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Character Bazaar

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WTB New PvP Pilots 70 - 90mil sp

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-10-26 19:55:21 UTC
Im looking to buy some PVP Pilots to add to my belt

What I'm looking for:

Amarr / Gall then Minny (No Caldari Cause its ****),

Archon / Moros with near perfect Skills,

All indy skills will not be paid for.

Price Ranges from 15 - 25 Bil

I will be looking for 2 Pilots if possible.

I might break budget for one awesome pilot but anything over 60bil is ether over priced or 2 much SP for what I need.
Toros Culzean
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-10-26 21:16:12 UTC

contact me in game price 29b

Cardinal Lieutenant, Retired Amarr Militia "I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - The Scriptures, Prophet Kuria, Paladin's Creed

Storm voldsrud
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-10-26 21:42:28 UTC 30b 50b

mail me if u wish to negotiate or jsut chat htats cool aswell =)
Broad Zilla
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-10-26 23:19:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Broad Zilla

Capital Hybrid 5, T2 Siege, virtually perfect gunnery supports + utility Thanny pilot (currently training for solid combat carrier).

Also comes with a nice assortment of subcap skills and ships -- all t2 small, medium and large guns; Gallente BS5; almost maxed Legion, Loki and Proteus subs, solid core skills, etc...

Plus, I think we could do a deal within your price range. I'll be online tonight if you wanna talk price, or send me an evemail.
na'Vi Ronuken
Louis Nothing And Nobody
#5 - 2013-10-26 23:23:54 UTC

t2 siege dread5 if you want focus.

all large guns5. t2 siege Moros.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-10-26 23:47:29 UTC
Some interesting toons but I would like people to give prices with there toons.
Broad Zilla
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-10-27 00:51:33 UTC
Current high bid for Broad is 21b. I'd carefully consider a B/O a bit higher than that.
Alekksander Geinesa
Divine Mortals
#8 - 2013-10-27 01:52:46 UTC
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-10-27 11:05:12 UTC
Still looking.a
Major Killz
inglorious bastards.
#10 - 2013-11-04 06:22:58 UTC

Security Status: 0.1
Wallet: Positive
Kill Rights: N/A
Neural Remap Available: Now
Bonus Remaps Available: 1

Starting Bid: 1.5 billion (NOT A TYPO)
Reserve: undisclosed
Buyout: undisclosed
Increment: 500 million

The skills are mainly focused around subcap PvP and PvE.

PVP Videos:


Highlights include but are not limited to:

- Excelent drone skills ( Combat Drone Operation V, Drone Durability V, Drone Interfacing V, Drone Navigation V,Drone Sharpshooting V, Drones V, Heavy Drone Operation V, Scout Drone Operation V).

- Excelent gunnary skills (Controlled Bursts V, Gunnery V, Motion Prediction V, Rapid Firing V, Sharpshooter V, Surgical Strike V, Trajectory Analysis V); large, medium, and small energy, hybrid and autocannon turret level V.

- Excelent missiles skills (Guided Missile Precision V, Missile Bombardment V, Missile Launcher Operation V, Missile Projection V, Rapid Launch V, Target Navigation Prediction V, Warhead Upgrades V). Heavy missiles, heavy assault missiles, rockets, cruise missiles and light missiles level V.

- Amarr/Caldari/Gallente/Minmatar Frigate, and Cruiser 5; Caldari and Gallente battleship 5. Heavy Assault Cruisers, Inteceptor and Assault Frigates level V.

- Excelent Tengu pilot ( Caldari Offensive System 5, Heavy Missiles 5, Heavy Assault Missiles 5).

Additional information:

- Good standings with Sisters Of Eve (8.10). (L4 capable)
- This character has 1 jump clone active in high sec
- Full crystal implant Set (pirate implants)

This auction ends on Friday, 15th of November 2013 @ 0000 EVE Time and I'll be ready for transfer at this time. If the buyout is met, the auction will end immediately and the character transfer will commence as soon as I'm able to.

Note: I reserve the right to end or extend the auciton if a suitable price is not met...

You may also contact me by EVE-mail.

[u]Ich bin ein Pirat ![/u]

Viridiana 'Vi' Sovari
Night Angels
#11 - 2013-11-04 08:20:14 UTC
T2 siege Moros, no Archon I'm afraid, but it would only need the Amarr carrier book. This might be what you're looking for.

Currently for sale

All sold.