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[Rubicon] Rapid Missile Launchers - v2

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Zvaarian the Red
Evil Leprechaun Brigade
#1341 - 2013-11-13 16:23:05 UTC
As it looks like these changes are going to go live no matter how much we argue against them, can we at least get range and explosion bonuses on them? The RHML specifically only benefits from full bonuses from two battleships I believe. So on top of having to deal with complete inflexibility when it comes to damage type and ridiculously long reloads that make you want to tear your own face off, you also get gimped performance from the very platform you stick them on in most cases. I keep trying to come up with a reason someone would want to use these things over precision cruise missiles or even regular cruise missiles on a hull with explosion bonuses and I'm drawing a blank.
Zvaarian the Red
Evil Leprechaun Brigade
#1342 - 2013-11-13 16:26:08 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
Also, I totally just realized something: with the mobile depot taking 45 seconds to anchor...

Start with RLMLs fitted, with whatever general-purpose ammo you want. As soon as the fight starts, drop and anchor a mobile depot. 45 seconds later, it will be usable. 5 seconds after that, you'll be out of ammo on your RLMLs.

Then, if the fight's going to take longer than another 90 seconds, swap the RLMLs for something else! LMLs if you need to keep killing frigates, HAMs or HMLs against cruisers and bigger. Should take ~10seconds to switch, then a 10 second reload, and keep shooting with higher sustained dps!

I now fully support this change.

Thank you for perfectly illustrating why a 40s reload is ridiculous. When you can do things like that quicker than you can load the weapons you have equipped there is something truly wrong going on.
Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1343 - 2013-11-13 16:26:41 UTC
Nerfing RLML more than 5% without fixing HAM and HML previously is bad. Very bad. Terrible really! 5-10% doesn't seem to be much when dealing with frigates but can be too much when you need to kill a cruiser. Until you can deliver properly balanced cruiser size missile weapon system, please leave light missiles and light launchers alone. Just leave it. Stay away, keep your distance. Do your little experiments internally, we don't want to know until is finished, polished and properly tested - that should be your work, not ours.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1344 - 2013-11-13 16:33:49 UTC
Niena Nuamzzar wrote:
Nerfing RLML more than 5% without fixing HAM and HML previously is bad. Very bad. Terrible really! 5-10% doesn't seem to be much when dealing with frigates but can be too much when you need to kill a cruiser. Until you can deliver properly balanced cruiser size missile weapon system, please leave light missiles and light launchers alone. Just leave it. Stay away, keep your distance. Do your little experiments internally, we don't want to know until is finished, polished and properly tested - that should be your work, not ours.

They have discussed, experimented, and tweaked it internally. This is now the phase where we get our hands on it to test and comment on. It's just coming closer to release than we have gotten used to lately.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1345 - 2013-11-13 16:47:38 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Niena Nuamzzar wrote:
Nerfing RLML more than 5% without fixing HAM and HML previously is bad. Very bad. Terrible really! 5-10% doesn't seem to be much when dealing with frigates but can be too much when you need to kill a cruiser. Until you can deliver properly balanced cruiser size missile weapon system, please leave light missiles and light launchers alone. Just leave it. Stay away, keep your distance. Do your little experiments internally, we don't want to know until is finished, polished and properly tested - that should be your work, not ours.

They have discussed, experimented, and tweaked it internally.

Discussed, experimented, and tweaked doesn't mean anything unless it's finished. And after it's finished it should be polished. This ancillary experiment is neither.


This is now the phase where we get our hands on it to test and comment on. It's just coming closer to release than we have gotten used to lately.

Yeh, we got our hands on a half-finished fail product that needs to be tweaked and re-tweaked for months until it's finally abandoned. Well done. Nice work.
Goonswarm Federation
#1346 - 2013-11-13 16:50:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Ganthrithor
The cruise / torp / rapid heavy dynamic follows the exact same pattern: "Oh no, rapid heavies will be better than cruises or torps in 90% of situations: quick, nerf RHMLs instead of making these two utterly awful weapon systems viable for PvP."

Players want weapons that are useful: the current proposal just adds yet another mostly-useless, extreme-niche weapon to a collection of mostly-useless, extreme niche weapons. Stop theorycrafting ways to avoid being better than heavies / HAMs / cruises / torps and start figuring out some changes to missiles as a whole that will make missiles a viable PvP weapon in general.

Then there's the whole problem of Rise's attitude: ignoring player feedback, cramming some underdeveloped idea into an expansion at the last minute in some vague hope that it will "fix" a massive existing problem and that they'll "fix any problems later." Remember when they introduced that other great burst / long reload mechanic: ASBs? Those were the dumbest thing I'd seen introduced to the game since I started playing in 2007, and they've received exactly one iteration in the last year and a half, which consisted entirely of a tiny nerf to charge capacity and didn't address the fundamental problems of the module whatsoever.

Yeah, I have really high hopes that the same iterative approach will work this time. I'm sure some time within the next 4 years missiles will get sorted...
Zvaarian the Red
Evil Leprechaun Brigade
#1347 - 2013-11-13 16:52:30 UTC
Ganthrithor wrote:
The cruise / torp / rapid heavy dynamic follows the exact same pattern: "Oh no, rapid heavies will be better than cruises or torps in 90% of situations: quick, nerf RHMLs instead of making these two utterly awful weapon systems viable for PvP."

Players want weapons that are useful: the current proposal just adds yet another mostly-useless, extreme-niche weapon to a collection of mostly-useless, extreme niche weapons. Stop theorycrafting ways to avoid being better than heavies / HAMs / cruises / torps and start figuring out some changes to missiles as a whole that will make missiles a viable PvP weapon in general.

I like this Goon. He speaks the truth.

Never though I'd say those words... =P
Dav Varan
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1348 - 2013-11-13 17:00:25 UTC
RHML dps = ( Cruise ml dps + Heavy ml dps ) / 2

It was literally this easy.

Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#1349 - 2013-11-13 17:27:36 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Chris Winter wrote:
Can we get a list of which CSM members supported this change, so I know who not to vote for?

I supported the change.

Remember that part where you're completely oblivious to even the simplest of game mechanics?

Not surprised you supported this, tbh.

No sig.

Dr Sraggles
The Covenant of Blood
#1350 - 2013-11-13 17:41:34 UTC
*IF* RLMLs need a nerf simply reduce their rate of fire. If you want to improve gameplay *reduce reload times*. You can cut turrets to 2.5 secs and launchers to 5 secs and make everyone happy. Doing crap dps with missiles is bad enough without enduring 10 seconds to change from precision to regular. Why in the hell is it 10 seconds to begin with? Terrible game mechanic.

Then, if you want to give us an "Assault RLML" with more front end dps give it a 20 second reload with a smaller clip to make it do less sustained dps than above. This would be a welcome addition to game play and make camps more fun for me. I might actually get on the KM.

A "ASB" type launcher should not be our only option though, or you reduce us to niche tactics.

If RHMLs are the only viable system for BS in your testing (who knew), well getting BS on the field in micro gangs might be a good thing? Just make the fitting requirements so that they only fit on BS. Cruise/Torps missiles need to arrive on target sometime before next week to be viable in small scale PVP.

Lastly, HMLs need a buff (reduce explosion radius). Make them viable against cruisers please so that um, cruisers can fight cruisers in PVP?

Nerf Links, plz. ITT they take HML/HAM missile boats off the field.


Reload times are a terrible waste of my life but are ok for an "Assault Launcher" option. Emphasis on option.

Fix Heavies against cruisers so cruisers can fight cruisers with heavies. Narf sig Links plx.

Fix Cruise Missiles/Torps so that they arrive on targets before I'm old.

Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#1351 - 2013-11-13 17:52:00 UTC
Bob Niac wrote:
Actually, does anyone see a correlation between bomb launchers and the way rapid launchers are being reimagined? Battlecruisers are steath bombers now?

Battlecruisers aren't bonused for RLMLs. As far as stealth, the only moderately effective stealth platform for these will be the Tengu, and it will still be worse than the Proteus or Stratios for stealthy dps.

Also, y'all know you are not required to link launchers, right? I could have a few double SeBoo Cerbs harrasing 5-6 frigates and destroyer class gangs. Each cerb can go after 3-4 targets at once..

Except that if you do that, you won't be able to kill them before needing to reload...
Brib Vogt
#1352 - 2013-11-13 18:14:43 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
Was playing around with the rlml on a cerberus against a rocket fitted t2 vengeance. every time it was close to structure the cerb needed to reload. That should not happen, that a hac can't beat an AF.

Same test with raven vs said cerberus. Without overheat raven couldn't kill cerb.

Without the fitting of said ship and a clear battle report of how this was tested these type of arguments are exactly what Rise was referring to as basically crap arguments against the changes.

Now if you want to get them to take you seriously then post up what fits your were using, what characters/skills etc and actually quote figure from a combat log that you can send to Rise to back up your findings. Do this and i can guarantee a much better chance at getting CCP to listen to you. Otherwise you are just whining that your favorite toy is different and you don't like it.

If Rise and co got a load of these reports from multiple sources with realistic fittings etc showing an issue across a number of scenarios then they would take notice. One scrub (or alts of said scrub) constantly bleating 'don't mess with my stuff!' don't sway anyone in a decent argument.

I used a pvp dual anc/small rep fitted all V vengeance against a dual ASB close to all V Cerberus. Besides the fact that this PVP event would to lead only to both fractions to warp away my vengeance dominated the cerberus. And this was without the use of a faction repper i use on TQ. And i am not whining, because i couldn't care less. Never used the damn rapid launcher. I only have them on V because i like to fly destroyers and frigates with LMs.

It was a staged fight with a friend and no will not post fitting details and skills because it is not necessary to do that to see that if a ship survives one magazine of LMs it will survive all the following. --> crap
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#1353 - 2013-11-13 18:19:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Bouh Revetoile
Ok, I did some tests with HAM dps and here are my results.

Tested in Pyfa 1.1.16 ; dps values read on the dps graphs with speed and sig values entered manualy. Fit are mostly standard fit I saved with some exception. No implants, fleet boosters or drugs.
Base fit : HAM Caracal with 3BCSII & CN ammo, 395 paper dps
Numbers with MWD off/on
Attack cruisers :
Caracal, 2LSEII, 3 shield rigs :
Thorax, 800mm plate, 3 armor rigs :
Thorax, FS-9 LSE, 2 shield rigs :
Omen, 800mm plate, 3 armor rigs :
Stabber, 1 LSEII, 2 shield rigs :

combat cruisers :
Moa, 2 LSEII, 3 shield rigs :
Maller, 1600mm plate, 3 armor rigs :
Vexor, 1600mm plate, 2 armor rigs :
Vexor, LSEII, overdrive injector, 3 shield rigs :
Rupture, 800mm plate, 3 armor rigs :
Rupture, LSEII, 3 shield rigs :

The numbers speak for themselves actually. Even attack cruisers take at least 70% damage ; combat cruisers take mostly always full damage. Stabber is of course in another league. Remember the missiles have 30km range on a Caracal. Now, if you don't like the fits, feel free to test by yourself.

To conclude, I'd say HAM are fine and people here are bad. Of course AB will reduce damage by approximately 50%, but that's the point of the module.

PS : I can't wait to see what naysayers will say now. :-)
Mr Gojira
Overview Dynamics Inc
#1354 - 2013-11-13 18:23:13 UTC
Viceorvirtue wrote:
So heres a bit of a comparison: Imagine you have an omen and a new rlm caracal shooting a target for 50 seconds. They end up doing relatively the same dps.

Now for the next 40 seconds, the caracal does 0 dps while the omen continues doing damage. Rlms currently have the 'interesting decision making' of "hmm, x, y, and z are on the field, what is the best ammo type to use here?'. Don't believe me? Shoot a jaguar with mjolnir fury, or try doing much damage to some afs and intys without swapping to percision ammo. The new rlms would have to wait 40 seconds in order to do this, which is long enough that you might as well leave the field because youll be chased off anyway. This means the only decision making in using new rlms will be 'can I kill the tackle in under 50 seconds assuming I have the right ammo preloaded to do so?' That is not an interesting choice to me.

If the fight lasts longer than 50 seconds, the omen becomes better and the caracal has a random chance of becoming useless or having to leave because suddenly something lands and you cant just reload to the right damage or missile type to kill it. In a small gang situation the new rlm caracal wouldn't want to shoot the primary, it would be too busy reloading incase the tackle that it just killed feels like reshipping. The omen and thorax are able to apply damage to a target regardless of how much ammo they have used and what point of the fight they are at.

I would much prefer a rof nerf and a pg requirement increase as a nerf to rlms. That way I still am able to make decisions about what ammo to use to get the best effect, and with an rlm nerf I would need to make the right ammo choice to be able to kill a number of things at all. Please reconsider this change, there are better ways of nerfing rlm than preventing people from reloading fast enough that missile type is actually a choice you can make during a fight and not something you have to hope you got right when you started engaging.

So as I stated to another person: what part of Rapid launchers being for use against smaller ships than the one your firing from is not being comprehended?

Perhaps the error of CCP RISE is that he is not properly explaining what a smaller ship is.
The Hatchery
#1355 - 2013-11-13 19:00:51 UTC
Mr Gojira wrote:

So as I stated to another person: what part of Rapid launchers being for use against smaller ships than the one your firing from is not being comprehended?

Perhaps the error of CCP RISE is that he is not properly explaining what a smaller ship is.

What I am saying is that in a number of situations that may be completely beyond your control you might end up with a useless ship. I will have mjolnir percision loaded vs a merlin for example, what happens if he has a friend in a jag warp in before he dies? Even with percisions I wont be able to kill the jag because of it's resist profile. So I would have to give it atleast 40 seconds before I can start trying to force it off me. It likely won't die to a single clip so thats 50 seconds and another 40 second reload. During this reload the jaguar has probably has a decent amount of its shields back so it might take most of the next clip to finish him off. This isn't even taking into account the merlin pilot who has had well over a minute to reship, and may very well have come back in something that I will need to swap ammo for again in order to apply substantial damage to.

This is 130 seconds, over 2 minutes and I still haven't finished the jaguar off because I had mjolnir loaded to kill a merlin. Nerfing the rof of rapid lights and increasing their pg use would mean that it takes me longer to kill the merlin but I can properly react to the jaguar, or whatever additional tackle lands on field during the fight that might present a bigger threat then what I am currently dealing with.

Ships like the omen and thorax, even if they end up shooting em into a jaguar or kin/therm into an ishkur will be able to properly respond to things landing. This is an exceptionally strong case to not use an rlm boat in my eyes and instead use any other weapon system because it will be effective against tackle all the time, with the added bonus of being able to fight things larger than frigates as well as multiple people without having to change the guns its using.
Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1356 - 2013-11-13 19:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Niena Nuamzzar
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
Ok, I did some tests with HAM dps and here are my results.
... ...
PS : I can't wait to see what naysayers will say now. :-)

That you don't have a clue, what else? Take Omen for example, add a frigate and see what happens if you compare graphs with Caracal. Properly piloted Omen will do near full to full damage to both and your HAM Caracal will have a hard time dealing even with T1 frig, what to speak of T2. Now, where goes your damage when we add all those ships with role bonuses, having 50% reduced MWD sig radius penalty - could you do your Pyfa thingy for them too?
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#1357 - 2013-11-13 19:43:39 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:

I used a pvp dual anc/small rep fitted all V vengeance against a dual ASB close to all V Cerberus. Besides the fact that this PVP event would to lead only to both fractions to warp away my vengeance dominated the cerberus. And this was without the use of a faction repper i use on TQ. And i am not whining, because i couldn't care less. Never used the damn rapid launcher. I only have them on V because i like to fly destroyers and frigates with LMs.

It was a staged fight with a friend and no will not post fitting details and skills because it is not necessary to do that to see that if a ship survives one magazine of LMs it will survive all the following. --> crap

Ok starting an argument with a claification that it's not a realistic scenario is a argument 101 fail. You have just stopped any credibility for your argument before you try to build it up.

And without the actuall fits then how can anyone reading your post investigate any numbers/results you are quoting to see if it is actually possible. Once again destroying any case you have built up.

Also you said it yourself, you don't use the module so your argument is invalid and you are just trying to shitstir the people who do use them regularly.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#1358 - 2013-11-13 19:52:50 UTC
Niena Nuamzzar wrote:
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
Ok, I did some tests with HAM dps and here are my results.
... ...
PS : I can't wait to see what naysayers will say now. :-)

That you don't have a clue, what else? Take Omen for example, add a frigate and see what happens if you compare graphs with Caracal. Properly piloted Omen will do full damage to both and your HAM Caracal will have a hard time dealing even with T1 frig, what to speak of T2. Now, where goes your damage when we add all those ships with role bonuses, having 50% reduced MWD sig radius penalty - could you do your Pyfa thingy for them too?

PAF! I have chased load of omens out of fw plexing in my rifters FFS! Cos the target thought 'I'm an omen I'll murder a rifter!' Then suddenly they can't hit me worth a dam and his drones are dead. Then I usually burn out a module or two that makes it a draw and we warp off. RLM cruiser however is a completely different setup and the only other cruiser setup apart from bonused drone boat that I am wary of engaging in a frigate.

And no I'm not an omen hater, I actually really like the ship but really people need to stop overstating how good these cruisers are at taking out small/fast frigs. It is the player who know what he is doing that can do that not the ship itself apart from RLML ships. Currently they just press F1 and watch the frig explode. and then they go and do the same thing to crusiers as they apply 100% of their damage in 99.99% of cases to a cruiser regardless of what the cruiser tries to do.

The new version will still see a RLML murder the typical frig but won't be able to scale the results up to a target the weapons were NOT designed to take on. And HAM Caracal is one of the best RLML carcal killers out there. Seen it many mnay times in FW.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1359 - 2013-11-13 19:58:28 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:

PAF! I have chased load of omens out of fw plexing in my rifters FFS! Cos the target thought 'I'm an omen I'll murder a rifter!' Then suddenly they can't hit me worth a dam and his drones are dead. Then I usually burn out a module or two that makes it a draw and we warp off. RLM cruiser however is a completely different setup and the only other cruiser setup apart from bonused drone boat that I am wary of engaging in a frigate.

And no I'm not an omen hater, I actually really like the ship but really people need to stop overstating how good these cruisers are at taking out small/fast frigs. It is the player who know what he is doing that can do that not the ship itself apart from RLML ships. Currently they just press F1 and watch the frig explode. and then they go and do the same thing to crusiers as they apply 100% of their damage in 99.99% of cases to a cruiser regardless of what the cruiser tries to do.

The new version will still see a RLML murder the typical frig but won't be able to scale the results up to a target the weapons were NOT designed to take on. And HAM Caracal is one of the best RLML carcal killers out there. Seen it many mnay times in FW.

Your point being..?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1360 - 2013-11-13 20:16:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Viceorvirtue wrote:
Mr Gojira wrote:

So as I stated to another person: what part of Rapid launchers being for use against smaller ships than the one your firing from is not being comprehended?

Perhaps the error of CCP RISE is that he is not properly explaining what a smaller ship is.

What I am saying is that in a number of situations that may be completely beyond your control you might end up with a useless ship. I will have mjolnir percision loaded vs a merlin for example, what happens if he has a friend in a jag warp in before he dies? Even with percisions I wont be able to kill the jag because of it's resist profile. So I would have to give it atleast 40 seconds before I can start trying to force it off me. It likely won't die to a single clip so thats 50 seconds and another 40 second reload. During this reload the jaguar has probably has a decent amount of its shields back so it might take most of the next clip to finish him off. This isn't even taking into account the merlin pilot who has had well over a minute to reship, and may very well have come back in something that I will need to swap ammo for again in order to apply substantial damage to.

This is 130 seconds, over 2 minutes and I still haven't finished the jaguar off because I had mjolnir loaded to kill a merlin. Nerfing the rof of rapid lights and increasing their pg use would mean that it takes me longer to kill the merlin but I can properly react to the jaguar, or whatever additional tackle lands on field during the fight that might present a bigger threat then what I am currently dealing with.

Ships like the omen and thorax, even if they end up shooting em into a jaguar or kin/therm into an ishkur will be able to properly respond to things landing. This is an exceptionally strong case to not use an rlm boat in my eyes and instead use any other weapon system because it will be effective against tackle all the time, with the added bonus of being able to fight things larger than frigates as well as multiple people without having to change the guns its using.

Of course, they could always simply alter the "Change Ammo" mechanic... which is what they have already said they are going to do.Smile

I think you'll also find that this system will deliver quite a bit more actual damage to smaller targets that a standard fit cruiser will in most circumstances.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.