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staring at the sun!

Casalt Corp
#1 - 2011-11-18 08:41:10 UTC
ok why do all the suns look the same? this is a galaxy after all and even in ours theres a huge range of types, so basically my idea is to change some of those suns to red giants, blue giants, red dwarfs and such like.

hell why not through in a black hole or 2 while were at it?!
#2 - 2011-11-18 09:26:34 UTC
have you been into wh space? There's blackholes and star giants, dwarfs and more everywhere. it just depends which class of wh class you're in.

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-11-18 12:04:33 UTC
First off, the suns aren't all the same, there are a bunch of different types.

Second, how do you know there aren't black holes? You wouldn't be able to see them with the naked eye if they were there.