in local for 10 seconds or so)
--- Confuse Local (Randomly inserts ghost pilots into local)
--- Device that removes yourself from local
--- Dscan Jammer (Hides things from dscan)
--- Dscan enhancer (increases the range of your dscan)
--- System Intel Blackout Device (Removes local, Ship/Pod/NPC kills, Jumps, Cyno info, etc from system, so you can't "remotely" know whats going on there).
--- Alter System Intel (Artificially inflates Ship/Pod/NPC Kills, Jumps, & Cyno info for a system).
--- Deployable Camera
--- Ship tracking Unit
--- System Danger Alert Deployable
--- Scan the other side of a gate deployable
--- Deployable Travel Logger (through a gate, WH, System).
--- Local Spy (relays local chat info to you, so you can monitor who's in local from out of system)
--- Intel Exposer (Send information on all RF timers to a public bullitan board)
--- Kill Details (Sends all kills in system to a designated killboard)
--- Proximity dectection unit (alerts you that a cloaked ship is within x distance)
--- CO monitoring array (keeps track of Custom Office Activities)
--- Mobile Locator Agent
--- Blue Donut: Makes everyone on grid blue (Positive standings)
--- FFA: Makes everyone on grid red (neg standings)

Vanity Items:
--- Monument
--- Pet
--- Slave Maker and/or Liberator
--- Mobile Casinos (ideally tied to player gambling)
--- Mobile Brothels & pleasure hubs (stripper generator)
--- Chat Jammer
--- Mobile Fireworks Launcher
--- Minecraft in space: Build your own asteroid belt, mission, NPC complex, etc

Advertising Items:
--- Billboard
--- Corp / Alliance advertising board
--- Local Spammer
--- Local Smack Talker

Other Ideas:

--- Command Ship Deployable (to give Fleet boosts).
--- Claim an (offline) POS module
--- Increase TiDi device
--- Create random object/effect (waberjack, infinite improbability generator, etc)
--- Prevent deployables Deployable.
--- Deployable Corpse Scooper
--- Arena (usually with an acceleration gate that limits entrants, fully configurable).
Pic'n dor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#646 - 2013-11-14 19:56:37 UTC
don't know if thread appropriate

Trus Security system modifier : sov 5 only anchor able, very big fee (like a few B/month)
- 0.25 to system true sec
+20% npc damage and HP


Chigurh Friendo
Fight The Blob
#647 - 2013-11-14 20:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Chigurh Friendo
Chigurh Friendo wrote:
Mobile Locator Agent Station:

Deploys an agent-housing station (interactable only) that you can grind mission standings with until the NPC gains levels and ultimately becomes eligible to serve as a Locator Agent. Scan-able. Structure can be accessed by any player. Reinforceable; destructable.

Mobile EVE:Valkyrie Combat Arena Casino:

A deployable station where capsuleers can dock. Once docked, capsuleers may engage in Eve:Valkyrie event-focussed gambling or participate in EVE:Valkyrie Oculus Rift combat engagements. Services one aspect of the potential integration of Eve:Valkyrie into the Eve:Online universe.

Mobile Personal Depot with Automated Defenses

A comprehensive personal mobile storage and refitting facility. Scan-able; very difficult to probe down. No storage limit. Cannot be anchored within 1000 km of POS Force Fields or other mobile defense structures. Susceptible to hacking. Failed hacks trigger tremendous omni damage bursts, send a mail to the owner, and spawn a wave of owner-allied warp scrambling capable NPCs. Successful hacks make a small, randomly generated subset of stored assets vulnerable to theft. Multiple failed hacks initiate a hacking invulnerable reinforcement timer.

Mobile POS Targeting-Array Hacking Module:

When deployed within 50 km of POS Force Field, this chance-based mobile structure has some nominal probability of disrupting the normal operation of offensive POS modules such that they can't distinguish between friend and foe (whereas they normally make these distinctions as based on standings). The chance-based automated targeting system prioritizes Command ships and Tech 3 Cruisers when assigning aggression weightings.

Mobile Fleet Links Jammer:

Fleet links are rendered inert within a 1000 km on-grid radius.

Having edited out ~most of the troll ideas from my original post in this re-submission, I think the following ideas bear some legitimate consideration.

The ability to hijack POS weaponry (as a manually POS-targetable structure ala Siphons) could aid in either assaults or in dealing with off-grid AFK POS-orbiting link ships.

Further, I think that ability to completely nullify fleet bonuses on a given grid should be a possibility available in combat. In terms of the proposed implementation, the mobile structure should be anchorable on any grid; with limitations similar to the currently proposed cynosural inhibitor.
Eve Orwell
Gallente Federation
#648 - 2013-11-14 20:45:43 UTC
How about a gate jump logger, keeps track of players that have activated a nearby gate and dumps it into a log that can be accessed by interacting with it in space, or after it expires, it sends the log file to the owner via an eve-mail.
Liu Ellens
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#649 - 2013-11-14 20:56:12 UTC
Another idea:

A cloaking unit that hides everything *) within a, say, 50km radius from being seen from outside this bubble. Difficult to probe down and probe results deviate double the radius size, so you have to sail around to 'find' this pocket.

*) or just every deployed structure

Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there for shure.

Disco Pappotte
#650 - 2013-11-14 21:24:01 UTC
Graviton Detector Units

A Proximity Detector has already been proposed but here's my more specific idea for one:

This unit would detects changes in gravitational fields within a certain sphere of space. Changes in gravitational field can be visualized via a graph (gravitational field vs time). Graph can be accessed from anywhere in space. Could be deployed near stargates when roaming to detect possible fleets in pursuit. Could be deployed near POS to detect ships dropping siphons or the siphons themselves. Possibilities are numerous.

I recommend having different sized units that self destruct (or run out of fuel) after a certain amount of time. The shortest lived ones could detect much smaller things or perhaps have larger spheres of detection. Longer lived ones would be unable to detect small objects. Therefore, you can't deploy a Graviton detector that lasts a week near your POS and expect to detect any new siphons, but... you may be able to detect a spike from the actual ship landing to deploy (if the ship is large enough and/or within the sphere of detection). These could come in a cloaked variety to place all over systems in order to detect the presence of cloaked individuals near particular celestials.
The Cursed Company
#651 - 2013-11-14 21:26:50 UTC
Another idea: Hangar/Landing Pad for fighters

When deployed, it allows owner to put a fighter inside (the one used usually by carriers) and it provides drone bandwitch required to control it. The fighter can be assigned to anyone in the owner's fleet as usual with fighters. To limit this feature, each player can deploy only as many of these hangars as is the level of their Fighters skill. The fighter itself needs to be hauled to that hangar and the hangar itself should be rather easy to find with probes (destroying it disables the fighter). Deployable only in 0.0 / lowsec.

Also similar version for bombers.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#652 - 2013-11-14 21:29:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
star gate jammer/booster: alters the mass per jump, delay between jumps, and fuel consumed, for the targeted star gate. Allows smallholders to restrict incoming traffic, allows militias to boost throughput of important gates (e.g.: Jita-Perimeter) or restrict throughput of competitor gates (e.g.: Amarr/Ashab), allows invaders to open gates wide or defenders to shut gates down.

Requires rework of stargates to introduce mass & frequency limits, fuel consumption. Ideally requires star gates to be destructible & constructible by capsuleer forces.

edit: I should read the summary in post #644 before adding my new, unique idea to the list ;)
Chigurh Friendo
Fight The Blob
#653 - 2013-11-14 21:58:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Chigurh Friendo
Disco Pappotte wrote:
Graviton Detector Units

A Proximity Detector has already been proposed but here's my more specific idea for one:

This unit would detects changes in gravitational fields within a certain sphere of space. Changes in gravitational field can be visualized via a graph (gravitational field vs time). Graph can be accessed from anywhere in space. Could be deployed near stargates when roaming to detect possible fleets in pursuit. Could be deployed near POS to detect ships dropping siphons or the siphons themselves. Possibilities are numerous.

I recommend having different sized units that self destruct (or run out of fuel) after a certain amount of time. The shortest lived ones could detect much smaller things or perhaps have larger spheres of detection. Longer lived ones would be unable to detect small objects. Therefore, you can't deploy a Graviton detector that lasts a week near your POS and expect to detect any new siphons, but... you may be able to detect a spike from the actual ship landing to deploy (if the ship is large enough and/or within the sphere of detection). These could come in a cloaked variety to place all over systems in order to detect the presence of cloaked individuals near particular celestials.

I like the idea of improved detection and/or visualization of threats through the use of deployable mobile structures. Following this pursuit could be the holy grail that eventually leads to improved visualization and immersion within the Eve space-faring environment... and perhaps even one day obviates the need for local channel intel.

I can envision a space-time grid-based sensor overlay that provides a better macroscopic perspective of ships and signatures that would ultimately provide a much-improved at-a-glance sensation of situational awareness than what is currently afforded by the present dscan and solar system view dscan interfaces.
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#654 - 2013-11-14 22:12:47 UTC
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Structure that you can place next to an fw ihub that would make it tick down for a couple of days until finally it turns into a neutral unowned area that spawns no plexes that either side of FW can use until it is reinforced and destroyed.

This module should give no benefits what so ever to anyone who happens to pick it up other than being able to keep dirty fw plexers out of the system.

I don't want to be a part of FW.

I do however think we should have a way to **** with FW for the sake of ******* with them.

you already do. It's called SC titan drop of 9 guardians with dps and support on 10 man cruiser gangs.
Leyete Wulf
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#655 - 2013-11-14 22:20:33 UTC
'Leech' Force Field Disruption Unit
Small deployable structure cloaks on anchoring. When deployed within 10,000m of an active POS forcefield it slowly drains the HP of the field. (or more accurately it lowers the effective maximum HP of the field so as not to conflict with the recharge rate of the field) Each unit would have a set rate at which it drains the fields HP as well as a maximum amount that can be drained per unit based on the percentage of the field HP remaining above reinforcement. This would allow some preparation to increase the vulnerability of of POS structures while allowing an alert POS manager an opportunity to search for and destroy said units spreading out the time frame during which a battle for a POS occurs. On destruction a portion of the forcefields HP would be returned immediately along with the full amount of the maximum HP which could then be remotely repaired or allowed to recover at the normal regeneration rate.

'Longarm' Resource Capture Unit
These structures (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large) contain highly specialized tractor beams that can latch onto passing asteroids and haul them into close proximity. The size of the structure determines the size of asteroids that can be grabbed as well as the maximum number of asteroids that can be held at one time. The frequency at which new asteroids pass into range of the Unit and the quality of said asteroids would be based on the security status of the system the Unit is anchored in with true/null and w-space having the highest likelihood for rare ores. The purpose of this unit being a method of acquiring some mineral wealth from a location that is not immediately visible on the overview for any ship passing by (obviously both the ship and the unit would be scannable) as well as providing as slow but steady trickle of asteroid for w-space residents (and thus a potential camping target for gankers).

'Hive' Autonomous Drone Platform
These deployable structure are exactly what they sound like. On anchoring these structure can be accessed and instructed to launch direct and recover drones just like a drone bay on a ship. However the drone's control range is determined by the Platform and is not affected by the control range/ modules / skills of the owner. The Platform can control one full flight of 5 drones of the same size category as the platform and carry two replacement flights(so a small ADP would would be would have 25Mbits drone bandwidth and a 75m3 drone day, medium 50/150, and large 125/375). The platforms would have a few settings that could be adjusted by the owner including whether the platform should automatically defend the owner, the owner's fleet, assist the owner, assist the owner's fleet, deploy drones if the platform is attacked, deploy drones in full flights or as individual drones are destroyed, etc. The platform would also be able to accept direct commands from the owner so long as the owner is within a fixed range of the platform (I'm thinking maybe 50km but I can see arguments for more and less). Also the platform would be able to take on new drones from the owner's ship (drag and drop into bay on platform) so long as the owner is within the usual 2500m.

'Blinder' Covert Staging Area Unit
This deployable structure when activated cloaks all the ships within a fixed radius (maybe 15km) along with itself allowing a small fleet of ships to remain undetected (within the same constraints as the cloak given to ships passing through jump gates) for a period of time (debatable but probably no more than an hour and possibly as little as a few minutes or maybe a version good for a few minutes that can be launched like a warp disruption probe and an anchorable lasting hours for larger operations).

'Rabbit' Gurista Deployable Decoy
'Herald' Blood Raider Deployable Decoy
'Caterwaul' Serpentis Deployable Decoy
'Mark' Angel Cartel Deployable Decoy
'Clarion' Sansha's Nation Deployable Decoy
These deployable structures on anchoring become a reasonable facsimile of an empire industrial ship (Badger, Bestower, Hoarder, etc) to include taking on an overview tag with the owner's name and ticker and the dscan signature of the associated industrial. The decoy has minimal ehp and on destruction triggers an effect. (I'm thinking explodes like a void bomb or expands into a warp disruption bubble but I am totally up for suggestions) The general idea being to set one up as bait lure in a PVPer or several and the spring the trap on them.
Gyges Skyeye
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#656 - 2013-11-14 22:20:55 UTC
Death To Local- So I see some other people suggesting it, but I'll go and detail my vision of how it could be implemented.

I spent a large part of my early eve experience in w-space and I still hate local. I understand now its uses and such in life in 0.0 so here is how I think we could try stick a dagger in local.

Mobile Squawk Jammer;

~2 minute anchor time
When deployed the module wont list on dscan, but will show up to scan probes.

This grid is removed from local's list of members and population count; ie this grid now functions like a grid in a w-space system with respect to local.

Consequences; For an instigator, you could create the illusion of having left via an exit gate by warping to a deployed module. Any defender who is rigorous enough to simply deploy scan probes would see through this illusion quickly.

For instigators you could also use this + covert cyno -> fun. And I'm sure that is just the start of the fun and content you could create.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#657 - 2013-11-14 22:33:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Zerlestes
dont make cloaky stronger we cant detect them and now also not visible in local
thats a bad idea

i think if a person comes per wh than its ok if that person dont show up in local each person who passes a gate ist registret by the gate no tricky way around the local besides unoffical ways (wh)
Daelric Thaos
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#658 - 2013-11-14 22:46:41 UTC
Conflict generator which carries on the theme of Empire vs Capsuleers:

Security Nullifier - Module which slowly reduces the security status of a system. One type per pirate faction, laying it down will increase your standing with said faction. Will periodically spawn concord or empire to destroy it, from factions like the Spacelanes protector something or other in Caldari space. Destroying the Nullifier will grant you standing with Concord and the empire whose region you are in based on how long its been there.

This will mean that traders will have to pay security on their trade lanes and mission runners will have to gather to fight off pirates. Meanwhile, pirates will have a way to influence high security space.
Sir Spottington
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#659 - 2013-11-14 23:00:40 UTC
a modular pos.... oh wait.... thats not really a mobile structure....
Spencer Owl
Amarr Empire
#660 - 2013-11-14 23:06:42 UTC
The one thing that annoys me the most is the lack of public lab slots (i.e. - BPC). A mobile lab would be nice.