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WTB T2 bpos : cruiser hulls and industrials

Lara Dantreb
Reisende des Schwarzschild Grenze
#1 - 2011-11-18 14:02:23 UTC
All 4 races.

- HAC : mainly Deimos
- RECON : mainly Falcon
- Logistics : mainly Oneiros but Basilisk and otehr also
- Transports : all

If you set a public auction let me know also.

pm ingame, thanks

---   Buying T2 ship bpos since 2005  ---

Hemmo Paskiainen
#2 - 2011-11-18 14:58:12 UTC
me too, mail me

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?