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Out of Pod Experience

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Real World GTA

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#1 - 2013-10-09 17:21:57 UTC
#2 - 2013-10-09 17:26:55 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
Ya I saw this. That douche almost broke a few necks or bones driving his SUV over the bikers and massive damages to the vehicles. If anyone agrees with the news report... I disagree, that idiot deserved to get beat for a hit and run. If the cops saw that, they would probably shoot him.

(Edit: I've seen the report, not literally there btw)
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#3 - 2013-10-09 17:37:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
Ya I saw this. That douche almost broke a few necks or bones driving his SUV over the bikers and massive damages to the vehicles. If anyone agrees with the news report... I disagree, that idiot deserved to get beat for a hit and run. If the cops saw that, they would probably shoot him.

If you watch the full video, you will see that one of the bikers got in front of the Range Rover and pulled a quick stop which initiated the hit. The fault is on that biker. Now, the issue could of been resolved between that biker and the SUV driver, but being the asshats that these types of bikers are, they kicked in Mob mentality and started pounding on the SUV from all sides.

Now I have to ask you, if you were enjoying a drive with your wife and child and 30+ bikers stopped you and started attacking your vehicle trying to get to you, what would you do?

Personally I would done the same thing. My family comes first. And to that biker with the broken spine, well he can thank his biker friends for inciting panic and causing a 6000 pound truck to roll over him. They caused that injury, not the driver of the SUV.

Also, if you had been keeping up with the story, you would know that there was in fact an officer involved. He was riding undercover with the bikers because the bikers were being watched as this was an illegal rally they were holding. Not only was he riding with them, he was seen in another video joining in on beating out the back window at the last stop, but left when the driver got yanked out. So yes, there was a cop there, and he let an angry mob beat one man in front of his wife and child. And just a FYI, he is also being charged.

Get your head out of your ass. This wasn't a video showing some guy going Road Warrior on some sweet and innocent biker group, this was a biker group harassing and ultimately hurting a family who was just trying to enjoy their anniversary with their kid.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

#4 - 2013-10-09 17:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
Micheal Dietrich wrote:

Really, you would drive over people or on the sidewalk/road cause someone key'd or dented your car, or poked your tire? Wow, amazing. Your head is so far up your ass, shut up.

For the matter, I know there was an undercover cop but that's not the fact, not even a point about the video or the incident.

I'm amazed someone tries to justify this guy when he assaulted dozens of bikers, literally driving over them.

Micheal Dietrich wrote:
If 30+ people were hitting my truck, slashing my tires, and attempting to break my glass, all while my wife and 2 year old daughter are present, hell yeah I would step on the gas and I'd be driving right for the nearest police station. Those ***** are getting every bit of what they deserve.
He just drove over people, no destination to a police station. Right, so he did run over people, almost killed some people, and destroyed vehicles and he's the victim? Right...

Well good luck to that poor fellow idiot driver. That tube in this throat should keep him stabilized. It could have been worse, the cops (shooting the family car) or pedestrians running down a suspect, or someone dead overall.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#5 - 2013-10-09 18:20:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
Micheal Dietrich wrote:

Really, you would drive over people or on the sidewalk/road cause someone key'd or dented your car, or poked your tire? Wow, amazing. Your head is so far up your ass, shut up.

If 30+ people were hitting my truck, slashing my tires, and attempting to break my glass, all while my wife and 2 year old daughter are present, hell yeah I would step on the gas and I'd be driving right for the nearest police station. Those ***** are getting every bit of what they deserve.

He just drove over people, no destination to a police station. Right, so he did run over people, almost killed some people, and destroyed vehicles and he's the victim? Right...

Well good luck to that poor fellow idiot driver. That tube in this throat should keep him stabilized. It could have been worse, the cops (shooting the family car) or pedestrians running down a suspect.

He was on the phone with the cops. Personally I would ask why it took so long for them to show up but then I remember that this is New York.

Like I said above, which you still can't get past that super thick skull of yours, one of the bikers caused the accident. He cut in front of the SUV less than a cars length apart, on the freeway, looked in the opposite direction of the SUV, and proceeded to apply his brakes, thus causing the fender bender. Now, as I stated above, those 2 could have stopped and settled things but the asshats decided to go hulk on the SUV, causing the driver to panic, and in return causing their fellow biker to be paralyzed for life. If you can't figure out how many mistakes the bikers made, you probably shouldn't have a license. And if you are one of these bikers, just hope you never get in front of me because I've got a nice new steel bumper I would to test out.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

#6 - 2013-10-09 19:08:47 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Like I said above that you still can't get past that super thick skull of yours, one of the bikers caused the accident. He cut in front of the SUV less than a cars length apart, on the freeway, looked in the opposite direction of the SUV, and proceeded to apply his brakes, thus causing the fender bender. Now, as I stated above, those 2 could have stopped and settled things but the asshats decided to go hulk on the SUV, causing the driver to panic, and in return causing their fellow biker to be paralyzed for life. If you can't figure out how many mistakes the bikers made, you probably shouldn't have a license. And if you are one of these bikers, just hope you never get in front of me because I've got a nice new steel bumper I would to test out.
The bike had a failure in the brakes and couldn't slow down enough to stop in time. Instead, the driver about to fall off the bike into the SUV palmed the hood and halted. The SUV-driver was probably surprised and felt harassed by not accepting the run-away cyclist.

So he ran them over.


Micheal Dietrich wrote:
The bike had a failure in the brakes and couldn't slow down enough to stop in time. Instead, the driver about to fall off the bike into the SUV palmed the hood and halted. The driver was probably surprised and felt harassed by not accepting the run-away cyclist.

So he ran them over.

Now you're just making **** up because you know you aint got nothing.

Watch the first 14 seconds
. You see him checking out the SUV. You see him pull right in front of the SUV. You see him apply brakes. Plain as ******* day.

Brake failure my ass you ******* liar. That guy was in complete control of his bike.
Lol, go drink some water dude. I've had enough of your nonsense. Go annoy someone else.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#7 - 2013-10-09 19:15:23 UTC
The bike had a failure in the brakes and couldn't slow down enough to stop in time. Instead, the driver about to fall off the bike into the SUV palmed the hood and halted. The driver was probably surprised and felt harassed by not accepting the run-away cyclist.

So he ran them over.

Now you're just making **** up because you know you aint got nothing.

Watch the first 14 seconds
. You see him checking out the SUV. You see him pull right in front of the SUV. You see him apply brakes. Plain as ******* day.

Brake failure my ass you ******* liar. That guy was in complete control of his bike.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#8 - 2013-10-09 19:33:29 UTC  |  Edited by: NeoShocker
Wow, what the hell Black? Are you that blind? I've been following this news since it first... hit the news. EVEN the motorcyclist that brake in front of the SUV was CHARGED. The SUV driver is NOT charged. I fully support this.

In case you weren't aware, there were hundreds of violation from that biker party. Driving through side walks, passing the red lights, driving illegal vehicles, no license plates. The list goes on and on.

And about the guy with broken back, neck, whatever? Here is some details for you, being feeling ever so sorry for him.


One rider Jay Mieses was sent to the hospital with serious injuries. He is currently in a medically-induced coma and his family claims he may be paralyzed from the waist down. Mieses, by the way, has a criminal history of riding infractions and is banned from driving in Massachusetts until 2017, as the Boston Globe reports

Sucks it happened for him, but good riddance he's off the road.

As Micheal said, to you.


Like I said above that you still can't get past that super thick skull of yours, one of the bikers caused the accident. He cut in front of the SUV less than a cars length apart, on the freeway, looked in the opposite direction of the SUV, and proceeded to apply his brakes, thus causing the fender bender.

Everything you need to know about the incident is here.

As for the officer undercover, details here.
#9 - 2013-10-09 19:53:25 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
No war... Just my opinion. Sorry for the thick head.

NeoScocker reread my post. I made sense.

Ignore this all above. I'm clearly mistaken, that dude totally deserved to bust bones ^ What?

Edit: Good. I certainly hope you're mad, in -your- sad little world.
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Maybe in your sad little world. Do everyone a favor and go turn your license in at the DMV. The last thing we need is more punks like you and the other crotch rocket stunt riding bikers on public roads.
^---- lol wow such drama and angry.

Edit, again:
Can't help it when I have to deal with total idiots.
Ya, Like yourself. Indeed.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#10 - 2013-10-09 19:56:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
No war... Just my opinion. Sorry for the thick head.

NeoScocker reread my post. I made sense.

Maybe in your sad little world. Do everyone a favor and go turn your license in at the DMV. The last thing we need is more punks like you and the other crotch rocket stunt riding bikers on public roads.

^---- lol wow such drama and angry.

Can't help it when I have to deal with total idiots.

No Ya, Like yourself. Indeed.

Apparently he has nothing else to contribute to the thread due to all his idiocy so Blackstar is now moving on to a new version of the last post game involving edits.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#11 - 2013-10-09 21:47:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Slade Trillgon
It is clear who in this thread should not have children.... for no other reason other than they would not be safe.

I will go so far as to say that this was internally planned. The target was not picked, but these guys new they wanted to harass someone. The video, which was shot by one of the bikers, conveniently did not record what initiated the incident and even more conveniently remembered to not to record the beating.

I will also say the bikers are lucky the guy did not have his CCWP, or chose not to use it, because he was perfectly within his rights to use it once they engaged the vehicle at the end.

EDIT: Failuer of brakes, LMAO!!! Either way, he improperly failed to follow traffic laws and suffered the consequences. His buddies then escalated the situation.... as I pointed out above this reaks of premeditation.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#12 - 2013-10-10 00:51:40 UTC
Heh, well, least its all cleared out. This thread is nothing to do with GTA :P But THIS have something to do with "GTA." :)
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-10-10 01:10:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Bischopt
Micheal Dietrich wrote:

Really, you would drive over people or on the sidewalk/road cause someone key'd or dented your car, or poked your tire? Wow, amazing. Your head is so far up your ass, shut up.

If I was driving around with my family in the car and a group of bikers surrounded my car, first slowing down in front of me to apparently slow me down and then slashing my tires with a deadly weapon, I would ABSOLUTELY mow down as many people as I had to in order to keep my family safe.

If it was just me, I would stop.
Pepper Solette
#14 - 2013-10-10 01:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Pepper Solette
Bischopt wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:

Really, you would drive over people or on the sidewalk/road cause someone key'd or dented your car, or poked your tire? Wow, amazing. Your head is so far up your ass, shut up.

If I was driving around with my family in the car and a group of bikers surrounded my car, first slowing down in front of me to apparently slow me down and then slashing my tires with a deadly weapon, I would ABSOLUTELY mow down as many people as I had to in order to keep my family safe.

If it was just me, I would stop.

QFT! Best answer yet! I'd run over every c-nut there to get them out of harms way.

As an ex motorcyclist (not a biker), i've seen both ends of the spectrum. Group of riders looking for a fight, it's amazing how tough they are in a group. I've seen them hurl spark plugs at cars etc just for being to close to them at a traffic light. I've even seen guys carry a night stick in their boots and smash side mirrors for no reason.

Personally i don't give a ****, but when my family's safety is at stake i will *with great glee* crush them and their little moped into the asphalt.

And quite frankly Black-whatever your name is................i could care less what your bleeding heart thinks. You wait until your family is threatened, see how far you go.

** Miko Sunji:  "There is no better way to find out if you can swim, than swimming for your life."**

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#15 - 2013-10-10 11:12:15 UTC
NeoShocker wrote:
Heh, well, least its all cleared out. This thread is nothing to do with GTA :P But THIS have something to do with "GTA." :)

I wonder what the aftermath of the final maneuver of the car in the first video ended like Shocked