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[Rubicon] Mass moving in Fleets

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Oberon Incorporated
#61 - 2013-10-26 08:18:15 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Desparo wrote:
Love seeing that some of these ideas are being kicked around.

While your improving fleets could you fix some of the bugs and improve on some of the current operations.

-Auto reconnecting after disconnecting. This almost never happens. This should be good for like 15mins. I don't know how many people can get reconnect in less then 60secs on a consistent basis.

-Fleet invite lasting more then 60secs. 15mins again would make more sense 15mins. A feature you could add would be to cancel a fleet invite.
When an invitation is open, the position in the squad is reserved. So you could lose a lot of spots in the fleet with that.

Yeah but a lot of fleets aren't large 0.0 blobs with open fleets. But if they were then person invites most likely would want a personally invite to have precedent over anyone joining themselves. Like getting scouts or cyno alts in. Also why I suggested a cancel button for those invites. FC isn't gonna manually invite 254 people so its not going to be a large list.
Zeb DaMadMan2
Duckling System
#62 - 2013-10-26 14:27:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeb DaMadMan2
Desparo wrote:

FC isn't gonna manually invite 254 people so its not going to be a large list.

Nor does he need to, that's why there is usually a fleet ad for that sort. The 'longer than 1 minute' would cause issues for everybody both small and large as it locks the slot until that person responds.

-Invite person 1
-Finds out he's afk
-Invite person 2 (can't because 10th slot is locked) - I rather it be locked for 1 minute, and 15 minutes.
^ would happen a LOT.


"As soon as we stop asking about the launcher design, CCP will assume we already love it.

We won't." - Eve Community

Magic Crisp
Amarrian Micro Devices
#63 - 2013-10-27 15:20:43 UTC
This is pretty much awesome!

Could you check whether we could somehow sort the fleet into squads/wings by shiptypes automagically? Like being able to defines rules like "guardians go here, abaddons go there, else goes there" etc?
Johann Rascali
The Milkmen
Churn and Burn
#64 - 2013-10-27 20:33:10 UTC
Along the same lines as these, it'd be nice to be able to set the order with which people join a fleet when joining from the advert, even if it's just to fill the squads in "numerical" order. Plenty of times we set Squad 4 or 5 to be a specialist squad (ewar/logi) and it ends up being the only place advert joiners get dumped into.

Blanking signatures doesn't seem to work, so this is here.

Kari Trace
#65 - 2013-10-28 16:53:33 UTC
About time someone did more to improve the big fleet fights that get CCP / EVE all the free PR...

+1 to this. I want to buy you a beer.

I like making things explode.

Kari Trace

Maximus Aerelius
#66 - 2013-10-28 23:27:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
CCP karkur...doing it again for all the people of New Eden. 07

A quick one, I know you're probably rammed and sick to death of your threads getting hijacked\begged at but any chance that the Watchlist\Fleet Broadcasts are being looked into at all? I've been watching a thread that has some awesome ideas in and this is kind of a collection:

Maximus Aerelius wrote:

In the mock-up there needs to be more visual and less reading. As someone before said the status should be like a traffic light system:

Green = Ready
Amber = In warp\aligning
Red = Not reading

The columns should be customisable via the 'Fleet Options' button at the top.
I like the Icon basis for broadcasts. Taking it further you could add some colour: Need Shield make it blue with the current Icon. Need Armour make it Red. Need Cap make that son-of-a-gun green etc etc etc.

I like the way you guys have come together to get this ball rolling and helped each other. That's what part of EVE and the community is about and OP, you get a +1 form me and this would be fricking awesome to have.

Skip to Page 2 of Fleet UI - OP has changed since Dev post as OP changed his OP but there's some great ideas (I think) and shows the community coming together.

Appreciate any inkling as to whether any of WL\BC functionality is being looked at at all. Thank you for reading, you seem to post the most responses to Capsuleers I've seen from a Dev.
#67 - 2013-10-31 21:09:26 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
Kismeteer wrote:
Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?


These are great changes but the issue with wing commanders not getting bonus's really needs some love it's easily one of the biggest fleet management problems for fc's that has been around for quite a while now, would be nice to know if this is being touched on at all with these changes
That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

I think it is something that would greatly benefit players, or at least it would be more beneficial than throwing new ships at us in these patches. I know CCP has been pretty good on fixing issues that were long standing, but I am a bit surprised it has been this long as a known problem...
Tiberu Stundrif
Nifty Idustries
Pandemic Horde
#68 - 2013-10-31 21:44:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberu Stundrif
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
[quote=Kismeteer]Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?

That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

As an FC, this might be the silliest thing I've heard all week.

It might be hard, but I sure as hell would appreciate more effort put into broken mechanics than new, shiny, cloaky SoE ships.

Taking a look at booster bugs might not be a bad idea either.
CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#69 - 2013-10-31 22:11:03 UTC
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
[quote=Kismeteer]Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?

That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

As an FC, this might be the silliest thing I've heard all week.

It might be hard, but I sure as hell would appreciate more effort put into broken mechanics than new, shiny, cloaky SoE ships.

Taking a look at booster bugs might not be a bad idea either.
Silly? I was asked if my changes included those fixes and I responded.

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#70 - 2013-10-31 22:16:57 UTC
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
[quote=Kismeteer]Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?

That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

As an FC, this might be the silliest thing I've heard all week.

It might be hard, but I sure as hell would appreciate more effort put into broken mechanics than new, shiny, cloaky SoE ships.

Taking a look at booster bugs might not be a bad idea either.

Why are CCP's artists modeling new ships when they could be reprogramming the back-end fleet boosting code?!? This is an outrage!

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2013-10-31 22:42:12 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Why are CCP's artists modeling new ships when they could be reprogramming the back-end fleet boosting code?!? This is an outrage!

Hold my beer....
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2013-10-31 23:55:58 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
The fleet system does need a whole rewrite anyway. Especially considering the tendency the fleet window has to stop working, for ALL members of a fleet, at the most inopportune times.

Wing commanders not getting boosts is something that hsould have been fixed a long time ago.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

C5 Flight
#73 - 2013-11-01 00:14:28 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
[quote=Kismeteer]Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?

That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

As an FC, this might be the silliest thing I've heard all week.

It might be hard, but I sure as hell would appreciate more effort put into broken mechanics than new, shiny, cloaky SoE ships.

Taking a look at booster bugs might not be a bad idea either.

Why are CCP's artists modeling new ships when they could be reprogramming the back-end fleet boosting code?!? This is an outrage!

So you're saying that nobody with any ability to look at fleet issues worked on anything to do with the new ships at all?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#74 - 2013-11-01 02:44:51 UTC
Laurici wrote:
So you're saying that nobody with any ability to look at fleet issues worked on anything to do with the new ships at all?

Well artists aren't coders and I'm pretty sure Fozzie and Rise, being game designers and not software engineers, know about three lines of python between them.

So yes that is is probably what he is saying.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#75 - 2013-11-01 09:56:23 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
CCP karkur wrote:
malo414 wrote:
[quote=Kismeteer]Will wing commanders finally get bonuses?

That is sadly a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it requires a major rework, if not rewrite, of the whole fleet system.

As an FC, this might be the silliest thing I've heard all week.

It might be hard, but I sure as hell would appreciate more effort put into broken mechanics than new, shiny, cloaky SoE ships.

Taking a look at booster bugs might not be a bad idea either.

Why are CCP's artists modeling new ships when they could be reprogramming the back-end fleet boosting code?!? This is an outrage!

Make all CCP employes learn programming and get to it.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

#76 - 2013-11-01 10:01:03 UTC
While I am sure the Devs are taking that as a insult (they work hard to design cool stuff, I get it), the real issue is why introduce new things when a important game mechanic needs fixing? The other developer stated that a rework of the entire fleet system may have to occur in order to fix it. Is that going to happen, as it should?
Jaz Antollare
UrAnus Probing Squad
#77 - 2013-11-01 13:21:18 UTC
Make a synchron fleet warp command, so all ships in a fleet could warp at the same warp speed, if necessary. (of course it must be the speed of the slowest ship warping)Bear
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#78 - 2013-11-01 13:33:55 UTC
Jaz Antollare wrote:
Make a synchron fleet warp command, so all ships in a fleet could warp at the same warp speed, if necessary. (of course it must be the speed of the slowest ship warping)Bear

That is how normal fleet warps work now. If you use fleet/wing/squad warp, every ship in the warp will accelerate, warp, and decelerate at the speed of the slowest involved ship so that they land at the same time.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Aijle Mijleroff
Infernal Laboratory
Infernal Octopus
#79 - 2013-11-01 16:07:23 UTC
Dear CCP Karkur or Fozzie

I want to inform you that now players not may can create settings overview in which were visible only pilot who in fleet, pluses, corp and alliance members (for logist pilot in fleet).

In settings of overview not working function "Pilot has no standing" screen

If I add "Pilot has no standing" I see my fleet and enemy players, If I remove I not see enemy and my fleet

Please repair this!!!
Infernal Laboratory
Infernal Octopus
#80 - 2013-11-01 16:43:04 UTC
Dear CCP
Before you do some new changes, first repair old bugs in fleet window, before you will create new bugs.

First, really annoing if someone join fleet - your fleet window refresh and blink, I mean going black on 1-2 seconds and after refresh, it's really annoing if many people join and left fleet, move in fleet - you just see whole time dark fleet window and nothing more, cos it blink all the time and impossible to click on any player in fleet and move it and you absolutely do not see who in fleet and what is going on.

Maybe this crazy new refresh idea was funny for non-playing eve game developers, but for players who really play this game every day, especially on few accounts - really annoing, and everytime when I see this blinking in fleet, I want to kill CCP and CCP devs with axe.

Maybe you didn't noticed this stupid thing if you test it on hard computer and only in one account, but when people play in few accounts - it's crazy. Especially before last 2 patches we didn't had this problems even if we run double number of accounts in same time, but after patch - even on 2-3 accounts we see this non-stop black blinking effect.