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Rapid Launch Bomb Launcher.

Tiye Q
#1 - 2013-10-29 18:17:51 UTC
It's long past due for bombers, and the bomb launchers to be revisited. Besides reducing the PG cost of T2 torp launchers, the bomb launchers need to have the ability to fire multiple bombs in rapid secession. Bomb damage needs to be increased, and/or the sig radius penalty needs to be removed. The ability to carry a max of 3 bombs is completely useless due to the reactivation delay.

That is all.

Maximus Aerelius
#2 - 2013-10-29 18:29:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
Tiye Q wrote:
the bomb launchers need to have the ability to fire multiple bombs in rapid secession

Rapid as in 1 every 2 seconds would mean that the first would explode the 2nd thus nullifying it's effect. Any other bombs within 30km of the first exploding are nullified and they cause massive damage why do you think that these have such a long firing time?

Bomb damage is, IMO, fine. It's massive and when used en-masse panic follows en-masse.

I would agree that a few more bombs (max 5?) be able to be carried but I would'nt go so far as to say hundreds.

That is all.

EDIT: Clarified my stance on hundreds as it was a typo.
Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2013-10-29 18:36:25 UTC
I dont think you realize what you are asking for. These changes would make it possible to allow 1 bombers can perform the work of 5 or 6.

No one person (or two) should be able to nuke an entire fleet by themselves. That's why AOE Doomsdays were nerfed.
Tiye Q
#4 - 2013-10-29 18:37:54 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Tiye Q wrote:
the bomb launchers need to have the ability to fire multiple bombs in rapid secession

Rapid as in 1 every 2 seconds would mean that the first would explode the 2nd thus nullifying it's effect. Any other bombs within 30km of the first exploding are nullified and they cause massive damage why do you think that these have such a long firing time?

Bomb damage is, IMO, fine. It's massive and when used en-masse panic follows en-masse.

I would agree that a few more bombs (max 5?) be able to be carried but I would go so far as to say hundreds.

That is all.

Each bomb type has an immunity to the type of damage that it deals. The bombs would not explode and nullify their damage via exploding each other. Usually in coordinated fleet efforts the bombs are launched 1-2 seconds apart, simply due to the timing of everyone launching the bomb. When the first player launches his/her bomb, the 4th player who launched their bomb (as long as it's the same damage type) will still due damage to the target (if it's still alive).
Tiye Q
#5 - 2013-10-29 18:43:23 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
I dont think you realize what you are asking for. These changes would make it possible to allow 1 bombers can perform the work of 5 or 6.

No one person (or two) should be able to nuke an entire fleet by themselves. That's why AOE Doomsdays were nerfed.

I do realize what I'm asking for. One bomber should be able to launch multiple bombs. It's not important if one player will be able to do the task of what 5-6 can do (and that would only work if the launcher could hold 5-6 bombs). With my proposed changes, nuking a fleet (solo) will be dependent on the size and composition of the fleet.

Federal Navy Academy
#6 - 2013-10-29 18:50:45 UTC
I'm sorry you don't have friends to bomb fleets with.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Tiye Q
#7 - 2013-10-29 18:55:13 UTC
Batelle wrote:
I'm sorry you don't have friends to bomb fleets with.

That's not relevant.

The bomb launcher module needs to be revisited. There's no reason at this stage in the game, that the bomb launcher needs to be limited in rate of fire and activation delay.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#8 - 2013-10-29 19:03:34 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
I dont think you realize what you are asking for. These changes would make it possible to allow 1 bombers can perform the work of 5 or 6.

No one person (or two) should be able to nuke an entire fleet by themselves. That's why AOE Doomsdays were nerfed.

I do realize what I'm asking for. One bomber should be able to launch multiple bombs. It's not important if one player will be able to do the task of what 5-6 can do (and that would only work if the launcher could hold 5-6 bombs). With my proposed changes, nuking a fleet (solo) will be dependent on the size and composition of the fleet.

You truly understand what you are asking for?

Then please take this in the most polite fashion: You have absolutely no concept of game balance, nor why it is important for the game. Both of your suggestions (multiple bomb launches) & (no damage reduction from low sig) break gameplay.

Do us a favor and stop posting ideas because "it would be awesome if"....
Federal Navy Academy
#9 - 2013-10-29 19:16:48 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:
Batelle wrote:
I'm sorry you don't have friends to bomb fleets with.

That's not relevant.

The bomb launcher module needs to be revisited. There's no reason at this stage in the game, that the bomb launcher needs to be limited in rate of fire and activation delay.

Sure there is. It would be OP as hell. One bomber should not be able to put out 30k damage in under a minute, especially not AOE damage.

Same for the sig damage reduction, its an important way to keep bombers balanced against smaller ships.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Tiye Q
#10 - 2013-10-29 19:20:12 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

You truly understand what you are asking for?

Then please take this in the most polite fashion: You have absolutely no concept of game balance, nor why it is important for the game. Both of your suggestions (multiple bomb launches) & (no damage reduction from low sig) break gameplay.

Do us a favor and stop posting ideas because "it would be awesome if"....

No concept of game balance? For starters this game is not balanced. Your opinion that my suggestion is game just that. Your opinion. There is nothing in the history of this game regarding bomb launchers that backs your opinion

My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs.

I am not suggesting that a bomb launcher have the ability to launch 5 bombs rapidly. Three is a good number, and adjusting the damage that the bombs do (removing sig radius penalty or increasing the bomb damage) is not unreasonable.

Federal Navy Academy
#11 - 2013-10-29 19:33:05 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:

My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs.

We need more people sitting around in bombers taking potshots? You think that's the solo activity this game is missing?

Here's a counter proposal. How about two bombs? If, after you launch the first, you have the opportunity to stay uncloaked and fire a second bomb 4 seconds later. Big risk in doing so, with the payoff of more damage. No changes to the sig radius reduction.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Tiye Q
#12 - 2013-10-29 19:37:45 UTC
Batelle wrote:

Sure there is. It would be OP as hell. One bomber should not be able to put out 30k damage in under a minute, especially not AOE damage.
Same for the sig damage reduction, its an important way to keep bombers balanced against smaller ships.

Who said anything about 30k damage? Three bombs would be around 24K damage, depending on resists. Bombers are effectively useless against smaller and larger ships alike; unless they are used in coordinated efforts, and these proposed changes would multiply the effectiveness of those coordinated efforts.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#13 - 2013-10-29 19:41:47 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

You truly understand what you are asking for?

Then please take this in the most polite fashion: You have absolutely no concept of game balance, nor why it is important for the game. Both of your suggestions (multiple bomb launches) & (no damage reduction from low sig) break gameplay.

Do us a favor and stop posting ideas because "it would be awesome if"....

No concept of game balance? For starters this game is not balanced. Your opinion that my suggestion is game just that. Your opinion. There is nothing in the history of this game regarding bomb launchers that backs your opinion

My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs.

I am not suggesting that a bomb launcher have the ability to launch 5 bombs rapidly. Three is a good number, and adjusting the damage that the bombs do (removing sig radius penalty or increasing the bomb damage) is not unreasonable.

As I said... you have no concept of game balance!

a.) "There is nothing in the history of this game regarding bomb launchers that backs you opinion":
There is a long history of AOE weapons in EvE. From mines to AOE DD's to Smartbombs to bombers. All of which have been utilized to wipe out entire fleets of ships. AOE weapons have been readily shown to be extremely powerful, and brought in check quite often when they are over-utilized. Bombers are already heavily utilized to take out large groups of people, but to do so it a challenge because coordinating bomb launches is difficult. Smart bombs are already utilized to take out large fleets, but to do so is a challenge because getting an enemy fleet within smartbomb range of your durka trap is a challenge, and difficult. Your suggestion is aimed at making them easier to use. (1 bomber now can do the job of 3 bombers).

b.) "My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs."
Cloaky, stabbed bombers that solo frigates, dessies, and weak cruisers by decloaking, dropping a bomb or three, and warping off to safety is NOT what this game needs. PvP should involve at least effort, and legitimate risks to boot!

c.) "adjusting the damage that the bombs do (removing sig radius penalty or increasing the bomb damage) is not unreasonable."
Yes it is... My bomber does 8k damage... how many frigs or dessies in game have 8k EHP? Very few.... At the moment, you need them to be MWD'ing to kill them with one bomb (usually), which makes it a challenge.

Sorry that bombing isn't easy kill mode for you... but anything worth doing should require some effort.

Your thread ideas are TERRIBLE, and I suspect your either incompetent at bombing at best, and most likely a troll to boot.

Tiye Q
#14 - 2013-10-29 19:50:23 UTC
Batelle wrote:
Tiye Q wrote:

My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs.

We need more people sitting around in bombers taking potshots? You think that's the solo activity this game is missing?

Here's a counter proposal. How about two bombs? If, after you launch the first, you have the opportunity to stay uncloaked and fire a second bomb 4 seconds later. Big risk in doing so, with the payoff of more damage. No changes to the sig radius reduction.

People take potshots in their sebo'd 11K+ alpha Tornadoes all day long.

Yes, we need more people in bombers taking potshots. This will encourage more pvp, more ships exploding, more organic combat, instead of meet by the flagpole after school at 3pm.

I don't agree with your counter proposal. 4 seconds is too long of a rate of fire. Also most bombers today use the align/decloak/launch/warp to safe method, which makes them nearly impossible to catch. A rapid launch bomb launcher would nullify that method since the bomber would likely end up bombing himself in the bombing run.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#15 - 2013-10-29 20:00:20 UTC
Terrible horrible OP idea.

Increasing bomb RoF AND increasing bomb damage.....

I love flying bombers, but this is bad, just...awful.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Tiye Q
#16 - 2013-10-29 20:11:44 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

As I said... you have no concept of game balance!

a.) "There is nothing in the history of this game regarding bomb launchers that backs you opinion":
There is a long history of AOE weapons in EvE. From mines to AOE DD's to Smartbombs to bombers. All of which have been utilized to wipe out entire fleets of ships. AOE weapons have been readily shown to be extremely powerful, and brought in check quite often when they are over-utilized. Bombers are already heavily utilized to take out large groups of people, but to do so it a challenge because coordinating bomb launches is difficult. Smart bombs are already utilized to take out large fleets, but to do so is a challenge because getting an enemy fleet within smartbomb range of your durka trap is a challenge, and difficult. Your suggestion is aimed at making them easier to use. (1 bomber now can do the job of 3 bombers).

b.) "My suggestion can and will encourage more solo activity, which this game sorely needs."
Cloaky, stabbed bombers that solo frigates, dessies, and weak cruisers by decloaking, dropping a bomb or three, and warping off to safety is NOT what this game needs. PvP should involve at least effort, and legitimate risks to boot!

c.) "adjusting the damage that the bombs do (removing sig radius penalty or increasing the bomb damage) is not unreasonable."
Yes it is... My bomber does 8k damage... how many frigs or dessies in game have 8k EHP? Very few.... At the moment, you need them to be MWD'ing to kill them with one bomb (usually), which makes it a challenge.

Sorry that bombing isn't easy kill mode for you... but anything worth doing should require some effort.

Your thread ideas are TERRIBLE, and I suspect your either incompetent at bombing at best, and most likely a troll to boot.


This is far from a troll. You have the option to not read the forum post or further post if you don't agree with my idea.

Unfortunately for you I stated 'history of the game regarding bomb launchers'. You're counter referenced AOE weapons fit to Titans, and Battleships.

If a bomber solos a frigate, dessie or weak cruiser by decloaking and dropping a bomb or three, and warping off, then so be it. It would be evolutionary combat.

There are plenty of ships that can instalock and instapop the smaller ships in the game.

This proposed change can give the smaller entities a fighting chance against something larger.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#17 - 2013-10-29 20:24:39 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:

If a bomber solos a frigate, dessie or weak cruiser by decloaking and dropping a bomb or three, and warping off, then so be it. It would be evolutionary combat.

Are you trying to say that a solo bomber cannot do this now? I would seriously beg to differ. I have stalked gatecamps and waited patiently and when the time was right, cornholed a dictor and inty at the same time...on several occasions. Hell, Ive even wiped out t3 bcs with a single bomb.

Bomb damage is dependant on sig radius. Waiting for a target to use a MWD before bombing will seriously increase your chance to one shot your opponent. Learning to bomb, torp and TP at the same time....even more so.

Bombers are meant to be pack animals, not solo creatures. One bomber should not be able to do the damage of 3+ just because you don't have a fleet with you.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Tiye Q
#18 - 2013-10-29 20:30:02 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Tiye Q wrote:

If a bomber solos a frigate, dessie or weak cruiser by decloaking and dropping a bomb or three, and warping off, then so be it. It would be evolutionary combat.

Are you trying to say that a solo bomber cannot do this now? I would seriously beg to differ. I have stalked gatecamps and waited patiently and when the time was right, cornholed a dictor and inty at the same time...on several occasions. Hell, Ive even wiped out t3 bcs with a single bomb.

Bomb damage is dependant on sig radius. Waiting for a target to use a MWD before bombing will seriously increase your chance to one shot your opponent. Learning to bomb, torp and TP at the same time....even more so.

Bombers are meant to be pack animals, not solo creatures. One bomber should not be able to do the damage of 3+ just because you don't have a fleet with you.

I never said a bomber could not do such a thing.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2013-10-29 20:35:51 UTC
Tiye Q wrote:

This is far from a troll. You have the option to not read the forum post or further post if you don't agree with my idea.

Unfortunately for you I stated 'history of the game regarding bomb launchers'. You're counter referenced AOE weapons fit to Titans, and Battleships.

If a bomber solos a frigate, dessie or weak cruiser by decloaking and dropping a bomb or three, and warping off, then so be it. It would be evolutionary combat.

There are plenty of ships that can instalock and instapop the smaller ships in the game.

This proposed change can give the smaller entities a fighting chance against something larger.

And since you're giving the bombs immunity to their own damage type, people will not be dropping three of them on a gatecamp.

They'll be dropping three hundred on anything that moves. Why is that good?
Tiye Q
#20 - 2013-10-29 20:45:55 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:

And since you're giving the bombs immunity to their own damage type, people will not be dropping three of them on a gatecamp.

They'll be dropping three hundred on anything that moves. Why is that good?

Bombs already have an 99% immunity to their own damage type.

There are already entities that can drop 300 bombs on a gate camp, not sure how anything would change with my proposed changes.
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