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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2013-11-13 13:49:37 UTC
Mobile black market unit. That you can put stuff there that can be picked by hoever pay theprice listed. good to sell drugs in high sec ;)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Swiftstrike Incorporated
#82 - 2013-11-13 13:52:02 UTC
Jump portal hijacker. Any ship that uses a jump bridge, titan bridge or cynosural field to jump into a system is re-directed to land on the jump portal hijacker instead. When online, a beacon appears in the OV just like a cyno. Has no effect on covert cynos.

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2013-11-13 13:55:09 UTC
Mobile ship wash: You pay 15 isk and the ship is washed (the shader increase the specular factor by 5 fold during 1 full hour and adds 5% extra resistance against lasers).

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Ivana Twinkle
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2013-11-13 13:59:28 UTC
Deployable bathroom with extra suction.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2013-11-13 13:59:42 UTC
Electrique Wizard
Mutually Lucrative Business Proposals
#86 - 2013-11-13 14:00:02 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Mobile ship wash: You pay 15 isk and the ship is washed (the shader increase the specular factor by 5 fold during 1 full hour and adds 5% extra resistance against lasers).

you mean reflect 5% of the damage back to the enemy shooting you

I am the Zodiac, I am the stars, You are the sorceress, my priestess of Mars, Queen of the night, swathed in satin black, Your ivory flesh upon my torture rack.

Powers Sa
#87 - 2013-11-13 14:00:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Powers Sa
Jack bubu wrote:
- Localchat scrambling unit
Works only in nullsec. Puts local in the entire constellation into delayed mode but broadcasts the system where the unit was onlined every 30 seconds in local, only 1 can be onlined per constellation.

- Decloaking pulse generator
Sends out a decloaking pulse every 5 minutes that decloaks everything on grid.

- Scan signature Jammer
Cloaks everything in a 100km radius from directional scanner aswell as scan probes, the Jammer itself however is probeable.

- Wormhole effect inducer
1 for each wormhole type, projects wormhole effects to the whole grid, only one can be active at a time.

- Mobile Grid Cleaner type 'agmar'
Targets and destroyes wrecks in a 150km radius, 8 wrecks per 10 seconds are destroyed. Once the grid is cleaned it will write in local "Agmar sends his regards"

So we have something that directly f*cks with stealth bombers. Dumb.

A way to safely hide a super fleet transit chain? dumb

The only thing I like on here is the mobile grid cleaner.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#88 - 2013-11-13 14:00:25 UTC
save the miners!

make one that mines

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#89 - 2013-11-13 14:01:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Sven Viko VIkolander
I am repeating some of the good idea I've heard :

1. A mobile captains quarters with a window (AND a room in the captains quarters where I keep my corpses and/or "livestock"?)

2. A smaller mobile depot that can either cloak or is invisible to d-scan

3. A Mobile drug production factory ( in fact, a mobile X, for any X that a POS / station can perform, then trash the POS code!)

4. A mobile local-chat scrambler

5. A mobile acceleration gate

6. A mobile "camera" / " intel" depot, which shows me local and/or d-scan in another system a certain amount of jumps away (I've always wanted something like a little spy drone I could fly into other systems but doesn't appear in local chat etc.)

7. Every Jack Bubu and Rixx said on page 4

Oh, and the ability to hack into the mobile depot, with limitations etc.
Lord Valian
Aegis Victorium
The Initiative.
#90 - 2013-11-13 14:02:05 UTC
Cloak Disruption Unit, a deployable that works systemwide, when deployed it will disrupt the cloak of all ships in the system for 1 hour and will then "burn itself out" (self destruct).
Ralmar Kimnot
#91 - 2013-11-13 14:02:21 UTC
DrLSpaceman wrote:
Webbing Structures akin to Stasis Towers would make gate camps just a little more interesting...

I web bubble variation on the warp bubble would be better than a structure.
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#92 - 2013-11-13 14:04:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
Hmm, here's an incredibly evil idea. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to implement though.

Call it a Cynosural Jump Disruptor. Deploy it anywhere within a system. The CJD projects a sphere of influence several LY in diameter around the system it's in. If any ship using a jump drive passes through this sphere (i.e. a straight line from the origin to the destination system intersects it), the jumping ship is ejected at a random point within the system with the CJD. The CJD has no effect on ships jumping directly to the system it's in though. (To prevent simply making your system a safe haven against caps jumping from any direction.)

Limited to one per system. Visible on the overview from anywhere in the system. Has about battleship-level of EHP. No reinforcement timers. Not scoopable. Duration of 20-30 minutes, after that it selfdestructs.

The CJD and its sphere of influence would be visible on the starmap with no delay, this way you can check for them before you jump. This would ideally come with a simple tool to plot lines on the map to see if you actually go through the CJD bubble or avoid it.

This would make it possible to cut off capital or titan bridge reinforcements from a system if you know where your enemy is staging. If you want to bring your caps to battle, you would need to either plot a course around the CJD, or send a skirmish fleet to destroy it. (objectives for small gangs!) It would also make people more aware of the 3D nature of the EVE world, not just a set of systems connected by gates.
Jack Haydn
Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#93 - 2013-11-13 14:04:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Haydn
Use this to finally "fix" POS by replacing them with mobile structures. Introduce mobile stuff which resembles the things POS can currently do and once you cover all current POS features, you can just nuke the POS code (slight simplification in the statement here).

You already started with those depots which somewhat resemble CHAs.
Rayzilla Zaraki
Yin Jian Enterprises
#94 - 2013-11-13 14:07:00 UTC
Lord Valian wrote:
Cloak Disruption Unit, a deployable that works systemwide, when deployed it will disrupt the cloak of all ships in the system for 1 hour and will then "burn itself out" (self destruct).

Why not the whole constellation?

Gate campers are just Carebears with anger issues.

Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#95 - 2013-11-13 14:07:07 UTC
A deployable bubble like structure that nullifies the interdiction nullifier effect. aka as an old school bubble pre t3/interceptor

OMG when can i get a pic here

Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2013-11-13 14:08:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Marc Callan
Jump Portal Tracker: will create bookmarks for the in-system location of any cynosural field deployed within its scan range (scan range can vary by meta type, with T1M0 default anywhere between 0.5 AU and 2 AU), and create bookmarks of any system (but not the location within that system) from which an incoming jump portal has been created, eg: where the capital, supercap, or jump freighter jumped from, or where the Titan opening the bridge was located.

Will not track covert cynos or portals. Battlecruiser-sized scan signature, frigate HP.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Ivana Twinkle
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2013-11-13 14:08:20 UTC
Lord Valian wrote:
Cloak Disruption Unit, a deployable that works systemwide, when deployed it will disrupt the cloak of all ships in the system for 1 hour and will then "burn itself out" (self destruct).

No system wide crap. It should maximum be 100km
Demonos Silentium
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#98 - 2013-11-13 14:08:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Demonos Silentium
these are quite good ideas.

[quote=Jack bubu]
- Decloaking pulse generator
Sends out a decloaking pulse every 5 minutes that decloaks everything on grid.


- Mining Protection Unit

Deployable mod that needs fuel (cap booster charges and/or an energy transfer feed perhaps) and acts as a defensive mod for mining fleet. DPS is based on the size of the cap booster charge, with navy 800s + energy transfer giving enough punch to kill the highest level nullsec spawn. Does not target players. Only tanks belt-sized spawns to prevent use in other sites and/or has a long onlining time suitable to the (usual) long on-grid times of miners.

- Bomb Defense Unit

Structure that gives specialist defense options against bombing runs. Uses the almost obsolete Defender missiles as ammo and autofires on bombs (not bombers). Optional: have it operated by a player, who has to initiate the module's defensive options when bombers uncloak for their run (similar to "turning the key" on a real life air defence destroyer to put it in full auto mode). Several of these are anchorable on a grid, with one of them able to kill about 1 squad of bombs. Significant reload cycle.
Anderton Faln
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#99 - 2013-11-13 14:09:12 UTC
Probably an idiotic idea but what about some kind of consumable cyno beacon mobile structure? Not too dissimilar from the current cyno beacons that require sov but these would be temporary (something like 15 minutes), show up system-wide on overview, etc. They would need to be somewhat expensive considering the utility of them. The cost/consumable aspect of it should be far greater than what is required to get the required sov level, deploy ihub, etc.
Jacque Custeau
Knights of the Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2013-11-13 14:10:42 UTC
Mobile Sentry guns. You drop them in a belt and if an enemy or pirate appears, they shoot him. They should have a range equal to that of a siphon, and when attacked they go into reinforcement mode for 48 hours.