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EVE General Discussion

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I for the life of me dont understand.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2013-10-18 13:02:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Im sorry but do you mine? I had to use a treadmill to keep my interest in mining... let me repeat.. i EXERCISED .. just to keep myself interested in mining..

I do not blame miners for afking

Sounds like mining isn't the activity for you.

Might I suggest suicide ganking? I know a group who can get you going....


To the OP, no one is against miners. They are against the whiney, entitled , "I should be left alone to make money in a pvp game" idiots who deserve in-game space death.

I remember one guy raging on these forums after getting ganked about how he came home from work and relaxed by afk mining and watching a movie.

You don't find this type of person in any other video game. I don't recall seeing a Call of Duty player say "man, I was just trying to watch a movie and play CoD when this dude rammed a grenade up me bum and I exploded all over the place, I demand Developers fix this by giving me bum more EHP"......

.... Single player?

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2013-10-18 13:02:45 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Sec , mother birthday call :3

Make sure you dock up first

I never undock.. unless its to mine.. which i do for like 30 min

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#83 - 2013-10-18 13:03:28 UTC
Lugalbandak wrote:
Guys , maybe your not with OP , but we have to give him credits for answering questions, +1

True, liking the answers is not a requirement

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2013-10-18 13:03:35 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
For me, I did not start out wanting to "destroy highsec".

I just wanted to play the game. The game involves killing people. But the moment you engage in this aspect of the game, all the rabbits come out of the freaking walls to tell you how bad you are, how awful a person you must be, and how everyone should shame-shun you for making the choice to shoot at someone else.

Meanwhile, in lowsec, you have this group of people who, astonishingly, will actually tell you about how to fit your ship after they blow you up. They actually take the time to tell a newbie player how to better himself and improve his game.

The disparity between the two levels of discourse is what turned me. On one hand, I have well reasoned, mature players, and on the other hand I have a group reminiscent of a ring of children in a schoolyard, yelling at the ginger in the middle.

Besides, you can only be told so many times that you are an evil player, before you say "eff it!" and become one. If I'm gonna "do the time", as it were, then I might as well do the crime.

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2013-10-18 13:04:45 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
My point was that get enough suicide gankers together, no ship is safe from a high sec suicide gank... even a freighter

Why should they be safe?

Again.. some people play Eve just to mine.. just to rat .. or just to stare at neat ships...

Thats eve to them.. they will not go to low sec... why do u want to deny that to them? Why cant they have fun their way?

Lady Areola Fappington
#86 - 2013-10-18 13:06:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Areola Fappington
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Lugalbandak wrote:
Guys , maybe your not with OP , but we have to give him credits for answering questions, +1

True, liking the answers is not a requirement

I make it a point to explain, in no uncertain terms, exactly how miners can make themselves ungankable 95% of the time. I don't even mention "buy a permit!"

It's just, the answer the 'bears get isn't the one they want to hear.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#87 - 2013-10-18 13:07:28 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Again.. some people play Eve just to mine.. just to rat .. or just to stare at neat ships...

Thats eve to them.. they will not go to low sec... why do u want to deny that to them? Why cant they have fun their way?

They can, they just need a little initiative.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#88 - 2013-10-18 13:07:33 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
For me, I did not start out wanting to "destroy highsec".

I just wanted to play the game. The game involves killing people. But the moment you engage in this aspect of the game, all the rabbits come out of the freaking walls to tell you how bad you are, how awful a person you must be, and how everyone should shame-shun you for making the choice to shoot at someone else.

Meanwhile, in lowsec, you have this group of people who, astonishingly, will actually tell you about how to fit your ship after they blow you up. They actually take the time to tell a newbie player how to better himself and improve his game.

The disparity between the two levels of discourse is what turned me. On one hand, I have well reasoned, mature players, and on the other hand I have a group reminiscent of a ring of children in a schoolyard, yelling at the ginger in the middle.

Besides, you can only be told so many times that you are an evil player, before you say "eff it!" and become one. If I'm gonna "do the time", as it were, then I might as well do the crime.

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

Because most video game players are too pansy to leave that 30%? Gotta have them magical space cops come save you, don't you know.
oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2013-10-18 13:08:36 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Lugalbandak wrote:
Guys , maybe your not with OP , but we have to give him credits for answering questions, +1

True, liking the answers is not a requirement

I make it a point to explain, in no uncertain terms, exactly how miners can make themselves ungankable 95% of the time. I don't even mention "buy a permit!"

It's just, the answer the 'bears get isn't the one they want to hear.

Your advice is flawed, highsec isnt like lowsec, there are pvp'ers all over the place in highsec local, theres no way to differentiate between one that will suicide gank and one that is just flying through.. ud never get anything done

Lady Areola Fappington
#90 - 2013-10-18 13:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Areola Fappington
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Again.. some people play Eve just to mine.. just to rat .. or just to stare at neat ships...

Thats eve to them.. they will not go to low sec... why do u want to deny that to them? Why cant they have fun their way?

Simple answer, see my bio.

You having fun your way does not preclude me from having fun my way (by blowing you up).

oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Your advice is flawed, highsec isnt like lowsec, there are pvp'ers all over the place in highsec local, theres no way to differentiate between one that will suicide gank and one that is just flying through.. ud never get anything done

Ohhh, I see. Let me break it down for you.

Ganking a target requires a very obvious series of steps, that anyone who is paying attention will notice. Your two BIGGEST hints are: -10's in local, and a ship within 3km of you.

See, we have to use what is known as a "warp-in" to get you. That's a positive sec status dude, who pulls up next to your barge, so the blinky guys can get the kill in before facpo nails us. We use Ventures, and Procurers typically. Someone sitting there next to you in a venture is not your friend. They are scanning your fit, and scouting in a gank fleet on top of you.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#91 - 2013-10-18 13:09:05 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
My point was that get enough suicide gankers together, no ship is safe from a high sec suicide gank... even a freighter

Why should they be safe?

Again.. some people play Eve just to mine.. just to rat .. or just to stare at neat ships...

Thats eve to them.. they will not go to low sec... why do u want to deny that to them? Why cant they have fun their way?

Some people play chess to just state that the rooks and queen. Why do you have to check mate them when stting at the other end of the board?

If you want to be left alone, play solitaire, not chess.
oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2013-10-18 13:09:36 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
For me, I did not start out wanting to "destroy highsec".

I just wanted to play the game. The game involves killing people. But the moment you engage in this aspect of the game, all the rabbits come out of the freaking walls to tell you how bad you are, how awful a person you must be, and how everyone should shame-shun you for making the choice to shoot at someone else.

Meanwhile, in lowsec, you have this group of people who, astonishingly, will actually tell you about how to fit your ship after they blow you up. They actually take the time to tell a newbie player how to better himself and improve his game.

The disparity between the two levels of discourse is what turned me. On one hand, I have well reasoned, mature players, and on the other hand I have a group reminiscent of a ring of children in a schoolyard, yelling at the ginger in the middle.

Besides, you can only be told so many times that you are an evil player, before you say "eff it!" and become one. If I'm gonna "do the time", as it were, then I might as well do the crime.

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

Because most video game players are too pansy to leave that 30%? Gotta have them magical space cops come save you, don't you know.

MOST? Dont u have two corps who have like 8000 players between them constantly fighting each other? how many fricken pvp'ers do u need?

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#93 - 2013-10-18 13:10:07 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
The ultimate point of this thread is to point out no one wants to change YOUR style of play, Do not force yours on others.

Wrong, wrong wrong on so many levels. I DO want to (slightly) change other people's playstyle, I DO force (a portion of) my playstyle upon others. It's simple really, imagine that I shoot you at a lowsec gate. Are you going to keep pushing Industrials over that gate or are you going to change how you play in order to achieve your objectives? My playstyle isn't aloof or AFK, it's about situational awareness, response-readyness, and I am forcing it upon someone as soon as I start shooting them. Well... "force"... one could opt to just die over and over and complain on the forums I guess.
Maaaaowm Ogeko
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#94 - 2013-10-18 13:10:10 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

May I ask you a very serious question? Why did you join an MMO which is long-established as a brutally harsh PvP game, and then decide to make up your own rules about when, where and how said PvP is supposed to happen? And then come to the forums and rage that other players aren't following the rules that you've made up? Because that's exactly what you're doing, you know.

Did you join EVE without knowing what it is, and about its long history?

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2013-10-18 13:10:52 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
My point was that get enough suicide gankers together, no ship is safe from a high sec suicide gank... even a freighter

Why should they be safe?

Again.. some people play Eve just to mine.. just to rat .. or just to stare at neat ships...

Thats eve to them.. they will not go to low sec... why do u want to deny that to them? Why cant they have fun their way?

Some people play chess to just state that the rooks and queen. Why do you have to check mate them when stting at the other end of the board?

If you want to be left alone, play solitaire, not chess.

Except its not about being left alone, people like mining in a corp, hanging out with friends.. its not solitaire..

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#96 - 2013-10-18 13:10:56 UTC
The OP's first question is really the crux of this entire thread, I feel;

What is with the carebear hate?

My first response was designed to explain

No one (or at least only a very very tiny minority) actually hates carebears

Its not carebears

Carebears are awesome

What people have a problem with is those who feel they should be immune. The game was never supposed to offer 100% immunity and safety. If that was the case, ganking in High would be against the EULA.

Why shouldnt people have to defend themselves?

Why shouldnt your corp have a defense fleet?

An Intel officer?

Guarded transport routes for your frieghter?

Escorts for your miners?

Awareness to who is in your system?

Do you REALLY want it to be Creative Mode Minecraft?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2013-10-18 13:12:12 UTC
Maaaaowm Ogeko wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

May I ask you a very serious question? Why did you join an MMO which is long-established as a brutally harsh PvP game, and then decide to make up your own rules about when, where and how said PvP is supposed to happen? And then come to the forums and rage that other players aren't following the rules that you've made up? Because that's exactly what you're doing, you know.

Did you join EVE without knowing what it is, and about its long history?

You do realize i said in the very beginning I never leave the hangar right?

Maaaaowm Ogeko
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#98 - 2013-10-18 13:13:09 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Maaaaowm Ogeko wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

May I ask you a very serious question? Why did you join an MMO which is long-established as a brutally harsh PvP game, and then decide to make up your own rules about when, where and how said PvP is supposed to happen? And then come to the forums and rage that other players aren't following the rules that you've made up? Because that's exactly what you're doing, you know.

Did you join EVE without knowing what it is, and about its long history?

You do realize i said in the very beginning I never leave the hangar right?

Again, why? Why did you join?

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2013-10-18 13:13:27 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
The OP's first question is really the crux of this entire thread, I feel;

What is with the carebear hate?

My first response was designed to explain

No one (or at least only a very very tiny minority) actually hates carebears

Its not carebears

Carebears are awesome

What people have a problem with is those who feel they should be immune. The game was never supposed to offer 100% immunity and safety. If that was the case, ganking in High would be against the EULA.

Why shouldnt people have to defend themselves?

Why shouldnt your corp have a defense fleet?

An Intel officer?

Guarded transport routes for your frieghter?

Escorts for your miners?

Awareness to who is in your system?

Do you REALLY want it to be Creative Mode Minecraft?

My answer to that is Highsec is a staging ground for new players, there needs to be safety till they can learn how to play the game.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#100 - 2013-10-18 13:14:15 UTC
Maaaaowm Ogeko wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Maaaaowm Ogeko wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Go ahead.. kill people.. u have like 70% of the map dedicated to doing JUST that.. why do u need the last 30%?

May I ask you a very serious question? Why did you join an MMO which is long-established as a brutally harsh PvP game, and then decide to make up your own rules about when, where and how said PvP is supposed to happen? And then come to the forums and rage that other players aren't following the rules that you've made up? Because that's exactly what you're doing, you know.

Did you join EVE without knowing what it is, and about its long history?

You do realize i said in the very beginning I never leave the hangar right?

Again, why? Why did you join?

Because I ENJOY looking at my hyperion in my hangar, just because you wouldnt derive any satisfaction from what I do, doesnt mean I should have to bend to your style of play