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97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It.

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Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#241 - 2013-10-29 10:16:17 UTC
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Brain Gehirn wrote: < Soturno's POV < My POV


I am a hiseccer carebear & miner, and I want to thank you for the service delivered to this community against that despicable multiboxer. Cool


Poetic justice still is justice. Bear

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Raziel Walker
NPC Tax Evasion Corp
#242 - 2013-10-29 12:14:14 UTC
Multiboxing this many accounts is a bit over the top. Perhaps CCP should change it's stance on tools like ISBoxer?

Nevertheless since it is legal at the moment we can't blame this guy for pushing the limits of what is allowed. Same way we shouldn't blame SOMER for legal RMT.

How many players would complain if this guy was in their corp/alliance and donated 50% of his profits to a pvp ship reimbursement program? He could move to null and fund a corp this way just to protect him while he mines.

I am not saying this behaviour is desirable.
Spankijs Omaristos
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#243 - 2013-10-29 12:38:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Spankijs Omaristos
Raziel Walker wrote:

How many players would complain if this guy was in their corp/alliance and donated 50% of his profits to a pvp ship reimbursement program? He could move to null and fund a corp this way just to protect him while he mines.

I am not saying this behaviour is desirable.

Pff, He can just create his own corp and rent a quet system somewhere in null and deal only with occasional neut passing by :D

Raziel Walker wrote:

Multiboxing this many accounts is a bit over the top. Perhaps CCP should change it's stance on tools like ISBoxer?

Its actually not.
CCP gets payed, player gets what he desires= both sides profit.
Oswald Bolke
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#244 - 2013-10-29 12:38:41 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
I have a feeling eventually the Rule-Hammer is going to come down on this BS sometime within the next year.

not when CCP gets all that cashy money it won't

It's like Blink

sure they are questionably bad for the game...but CCP can't wait to shell out bonuses for them...because they really like their money in the frozen north

Krixtal Icefluxor
#245 - 2013-10-29 12:43:38 UTC
Raziel Walker wrote:

Nevertheless since it is legal at the moment we can't blame this guy for pushing the limits of what is allowed.

O_o Makes no sense. Yes we can blame him for pushing the limits. He did (is) pushing the limits.

What we can't do is blame him for violating CCP policy.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Alavaria Fera
#246 - 2013-10-29 15:23:04 UTC
bonuses for multiboxing miners huh

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Maximum Dealer
#247 - 2013-10-29 15:46:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximum Dealer
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Louise Beethoven wrote:
These no life losers ruin the game for everyone

At ~$1455 a month to run 97 accounts, I highly doubt this person has no life. First of all, there's no indication that this person is spending vast quantities of time running them. In fact, it's quite obvious that they want to spend as little time mining as possible, hence 97 accounts. Additionally, to be able to afford that kind of money, you at least need to have a job. Or be a very successful criminal. At either rate, that does not really qualify as having no life.

However, I digress. Your point here, of course, is "this person is doing something I don't like, therefore I'm going to be as vindictive as possible." A word of advice - accusing someone of having no life is not an insult. At best, it's a statement of fact if the person you're addressing actually feels like their life lacks substance. However, if someone plays video games all day and feels that gives their life all the substance it needs, then they do, indeed, have a life. They are living it the way they enjoy it.

"No life" is such a subjective turn of phrase. It's like accusing someone of being selfish because they choose not to have children. Almost 100% of the time, both instances merely indicate jealousy.

Also, what Kate said.

What the hell?

Obviously anyone running more than 3 accounts is paying by PLEX. What other reason is there to multibox anyway? Do you really think someone would be ice mining for fun? With 97 accounts? Seriously... LOL? Not at all my friend, its the ISK obsession what is imperating here (as most of times with multiboxers)

I personally get nervous and overwhelmed when running more than 2 accounts. I can't imagine what a miserable experience would be "playing" with more than 5 accounts. 97... seriously something is wrong here but CCP makes a lot of money (via PLEX you know) so thats fine.

I guess that dude is planning to get massive amounts of ISK and then shutting down most of those accounts and do something more "productive" both for himself and the galaxy.
Himnos Altar
An Errant Venture
#248 - 2013-10-29 17:04:09 UTC
Maximum Dealer wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Louise Beethoven wrote:
These no life losers ruin the game for everyone

At ~$1455 a month to run 97 accounts, I highly doubt this person has no life. First of all, there's no indication that this person is spending vast quantities of time running them. In fact, it's quite obvious that they want to spend as little time mining as possible, hence 97 accounts. Additionally, to be able to afford that kind of money, you at least need to have a job. Or be a very successful criminal. At either rate, that does not really qualify as having no life.

However, I digress. Your point here, of course, is "this person is doing something I don't like, therefore I'm going to be as vindictive as possible." A word of advice - accusing someone of having no life is not an insult. At best, it's a statement of fact if the person you're addressing actually feels like their life lacks substance. However, if someone plays video games all day and feels that gives their life all the substance it needs, then they do, indeed, have a life. They are living it the way they enjoy it.

"No life" is such a subjective turn of phrase. It's like accusing someone of being selfish because they choose not to have children. Almost 100% of the time, both instances merely indicate jealousy.

Also, what Kate said.

What the hell?

Obviously anyone running more than 3 accounts is paying by PLEX. What other reason is there to multibox anyway? Do you really think someone would be ice mining for fun? With 97 accounts? Seriously... LOL? Not at all my friend, its the ISK obsession what is imperating here (as most of times with multiboxers)

I personally get nervous and overwhelmed when running more than 2 accounts. I can't imagine what a miserable experience would be "playing" with more than 5 accounts. 97... seriously something is wrong here but CCP makes a lot of money (via PLEX you know) so thats fine.

I guess that dude is planning to get massive amounts of ISK and then shutting down most of those accounts and do something more "productive" both for himself and the galaxy.

That, or selling off 90 perfect Miners and their Exhumers. :P

Or, he could set up out in null/hi/Wspace somewhere and have one hell of an industrial operation.

I flew with him occasionally a year or two ago and he's an indy guy IIRC.
Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#249 - 2013-10-29 17:24:35 UTC
This cycle of creation and destruction is what makes EVE awesome. Thanks for the content, both to the miner and the gankers \o/
Anyone know what this guy is up to now? Did he replace the fleet?
Rinterra Tsurioro
Outfit 418
Blue Loot Not Included
#250 - 2014-01-18 04:02:24 UTC
I did some math just to see how feasible having 97 ice mining accounts 95 miners, booster, and Nightmare.

I am assuming that all 97 of his characters are all level 5, the boosts are all level 5, and each miner has a 'Yeti' 1005 implant. I am also assuming that each mackinaw is fit with Ice Harvesting rigs, T2 ice miners, and the lows are filled with Ice Harvester Upgrade II's.

This gives each mackinaw a cycle time of 74.81 seconds. 95 Macks with 2 lasers each means that per each cycle, he gets 190 pieces of ice. Assuming once piece of ice is ~200,000 isk, that's 38,000,000 isk per cycle. Given a plex costs 630 million as of writing this in jita, to plex all accounts it would cost 61.1 billion isk. This will take him about 1608 cycles, or 33 continuous hours of mining.

So, unless he's paying out of pocket for all of these accounts, it is not feasible unless he can manage to not only take the time to mine the ice, but ship it, and sell it without crippling the market in a month.

The more you know.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#251 - 2014-01-18 04:39:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinity Ziona
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
This asshattery would never happen outside of highsec.

Yes, that was a stealth NERF HIGHSEC comment.

Lolololol. Oh how very wrong you are.

There are renter systems provided by Goons to Carebears where you can find similar operations everyday of the year. Look to Period Basis, set to NPC kills in last 24 hours. From memory the corp running these ops is called "This space for rent" and is a member of Greater Western Co Properity, it's one botter farmer corp among many Goons assist but good luck catching them when you have to negotiate the 10 permanent large bubbles at the gate and survive their twenty ISBOXER Dominix sentries guards.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Natassia Krasnoo
#252 - 2014-01-18 06:00:02 UTC

My's full of Mackinaws!

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#253 - 2014-01-18 08:07:56 UTC
Raziel Walker wrote:
Multiboxing this many accounts is a bit over the top. Perhaps CCP should change it's stance on tools like ISBoxer?

Nevertheless since it is legal at the moment we can't blame this guy for pushing the limits of what is allowed. Same way we shouldn't blame SOMER for legal RMT.

How many players would complain if this guy was in their corp/alliance and donated 50% of his profits to a pvp ship reimbursement program? He could move to null and fund a corp this way just to protect him while he mines.

I am not saying this behaviour is desirable.

If you don't blame Somer (and CCP) for what they did then you can't read and understand an EULA.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

#254 - 2014-01-18 08:29:13 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Interesting he sets to orbit one ship. It would be...interesting, if that single ship were ganked. All those mining ships, flying off in all different directions. Whee!

The orbiting is for control and to make ganks harder to begin with, yet the center ship if you can blow it up..that will be all you blow up as by then concord will land protection in and he simple lets everything orbit another anchor. The only way to take it all out is smart bombs and a LOT of them. It wont be cheap to take it all out and you can expect everything to be buffer tanked to the hill.

I am serious!

#255 - 2014-01-18 08:35:31 UTC
Raziel Walker wrote:
Multiboxing this many accounts is a bit over the top. Perhaps CCP should change it's stance on tools like ISBoxer?

Ultimately his 96 payed accounts are worth more to CCP than your single accounts whines are. Now I question the sanity of someone that things "I can hook 96 accounts together to do interesting things.... I know... I'll mine!" but then I don't understand people with single accounts that stare at rocks all day.

I'd probably be bowling around in some goofy remote repping battleship fleet, pushing entire chunks of nullsec in front of me like a runnaway bulldozer.
Diamond Zerg
Taking Solo Away.
#256 - 2014-01-18 08:42:58 UTC
HAHA, It's The Wis!

Good to know he's still playing EVE.

I have nothing against The Wis, or his like, but CCP please nerf hisec so ISBOXERS can't affect the EVE economy like this.
Dave Stark
#257 - 2014-01-18 08:45:52 UTC
Diamond Zerg wrote:
HAHA, It's The Wis!

Good to know he's still playing EVE.

I have nothing against The Wis, or his like, but CCP please nerf hisec so ISBOXERS can't affect the EVE economy like this.

i'll agree with you if you tell me how 96 accounts owned by 1 player is damaging the economy more than 96 individual players controlling all of those accounts.
#258 - 2014-01-18 09:04:05 UTC
if anything mining at this level drives mineral prices down, which drive ship prices down, which means more people are going to buy shiny ships for me too shoot at

I'd also like to request the op mine gallente ice so I can hotdrop cheaper tia
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#259 - 2014-01-18 09:05:11 UTC
I see arguments both for and against the multi-boxer "having no life".

But that is indeed subjective. If you can clear an ice belt in 20 minutes, you probably have time to do other things, and hence are more likely to have a life than other players.

But I also wonder if the "no life" aspect has less to do with time, and more to do with the "min maxer" compulsion we see, sometimes to a level where we question mental health.

That is, is this someone with $$ who is simply up to the challenge and wants to max out ice mining just because? Or is there something more to this? Perhaps this is somebody who does this just to see if it can be done. Or maybe this is RMT or run by someone on an alliance level?

We'll probably never know.

All mining should become a mini-game.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Dave Stark
#260 - 2014-01-18 09:07:13 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
All mining should become a mini-game.

yes because making the lowest paid, tedious, and dull activity even more tedious and dull is a brilliant idea.