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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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What is your most favourite stupid/funniest things to do in EVE?

Fighter Maurset
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-10-25 09:06:08 UTC
Any things, other players should try as well?

If my pilot is certain to face death... I want full ramming speed towards the enemy ship...

Lilliana Stelles
#2 - 2013-10-25 12:14:50 UTC
Ridiculously overtanking a cheap ship (like a mauler), and bating people into attacking me on a gate, then tackling them within range of the gate gun and just outlasting their buffer.

Sadly with all the recent buffs to active tanking, nerfs to passive tanking, and excessive use of neuts we've seen lately, this has become less practical.

Not a forum alt. 

Black Hole Runners
#3 - 2013-10-25 12:16:27 UTC
Pod races through Sov held Nullsec whilst very drunk comes to mind. :)
My missus thinks of EvE as 'the other woman'. :)
Eli Kzanti
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-10-25 14:28:05 UTC
Trying to kill people 1 on 1 with a blaster probe springs to mind >_> its an exploration fit, honest.

Trying to kill people 1 on 1 with an autocannon wreathe is also up there <_< although that one has yet to see much success.
Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2013-10-25 15:24:27 UTC
Get a bunch of friends... put them all in cheapo, borderline **** fit destroyers... take them out to null sec and engage everything until you all die.


Get a bunch of friends... put them in gank fit destroyers... start suicide ganking any mining barge that isn't a Procurer in high sec. Linger in local and talk smack.


Blow up someone in your alliance... preferably someone you dislike. Be unrepentant of your actions and demand that YOU be reimbursed for the ammo you wasted on the kill. Weeks of drama will ensue (note: make sure your corp has your back and is in a position of power in the alliance before you do this).


Bait in low-sec with PvP Procurers.


Try to kill someone with a rookie ship (or lots of rookie ships).
Paul Panala
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-10-25 17:00:11 UTC
Rockie ship fights!!
Collin Rayl
The People's Technocratic Republic of Vinnland
#7 - 2013-10-25 17:34:55 UTC
Creating trial accounts to **** around, joining familiar channels and jumping into conversations to totally screw with people.


Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-10-26 22:40:11 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Get a bunch of friends... put them all in cheapo, borderline **** fit destroyers... take them out to null sec and engage everything until you all die.


Get a bunch of friends... put them in gank fit destroyers... start suicide ganking any mining barge that isn't a Procurer in high sec. Linger in local and talk smack.


Blow up someone in your alliance... preferably someone you dislike. Be unrepentant of your actions and demand that YOU be reimbursed for the ammo you wasted on the kill. Weeks of drama will ensue (note: make sure your corp has your back and is in a position of power in the alliance before you do this).


Bait in low-sec with PvP Procurers.


Try to kill someone with a rookie ship (or lots of rookie ships).

Wow.. I've done all of this except the lowsec Procurer bait (note: the Procurer loss in Basgerin on my kb wasn't because I was baiting, it was because I'm bad at Eve). I did #3 by awoxing instead. Shot corpmates until they finally kicked me. Remembered the saying, "If its nice, do it twice," so I joined another corp and did it again.

I can confirm that all of them were and still are great fun!

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Abraham Nalelmir
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2013-10-27 09:23:16 UTC
Trolling gate camps with a griffin or bb

In Go.. ECM I trust

Critical Mass Inc
#10 - 2013-10-27 13:02:58 UTC
Drone fishing.

Get a frigate or destroyer and put an afterburner on it (nothing else). Go to high-sec mining belts, target a mining barge with drones out and charge at him. Usually they bail and leave the drones.

Recent game changes might not make this viable anymore, but when I was doing it a couple years ago I made about 10 million isk on forgotten drones one weekend.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Kry Meariver
Kry Meariver Corporation
#11 - 2013-10-27 14:36:54 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
Drone fishing.

Get a frigate or destroyer and put an afterburner on it (nothing else). Go to high-sec mining belts, target a mining barge with drones out and charge at him. Usually they bail and leave the drones.

Recent game changes might not make this viable anymore, but when I was doing it a couple years ago I made about 10 million isk on forgotten drones one weekend.

I think somebody tried that on me just yesterday. It didn't work.
Darian en Chasteaux
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-10-27 15:49:59 UTC

The dumbest and funniest thing I did so far...

For one I just came back after not liking the game too much as a total noob....

Now the reverse is true I actually am having to learn the game a little more and in doing so; well, I like it now cause I am paying a SUB for it and I aint gonna stress out when I die as long as I know I can replace stuff...

Oh and ya, Live Streaming on my Twitch site not knowing I was streaming LOL and saying things I shouldnt have been saying !!!

Sorry I deleted the blooper but I watched before I deleted it and it was hilarious!

Ya see one can have a laff or 2 in this game !


Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#13 - 2013-10-28 20:49:56 UTC
Just about +1 everyone on this thread because i have done it and it was fun or I plan to do it.

Also this game is unusual because i think some people forget its a game and is suppose to be FUN!

Ok not really. Some ppl take WoW seriously. Now they need help.

Funniest thing i have done. Well look at what i have in my cargo hold for one thing on my death mails. There are awesome items on the market. Love having at least one tourist that dies when i die!

Forgetting i was in lowsec, and went afk for a bio and lost a cain? And panicked when the alarms went off. Just try to play eve with ...... things hanging out.

Trying to bump a BS in my "combat" pod? Did not end well

Or just this weekend. Burning away from a gate camp (lots of bubbles, lots of hostiles), miss click warp and warp to a moon with a pos.........

I laugh a lot playing eve.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Telegram Sam
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-10-28 21:00:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Telegram Sam
Currently, RvB's 100,000 frigates free for all. Here's what it looks like after the Orca dumps out a new pile of the free frigs. It's better ingame with the animation-- they're squirming around like some kind of nasty organic things.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#15 - 2013-10-28 23:17:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabriz Adoudel
Jump into Rancer via the back way (which is safe 99% of the time, it's the two high-low gates that get camped not the low-low one).

Warp to a random celestial, light a cynosural field, and start typing the lyrics to "Call Me Maybe" in local.

(Bonus point if your character name is "TotallyNot AHotDrop"

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-10-29 00:08:00 UTC
I always keep a poor of combat fit rookie frigs in the hangar. You'd be surprised how many people just ignore you the realize all too late that you're the one holding tackle.
Thomas Builder
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-10-29 02:06:12 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Jump into Rancer via the back way (which is safe 99% of the time, it's the two high-low gates that get camped not the low-low one).
I've no idea what system you are thinking about, but Rancer it ain't.
Rancer has only two gates, not three and both are low-low gates.

Other than that, it sounds like fun.
Lord Battlestar
Atrox Urbanis Respublique Abundatia
#18 - 2013-10-29 02:14:35 UTC
I know a guy who flags himself suspect then sits in belts with a pvp Procurer in highsec. He dies a lot but he often gets some hilarious kills on people who are not prepared.

I once podded myself by blowing a huge fart.