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[Request] Review of possible New Order EULA Breach

First post
Nomis Alexander
Haldskel Corporation
#41 - 2013-10-28 06:03:05 UTC
I dont mind being a laughing stock to fight for what I believe is right Areola.

That's a good job.

The whole EVE community could be against me on this subject

At least you're starting to listen and learn.

, doesn't mean I should change my view and feelings about it. I believe one thing, you believe another, all I can do is put my point of view out there and hope that there are others who feel as I do

As per the replies in this thread, you hope in vain. And there are many other things you can do, like wardeccing Krypteia Operations, or even unsubcsribing and playing something else, like Club Penguin. Or you could divert all that time, energy and indignation you're misdirecting into a make believe world and instead fight for something important, like world peace, equal rights for all and an end to pollution.

EVE doesn't have to be played this way to be trolltastic and fun.

And boxing doesn't have to involve knockouts, football doesn't have to involve goals and ice hockey doesn't have to involve fights. See your earlier comment about the whole EVE community.

*edit* Im sorry but per EULA im not allowed to speak about what the CCP representative told me exactly.

Send them a petition. Perhaps it will be the first time they've heard any of this.

I have to ask: are you really a New Order agent on a windup? Is this whole incident, including this thread, another New Order/Goonswarm prank?
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#42 - 2013-10-28 06:07:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Erotica 1
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I've debated writing this up for a while now because anyone can see the kind of backlash im going to receive for doing so, but some topics are too important to be ignored.

In 2012 im sure you all remember there was an incident involving player on player harassment that tested the bounds of how far the quote "This is EVE" goes. Im referring of course to the Mittani incident

I believe there is another player who routinely has stepped up their harassment to the point where it borders the same level, this player is Erotica 1 and her known associates the New Order. I would like to state that the harassment described does NOT in ANY way refer to the miner bumping/suicide ganking of this group. I am specifically referring to the harassment that is involved during Erotica 1's doubling ISK scam.

For those who do not know about Erotica 1's scam, it involves having many members of the New Order vouch for her that she is indeed a legitimate ISK doubler, aftwerwards Erotica will indeed start doubling the persons ISK. After a person has done this twice they are given the opportunity for a "Bonus Room", wherein the target must hand over every last bit of property they own as a sign of "good faith".

This is where the line between harmless and harassment starts, so far everything stated is simple scam tactics and is a "shame on you for believing them" moment. What occurs NEXT however is where I feel this group crosses the line of simple EVE trolling.

The target is lured into a third party mic chat to discuss finalizing the transaction. The entire conversation is recorded and will be uploaded to their website for prosperity as well as a lengthy description of the event and worded in a way that will bring the most embarrassment to the target. If this seems familiar at all to the Mittani incident, its because it is. Public ridicule, a total lack of regard for how far they take the ridicule, it in no way benefits the game or "creates content".

Please listen to and read the following example:

*Explained* Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

As you can see, the players humiliate the target by having them do these embarrassing acts, and then post the .wav files for all of their fans to enjoy, lastly of course the player never had any chance of getting their items back or doubling their assets.

I urge the CSM and the CCP to really take a hard look at if this benefits the game at all. Exactly at what point do you stop to say, hey this is going too far, this isn't what was intended for EVE gameplay. I strongly believe that what is being allowed to occur currently is cyberbullying, illegal in many places. I am not requesting that the players be banned, their miner bumping actions be hindered, or even for them to stop the scam in general. I simply would like CCP to step in and halt any further promotion of this obscene practice of public ridicule and humiliation

I have only been here a month, and in that time this issue has so disgusted me that im already submitting requests to CSM and CCP, a month.

*edit* I'd like to state I started by first creating a support ticket about this issue, but was told I would have to bring this issue up through this channel.

I'm going to read this thread. But first let me quote our dear OP from the minerbumping forum.

"but now I can only truly say I wish that Erotica1 would die in front of his PC releasing his bowels on his chair, and being discovered alone with 50 cats eating his corpse."

If anyone needs to be looked at it is you dear OP. Seriously wishing a real life death upon me like this. You are ******* sick.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-10-28 06:35:15 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I've debated writing this up for a while now because anyone can see the kind of backlash im going to receive for doing so, but some topics are too important to be ignored.

In 2012 im sure you all remember there was an incident involving player on player harassment that tested the bounds of how far the quote "This is EVE" goes. Im referring of course to the Mittani incident

I believe there is another player who routinely has stepped up their harassment to the point where it borders the same level, this player is Erotica 1 and her known associates the New Order. I would like to state that the harassment described does NOT in ANY way refer to the miner bumping/suicide ganking of this group. I am specifically referring to the harassment that is involved during Erotica 1's doubling ISK scam.

For those who do not know about Erotica 1's scam, it involves having many members of the New Order vouch for her that she is indeed a legitimate ISK doubler, aftwerwards Erotica will indeed start doubling the persons ISK. After a person has done this twice they are given the opportunity for a "Bonus Room", wherein the target must hand over every last bit of property they own as a sign of "good faith".

This is where the line between harmless and harassment starts, so far everything stated is simple scam tactics and is a "shame on you for believing them" moment. What occurs NEXT however is where I feel this group crosses the line of simple EVE trolling.

The target is lured into a third party mic chat to discuss finalizing the transaction. The entire conversation is recorded and will be uploaded to their website for prosperity as well as a lengthy description of the event and worded in a way that will bring the most embarrassment to the target. If this seems familiar at all to the Mittani incident, its because it is. Public ridicule, a total lack of regard for how far they take the ridicule, it in no way benefits the game or "creates content".

Please listen to and read the following example:

*Explained* Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

As you can see, the players humiliate the target by having them do these embarrassing acts, and then post the .wav files for all of their fans to enjoy, lastly of course the player never had any chance of getting their items back or doubling their assets.

I urge the CSM and the CCP to really take a hard look at if this benefits the game at all. Exactly at what point do you stop to say, hey this is going too far, this isn't what was intended for EVE gameplay. I strongly believe that what is being allowed to occur currently is cyberbullying, illegal in many places. I am not requesting that the players be banned, their miner bumping actions be hindered, or even for them to stop the scam in general. I simply would like CCP to step in and halt any further promotion of this obscene practice of public ridicule and humiliation

I have only been here a month, and in that time this issue has so disgusted me that im already submitting requests to CSM and CCP, a month.

*edit* I'd like to state I started by first creating a support ticket about this issue, but was told I would have to bring this issue up through this channel.

I'm going to read this thread. But first let me quote our dear OP from the minerbumping forum.

"but now I can only truly say I wish that Erotica1 would die in front of his PC releasing his bowels on his chair, and being discovered alone with 50 cats eating his corpse."

If anyone needs to be looked at it is you dear OP. Seriously wishing a real life death upon me like this. You are ******* sick.

You guys sure do like to quote only parts of my conversations :3 at least I gave the common courtesy of letting your links speak for themselves.

Bao Xi
Krypteia Operations
#44 - 2013-10-28 06:37:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Bao Xi
Going to go ahead and confirm that Erotica 1 doubled my isk because I played the game correctly. I too am fully literate, and I was polite, as are all other successful bonus room winners.

OP's claims are nothing but hogwash. Erotica 1 is perhaps the most honest and responsible individual I have ever had the privilege of gaming with. As for OP wishing harm upon Erotica 1? Well, I think we can see the quality of her critics now, can't we?

What a shame it is that players such as OP continue to attempt to ruin the game for pillars of the community such as Erotica 1. It is hypocritical to denounce 'cyberbullying' whilst engaging in a campaign of hate against Erotica 1.

   Literally impersonating myself    click click what deals click click

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2013-10-28 06:45:34 UTC
Bao Xi wrote:
Going to go ahead and confirm that Erotica 1 doubled my isk because I played the game correctly. I too am fully literate, and I was polite, as are all other successful bonus room winners.

OP's claims are nothing but hogwash. Erotica 1 is perhaps the most honest and responsible individual I have ever had the privilege of gaming with. As for OP wishing harm upon Erotica 1? Well, I think we can see the quality of her critics now, can't we?

What a shame it is that players such as OP continue to attempt to ruin the game for pillars of the community such as Erotica 1. It is hypocritical to denounce 'cyberbullying' whilst engaging in a campaign of hate against Erotica 1.

The amount of "Im a New Order alt" in this is scary. If your going to pretend to be someone else , you need to lose that "repeat things 10 times in a cultish way" thing you guys do.

Bao Xi
Krypteia Operations
#46 - 2013-10-28 06:50:38 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Bao Xi wrote:
Going to go ahead and confirm that Erotica 1 doubled my isk because I played the game correctly. I too am fully literate, and I was polite, as are all other successful bonus room winners.

OP's claims are nothing but hogwash. Erotica 1 is perhaps the most honest and responsible individual I have ever had the privilege of gaming with. As for OP wishing harm upon Erotica 1? Well, I think we can see the quality of her critics now, can't we?

What a shame it is that players such as OP continue to attempt to ruin the game for pillars of the community such as Erotica 1. It is hypocritical to denounce 'cyberbullying' whilst engaging in a campaign of hate against Erotica 1.

The amount of "Im a New Order alt" in this is scary. If your going to pretend to be someone else , you need to lose that "repeat things 10 times in a cultish way" thing you guys do.

So you believe that I am somebody other than myself pretending to be me?

Who do you believe I am?

If you need somebody to talk to, your local health region very likely has crisis lines available where somebody can talk through your issues with you.

I wish you all the best.

   Literally impersonating myself    click click what deals click click

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#47 - 2013-10-28 06:57:16 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I've debated writing this up for a while now because anyone can see the kind of backlash im going to receive for doing so, but some topics are too important to be ignored.

In 2012 im sure you all remember there was an incident involving player on player harassment that tested the bounds of how far the quote "This is EVE" goes. Im referring of course to the Mittani incident

I believe there is another player who routinely has stepped up their harassment to the point where it borders the same level, this player is Erotica 1 and her known associates the New Order. I would like to state that the harassment described does NOT in ANY way refer to the miner bumping/suicide ganking of this group. I am specifically referring to the harassment that is involved during Erotica 1's doubling ISK scam.

For those who do not know about Erotica 1's scam, it involves having many members of the New Order vouch for her that she is indeed a legitimate ISK doubler, aftwerwards Erotica will indeed start doubling the persons ISK. After a person has done this twice they are given the opportunity for a "Bonus Room", wherein the target must hand over every last bit of property they own as a sign of "good faith".

This is where the line between harmless and harassment starts, so far everything stated is simple scam tactics and is a "shame on you for believing them" moment. What occurs NEXT however is where I feel this group crosses the line of simple EVE trolling.

The target is lured into a third party mic chat to discuss finalizing the transaction. The entire conversation is recorded and will be uploaded to their website for prosperity as well as a lengthy description of the event and worded in a way that will bring the most embarrassment to the target. If this seems familiar at all to the Mittani incident, its because it is. Public ridicule, a total lack of regard for how far they take the ridicule, it in no way benefits the game or "creates content".

Please listen to and read the following example:

*Explained* Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

As you can see, the players humiliate the target by having them do these embarrassing acts, and then post the .wav files for all of their fans to enjoy, lastly of course the player never had any chance of getting their items back or doubling their assets.

I urge the CSM and the CCP to really take a hard look at if this benefits the game at all. Exactly at what point do you stop to say, hey this is going too far, this isn't what was intended for EVE gameplay. I strongly believe that what is being allowed to occur currently is cyberbullying, illegal in many places. I am not requesting that the players be banned, their miner bumping actions be hindered, or even for them to stop the scam in general. I simply would like CCP to step in and halt any further promotion of this obscene practice of public ridicule and humiliation

I have only been here a month, and in that time this issue has so disgusted me that im already submitting requests to CSM and CCP, a month.

*edit* I'd like to state I started by first creating a support ticket about this issue, but was told I would have to bring this issue up through this channel.

I'm going to read this thread. But first let me quote our dear OP from the minerbumping forum.

"but now I can only truly say I wish that Erotica1 would die in front of his PC releasing his bowels on his chair, and being discovered alone with 50 cats eating his corpse."

If anyone needs to be looked at it is you dear OP. Seriously wishing a real life death upon me like this. You are ******* sick.

You guys sure do like to quote only parts of my conversations :3 at least I gave the common courtesy of letting your links speak for themselves.

Read above. Your quotes are all intact. I encourage everyone reading this thread to thoroughly examine the links you and I provided. I am glad to see you got kicked from your corp by the way. Gentlemen's Agreement has recovered their reputation. I don't know what the hell they were thinking letting you in. I can only assume something at Eve Vegas was related until they read your forum posting. My God, you are worse than any Widot monkey on a typewriter than I have ever seen, and that's saying something.

I really hope you get some help.

By the way, no matter how disgusting and hateful your public wish that I die a horrible death in real life, I have not petitioned it. Hell, there's no reason to, you're embarrassing yourself enough without any prodding from me.

I tell you what though. If you want to put this behind us, I'll offer you a bonus round. I don't just do this for everyone- generally only one in every 100 clients. But you are special. I am happy to pay you out if you show me complete faith and stop all this ridiculous nonsense.

Warm Regards,


See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2013-10-28 07:25:09 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I've debated writing this up for a while now because anyone can see the kind of backlash im going to receive for doing so, but some topics are too important to be ignored.

In 2012 im sure you all remember there was an incident involving player on player harassment that tested the bounds of how far the quote "This is EVE" goes. Im referring of course to the Mittani incident

I believe there is another player who routinely has stepped up their harassment to the point where it borders the same level, this player is Erotica 1 and her known associates the New Order. I would like to state that the harassment described does NOT in ANY way refer to the miner bumping/suicide ganking of this group. I am specifically referring to the harassment that is involved during Erotica 1's doubling ISK scam.

For those who do not know about Erotica 1's scam, it involves having many members of the New Order vouch for her that she is indeed a legitimate ISK doubler, aftwerwards Erotica will indeed start doubling the persons ISK. After a person has done this twice they are given the opportunity for a "Bonus Room", wherein the target must hand over every last bit of property they own as a sign of "good faith".

This is where the line between harmless and harassment starts, so far everything stated is simple scam tactics and is a "shame on you for believing them" moment. What occurs NEXT however is where I feel this group crosses the line of simple EVE trolling.

The target is lured into a third party mic chat to discuss finalizing the transaction. The entire conversation is recorded and will be uploaded to their website for prosperity as well as a lengthy description of the event and worded in a way that will bring the most embarrassment to the target. If this seems familiar at all to the Mittani incident, its because it is. Public ridicule, a total lack of regard for how far they take the ridicule, it in no way benefits the game or "creates content".

Please listen to and read the following example:

*Explained* Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

As you can see, the players humiliate the target by having them do these embarrassing acts, and then post the .wav files for all of their fans to enjoy, lastly of course the player never had any chance of getting their items back or doubling their assets.

I urge the CSM and the CCP to really take a hard look at if this benefits the game at all. Exactly at what point do you stop to say, hey this is going too far, this isn't what was intended for EVE gameplay. I strongly believe that what is being allowed to occur currently is cyberbullying, illegal in many places. I am not requesting that the players be banned, their miner bumping actions be hindered, or even for them to stop the scam in general. I simply would like CCP to step in and halt any further promotion of this obscene practice of public ridicule and humiliation

I have only been here a month, and in that time this issue has so disgusted me that im already submitting requests to CSM and CCP, a month.

*edit* I'd like to state I started by first creating a support ticket about this issue, but was told I would have to bring this issue up through this channel.

I'm going to read this thread. But first let me quote our dear OP from the minerbumping forum.

"but now I can only truly say I wish that Erotica1 would die in front of his PC releasing his bowels on his chair, and being discovered alone with 50 cats eating his corpse."

If anyone needs to be looked at it is you dear OP. Seriously wishing a real life death upon me like this. You are ******* sick.

You guys sure do like to quote only parts of my conversations :3 at least I gave the common courtesy of letting your links speak for themselves.

Read above. Your quotes are all intact. I encourage everyone reading this thread to thoroughly examine the links you and I provided. I am glad to see you got kicked from your corp by the way. Gentlemen's Agreement has recovered their reputation. I don't know what the hell they were thinking letting you in. I can only assume something at Eve Vegas was related until they read your forum posting. My God, you are worse than any Widot monkey on a typewriter than I have ever seen, and that's saying something.

I really hope you get some help.

By the way, no matter how disgusting and hateful your public wish that I die a horrible death in real life, I have not petitioned it. Hell, there's no reason to, you're embarrassing yourself enough without any prodding from me.

I tell you what though. If you want to put this behind us, I'll offer you a bonus round. I don't just do this for everyone- generally only one in every 100 clients. But you are special. I am happy to pay you out if you show me complete faith and stop all this ridiculous nonsense.

Warm Regards,


Oh god i laughed so hard at the bonus round thing... your so magnanimous in trying to screw me over :3.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#49 - 2013-10-28 07:31:33 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I appreciate the two of you replying to this thread.

Your job as CSM's is to represent ALL of us player base, not just the oldfarts. I ask that you keep an open mind to the needs of every player, and consider that just because something has always been, doesn't make it right.

1) True as far as it goes, but we're also here to represent the players of the New Order too.

2) We're not in any way, morally or legally, required to "represent by poll". In short if 10 players want me to support X and 10,000 players want me to oppose it, I am still duty and conscience-bound to support to CCP it if in my considered opinion, X is the right thing to do. That said, I would also be duty bound to tell CCP "Although I strongly believe X is right, there will be significant community backlash if it is enacted".

3) I specifically campaigned on a specific platform of viewpoints about the game, and I regret to say that my campaign platform would not be compatible with restricting player freedom in the way that you want. It would be seen as a betrayal of the promises I made by the people who voted for me if I were to do so.

4) I envy your privileged upbringing if you think singing a song to save an internet spaceship is "bullying". I could tell you a few things that I personally have been through that actually are bullying, and let me tell you, singing a song in a damb video game isn't on the list.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#50 - 2013-10-28 08:02:16 UTC
Are you are the person that, on an EVE fansite ( recently stated the following?

"but now I can only truly say I wish that Erotica1 would die in front of his PC releasing his bowels on his chair, and being discovered alone with 50 cats eating his corpse. "

That is worse than most things I've heard miners say, and I've seen all the usuals (RL racist slurs, RL anti-Semitic slurs, accusations of raping children, etc).

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2013-10-28 08:04:59 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I appreciate the two of you replying to this thread.

Your job as CSM's is to represent ALL of us player base, not just the oldfarts. I ask that you keep an open mind to the needs of every player, and consider that just because something has always been, doesn't make it right.

1) True as far as it goes, but we're also here to represent the players of the New Order too.

2) We're not in any way, morally or legally, required to "represent by poll". In short if 10 players want me to support X and 10,000 players want me to oppose it, I am still duty and conscience-bound to support to CCP it if in my considered opinion, X is the right thing to do. That said, I would also be duty bound to tell CCP "Although I strongly believe X is right, there will be significant community backlash if it is enacted".

3) I specifically campaigned on a specific platform of viewpoints about the game, and I regret to say that my campaign platform would not be compatible with restricting player freedom in the way that you want. It would be seen as a betrayal of the promises I made by the people who voted for me if I were to do so.

4) I envy your privileged upbringing if you think singing a song to save an internet spaceship is "bullying". I could tell you a few things that I personally have been through that actually are bullying, and let me tell you, singing a song in a damb video game isn't on the list.

I appreciate your well thought out and serious response. May I ask how the CSM works in regards to choosing what to bring to CCP's attention? Is it a group decision , or if I can get at least one of the members to sponsor it will that be enough?

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#52 - 2013-10-28 08:09:31 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I appreciate the two of you replying to this thread.

Your job as CSM's is to represent ALL of us player base, not just the oldfarts. I ask that you keep an open mind to the needs of every player, and consider that just because something has always been, doesn't make it right.

1) True as far as it goes, but we're also here to represent the players of the New Order too.

2) We're not in any way, morally or legally, required to "represent by poll". In short if 10 players want me to support X and 10,000 players want me to oppose it, I am still duty and conscience-bound to support to CCP it if in my considered opinion, X is the right thing to do. That said, I would also be duty bound to tell CCP "Although I strongly believe X is right, there will be significant community backlash if it is enacted".

3) I specifically campaigned on a specific platform of viewpoints about the game, and I regret to say that my campaign platform would not be compatible with restricting player freedom in the way that you want. It would be seen as a betrayal of the promises I made by the people who voted for me if I were to do so.

4) I envy your privileged upbringing if you think singing a song to save an internet spaceship is "bullying". I could tell you a few things that I personally have been through that actually are bullying, and let me tell you, singing a song in a damb video game isn't on the list.

I appreciate your well thought out and serious response. May I ask how the CSM works in regards to choosing what to bring to CCP's attention? Is it a group decision , or if I can get at least one of the members to sponsor it will that be enough?

Can you get at least one other Eve player to agree with you? Let's try that first.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#53 - 2013-10-28 08:20:50 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
I appreciate the two of you replying to this thread.

Your job as CSM's is to represent ALL of us player base, not just the oldfarts. I ask that you keep an open mind to the needs of every player, and consider that just because something has always been, doesn't make it right.

1) True as far as it goes, but we're also here to represent the players of the New Order too.

2) We're not in any way, morally or legally, required to "represent by poll". In short if 10 players want me to support X and 10,000 players want me to oppose it, I am still duty and conscience-bound to support to CCP it if in my considered opinion, X is the right thing to do. That said, I would also be duty bound to tell CCP "Although I strongly believe X is right, there will be significant community backlash if it is enacted".

3) I specifically campaigned on a specific platform of viewpoints about the game, and I regret to say that my campaign platform would not be compatible with restricting player freedom in the way that you want. It would be seen as a betrayal of the promises I made by the people who voted for me if I were to do so.

4) I envy your privileged upbringing if you think singing a song to save an internet spaceship is "bullying". I could tell you a few things that I personally have been through that actually are bullying, and let me tell you, singing a song in a damb video game isn't on the list.

I appreciate your well thought out and serious response. May I ask how the CSM works in regards to choosing what to bring to CCP's attention? Is it a group decision , or if I can get at least one of the members to sponsor it will that be enough?

You can bring things to CCP's attention. You have done so. The community team at least read the forum. CSM backing for an idea tends to lend weight and increases the chance of getting that attention. You might try Mike or Ali, but I warn you that there's no garauntee that they'll be sympathetic.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#54 - 2013-10-28 08:31:02 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko I am seriously considering running for CSM in the future. If I can have your vote, your support, and your forum activism, I think I can secure the spot. I promise then I will bring your matter to the attention of the relevant parties.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Ophidia Black
Carebear Euthanization LtD
#55 - 2013-10-28 08:33:39 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko I am seriously considering running for CSM in the future. If I can have your vote, your support, and your forum activism, I think I can secure the spot. I promise then I will bring your matter to the attention of the relevant parties.

I think Reika should run for the next CSM. If all of her claimed supporters voted for her, she'd most likely get in! Blink

Official Reimbursement Officer for the New Order. Contact me for reimbursement in game if your barge was unfairly destroyed.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#56 - 2013-10-28 08:36:00 UTC
Ophidia Black wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko I am seriously considering running for CSM in the future. If I can have your vote, your support, and your forum activism, I think I can secure the spot. I promise then I will bring your matter to the attention of the relevant parties.

I think Reika should run for the next CSM. If all of her claimed supporters voted for her, she'd most likely get in! Blink

So how are the seating arrangements determined? Could we sit next to each other?

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2013-10-28 08:42:59 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko I am seriously considering running for CSM in the future. If I can have your vote, your support, and your forum activism, I think I can secure the spot. I promise then I will bring your matter to the attention of the relevant parties.

Im serious, I will vote you in, Not even joking.

Why? Because if Mittani was an example, you wouldn't be able to do the same crap you do as a CSM. You win, I win, go ahead Erotica, run.

Goonswarm Federation
#58 - 2013-10-28 10:40:46 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Public ridicule, a total lack of regard for how far they take the ridicule, it in no way benefits the game or "creates content".

Please listen to and read the following example:

*Explained* Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

As you can see, the players humiliate the target by having them do these embarrassing acts, and then post the .wav files for all of their fans to enjoy, lastly of course the player never had any chance of getting their items back or doubling their assets.

why did you claim it creates no content then link to tons of created content

that seems counterproductive

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#59 - 2013-10-28 10:51:18 UTC
i would hate to think a boring, non-content creating carebear was trying to get interesting content creators banned out of jealousy

please link to an equal or greater amount of content created by you to avoid that impression

this thread doesn't count as it is more properly considered content created by erotica 1

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2013-10-28 11:03:05 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
i would hate to think a boring, non-content creating carebear was trying to get interesting content creators banned out of jealousy

please link to an equal or greater amount of content created by you to avoid that impression

this thread doesn't count as it is more properly considered content created by erotica 1

Wit that logic , New Order isn't content since it is just a reaction to afk miners content