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Would you pay for an Expansion?

First post
Frying Doom
#61 - 2013-11-01 07:05:52 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
No, but if they had a kickstarter for walking in stations I might donate.

I don't see why CCP can't do what Chris Roberts is doing. Seems to work for him.

Incarna as a "daughter" game is probably the best way forward at this point. Make it optional, give it a funding source that doesn't cut into EVE development money, see how popular it really it. I'd kick in a few quid on the off chance.

EvE has development money?

I thought it was just the funds they got from putting a beggar outside of CCP HQ.Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Goonswarm Federation
#62 - 2013-11-01 07:05:55 UTC
polly papercut wrote:
Now going by the definition of the word expansion, it would seem to me that all these free "expansions" are nothing but revamps.
the action of becoming larger or more extensive.

There have been a few actual expansions but mostly we see just revamps..
I think CCP needs to come out with an real expansion that opens up new parts of space. adds a new class of ship.
And a new types of PVE/PVP content..

and would you be willing to Pay for an Expansion? Give feed back and vote.

Why would i pay for ****? Is this a hidden CCP scam attempt or what?Lol
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#63 - 2013-11-01 08:08:07 UTC
As long as they called it Incarna II and included gold ammo.

And made it mandatory.

And included ponies.

And took spaceships out of the game completely.

And you had to watch a 90 minute infomercial to log in.

And you had to buy the expansion from Somer Blink.

And they sent Mittens to my house to read the book of Leviticus in its entirety in a fake accent of my choosing.

That would be hot.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2013-11-01 08:13:08 UTC
I'm in the camp that says they pay for expansions with their subscription fee.

I would also like to stress that I don't agree with all the voices who are dissatisfied with the expansions they have received so far. I will gladly accept that Incarna was your classic foot-in-mouth boner. It was done for all the wrong reasons and then it was done poorly to boot. The NEX didn't have to be a negative, you had to practically want that to fail.

CCP have since been doing incredibly hard work providing us with new features and incentives to blow one another up. The new structures in Rubicon are going to be awesome and give us, the pod pilot, more abilities and opportunities to engage in this great, grand canvas in virtual space.

There are plenty of opportunities to create ancillary revenue streams that would at once yield a tidy profit, increase immersion and expand on the grand idea of New Eden. The only thing those loveable big brains in Reykjavik have to do is to find a way to merge those three ideas into one concept and offer that to the user base.

I am firmly convinced that if they did that right, and sadly we have to point to instances where they did not get that right, it would be hugely beneficial from a commercial point of view [and make no mistake: I want CCP to be commercially successful] as well as making the New Eden experience an ever-increasingly valuable proposition to all those who therein participate. People will pay when they perceive value. Provide real value and the revenue will follow soon enough.

I will never pay for a monocle, not at $65. Give me content that is relevant to my New Eden experience, give that a recurring nature and see me gladly fork over a micropayment for the privilege of participating.

From the perspective of the pod pilot I can't see an end to useful content to be added to New Eden. We are talking about an entire universe. The means to interact and thrive in this universe have to be as limitless as space itself. We have not seen half of what this universe can become when done right.

At fanfest I was particularly struck by the passion and enthusiasm of CCP Seagull who, as the senior producer, has an opportunity to shape this spectacular extravaganza into a truly epic tale. Even more so because, as a woman, she will have different perspectives to help shape and grow the universe. And let me be very clear about it lads, much though the sight of all you many manly men fills my eyes with tears of joy and brotherly love, it is going to be the women who are going to add the zest and flavour to make this universe explode as a world-wide cultural phenomenon. We need the female perspective. CCP have made an awesome choice in CCP Seagull to take this mighty vessel forward.

So, no, paid expansions, that's not the way ahead. Embedded value propositions that expand on the experience of what it means to be a pod pilot, very much so. Also, specifically because EVE doesn't need it, none of these features can be pay-to-win. If CCP ever make that mistake they're telling me in so many words: we don't want you as a customer. It will break my heart but I will understand the message.

CCP won't be making that mistake. The door is closed and it will not be opening.

I look forward to a very bright future for EVE for a long time to come.
handige harrie
Vereenigde Handels Compagnie
#65 - 2013-11-01 08:26:30 UTC
This is almost as dumb as the dust forums with their never ending 'petitions' and 'polls'

Baddest poster ever

Flying Apocalypse
#66 - 2013-11-01 08:39:58 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Well, I cant see expansions ever happening in the first place.

Why? Well, how would that work in a game where the market is free, nothing is bind on pickup and no zone is unreachable?

What would that expansion contain?

Except jovian space Blink

For some reason I can't delete my signature o.o

Frying Doom
#67 - 2013-11-01 09:24:16 UTC
handige harrie wrote:
This is almost as dumb as the dust forums with their never ending 'petitions' and 'polls'

Yes but you have to expect that.

Dust is a walking corpse that no one wants to go near, to try and make it live or to kill it.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2013-11-01 09:37:33 UTC
polly papercut wrote:
Now going by the definition of the word expansion, it would seem to me that all these free "expansions" are nothing but revamps.
the action of becoming larger or more extensive.

There have been a few actual expansions but mostly we see just revamps..
I think CCP needs to come out with an real expansion that opens up new parts of space. adds a new class of ship.
And a new types of PVE/PVP content..

and would you be willing to Pay for an Expansion? Give feed back and vote.

I'm happy with the free expansions we get.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

polly papercut
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2013-11-01 17:39:22 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
polly papercut wrote:
Now going by the definition of the word expansion, it would seem to me that all these free "expansions" are nothing but revamps.
the action of becoming larger or more extensive.

There have been a few actual expansions but mostly we see just revamps..
I think CCP needs to come out with an real expansion that opens up new parts of space. adds a new class of ship.
And a new types of PVE/PVP content..

and would you be willing to Pay for an Expansion? Give feed back and vote.

I'm happy with the free expansions we get.

Richard Ramlrez
#70 - 2013-11-01 18:19:16 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
I pay for expansions every month.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#71 - 2013-11-01 18:49:58 UTC
CCP now using alts to test the reaction to changes?

Better knock off about 70 pages people, or CCP will think it's a good idea.

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Darth Kendari
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2013-11-01 18:52:01 UTC
Somer Blink can pay for the expansion tyvm. Bugger off.
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-11-01 19:19:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ubat Batuk
I am already paying a monthly fee, that will be all. If CCP raises the fee and provides the additional value for it I am good.
On the other hand this is quite a stupid question. What if you do not pay to upgrade? do you stop playing or can you keep using the current version? I doubt ccp wants to deal with multiple client versions. So this is a non question and this thread is no use.