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The ISK train is over, Incursions coming to an end?

First post
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#21 - 2013-11-07 15:44:21 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Varkath Drakan wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
MikaPivav wrote:
the biggest sink ever invented in EVE is nullsec. It safer than high sec , more isk than incursions whatever people say. At least incursions are team work ..

There is a thread right now where the same people that constantly lie about how high sec makes more ISK / hour than null are bragging about how much ISK they are pulling in running null sec anom's.

Incursions do not make more per hour that null sec. They never have, not even in the era of the legion fleets.
Because what the null sec liars conveniently forget is the amount of prep/travel time needed to get fleets organized, versus the undock/ rat visible anom's solo instantly in null sec.

Null sec solo anom runners don't travel through 20 jumps, typically manned by suicide gankers, to get to an area where they will PvE.

But can you make 120m/hr with a 3 mil sp character for hours on end without worrying about someone coming and blowing you up in null unless it is deep sov space?

You can never expectr prejudiced people to take into account what others have to do for the same result. Dinsdale wants us to have to calculate travel and wait times for incursion isk, but gives no thought to the same kinds of barriers in null sec, such as crowded systems where the "good" anoms are taken, having to dock up/get/safe when a neutral comes in or having to gimp fit your PVE ship with tings like neuts and ECM drones or micro jump drives to survive etc etc. That's what prejudice does, it makes you blind.

There are many such reason why many null sec pilots have high sec pve isking alts, the high sec zealots among us don't want to know why that is. And they never have a single good reason why PVE players like me would need to lie about isk making.

You conveniently forget that I lived in Pure Blind, with PL and a small, but serious group based out of the NPC station down the pipe (forget the name, but they have run in the tourney), constantly harassing. I know precisely how much I made in null per hour, compared to high sec.

So don't try telling me how poor null sec players are.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#22 - 2013-11-07 15:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldiiee
Varkath Drakan wrote:

But can you make 120m/hr with a 3 mil sp character for hours on end without worrying about someone coming and blowing you up in null unless it is deep sov space?

That's the funniest post I have seen so far, a fleet of 3 mil SP pilots would never survive a VG, let alone get an invite to a fleet that could.

Edit: you must be thinking of FW, not Incursions.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#23 - 2013-11-07 15:58:02 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Varkath Drakan wrote:

But can you make 120m/hr with a 3 mil sp character for hours on end without worrying about someone coming and blowing you up in null unless it is deep sov space?

That's the funniest post I have seen so far, a fleet of 3 mil SP pilots would never survive a VG, let alone get an invite to a fleet that could.

Edit: you must be thinking of FW, not Incursions.

Case in point. He never said anything about a fleet.

3 mil SP is low, but I've introduced people to incursions flying megas and tempests with 5 mil or less. Those guys using best named guns wouldn't have been able to malke the same isk in null sec missions anoms or plexs as they could in incursions. Each of them were in navy and then pirate ships as soon as they could fly them just from the isk we made flying with tvp and warp to me.

Thanks to incursions I can jump into a ship that can't even shoot (scimitar, basi in shiled fleets for examples) and make isk. Can't do that in null the same way unless yoru null area lucks up and gets an incursion which needs clearing.

I do all combat PVE expect wormhole stuff(missions, incursions, exploration), and the simple truth is that high sec incursions are the best steady+safe isk there is to be had. Not chance based like most null PVE, and my high sec incursion runner doens't even have local chat on screen (because TVP, ISN primary and Warp To me's chat are WAY more useful and entertaining lol especially when DIN got pissed and killed MOM) where as local chat and intel channels are a must in null.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-11-07 16:01:50 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Skeito wrote:
more likely that another pirate faction is to start incursions and this is the initial CTA to try to repel them.

IDK if that would be useful, since Incursion Sansha unlike mission Sansha do Omni damage while Omni tanking, and pretty much all forms of E-war. So I am not sure how giving players different coloured ships to shoot at would be a change worth noticing.

It could mean new sites but they could do them with Sansha too instead of generating new faction...
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#25 - 2013-11-07 16:04:27 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

You conveniently forget that I lived in Pure Blind, with PL and a small, but serious group based out of the NPC station down the pipe (forget the name, but they have run in the tourney), constantly harassing. I know precisely how much I made in null per hour, compared to high sec.

So don't try telling me how poor null sec players are.

See, prejudice.

Who said null players are poor. I make good isk in Null, as do most people.

There is an imbalance though. i notice it while farming anoms with my 1.5 bil isk fit mach macking 28-34 mil ticks while having to watch local like a hawk, when i could be flying a much cheaper Basi in an incursion fleet making similar isk without having to look at local. This is one of the reasons why high sec pve is so popular among null players, even in cases where is less isk like missions, it's still safer, steadier, not chance based. CONCORD will come and kill people who shoot you. You can go AFK without a cloak, POS or outpost. etc etc.

You'd have to be interested in the truth to understand this though, and all you're interested in is your agenda.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#26 - 2013-11-07 16:07:42 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Skeito wrote:
more likely that another pirate faction is to start incursions and this is the initial CTA to try to repel them.

IDK if that would be useful, since Incursion Sansha unlike mission Sansha do Omni damage while Omni tanking, and pretty much all forms of E-war. So I am not sure how giving players different coloured ships to shoot at would be a change worth noticing.

It could mean new sites but they could do them with Sansha too instead of generating new faction...

Incursions shoulda been Jove or Sleeper to begin with.

It makes no in-game sense that Sansha is so powerful it can invade empires and Capsuleer Allainces but not powerful enough to let his minions use the good ships in Sansha Blockade, Sansha Sanctum or even Centus Assembly lol.
Federal Navy Academy
#27 - 2013-11-07 16:12:45 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
There is a thread right now where the same people that constantly lie about how high sec makes more ISK / hour than null are bragging about how much ISK they are pulling in running null sec anom's.

Incursions do not make more per hour that null sec. They never have, not even in the era of the legion fleets.
Because what the null sec liars conveniently forget is the amount of prep/travel time needed to get fleets organized, versus the undock/ rat visible anom's solo instantly in null sec.

Null sec solo anom runners don't travel through 20 jumps, typically manned by suicide gankers, to get to an area where they will PvE.

-You only have to make those 20 jumps once every few days. This is not a big deal.
-If suicide gankers are a problem while moving your incursion battleship, you are very much doing it wrong.
-Also, if nullsec people were offered the option of moving twenty jumps through hisec in order to reach their anomalies in exchange for not having to deal with roaming ganks and cloaky hotdroppers, a lot of them would do it.
-you sound very mad. People that are not mad do not throw around the words "lie" and "liars" so easily.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2013-11-07 16:13:56 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Varkath Drakan wrote:

But can you make 120m/hr with a 3 mil sp character for hours on end without worrying about someone coming and blowing you up in null unless it is deep sov space?

That's the funniest post I have seen so far, a fleet of 3 mil SP pilots would never survive a VG, let alone get an invite to a fleet that could.

Edit: you must be thinking of FW, not Incursions.

Case in point. He never said anything about a fleet.

3 mil SP is low, but I've introduced people to incursions flying megas and tempests with 5 mil or less. Those guys using best named guns wouldn't have been able to malke the same isk in null sec missions anoms or plexs as they could in incursions. Each of them were in navy and then pirate ships as soon as they could fly them just from the isk we made flying with tvp and warp to me.

Thanks to incursions I can jump into a ship that can't even shoot (scimitar, basi in shiled fleets for examples) and make isk. Can't do that in null the same way unless yoru null area lucks up and gets an incursion which needs clearing.

I do all combat PVE expect wormhole stuff(missions, incursions, exploration), and the simple truth is that high sec incursions are the best steady+safe isk there is to be had. Not chance based like most null PVE, and my high sec incursion runner doens't even have local chat on screen (because TVP, ISN primary and Warp To me's chat are WAY more useful and entertaining lol especially when DIN got pissed and killed MOM) where as local chat and intel channels are a must in null.

This example is someone getting carried to ISK. It's only possible because people are willing to do the lifting for someone else. Getting help is powerfull everywhere. Goonwaffe newbie are more succesfull on average because there is an army of vet making the programs run to amke it easy for them. Not because being a goon is OP.

I still agree that the reward is skewed on one side too much but how much less should an high sec inc pay for people to enjoy the null better payout?
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#29 - 2013-11-07 16:26:44 UTC
Like Frosty said, sure a 3mil SP toon can get in a fleet, but that is tempered by the (Assuming VG) 9 other toons with 30mil SP each. I fly with ISN and it is no secret that without around a minimum of 20mil SP you won't get an invite, so the really high end ISK is actually not really available to the low SP characters.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#30 - 2013-11-07 16:30:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Goldiiee wrote:
Like Frosty said, sure a 3mil SP toon can get in a fleet, but that is tempered by the (Assuming VG) 9 other toons with 30mil SP each. I fly with ISN and it is no secret that without around a minimum of 20mil SP you won't get an invite, so the really high end ISK is actually not really available to the low SP characters.

There are plenty of communities that run HQs.

I took an old cyno alt and trained him for the TVP shiney Mach, didn't take terribly long and the alt that use to light cynos for me is in high sec flying in shiny contest fleets every weekend lol. With only like 11 mil SP. That same toon would take more work to be a good mach pilot in null sec.
Varkath Drakan
Just Another Single Man Corp
#31 - 2013-11-07 16:31:32 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Varkath Drakan wrote:

But can you make 120m/hr with a 3 mil sp character for hours on end without worrying about someone coming and blowing you up in null unless it is deep sov space?

That's the funniest post I have seen so far, a fleet of 3 mil SP pilots would never survive a VG, let alone get an invite to a fleet that could.

Edit: you must be thinking of FW, not Incursions.

Case in point. He never said anything about a fleet.

3 mil SP is low, but I've introduced people to incursions flying megas and tempests with 5 mil or less. Those guys using best named guns wouldn't have been able to malke the same isk in null sec missions anoms or plexs as they could in incursions. Each of them were in navy and then pirate ships as soon as they could fly them just from the isk we made flying with tvp and warp to me.

Thanks to incursions I can jump into a ship that can't even shoot (scimitar, basi in shiled fleets for examples) and make isk. Can't do that in null the same way unless yoru null area lucks up and gets an incursion which needs clearing.

I do all combat PVE expect wormhole stuff(missions, incursions, exploration), and the simple truth is that high sec incursions are the best steady+safe isk there is to be had. Not chance based like most null PVE, and my high sec incursion runner doens't even have local chat on screen (because TVP, ISN primary and Warp To me's chat are WAY more useful and entertaining lol especially when DIN got pissed and killed MOM) where as local chat and intel channels are a must in null.

This example is someone getting carried to ISK. It's only possible because people are willing to do the lifting for someone else. Getting help is powerfull everywhere. Goonwaffe newbie are more succesfull on average because there is an army of vet making the programs run to amke it easy for them. Not because being a goon is OP.

I still agree that the reward is skewed on one side too much but how much less should an high sec inc pay for people to enjoy the null better payout?

I don't necessarily think that null sec should be insanely better reward rise. High sec and null sec are two different play styles, which players should be allowed to enjoy separately, not be forced to move into null to make decent isk because "high sec is to easy, blah blah blah." As stated before, most null sec players (probably all) have a high sec alt or go to high sec every so often to enjoy the ease of it. There are always the outliers, the people who don't fall into that but most people do.
Varkath Drakan
Just Another Single Man Corp
#32 - 2013-11-07 16:37:07 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Like Frosty said, sure a 3mil SP toon can get in a fleet, but that is tempered by the (Assuming VG) 9 other toons with 30mil SP each. I fly with ISN and it is no secret that without around a minimum of 20mil SP you won't get an invite, so the really high end ISK is actually not really available to the low SP characters.

ISN is not the only good Incursion community out there. A low sp pilot can get in with TVP, WTM, maybe DIN? (haven't flown with them) and make way more isk than any other activity at their respective level. ISN are elitists, stated by their high reqs, which is ok. ISN works well for people with high SP who want to contest sites for better ISK/hr than non contesting fleets. But don't forget that they are not the only choice.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#33 - 2013-11-07 16:41:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Frostys Virpio wrote:

This example is someone getting carried to ISK.

The discussion is about isk.


It's only possible because people are willing to do the lifting for someone else. Getting help is powerfull everywhere. Goonwaffe newbie are more succesfull on average because there is an army of vet making the programs run to amke it easy for them. Not because being a goon is OP.

Apples and Oranges. Sure the incursion runner isn't running incursions alone, nor did the Anom runner single handedly conquer his solar system, upgrade it, place an IHUB in system and get the military level to 5 lol.

The point here is, as a single player flying a single ship, it's possible to make the same isk form incursions as it is from standard null sec pve activities like anom farming. And in Incursions this could be done with a cheaper ship (like a logi) in a situation so safe you don't even have to look at local (because your not going to be in an incursion fleet if wardecced anyway). That's an imbalance.


I still agree that the reward is skewed on one side too much but how much less should an high sec inc pay for people to enjoy the null better payout?

I don't suggest changing anything isk wise, if high sec incursions paid less no one would run them (I lol when I think about how people were screaming "it's not about ISK, it's about the community" before the incursion nerf only to see the incursion communities wither away when ccp took away the isk lol). And buffing null sec pve isk is just repeating the mistake of the past.

I think the best change would be for incursions (all incursions) to be actually dangerous instead of the farmable cake walk they are now. Incursion Communities have incursions so down-pat now that after a couple hours it makes me sleepy. I rarely catch any aggro even when flying a Vindicator.
Varkath Drakan
Just Another Single Man Corp
#34 - 2013-11-07 16:49:04 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

I don't suggest changing anything isk wise, if high sec incursions paid less no one would run them (I lol when I think about how people were screaming "it's not about ISK, it's about the community" before the incursion nerf only to see the incursion communities wither away when ccp took away the isk lol). And buffing null sec pve isk is just repeating the mistake of the past.

I think the best change would be for incursions (all incursions) to be actually dangerous instead of the farmable cake walk they are now. Incursion Communities have incursions so down-pat now that after a couple hours it makes me sleepy. I rarely catch any aggro even when flying a Vindicator.

Agree totally. An easy change would be making random spawns for each site, so there is no way to plan out the spawn locations before hand or the amount of rats in the site, it would change in the site. That itself would make the players have to pay more attention instead of *keep at range 2,500* *hit F1 when in range* repeat.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#35 - 2013-11-07 16:52:08 UTC
Varkath Drakan wrote:

I don't necessarily think that null sec should be insanely better reward rise. High sec and null sec are two different play styles, which players should be allowed to enjoy separately, not be forced to move into null to make decent isk because "high sec is to easy, blah blah blah." As stated before, most null sec players (probably all) have a high sec alt or go to high sec every so often to enjoy the ease of it. There are always the outliers, the people who don't fall into that but most people do.

Besides this, more rewards to "force" people to move has never worked, just the opposite. Low sec is fully of tasty rewards and still mostly empty. Wormholes have the best rewards in the game and the lowest share of population.

No one wants to force anyone to do anything. Now, some of us would like to be "less tied" to high sec. No one is forcing us to play there but 100 to 150 mil an hour flying in incursions fleets in increased safety (rather than PVEing in null with one eye glued to local/intel) is just too good to pass up. But CCP seems to have painted itself into a corner, can't nerf high sec because it's already a grind, can't buff null because the last null buff damn near broke the economy (really, 400 mil an hour titans lol).

I'm not one of those players who thinks he knows what professional game makers should do, just pointing out what I see as an imbalance. Damn if I would know how to correct it.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#36 - 2013-11-07 16:52:28 UTC
Varkath Drakan wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Like Frosty said, sure a 3mil SP toon can get in a fleet, but that is tempered by the (Assuming VG) 9 other toons with 30mil SP each. I fly with ISN and it is no secret that without around a minimum of 20mil SP you won't get an invite, so the really high end ISK is actually not really available to the low SP characters.

ISN is not the only good Incursion community out there. A low sp pilot can get in with TVP, WTM, maybe DIN? (haven't flown with them) and make way more isk than any other activity at their respective level. ISN are elitists, stated by their high reqs, which is ok. ISN works well for people with high SP who want to contest sites for better ISK/hr than non contesting fleets. But don't forget that they are not the only choice.

Agreed there are several choices out there for good to great communities, I only used ISN as an example. But realistically when your in a fleet as a 50+mil Sp toon and you see someone that is not only doing the DPS of one Light drone but failing to do anything to help the fleet keep them alive or let alone help the fleet in any way is your immediate response 'Oh where can we find 10 more of these guys'. I don't think so.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#37 - 2013-11-07 16:52:58 UTC
Varkath Drakan wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

I don't suggest changing anything isk wise, if high sec incursions paid less no one would run them (I lol when I think about how people were screaming "it's not about ISK, it's about the community" before the incursion nerf only to see the incursion communities wither away when ccp took away the isk lol). And buffing null sec pve isk is just repeating the mistake of the past.

I think the best change would be for incursions (all incursions) to be actually dangerous instead of the farmable cake walk they are now. Incursion Communities have incursions so down-pat now that after a couple hours it makes me sleepy. I rarely catch any aggro even when flying a Vindicator.

Agree totally. An easy change would be making random spawns for each site, so there is no way to plan out the spawn locations before hand or the amount of rats in the site, it would change in the site. That itself would make the players have to pay more attention instead of *keep at range 2,500* *hit F1 when in range* repeat.

Yep. Hell, if they'd do something like that for missions, i'd be all for buffing high sec mission income too.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#38 - 2013-11-07 16:54:58 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:

Agreed there are several choices out there for good to great communities, I only used ISN as an example. But realistically when your in a fleet as a 50+mil Sp toon and you see someone that is not only doing the DPS of one Light drone but failing to do anything to help the fleet keep them alive or let alone help the fleet in any way is your immediate response 'Oh where can we find 10 more of these guys'. I don't think so.

And how do you know when that's happening?

No one gets a list saying "player X did only this much Damage". There is no way to know how much SP a character in fleet has unless he's up on Eveboard or something.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#39 - 2013-11-07 17:04:02 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:

Agreed there are several choices out there for good to great communities, I only used ISN as an example. But realistically when your in a fleet as a 50+mil Sp toon and you see someone that is not only doing the DPS of one Light drone but failing to do anything to help the fleet keep them alive or let alone help the fleet in any way is your immediate response 'Oh where can we find 10 more of these guys'. I don't think so.

And how do you know when that's happening?

No one gets a list saying "player X did only this much Damage". There is no way to know how much SP a character in fleet has unless he's up on Eveboard or something.

Sorry Jen you are taking my sarcasm a little to literally, when I first started doing VG's it was immediately apparent when we had a floater in fleet, HQ's are impossible to tell when there is a floater, but we try to filter them out by having members run a few dozen VG's before they get to HQ's.

But some methods are easy.
Find a guy not firing drop him and ban him.
On private coms tell fleet members to not fire on a target to see the new guys actual damage.
Call for fleet logs at the end of a fleet, and drop it into the EVE-HQ damage notification calculator.
But when in doubt, send him to fly with TVP.

Going to get trolled for that one...

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Express Hauler
#40 - 2013-11-07 17:11:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lipbite
Varkath Drakan wrote:
A low sp pilot can get in with TVP, WTM, maybe DIN?

Last time I heard it was 4 months age requirements for a toon to get into TVP fleet.

As for

Some believe it is a new assault on Sansha’s Nation in order to end its incursions once and for all

phrase in the news about event - it gave me a clue - why exactly this dull and content-less patch has such dramatic title (Rubicon)? - because devs apparently are going to remove all hi-sec PvE to make EVE truly PvP game (as many insist on these forums).