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Petition: replace minmatar fighter model with minmatar shuttle model.

Me 1st
Black Skaven Yes Corporation
#1 - 2011-11-18 04:09:09 UTC
CCp you should replace the minmatar fighter model with the minmatar shuttle model. we want our little tie fighters.

please sign if you agree thank you
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2011-11-18 04:45:48 UTC
While having a swarm of TIE X-1s from a carrier would be awesome, I like being able to fly them myself too, so it ends up being a tough choice between "Yeah, that would be cool" and "No, I like being able to fly them myself".
#3 - 2011-11-18 05:27:37 UTC
mxzf wrote:
While having a swarm of TIE X-1s from a carrier would be awesome, I like being able to fly them myself too, so it ends up being a tough choice between "Yeah, that would be cool" and "No, I like being able to fly them myself".

Both should use the same shuttle model. The current fighter model is pugly anyway.