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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Matthew Dust
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#321 - 2013-11-13 19:00:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthew Dust
Aleksey Diaklov wrote:

In response to other ideas:
D-scan jammer/D-scan decoy:
These sound like fun. Drop a few decoys just to mess with people. Make d-scan jammers not show up on d-scan but they can be scanned down. Anyone that scans them down need to be cautious that anything being hidden from scan won't murder them into little pieces when they go to destroy the jammer.

I like the idea of decoy, you set the mobile decoy to set up signals of certain ships, this way visual recon is better than D-Scan, this would be way more effective if local suddenly disappeared, but that will never happen.
The Dark Resistance
#322 - 2013-11-13 19:02:08 UTC
Tyrendian Biohazard wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Local cloak detector...

All cloaked ships within area of effect...let's say 150km...for arguments sake. Either uncloak or show up on overview...

^ This

Though I was more thinking something that would send a pulse 50-100km out every 60-90 seconds and decloak ships within the radius

I've been toying with a similar idea for some time now but always wanted to see the anti-cloaking field come from a ship rather than a deployable object. Maybe something like a pos mod that does the same thing would be cool but i'd like to pitch a different idea for the anti cloaky issue that comes up so often.

Presenting the Cov-ops Battlecruiser.

These ships offer a new form of combat as well as a way to sniff out those pesky cloakers. they would have 2 major functions.

The 1st being a cloak disruptor that sends out a sonar like wave in a 100km radius that could either disrupt a cloak all together or just offer a ping with general direction as to a where a cloaked ship may be. (I'd prefer something that does not turn off a cloak unless it was setup where only being hit by this at a short range would kill the cloak, like 5km. Anything over 5km would just get the directional ping.) The biggest limitation would be that this can’t just be spammed on a gate much like the way smart bombs currently are limited. Cloaked ships should still have a change to jump systems and cloak up but being in a system with a cov-ops bc adds the risk that they could be caught.

The 2nd function of the cov-ops battlecruiser would be an area effect cloaking field. the cov-ops bc would be able to turn on a cloaking field that is able to cloak a group that is within the field. Let’s say the field would be a 5km radius around the cov-ops bc. The drawback to this would be that no ship is able to move or have any mods on otherwise it will disrupt the cloaking field. So if you have one guy turn on his damage control to get ready for a fight he would bring down the cloak prematurely and possibly screwing up an ambush. Anything that passes through the fields radius while it is in effect would also disrupt the cloaking field bringing it down.

The cov-ops battlecruiser is not able to warp while cloaked and like a black ops battleship does not use a covert ops cloak but can also fit a covert cyno like every other cov-ops ship. These would also not be used for high dps and might favor smaller guns to be effective against tackle and smaller ships.

Think of the new forms of guerrilla warfare and gameplay that could open up with the introduction of the cov-ops battlecruiser, and rather than a deployable object that does little to add content and would have many issues on where they are able to be placed. I believe there should be some option out there to track cloaking ships but a passive object doing the job for you doesn’t seem right. Risk that bc to ping those bombers on grid and send some frigs to try an decloak them.
Goonswarm Federation
#323 - 2013-11-13 19:03:13 UTC
I think there's a pretty clear consensus that wormhole stabilizers are the way to go. Obviously you'd have to make them cost something so they'd perhaps poof after X amount of m3 went through the hole, so you've got to spend money to really shove your fleet into that hole, but it's clearly the best proposed new unit.

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

GeeShizzle MacCloud
#324 - 2013-11-13 19:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: GeeShizzle MacCloud
Guns'N'Ammo wrote:
Tyrendian Biohazard wrote:
[quote=Azami Nevinyrall]Local cloak detector...

All cloaked ships within area of effect...let's say 150km...for arguments sake. Either uncloak or show up on overview...

'whole load of stuff thats waaaaaay off topic!'

keep it to deployables m8.

also im getting tired reading all the crybabies wanting anti-cloaking deployables... f**kin grow a pair, jeez!
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#325 - 2013-11-13 19:07:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Obviously this mechanic should eventually replace POS's, allowing modular construction up to and including POS cities.

I also like the idea of a Distress Beacon that can be anchored in the same fashion. It should be clearly visible in space to anyone entering the system (after all, that is their function).

This beacon attracts NPC's (or better than normal NPC's) to it like a moth to a flame seeking helpless victims. Of course, since it is visible to everyone it will also attract players as well, for much the same reasons.

It should be deployable in all security levels of space, however if deployed and activated in high sec it will immediately draw a Concord response. They will destroy the source of the "false alarm" and then seek out and destroy the owner of the structure. This may actually be handy for delaying Concord response in high sec by a few seconds.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#326 - 2013-11-13 19:09:42 UTC  |  Edited by: xKOMODOx
  • "Komodo" Deployable Proximity Mine - ejected from the ship and fast deployment timer 2s using a High Slot Launcher... 4 variations that emits kin/therm/emp/exp (or even better a combination of different damage exp+emp) damage once a ship is in close proximity ~5k.

  • Mobile Cryo Cemetery Center :) yeah that is right Shocked
  • Collects all the lost souls you find or gather from the battlefield - can be open by all, but only the owner can take/remove corpses. Can be anchored only around moons (same as POSs).
Cap Render
Raven's Flight
#327 - 2013-11-13 19:09:53 UTC
How about a deployable wormhole entry point, either (1) for a solo/small group to exploit or (2) to drop in the middle of a fleet battle?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#328 - 2013-11-13 19:11:58 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Bagehi wrote:
A cyno structure. Something with reasonable HP, unlike a noob ship or recon. No sov restrictions. Shows up on overview like a cyno. Eats fuel over time like a ship-based cyno. Is reasonably priced. Basically, something that allows alliance/coalition level cyno chains for move ops to be setup without breaking the EULA for account sharing. Because, the current system is little more than a workaround because of game mechanics.

You see cynos because they're in your fleet, right?

How would you see this? All people in the alliance see it as an option? Constantly running, or needing triggered?

Because constantly running massively enhances power projection. No need to get a cyno chain in place, as it's already there.

Interesting idea though

Like I said, needs fuel, so it can't run constantly. It would have to be continually refueled. It shouldn't have so many HP that it can't be taken out by a small gang of ships, but enough that those LR Nados that currently warp in on almost every cyno and insta-snipe them wouldn't be able to just warp in, pop it, then warp out seconds later. So, they would be clearable, but not clearable while a fleet is sitting on it. They would have to be flimsy enough that they wouldn't always be sitting around, so whether it was tied to a specific fleet (would make more sense) or across the alliance (could get messy, but I could see the benefits) doesn't really seem a big deal to me. I don't see it as enhancing power projection since there are piles of alliance cyno alts all over the game right now, with stockpiles of cynos, noobs ships, and LO accomplishing the same task. Since that isn't being policed as account sharing, I would assume CCP accepts the need for such a setup, so they should, in theory, be okay with an in-game-within-mechanics-solution to replace that.
Draken Harald Harfagre
#329 - 2013-11-13 19:13:48 UTC
When I first heard about the mobile depot I was stoked! Then I saw it on sisi and thought it was a joke or unfinished as I thought it was a toy (so tiny!) It seems useful dont get me wrong. I just had different expectations.

Anyways what I was HOPING it was, was a small personal station where an individual or small group could call home. So how about a similar depot skin X20 and putting a small shield around it with a small ship hanger (a few cruisers and down) With possibilities to anchor a few of these new deployables around it. IE small turrets, science lab, manufacturing, refining with no penalties (you could add specific skills so its not so easy to get around station refining penalties. Like modular personal depot refining!), Giant space advertisement board that I can plaster my lovely face to, etc...

Make it affordable to individual players with the option of expensive but useful deployables and internal moduals (with externally identifiable skins of course) to balance it out. So for instance the station is "cheap" but the turret expansion option would cost mucho ISK and SP!

Its all about the player wanting to feel like an individual and have their own "land" and a place to call home. As the current NPC stations offer little to no player interaction anyways. Hire me whenever you want to...

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#330 - 2013-11-13 19:14:19 UTC
Mobile Drone Command Center:

-Contains 5 Scout Drones, assigns them to owner.
-Cannot be deployed within 250km of each other.
-If pilot leaves control area, drones return to deployable and are inactive until pilot is back on grid.
-Either 1 time use with timer, or easily hacked, stolen, etc.

T2 variant can have T2 drones.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

#331 - 2013-11-13 19:18:41 UTC
mobile surgery unit to add and remove implants while out in space

my 2 isk worth

Kogh Ayon
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#332 - 2013-11-13 19:19:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kogh Ayon
1, Mobile Industrial Module
A small manufacturing module with 2 arrays that allow player to manufacture all T1 items up to frigate.

I don't see any needs for a mobile lab variant, since most of the PE/ME lines are empty in high-sec poses or null-sec stations.

2, Mobile Refine Module
Before that please fix all the broken refine rate: the current 35%-70% maximum ore refine rate for pos is totally useless and plainly stupid. When people maintain a pos and paying fuel for it, they deserve to get at least 85% of the income.

Then we can have private refine module with a 80% maximum refine rate.

3, Mobile Ship Maintenance Array
Stores one cruiser class or several frigate class ships. Good for solo pvpers to find their new home without constrained by stations

4, Mining rig
Many people mentioned the auto miner, but it will change too many aspects of the game. Maybe we should replace all the equipment drop from NPC by something else before move on.

However, I totally agree with the idea that the current version of mining is not supposed to be in this game. Some people believe that making PVE boring will bring effective punishment to PVP loses, but in reality it just encourages people to write better bots.

Anyway "Effort consuming" does not equal to "Boring", or just tell me that developing EVE is boring or effort free :)
Matthew Dust
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#333 - 2013-11-13 19:19:36 UTC
You know what I can actually get on board with? Something for those hard working miners, a sort of deployable miner, so they can sit safely in the station not risk their mackinaw.

And when they go out to collect their hard earned ore, it's gone, because I will have either taken it or destroyed it, then I can deploy my mobile tear harvester :)
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
Seventh Sanctum.
#334 - 2013-11-13 19:21:23 UTC
all i need is a cloaking struckture
Solar Taranogas
Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#335 - 2013-11-13 19:22:59 UTC
Any chance of a Mobile Pleasure Hub?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#336 - 2013-11-13 19:23:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Lifelongnoob
super asteroids (in probe-able dead space sites in low /null/wormspace only) + mining outpost that attaches to the super asteroid

this puppy needs to be deployed by freighter, rorqual or jf. it attaches it self to a super asteroid and slowly mines it over a 30 day period.

it can be reused again but requires a rorqual, freighter or jf to scoop it

it also requires pos fuel cubes to run

it should be destroyable but has a reinforce timer to allow the owner defend it.

if attacked only the player that owns it gets the notification mail and not the corp
#337 - 2013-11-13 19:23:43 UTC
mobile gravity generators- tiny units that pull ships within 100k toward it , creating a gravity well that causes more kinetic damage the closer it gets. escape velocity required to get out of it related to the skill trained to use it.
level 5 requires a warp drive to escape.

my 2 isk worth

Kogh Ayon
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#338 - 2013-11-13 19:24:23 UTC
Matthew Dust wrote:
You know what I can actually get on board with? Something for those hard working miners, a sort of deployable miner, so they can sit safely in the station not risk their mackinaw.

And when they go out to collect their hard earned ore, it's gone, because I will have either taken it or destroyed it, then I can deploy my mobile tear harvester :)

What if they are cheap and come with pretty good ehps?
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#339 - 2013-11-13 19:28:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Chandaris
- system wide cyno jammer: same as current but jams either whole system, or perhaps a full grid. deployable, 1h to online, lasts a day

- detection array - allows for some complex/slow eventual detection of AFK cloakers who are not moving

- mobile repair facility - can be deployed and used to repair ships and thermal damage for people who live places without repair facilities (like Sechmaren - no repair facilities in lowsec for 6 jumps)

- wormhole stabilizer - nothing permanent, but perhaps something that can extend the shelf life or increase the mass limit of a wormhole temporarily

- jump inhibitor - system wide or grid level jump inhibitor that prevents things from jumping or bridging OUT, instead of in.

- sensor suppression array - makes a particular grid invisible to dscanner for a short period of time (could be used be miners/ratters in lowsec

- deep space sensor array - increases the range of d-scan of a near by or master ship from 15 au to 64

... Just a few possible ideas that kinda popped into my head when i read this..
JP Nakamura
Union of Intergalactic Miners and Nano Assemblers
#340 - 2013-11-13 19:28:16 UTC
In response to the vast number of "Anti-Cloak" suggestions, I offer up this:

  • Mobile Telepresence Relay - Deployable in system. Creates cloaked chat relay to in space ship and target system's "local" (for user they have a chat window "local (System Name)", for people in system the toon shows up in chat). Has range of two systems. Self destructs if toon leaves range or leaves space (logs off, docks). Can not be scanned down, does not show up on D-Scan.

CCP: 10+ years of Harvesting players Tears  (latest efforts being Source Limited Edition, and Alliance Logo Revised Policies)