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add teck two bpo to npc market

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#41 - 2013-10-08 18:13:40 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Actually, given that invented BPCs' stats can vary I wouldn't be surprized if CCP made it so that occasional BPC has better stats than existing BPOs (I don't really know stats of those T2 BPOs, shame on me), so that invention would be competitive and can augment/replace BPO production as time passes.

This simply cannot happen:

BPO's and BPC's have the same base material requirements. At ME 0 and PE 0 (the starting point of a BPO), there is 10% "waste" added to the material requirements of a build. When you research a BPO ME Level, this "waste" is reduced. Every BPO has a "perfect ME" level that, if you take the time to research it, would allow you to create the item without any wasted materials. Currently, all invented BPC's start off at ME -4 and PE -4, and while decryptors will improve the ME & PE levels, it won't improve them to be higher than ME -1. This means a BPO will always produce an item with less waste.
#42 - 2013-10-08 22:38:15 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
True. My point being, drastical change to stats can easily change them from alternative way of production to fancy limited souvenirs akin to Boots.ini. Which is, to me, basically the same as their removal: they don't affect even the way their owner interacts with industry anymore. If someone is interested in buying limited issue souvenirs - why not Smile

So, you'd be OK with all your ships being turned into "collectible" items that you couldn't undock in just because someone's jealous that you have more ISK than they do?

BPOs don't affect the ability for inventors to make wild profits. They don't affect individual markets unless the item is so ****** that 5 years after CCP stopped seeding BPOs, the demand for the item hasn't overwhelmed that production capacity. The only possible reason to remove them is to salve the jealous rage that some people seem to feel towards those richer than them in pixel spaceship dollars.

Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Well, yes, I'm aware that said "fuzziness territory" is the most T2 BPOs affet markets these days, and statistics provided (yours and other sources I've encountered) suggests that there is always some territory where invented items can be squeezed. Actually, given that invented BPCs' stats can vary I wouldn't be surprized if CCP made it so that occasional BPC has better stats than existing BPOs (I don't really know stats of those T2 BPOs, shame on me), so that invention would be competitive and can augment/replace BPO production as time passes.

When 81% of the market of a good is produced by BPOs, and the market price is very clearly set by Inventors, the presence of BPOs are not affecting the market price. That's well out of the "fuzzy" region. The fuzzy region is where there's a demand for a couple dozen ships or a couple hundred modules more than BPOs can produce, so you get a wild swinging between shortage and glut as inventors quickly plunge into and run out of the market with fairly large manufacturing runs.

Invention is more than competitive with BPO production, it is by far the dominant force in T2 production and has been for 5 years. As time passes, and the fixed production of BPOs become a smaller portion of the quantity demanded, that domination grows. As CCP rebalances ships and modules to eliminate useless ships and modules, that domination will spread to formerly ****** markets.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Stjaerna Ramundson
#43 - 2013-10-09 01:04:39 UTC
I would remove also the BPO Tech II

I don't like the BPO Tech II they are destroying the system of invention (skill requ. for the inventions are overruled cause you don't need to invent) and create a very strong market force (depending on the BPO) for the owner.

But I would not put them in a lottery for a new force of market force for anyone. Each have to invent for his profit, now back to depending on skills and a bit luck.

I think, that the luck and profit was long enough in this game for the owners.
  1. Eigenen Beitrag mit sachliche Argumentationen, Problemschilderung, Erklärung, Lösungsansätzen formulieren.
  2. Beitrag enthält eine eigene Meinung im Fazit zum Thema.
  3. Negative Äußerungen, Drohungen usw. gegenüber Nutzern haben in der Meinung nichts zu suchen.
supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#44 - 2013-10-09 02:41:13 UTC
I see the T2 bpo acolytes show up in contracts sometimes for 10-12B

1. Can't imagine what type of chaos introducing items that expensive would do to the market ( a researched titan set wouldn't even come close to most if they get sold at their current prices)

2. The serious T2 BPO's when they are traded don't go through the game so ccp has already long since lost control of them

3. CCP would never let new players strive for T2 BPO's because they know industry is screwed up as it is and anymore holes in it would make it go... "KA-BOOM!"
Kaira Innovations
#45 - 2013-10-09 03:38:27 UTC
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
I would remove also the BPO Tech II

I don't like the BPO Tech II they are destroying the system of invention (skill requ. for the inventions are overruled cause you don't need to invent) and create a very strong market force (depending on the BPO) for the owner.

I fail to see how owning a bpo is destroying the system for invention, inventors get some profit and a bpo owner gets a little more profit. The prices today are nothing compared to how they were several years ago and that is thanks to invention

425mm Railgun II currently priced @ 3.25mil each in jita, before invention came along they were priced 20-25mil each
Energized adaptive nano membrane II currently priced @ 800k each in jita, before invention they were 8-10mil each

if the bpos were really destroying invention those prices wouldn't be that low considering there both widely used through out the eve universe. Its due to invention and the current player base that they are actually kept that low and even on the off chance if they ever did rise players would still have their own chance of making them themselves instead of searching around for the bpo owners as was done back then to try and get discounts before the products were put on the market.

improved cloaking device II and covert ops cloaking device II, the majority if not all of those blueprints disappeared in the past due to a rule breaker who collected them and got banned for something silly. These days most likely all of those cloaks are produced through invention alone and at the same time the profit margin is still in the hands of the inventors.

as for the skill requirements even without invention they were still used especially by the players who invested time into doing R&D and also by the players who owned or prepared their characters to own a t2 bpo while the skill requirements was mostly lvl 1 on the science skills you also have to bare in mind how many of those players would actually like to have their skill set showing such a dismal display of skilling and probably got them to lvl 4 or above just so it'd look better. as for the encryption racial skills im not sure if they were seeded as new skills for invention upon release or if they were actually skills that had their names changed from cosmos bpc production.

I'm curious to see how those of you who want to get rid of the T2 bpos would compensate the players who didn't win them from the lotto or through other means but actually bought them from other players especially with how the prices are these days with isk that they had saved up
supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#46 - 2013-10-09 04:42:32 UTC
To summarize,

1. Having a T2 bpo means you essentially get to print isk and quite easily at that because it's researchable. That means not having to use any special items in the invention process and always making stuff at 100% efficiency.

2. Invention is a pain and allot harder to get the hang of then using just a straight up T2 BPO. Using just data cores can loose people money.

3. Lottery was earning it? Newer players are annoyed because old players got priceless gems dropped in their lap that can be used or traded for exuberant profit margins.

4. The skills required to use the bpo are trivial...

5. Fair? Fair is equal footing and opportunity which T2 bpo's do not represent. They are guarded and hoarded by the powerful and are an aspect of the game unavailable to the greater player base. If it was fair, the T2 BPO's would still have continued being distributed.
Stjaerna Ramundson
#47 - 2013-10-09 13:50:53 UTC
sci0gon wrote:
[quote=Stjaerna Ramundson]
I'm curious to see how those of you who want to get rid of the T2 bpos would compensate the players who didn't win them from the lotto or through other means but actually bought them from other players especially with how the prices are these days with isk that they had saved up

I don't care about that I haven't had any chance to win any of these blueprints. (I also don't invent anything and not interessted about it, so this "argument" is without basement.) The old System of the Tech II BPO system is out of date by the invention system. Sandbox in all way should also be full supported and not only half way.

It doesn't matter that the prices fallen to that million. Still the owner of these BPO's have a 100% profit in compare to a person who have to invent it.

I don't like these sort of system that works in the middle of all or nothing.
Either creating all with the invention system.
Or creating all with the bpo tech II system.

That is my view of the BPO Tech II system.

It could also be that, the system of these diversity in this Tech II share in the market is wanted by CCP.

Would be very nice to get a statement about it. In that sort we can stop to talk until one is blue in the face. ^^

  1. Eigenen Beitrag mit sachliche Argumentationen, Problemschilderung, Erklärung, Lösungsansätzen formulieren.
  2. Beitrag enthält eine eigene Meinung im Fazit zum Thema.
  3. Negative Äußerungen, Drohungen usw. gegenüber Nutzern haben in der Meinung nichts zu suchen.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#48 - 2013-10-09 14:01:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
Still the owner of these BPO's have a 100% profit in compare to a person who have to invent it.

Maybe you haven't seen what T2 BPOs sell for lately but unless you're an original owner or have had it for quite some time you'll find that most of your "profit" is actually just repaying the cost of what you spend on the BPO. Most T2 BPOs take more than one or two years to start being profitable.

With Invention, you start making profit right away unless you have horrible luck and fail several jobs.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2013-10-09 18:18:41 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
Still the owner of these BPO's have a 100% profit in compare to a person who have to invent it.

Maybe you haven't seen what T2 BPOs sell for lately but unless you're an original owner or have had it for quite some time you'll find that most of your "profit" is actually just repaying the cost of what you spend on the BPO. Most T2 BPOs take more than one or two years to start being profitable.

With Invention, you start making profit right away unless you have horrible luck and fail several jobs.

Except the holder of the BPO still has a multi-billion ISK item that they can sell. After it's paid off it's pure profit. The problem is that is never depreciates. The people who keep going on about how they take forever to make money with are forgetting that they can turn around and still sell the thing. Unless the BPO starts losing actual resale value after they purchase it, they're still pure ISK printing machines. The problem is that nothing better can come out in EVE. In the real world IP depreciates because better ideas come along. That's what keeps everything moving. But T2 BPO holders literally hold something that can never get worse while the item is still in demand. They can be competed with, but ultimately they will make anyone who has one rich.

I like one of the previous posters suggestion...

Give Tech 2 BPOs a very high number of remaining runs, but they will eventually fall out. For the collectors out there, they will still exist and be worth collecting. For the industrialists, they will still get to print a lot of money out of it, but eventually the last run will be consumed or they will be permanently retired to the dustbins of collectibles.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#50 - 2013-10-09 19:29:26 UTC
supernova ranger wrote:
To summarize,

1. Having a T2 bpo means you essentially get to print isk and quite easily at that because it's researchable. That means not having to use any special items in the invention process and always making stuff at 100% efficiency.

T2 BPO's are very profitable. So what? There are many areas of game play that produce enormous wealth (R64 Harvesting, Reaction POSs, Invention, etc, etc, etc). So what if t2 BPO's are more efficient than invention? The ONLY thing that is slightly out of whack is they can be used with very low-risk.

supernova ranger wrote:

2. Invention is a pain and allot harder to get the hang of then using just a straight up T2 BPO. Using just data cores can loose people money.

This sounds like an issue with invention, and not an issue with t2 BPOs. Furthermore, while invention takes some time to grasp, there are many tools out there to help even math illiterate noobs figure out what is profitable and what is not. You just need to be smart, and do a little research before producing stuff!

supernova ranger wrote:

3. Lottery was earning it? Newer players are annoyed because old players got priceless gems dropped in their lap that can be used or traded for exuberant profit margins.

The lottery ended SIX YEARS AGO. Today, the majority of t2 BPO holders have them because they bought them. Guess what, you can earn them the exact same way... accrue isk, watch the Sell forums, and bid on them when they are being sold. Alternatively, join an Indy corp and steal them.

supernova ranger wrote:

4. The skills required to use the bpo are trivial...

The "extra" skills required to invent those same items are also trivial... you can get all the invention relevant skills to 3 within 3 days, or to 4 within 10 days. Getting them to 5 improves your invention probability from 0.48256 to 0.504 for modules, and from 0.36192 to 0.378 for Ships. In either case, this is less than a 6% increase in the BPC cost.

supernova ranger wrote:

5. Fair? Fair is equal footing and opportunity which T2 bpo's do not represent. They are guarded and hoarded by the powerful and are an aspect of the game unavailable to the greater player base. If it was fair, the T2 BPO's would still have continued being distributed.

Guardian Vexors, Silver Magnets, Opux Luxury Yacht, Imperial Issue Geddon, Imperial Issue Apoc, Any of the AT tourney Prize ships. Hell, even R64 Moons are guarded and hoarded by the powerful and are an aspect of the game unavailable to the greater player base. Should we remove all of these things too?

I'll admit BPO's can be used in near complete security, and this should be remedied. But don't just focus on t2 BPO's, as all BPO's suffer from this calamity. I'm not certain there is a good means to implement this that doesn't significantly hindering the ability of a new industrialist starting up (ex: move all BPO use to POS's would force a new industrialist to operate a POS, which would hinder them significantly!)

Your 5 points do NOT give any reason to remove t2 BPO's, and your belief that its unfair someone else has them, and you don't is completely unfounded as well as irrelevant. If they are something you covet, then work to ascertain them. It is not impossible, it just isn't some stupidly easy goal like buying a Titan BPO from an NPC.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#51 - 2013-10-09 19:36:16 UTC
Quintessen wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
Still the owner of these BPO's have a 100% profit in compare to a person who have to invent it.

Maybe you haven't seen what T2 BPOs sell for lately but unless you're an original owner or have had it for quite some time you'll find that most of your "profit" is actually just repaying the cost of what you spend on the BPO. Most T2 BPOs take more than one or two years to start being profitable.

With Invention, you start making profit right away unless you have horrible luck and fail several jobs.

Except the holder of the BPO still has a multi-billion ISK item that they can sell. After it's paid off it's pure profit. The problem is that is never depreciates. The people who keep going on about how they take forever to make money with are forgetting that they can turn around and still sell the thing. Unless the BPO starts losing actual resale value after they purchase it, they're still pure ISK printing machines. The problem is that nothing better can come out in EVE. In the real world IP depreciates because better ideas come along. That's what keeps everything moving. But T2 BPO holders literally hold something that can never get worse while the item is still in demand. They can be competed with, but ultimately they will make anyone who has one rich.

I like one of the previous posters suggestion...

Give Tech 2 BPOs a very high number of remaining runs, but they will eventually fall out. For the collectors out there, they will still exist and be worth collecting. For the industrialists, they will still get to print a lot of money out of it, but eventually the last run will be consumed or they will be permanently retired to the dustbins of collectibles.

The value of a BPO does change, quite dramatically. This is because the value of modules and ships in game change quite dramatically as the devs balance, rebalance, meta changes, and the like significantly change the demand of their product.

Next, the biggest issue of BPO's is the limited risk in using them. You can't use a guardian vexor without risking its destruction. You can't use any ship for that matter without risking its destruction. Unfortunately, this doesn't hold true for BPO's. BPO's can be safely utilized from a station, from a personal hangar, where it is impossible to lose it. This is what needs to be addressed (and it should target ALL BPO users, not just blingy ones).
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2013-10-09 20:19:32 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
The value of a BPO does change, quite dramatically. This is because the value of modules and ships in game change quite dramatically as the devs balance, rebalance, meta changes, and the like significantly change the demand of their product.

Next, the biggest issue of BPO's is the limited risk in using them. You can't use a guardian vexor without risking its destruction. You can't use any ship for that matter without risking its destruction. Unfortunately, this doesn't hold true for BPO's. BPO's can be safely utilized from a station, from a personal hangar, where it is impossible to lose it. This is what needs to be addressed (and it should target ALL BPO users, not just blingy ones).

The value of the BPOs fluctuates, but does not depreciate. They are collectibles you still use and continuously make the owner money with the few exceptions where demand for the item in question drops below the value of materials required. But those aren't the BPOs people are concerned with and even in that case they are still superior to the higher wastage sources of goods.

So they can either be collectibles that appreciate with time because of their rarity; or they can be goods in regular use that depreciate because of their use; or they can depreciate because the thing they build is obsolete (which doesn't happen in EVE forever, just for a period of time).

But to be balanced they cannot be an appreciating collectible that can still be used to make money indefinitely and never need replacing -- which is what they are now and why people still have a problem with them. I don't think people would have a problem with them if they had a really large number of runs, but would eventually run out. That would simulate the world moving past that technology just like phones, cars and medical equipment gets replaced when something better comes out.
ALI Virgo
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#53 - 2013-10-10 00:58:37 UTC
Quintessen wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
Still the owner of these BPO's have a 100% profit in compare to a person who have to invent it.

Maybe you haven't seen what T2 BPOs sell for lately but unless you're an original owner or have had it for quite some time you'll find that most of your "profit" is actually just repaying the cost of what you spend on the BPO. Most T2 BPOs take more than one or two years to start being profitable.

With Invention, you start making profit right away unless you have horrible luck and fail several jobs.

Except the holder of the BPO still has a multi-billion ISK item that they can sell. After it's paid off it's pure profit. The problem is that is never depreciates. The people who keep going on about how they take forever to make money with are forgetting that they can turn around and still sell the thing. Unless the BPO starts losing actual resale value after they purchase it, they're still pure ISK printing machines. The problem is that nothing better can come out in EVE. In the real world IP depreciates because better ideas come along. That's what keeps everything moving. But T2 BPO holders literally hold something that can never get worse while the item is still in demand. They can be competed with, but ultimately they will make anyone who has one rich.

I like one of the previous posters suggestion...

Give Tech 2 BPOs a very high number of remaining runs, but they will eventually fall out. For the collectors out there, they will still exist and be worth collecting. For the industrialists, they will still get to print a lot of money out of it, but eventually the last run will be consumed or they will be permanently retired to the dustbins of collectibles.

good point
#54 - 2013-10-10 01:37:40 UTC
Quintessen wrote:
The value of the BPOs fluctuates, but does not depreciate.

No items in EVE depreciate. Depreciation is a loss in value due to age, wear and tear. A 10 year old Rifter has the exact same value as one straight off the assembly line.

It is perfectly possible for someone to buy a BPO at a value peak and sell in a trough and end up losing money due to the fluctuations.

If you include any reasonable opportunity cost of capital, no T2 BPO is profitable due to the absurd values they command on the market. (An overcollateralized loan provides a better rate of return than most T2 BPOs.)

So they can either be collectibles that appreciate with time because of their rarity; or they can be goods in regular use that depreciate because of their use; or they can depreciate because the thing they build is obsolete (which doesn't happen in EVE forever, just for a period of time).

But to be balanced they cannot be an appreciating collectible that can still be used to make money indefinitely and never need replacing -- which is what they are now and why people still have a problem with them. I don't think people would have a problem with them if they had a really large number of runs, but would eventually run out. That would simulate the world moving past that technology just like phones, cars and medical equipment gets replaced when something better comes out.

So you're proposing the elimination of all BPOs then? Because they are used to make money indefinitely and never need replacing.

Why should people who bought an item have that item turned into something fundamentally different from what they bought? Are the grapes really that sour?

It's been shown that T2 BPOs do not affect the vast majority of EVE's markets (in fact most things I invent and build have BPOs out there somewhere making their pitiful return on investment).

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Kaira Innovations
#55 - 2013-10-10 02:30:50 UTC  |  Edited by: sci0gon
Stjaerna Ramundson wrote:
[quote=sci0gon]I don't care about that I haven't had any chance to win any of these blueprints. (I also don't invent anything and not interessted about it, so this "argument" is without basement.) The old System of the Tech II BPO system is out of date by the invention system. Sandbox in all way should also be full supported and not only half way.

you may not care about that but what about the rest of the players?

I don't know weather or not you are a alt or if you're a main as I don't know you, however considering you're coming up to 18 months into the game I can understand your frustration with regards to not even being given that chance. If and I say if they were to seed those bpos again it would most likely be on piece meal like they did before and if they took into account the # of those bpos that were destroyed and inactive for say 12months+ that would probably add a few more to the list to be seeded. The question is then their method of how to introduce them back into the game.

lets say they went with the old system even though it did stir up a lot of anguish towards ccp back then. The # of research points you have from R&D agents where you get datacore's from today is basically the ticket system they used. You stated that you don't invent anything so I'm going to assume you have less then 500k sp in science, so lets say that they said they were going to do a once off introduction of t2 bpos again and it would start upon the release of rubicon which is supposedly being released on the 19th of November. The skilling required to get at least 4 agents and any science division that you would like to get a bpo from to level 5 would take up to 35-40 days dependant on your implants and attribute setup and lets say during that time you were doing missions so you could use at least lvl 3 agents for R&D. you'd end up with say roughly 8-10k research points/tickets while at the same time there are players out there who did not spend their points on datacore's since they found out about the release and racked up at least 18k per character they have as they setup for it before and then you have a lot of inactive accounts suddenly become active again because those players have millions of research points stored on all 3 characters per account.

as you can see from that along while you would still have a chance, it would be a very small one and that is what many players including myself had to face previously. The only way some of us who weren't lucky enough to win one was through buying from other players while dodging the resellers.

trillions of isk has been spent buying said bpos from other players and to have them completely removed or seeded onto the market or even turned into a # of runs would cause a uproar among those players and I really don't think CCP would like to make all of them that angry as it could cost them a fair amount of their current player base because of the time and effort those players put in to making the isk to actually buy one of those bpos only to then see it turned in to just another t1/cap bpo everyone can get their hands on.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#56 - 2013-10-10 02:33:12 UTC
+1 remove t2 bpo's from the game. to many of them have the markets cornered. the only people who dont support this are owners of said bpo's

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2013-10-10 03:57:21 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
Quintessen wrote:
The value of the BPOs fluctuates, but does not depreciate.

No items in EVE depreciate. Depreciation is a loss in value due to age, wear and tear. A 10 year old Rifter has the exact same value as one straight off the assembly line.

It is perfectly possible for someone to buy a BPO at a value peak and sell in a trough and end up losing money due to the fluctuations.

If you include any reasonable opportunity cost of capital, no T2 BPO is profitable due to the absurd values they command on the market. (An overcollateralized loan provides a better rate of return than most T2 BPOs.)

So they can either be collectibles that appreciate with time because of their rarity; or they can be goods in regular use that depreciate because of their use; or they can depreciate because the thing they build is obsolete (which doesn't happen in EVE forever, just for a period of time).

But to be balanced they cannot be an appreciating collectible that can still be used to make money indefinitely and never need replacing -- which is what they are now and why people still have a problem with them. I don't think people would have a problem with them if they had a really large number of runs, but would eventually run out. That would simulate the world moving past that technology just like phones, cars and medical equipment gets replaced when something better comes out.

So you're proposing the elimination of all BPOs then? Because they are used to make money indefinitely and never need replacing.

Why should people who bought an item have that item turned into something fundamentally different from what they bought? Are the grapes really that sour?

It's been shown that T2 BPOs do not affect the vast majority of EVE's markets (in fact most things I invent and build have BPOs out there somewhere making their pitiful return on investment).

I actually wouldn't object to T1 BPOs requiring maintenance of some kind. That would actually make it better for the industrialists who want to keep a competitive advantage. That alone wouldn't give them a lead over someone new to industry, but it would give them a consistent lead over people who do it more casually the same way real life skills fade with time.

As for T2 BPOs, if they all were given some very large number of remaining runs then you would give anyone who had spent billions of ISK on their BPO time to at least recoup the cost through making things, but eventually the value would depreciate.

In terms of the Rifter though, the point was made that the Rifter cannot make money without risk. You cannot make money from it and not risk it. Also anyone can make or have a Rifter with little to no investment. A better example would be a Guardian-Vexor, but as we've seen recently when you play with one, it can be lost. If someone wanted to just sit and stare that their pretty T2 BPOs and not actually use them from their perfect safety, then sure that would be fine with everyone.

As for sour grapes... for many, sure. But that's not my beef or concern or whatever you want to call it. I'm actually not that invested in this. From a game design perspective I believe things should either be risked or depreciate with use. With ships and modules you risk them each time you take them out. With BPCs, they depreciate. BPOs are really the only thing that aren't necessarily risked and don't depreciate. BPOs could depreciate slowly, both T1 and T2. Though I would recommend different mechanisms for each.
Lidia Caderu
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#58 - 2013-10-10 08:12:31 UTC
Yeap, turn T2 BPO's to 1000 run BPC's would be ok. With max ME, PE
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#59 - 2013-10-10 19:01:15 UTC
Lidia Caderu wrote:
Yeap, turn T2 BPO's to 1000 run BPC's would be ok. With max ME, PE

A 1000 run BPC wouldn't be nearly large enough to compensate someone who just bought a BPO.

T2 BPO's have very few markets "cornered". They give an advantage, but cost an enormous amount of isk...

The only thing that should be addressed, is ALL BPO's should require some "risk" to fully utilize them. Arbitrary risks, like requiring them to be run from a corp hangar, simply aren't enough. I would advocate all BPO's need to be run at a POS (but from a module that can be "cleared out" if the POS comes under attack and is RF'd. Unfortunately, this would undermine the ability of a new player getting involved in S&I. We really need some middle ground.... and I don't know how to implement it.
#60 - 2013-10-10 19:38:56 UTC
You can buy T2 BPO on contract. You want to remove them from the game because you don't have enough isk to buy one?