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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Beaver Retriever
Reality Sequence
#621 - 2013-11-14 17:10:10 UTC
Mobile jump portal generator. Works like the titan module.

Then delete titans from Eve. Reimburse the owners with capital components, SP and money for skillbooks.
#622 - 2013-11-14 17:14:14 UTC
Glasgow Dunlop wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
A deployable beacon that anyone in system can warp to, for distress calls or for coordinating multiple fleets. Make it so that the user can configure who can see the beacon on their overview - fleet members, corporation, alliance, based on standings, or everyone.

I thought that read bacon not beacon Cry

Someone is hungry…dammit , now I'm hungry…

but before I go find some bacon, I'd say we need something for miners.

- Maybe a variant of the mobile depot than can hold a good bit of ore, maybe allow a few on grid.

Additionally, a little something for hacking. A friendly little deployable that can help you get all those stupid annoying things that float away...

No one plans to fail, some fail to plan.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#623 - 2013-11-14 17:20:40 UTC
Robert Parr wrote:
[Hotel California: 40km radius force field that works the opposite way from a POS force field, with an infinite point bubble inside. Anyone can get in. Until it's destroyed, nobody within can get out.

Ummmm, did you forget the line..."they stab it with their steely knives but the just can't kill the beast" How about only get out by self-destuct and the Hotel California field eats your capsule. You wake up in a new clone. Now that's bringing back HTFU!!!!!![/quote]

Make it so that once 2 players are in.. none can get out until one dies...

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Robert Parr
Iron Tiger T3 Industries
#624 - 2013-11-14 17:26:10 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Robert Parr wrote:
[Hotel California: 40km radius force field that works the opposite way from a POS force field, with an infinite point bubble inside. Anyone can get in. Until it's destroyed, nobody within can get out.

Ummmm, did you forget the line..."they stab it with their steely knives but the just can't kill the beast" How about only get out by self-destuct and the Hotel California field eats your capsule. You wake up in a new clone. Now that's bringing back HTFU!!!!!!

Make it so that once 2 players are in.. none can get out until one dies...[/quote]

Mmmmm, the Thunderdome approach......+1
Princess Kristela
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#625 - 2013-11-14 17:28:51 UTC
some kind of mobile drone units would be nice to see
Stellar Tide
#626 - 2013-11-14 18:00:45 UTC
Moblile Cloaking Field

The perfect tool for "Hoo sh... this is a trap"

The structure generate a cloaking bubble (4-5 km ?).
Any static ships within range is cloacked. This include enemy ships.
Cloacked players are invisible in local chat watchlist.
Proximity uncloack rules apply normaly.
Structure desactivate and everything within bubble become visble when any object approach less than 2,5km away.

I know, this is a dumb overpowaomfg idea, but had to post it.
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#627 - 2013-11-14 18:06:33 UTC
Rapid Mobile Construction Array:

I am not an expert on Industry balance, so I'll state the intention of the idea rather than any specific numbers.

Deployable structure with the ability to manufacture a decent selection of ammo/modules, at a fast build rate. The penalty would be a steep increase in the amount of minerals used to make anything.

The intention would not be efficient, or "profitable" construction, but rather to quickly produce necessary goods behind enemy lines using locally available resources.
Christmas Pickle
State War Academy
Caldari State
#628 - 2013-11-14 18:09:02 UTC
A deployable one-time use, short duration "doppler" unit that pings cloaked ships within several AU. If they are on grid, it reveals their location in space and on the overview, however they remain cloaked and remain unable to be targeted. At off grid distances, the cloaked ships become probe-able (albeit more difficult than an uncloaked ship) for the duration of the unit. This allows pursuit of cloaked ships (although a vigilant pilot will be tough to catch) and discourages afk cloaking spies.
Stellar Tide
#629 - 2013-11-14 18:19:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tessen
Mobile Beacon

A simple beacon in space as Concord deployed hundreds and hundred for any complex or significant site in space.
Visible on scan, overview and in space.
Anyone can warp on it as for any beacon.
Minimal warp distance : 100km (Yes ? No ? Debate !)

Fast to deploy (10-15s)
Single shot use (no scope).
Very smal (few meters = long locking time)
Very few HP (easy to destroy = no more than a cruiser or BC size ship)
Detroying it give no suspect tag. Its a neutral event.
Very cheap (2-3 M isk)

Uses for fleets :
- an interceptor rush enemy pack, deploy a beacon and ally fleep can warp on it and engage a close range fight.
- Fleet leader says : "Support fleet regroup at Beacon 1, capitals fleet regroup at beacon 2".
Pirates use :
- Drop a beacon, name it as a complexe in space and see what kind of curious fish you can grab. Twisted
This tool on PVE :
- I dont care about looting my last lvl 4 mission, I abandon wreck and drop a beacon, any one can go and salvage items. /!\ Care : possible combo with previous idea...

I'm sure you have many other ideas.
#630 - 2013-11-14 18:26:55 UTC
Screws With Autopilot deployable -- When placed near a stargate, there's a chance that a ship on autopilot will instead head for the deployable instead of for the stargate.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

#631 - 2013-11-14 18:32:09 UTC
I'm not 100% this specific variant has been mentioned:

Warp Deviation Fuzzifier - If you probe the target down, get a warpable result, and then warp to a target that is within range of this deployable, you may wind up a non-trivial distance away, instead of landing right on top of the target.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Tzar Sinak
Mythic Heights
#632 - 2013-11-14 18:39:18 UTC
As already mentioned, definitely a unit to siphoning POCOs.

A mobile unit to effect jump bridges, whether siphoning fuel to scrambling the bridge rendering it in operable.

Also, for any unit that is locked to other players a means of hacking them (mini game (sigh)) for other to override, steal, loot.

Hydrostatic Podcast First class listening of all things EVE

Check out the Eve-Prosper show for your market updates!

#633 - 2013-11-14 18:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
Cloaking Delay deployable - Add ~5 seconds to the re-cloak timer for everything on grid. Adds a ~3 second delay before a cloak is active (press the cloak module button, and there's a 3 second delay before your ship is actually cloaked.)

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Lin Zong
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#634 - 2013-11-14 18:47:57 UTC
Couple ones, but it's hard to think of one that doesn't break the game in some way. the balance is the hard part, and most people here just want things to make their current playstyle easier and non counterable...

- Cloak Burst, pings to knock people out of cloak, x range.

- Defender (though fixing missiles would be better) just a mod that locks and attacks bombs, not sure of which mechanic to make it more than just a bomber nerf

- Titan Bridge, because lets face it, the only ones that can do this are rich nul alliances. since they are the only ones able to project power, why not make it a droppable mod that responds to fleet cynos, with a fuel bay? perfect timing for a titan revamp.

- Wormhole gate. Drop it in your hole, and another hole. temporary stargate. Maybe lasts a day, maybe a week, maybe just enough time to stage an invasion.

- Nanofactory. acts as a one time ship builder. Add mats, deploy, after build time, come back to a ship, good for those camping in extended periods in sov nul, WH space, or simplifying logistics

- contract target. Make contracts located at your module, instead of station. use for insta safespots for fleets to (acts just like any celestial, just for warpins)

- And then basically just have all the things POS are able to do, but modular, so we can phase out those monstrosities once and for all.

- locator module. Like locator agent, or a tracking beacon for a target. no idea how to make this one work though

- PI siphon. POCO siphon for the inevitable hassle over owned ones. either siphon your PI, or others on the planet

- booster mod? Like the flashy yellow arrows in mariocart.

- decoy mod. Something that would assist those trying not to be probed down by acting like a decoy.

- mining module (...) everyones afk anyway, make it passive and get them back in the game already. Now they can float around in indies and ships to fight off people thieving them

- I remember the talk back in thh day for land mines, but know it's pretty much an invitation for CFC to mine the crap out of everything in their space. Would like to revisit if its worthwhile, useful for smaller group fighting off larger ones.

But my favourite one, a market caravan. Basically small market module. In hostile nul, the emptiness of the wildlands, and wormhole space especially. X amount of storage, able to sell and buy goods. Can also see deploying to common mission or anom areas for loot purchasing on site.

Menegrith Venari
Bootstrap Mining
#635 - 2013-11-14 18:57:08 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
A communications structure that completely disables local while deployed.

That would makes trips to Jita so much more enjoyable...
Flay Nardieu
#636 - 2013-11-14 19:00:45 UTC
Reviewed my previous suggestions and decided on new refinements and addressing why some other ideas would be bad.

The premise is more freedom for capsulers and independence from faction empires some seem to think it is Pirate/criminal happy hour. The complete dismissal of the S&I/Resource collection focused players is arrogant, if corps could produce the ammo and ships needed for PvP players sneaking under the empires' radar seems like a good thing (pirates and criminals could have little mobile ops for raids in high-sec).

Good Things;
Mobile units that can fulfill bulk of station services but not be tied to a celestial object
Billboards for SOV alliances
Mobile trade hubs
Intelligence gathering units (who, what, when type)

Bad things (and why)
CONCORD response manipulation units - playing a criminal should not be easy in "Civilized" space
Message(chat) Broadcast devices - they would add another degree of annoyance to local
TiDi manipulation units - seriously...? it is there for a reason
Jump gate jammers - think about it, only thing that in the realm a sanity that could do that would have to be Titan size in power output
Anything novelty units - nice "look at me" thing but honestly is just more clutter for server to process.

Honestly I would like to see multiple play styles to benefit from new deployables
Goonswarm Federation
#637 - 2013-11-14 19:08:14 UTC
deployable DPS helpers--small, medium, and large. stay close to the originating ship and engage nearby hostile ships within a range based on deployable DPS skill.
Dred Nots
#638 - 2013-11-14 19:10:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Guevaro
Chigurh Friendo wrote:

Modular Mobile Space Genitalia:

Can only be anchored in nullsec. Serves as the first-pass SOV mechanic rework mechanism for establishing SOV. Whichever alliance can build the bigger set of modular mobile space genitalia will claim sovereignty.

Robby Altair
#639 - 2013-11-14 19:20:21 UTC
We need a mobile Mancave.


Room 3420 Boelter Hall UCLA

Gerboah Cobon-Han
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#640 - 2013-11-14 19:21:08 UTC
Not sure if it has been mentioned but a structure to lure pirates/rats ... fun times shooting them. A sort of space cheese ...

Fly Safe.