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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

First post First post First post
Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#1441 - 2013-10-08 13:07:37 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This threadnought would have happened anyway even if it happened in the open and you know it.


Yes it would have happened. Saying no after what happened with the Golden Magnate issue only proves how incredibly stupid you are.

stop being so tinfoil hat, it's hilarious and your tears are delicious.

When I prove you wrong, you make a U turn and ignore my post? You're pathetic.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Kate stark
#1442 - 2013-10-08 13:07:46 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:

It's the negativity of the community that is leading this game into the Abyss. No joy is ever to be had, ever.

Now adays when I think of the eve community, This comedian comes to mind.

that's hilarious. brilliant.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Kate stark
#1443 - 2013-10-08 13:08:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This threadnought would have happened anyway even if it happened in the open and you know it.


Yes it would have happened. Saying no after what happened with the Golden Magnate issue only proves how incredibly stupid you are.

stop being so tinfoil hat, it's hilarious and your tears are delicious.

When I prove you wrong, you make a U turn and ignore my post? You're pathetic.

ignore the entire point; nobody really cares.
ignore one post; he gets upset.

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Bronco Platz
#1444 - 2013-10-08 13:08:25 UTC
Oswald Bolke wrote:
I'm formerly tendering my request for BNI to be given 30 of these ships as well, for the purpose of us laughing whilst losing them in a rain of fire. Just think of the service we provide the community, not only do we give a mumble for spys to hang out in, we also provide valuable cannon fodder in lowsec or null. Alongside this, we take anybody we can find and have half the trial accounts in the game currently enrolled.

as a tertiary role, we are a repository of extra cash given away as pointless war-decs.

So CCP, Where are our special edition battleships?

You know your problem? I will tell you: Not enough GTC-Sales...

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#1445 - 2013-10-08 13:08:50 UTC
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This threadnought would have happened anyway even if it happened in the open and you know it.


Yes it would have happened. Saying no after what happened with the Golden Magnate issue only proves how incredibly stupid you are.

The only one stupid in this thread is you!
Keep up the **** posting and proving how completely moronic you are!
At least this thread is entertaining again!

K m8. You da man.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#1446 - 2013-10-08 13:12:24 UTC
Kate stark wrote:

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Upset? Far from it. I'm enjoying my rl life, watching how pathetic welfare rl set-sail-for-fail guys whine about how some company spawned some ships and everything was so unfair because they did it behind closed doors and whatnot.

Boo hoo dude. Get a life.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Kaivar Lancer
#1447 - 2013-10-08 13:14:01 UTC
Mycool, where's my worthless Ishk Scorpion?
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1448 - 2013-10-08 13:14:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Bi-Mi Lansatha
Mycool Jahksn wrote:

CCP fears what the Knights of Justice, you, will stir up because someone got rewarded for their hard work.

This threadnought would have happened anyway even if it happened in the open and you know it. Just like it did with the Golden Magnate issue, only difference is that anyone could win those and a threadnought still happened.

People in EVE are so petty and narrow minded it's insane. I for one am happy that people get rewarded for their hard work.

It's the negativity of the community that is leading this game into the Abyss. No joy is ever to be had, ever.
Me a member of the Knight of Justice?!?!? When do I get my member card?

Should the members of Somer get a free ship based on the hard work... I don't know. I am not in a position to decide nor does it directly effect me. CCP gives out a lot of stuff.

That CCP felt that Somer employees deserved this, while members of EVE University, RvB, etc did not... is their choice. But it doesn't seem to be a choice they were comfortable with... otherwise why keep it secret? If you need to hide what you are doing... you probably shouldn't be doing it.

There seems to be a disconnect at CCP.


My opinion. The process of giving things away is not the best.


Knight of Justice Blink
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#1449 - 2013-10-08 13:16:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Upset? Far from it. I'm enjoying my rl life, watching how pathetic welfare rl set-sail-for-fail guys whine about how some company spawned some ships and everything was so unfair because they did it behind closed doors and whatnot.

Boo hoo dude. Get a life.

Your grammar, logic and disposition scream successful and well to do.

Since your in game items have no value then hand them over to me and prove it. Whats that you say? No? Ah yeah, stfu.
Kate stark
#1450 - 2013-10-08 13:17:30 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Upset? Far from it. I'm enjoying my rl life, watching how pathetic welfare rl set-sail-for-fail guys whine about how some company spawned some ships and everything was so unfair because they did it behind closed doors and whatnot.

Boo hoo dude. Get a life.

enjoying life so much you'd rather troll the EVE forum, in the middle of a week day?

seems you're the one that's in need of a life, but don't let me stop you demonstrating how great your life is.
also i love the demonstration of insecurity that you feel the need to point out how great your life is even though that, too, isn't the topic of discussion.

i still pity you.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Jaun Pacht-Feng
#1451 - 2013-10-08 13:17:56 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This threadnought would have happened anyway even if it happened in the open and you know it.


Yes it would have happened. Saying no after what happened with the Golden Magnate issue only proves how incredibly stupid you are.

The only one stupid in this thread is you!
Keep up the **** posting and proving how completely moronic you are!
At least this thread is entertaining again!

K m8. You da man.

Better then being a child with a superiority complex.

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#1452 - 2013-10-08 13:32:54 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Upset? Far from it. I'm enjoying my rl life, watching how pathetic welfare rl set-sail-for-fail guys whine about how some company spawned some ships and everything was so unfair because they did it behind closed doors and whatnot.

Boo hoo dude. Get a life.

enjoying life so much you'd rather troll the EVE forum, in the middle of a week day?

seems you're the one that's in need of a life, but don't let me stop you demonstrating how great your life is.
also i love the demonstration of insecurity that you feel the need to point out how great your life is even though that, too, isn't the topic of discussion.

i still pity you.

I could post screens of my bank account, my gf, my house and my car and make you feel incredibly useless but I'll spare you those feelings.

I choose when I work, and no, English is not my first language but if your way of dealing with people is to suggest they're stupid because they dont have a masters degree in English then that's your call Einstein.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Kate stark
#1453 - 2013-10-08 13:36:54 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
I could post screens of my bank account, my gf, my house and my car and make you feel incredibly useless but I'll spare you those feelings.

I choose when I work, and no, English is not my first language but if your way of dealing with people is to suggest they're stupid because they dont have a masters degree in English then that's your call Einstein.

i'm just curious; what has made you so insecure?
you seem to keep trying to justify things that are irrelevant to the thread.

actually, don't answer that. i don't care.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#1454 - 2013-10-08 13:39:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kate stark wrote:

you didn't prove me wrong, and i didn't make a U turn. i just made a flippant comment because you've contributed nothing to the discussion as you're unaware of the topic.

Upset? Far from it. I'm enjoying my rl life, watching how pathetic welfare rl set-sail-for-fail guys whine about how some company spawned some ships and everything was so unfair because they did it behind closed doors and whatnot.

Boo hoo dude. Get a life.

enjoying life so much you'd rather troll the EVE forum, in the middle of a week day?

seems you're the one that's in need of a life, but don't let me stop you demonstrating how great your life is.
also i love the demonstration of insecurity that you feel the need to point out how great your life is even though that, too, isn't the topic of discussion.

i still pity you.

I could post screens of my bank account, my gf, my house and my car and make you feel incredibly useless but I'll spare you those feelings.

I choose when I work, and no, English is not my first language but if your way of dealing with people is to suggest they're stupid because they dont have a masters degree in English then that's your call Einstein.

Please prove it. Because quite frankly I put you through observation at the bottom of the education and income scale.

You said you could, do so.

Hell lets start with the basics. Post your api information in EVE online on Chribbas site, like I did, and lets see how your character stacks up. Certainly someone with great assets has tons of free income to buy isk and a real nice character as well.

I think the real issue is your real life sucks, youre aggravated, you suck in game and you troll the forums to find some meaning in your otherwise mediocre existence, both in game and real life.

Lmao at choose when you work. I think its more like you choose not to work and sit on the couch all day. Because no one of your temperament is running their own business. You don't even have the common sense to stop pissing off another company's customers. Do you really think CCP wants you trolling their irate playerbase and telling them to "F" off? Silly street urchin.
Kaivar Lancer
#1455 - 2013-10-08 13:42:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaivar Lancer
Mycool Jahksn wrote:

I could post screens of my bank account, my gf, my house and my car and make you feel incredibly useless but I'll spare you those feelings.


dude why are you so passionate over something you don't care about?

edit: I'm still waiting for delivery of my worthless Ishukone Scorpion.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#1456 - 2013-10-08 13:47:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
And yet you're lecturing someone who isn't going to listen to a single word youre saying tothem wasting their life? You didn't even finish high school.
Molic Blackbird
Orion Faction Industries
Orion Consortium
#1457 - 2013-10-08 13:48:56 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

I've lost count how many times the same people have exploded in anger over something CCP did.

You know why CCP was confident enough to say" we"ll worry about what they DO instead of what they SAY" during incarna/monocle gate?

Answer, YEARS of community responses like this. Massive threadnaughts backed up by next to zero action because the participants care enough to complain or shoot digital monuments, but not enough to stop giving the game maker money.

i think this reaction is silly, but if I didn't, I'd back up my words with action. Some people claim to be unsubbing, but the real truth is they aren't or they'll be back shortly, because all this blather is just that, blather.

There are a lot things I don't like about Eve. Thats been true of every game I played. If everyone stopped playing a game at the first sign of something they don't like showing up, no one would be playing games ever.

As you said over and over, Eve is just a game. As a game, the tolerance level for things not working the way people like can be fairly high. After all it is just a game. While people might complain about how things work in the game, those things don't always rise to the level of being a deal breaker. People complain with the hope of changing what they don't like. Sometimes those complaints work and the game changes. Other times complaints are ignored.

If complaints are ignored, people adapt and move on. It is often not a big enough issue to quit the game over. While I don't like the favoritism shown with these gifts, at this point it isn't bad enough for me to quit over it. CCP might continue to hand out gifts to people it likes. At some point, that favoritism will reach a tipping point and people will unsub in large numbers. We aren't to that point yet. People are complaining to prevent reaching that level.
Hobgo Togenada
Tinfoil Hat Club
#1458 - 2013-10-08 14:02:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Hobgo Togenada
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Boys and Girls!

Sociopaths of all ages!

I'd like to announce that "Tinfoil Hat Club" is officially accepting any and all applications!

The only prerequisite is that you bring your own tinfoil!

We also have a special corner for those VERY special people who think its cool to have a name that resembles Basketball stars!


Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1459 - 2013-10-08 14:15:22 UTC
Hobgo Togenada wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Boys and Girls!

Sociopaths of all ages!

I'd like to announce that "Tinfoil Hat Club" is officially accepting any and all applications!

The only prerequisite is that you bring your own tinfoil!

We also have a special corner for those VERY special people who think its cool to have a name that resembles Basketball stars!

If it's an unique tinfoil hat then I need one right now !!

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Hobgo Togenada
Tinfoil Hat Club
#1460 - 2013-10-08 14:17:58 UTC
