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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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Kate stark
#1101 - 2013-10-07 11:04:11 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
to be honest, somer blink are actually pretty irrelevant in this story.

replace somer blink with basically any other person/group/whatever and we've still got the same problem.
same can be said if you replace scorpions with plex, or monocles, etc.

You have said this, I have said this and many others have as well, yet people still seem to be hung up with the fact that it was Somer.

The fact that some of those people are CSM members is, quite frankly, terrifying.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Prince Kobol
#1102 - 2013-10-07 11:06:41 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
to be honest, somer blink are actually pretty irrelevant in this story.

replace somer blink with basically any other person/group/whatever and we've still got the same problem.
same can be said if you replace scorpions with plex, or monocles, etc.

You have said this, I have said this and many others have as well, yet people still seem to be hung up with the fact that it was Somer.

The fact that some of those people are CSM members is, quite frankly, terrifying.

Yeah I do find it a troubling that some CSM members seem to be missing the point.
Milly Merner
#1103 - 2013-10-07 11:26:35 UTC
I would guess:

The lack of response from CCP means this is far worse than it appears.
An internal enquiry is happening atm.
CSM have their hands tied due to the internal enquiry.
PR people are ripping their hair out.

End of guessing, now some opinion:
What happened affects CCP's customers in game and stinks of corruption.
CCP need to speak up quickly.
Bronco Platz
#1104 - 2013-10-07 11:31:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronco Platz
Milly Merner wrote:
I would guess:

The lack of response from CCP means this is far worse than it appears.
An internal enquiry is happening atm.
CSM have their hands tied due to the internal enquiry.
PR people are ripping their hair out.

End of guessing, now some opinion:
What happened affects CCP's customers in game and stinks of corruption.
CCP need to speak up quickly.

Or they decided to keep silent, because: "All we have to say, we said last time." Waiting to the dust get´s settled. And then act like there is nothing happend.

tl:dr: They are irgnoring this...

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Prince Kobol
#1105 - 2013-10-07 11:31:31 UTC
Milly Merner wrote:
I would guess:

The lack of response from CCP means this is far worse than it appears.
An internal enquiry is happening atm.
CSM have their hands tied due to the internal enquiry.
PR people are ripping their hair out.

End of guessing, now some opinion:
What happened affects CCP's customers in game and stinks of corruption.
CCP need to speak up quickly.

Or quite simply people are getting on with there work whilst others discuss this in a mild manner, possible waiting to see if they can discuss things with the CSM (TZ issues) and putting together a statement.

Kate stark
#1106 - 2013-10-07 11:32:06 UTC
if that's ccp's plan... then god help them.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Kaivar Lancer
#1107 - 2013-10-07 11:34:06 UTC
I don't know why some people don't get it. CCP gifted a player corp 450b isk for doing nothing more than playing Eve Online. Hello?
Kuni Oichi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1108 - 2013-10-07 11:36:57 UTC
Milly Merner wrote:

CSM have their hands tied due to the internal enquiry.

Except both Ripard Teg and Malcanis have posted/blogged to say that it's no big deal and it's all fine. Which is not having their hands tied, but going all out to try and defend CCP in spite of the manifest bias and ethical issues involved in their actions.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Kuni Oichi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1109 - 2013-10-07 11:39:20 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:

Or quite simply people are getting on with there work whilst others discuss this in a mild manner, possible waiting to see if they can discuss things with the CSM (TZ issues) and putting together a statement.

CCP managed to send statements to both TMC and Kotaku over the weekend. The statements ignored the salient issues and were a typical PR whitewash, but they've already come out trying to claim there's nothing to this.

So taking those statements on face value, CCP sees nothing wrong with them enriching a corporation to hundreds of billions of personal isk, and hundreds of billions of corporate profit.

Can we have the CFC-only T2 titans please? Obviously we provided a community service yesterday in losing one, so we're a really good choice to receive some unique ships to use how we want.
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1110 - 2013-10-07 11:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Dolcino
Bronco Platz wrote:
Or they decided to keep silent, because: "All we have to say, we said last time." Waiting to the dust get´s settled. And then act like there is nothing happend.

I bet they will come up with a lame excuse (in fact just like the one they already gave us) and will maybe give away, or promise to give away, some free stuff to EVE-UNI, Chribba, RvB, etc... just to confuse people enough to make them forget that the real point is that there is corruption and favouritism which is damaging the sandbox.

Edit : seeing how many people accuse us of jealousy shows how easy it is to confuse them.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1111 - 2013-10-07 11:45:36 UTC
WTB jelly pot for 3500 Aurum.

Or eventually accept all jelly donation from Somer Blink.

Thx Ma

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Kate stark
#1112 - 2013-10-07 11:48:13 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
WTB jelly pot for 3500 Aurum.

Or eventually accept all jelly donation from Somer Blink.

Thx Ma

i see you've decided to continue posting irrelevant nonsensical stuff rather than familiarise yourself with the topic being discussed.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

BamBam Inc.
#1113 - 2013-10-07 11:51:32 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:

Oh calm the hell down. You really should do some fact checking before sperging out things like 'SOMER doesn't create content for EVE'. They are constantly donating to events such and RvB Ganked nights, all my events as well as countless others. Those sponsorship help those player events actually become a reality. Somer is not the only site that sponsors player events either. Many do.

Now I'm going to wait for more information on this Scorpion hull deal, but holy crap some of you need hit the brakes and really sit down, gather all the facts and then make an educated opinion on this.

yeah, they went mining for days in order to sponsor these events. Nothing to do with them making any kind of profit of their site or public relations for the site...

To me it does smell of favoritism. A thing I don't like much in games.

If they want to promote such activities, what about announcing it properly, get community feedback and then hand out prices?
Kosakei Sanko
Interstellar Vacancy
Loose Affiliations
#1114 - 2013-10-07 11:55:10 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
WTB jelly pot for 3500 Aurum.

Or eventually accept all jelly donation from Somer Blink.

Thx Ma

i see you've decided to continue posting irrelevant nonsensical stuff rather than familiarise yourself with the topic being discussed.

What?! No one does this! Crazy talk!

Gimme a unique T2 Khanid battleship called the Castigator and I'd be willing to forget all this happened.

Chance Harper
#1115 - 2013-10-07 12:04:25 UTC
wow 56 pages filled with whine. You all act like a bunch of 9yr olds. Aslong it is not destroying the balance in the game, its not your damn business, what CCP is giving away to who.

I would understand the rage, if they would have get some ueberships or super rare BPOs but thats not the case. They got some ships that doesnt even perform aswell like their standard counterparts.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1116 - 2013-10-07 12:06:37 UTC
*checks redeem box...le sigh what nothing?

I don't think I can make a site for weak minded gambling addicts to throw their stuff away but I did do 1y sub just last night for one of my chars that must be worth at least one painted ship...

* shake fist.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Maximilian Akora
It's just business.
#1117 - 2013-10-07 12:07:13 UTC
The ONLY party in EVE CCP might ever decide to somehow back by giving them some massive gift like these "to give away as they see fit" would be to Chribba. There's someone who has actually benefitted the community (and even more CCP themselves) and who acttively helps retaining the EVE player base (if it wasn't for his sites EVE would be a whole lot shittier and would have a whole lot let players, eve-search anyone?).

It's funny how someone like Chribba gets passed on anything funky, cool or interesting for years and some shady RMT/gambling for profit bullcrap gets backed. "Honest, we know for a fact Somer isn't part of an RMT chain oh no", CCP's left hand is entirely clueless on what its right hand does, so how would they know.

It's a bad decision
It's terribly thought out by someone who obviously has no clue
it's done in the shadows, for obvious reasons
it's :CCP:

Also, a tip to CCP:

I'm sure there were some people within your organisation would thought this would have been a bad idea and who kept trying to convine the people in charge that it shouldn't be done, these were obviously brushed aside for being annoying and tiring. YOU SHOULD LISTEN MORE TO THOSE PEOPLE AND LESS TO THE MARKETING CLOWNS.
Prince Kobol
#1118 - 2013-10-07 12:07:48 UTC
Chance Harper wrote:
wow 56 pages filled with whine. You all act like a bunch of 9yr olds. Aslong it is not destroying the balance in the game, its not your damn business, what CCP is giving away to who.

I would understand the rage, if they would have get some ueberships or super rare BPOs but thats not the case. They got some ships that doesnt even perform aswell like their standard counterparts.

How do you know they haven't?

We have found out that they were giving ships away that are worth billions of isk, what else and to whom have them been giving stuff to?
Kate stark
#1119 - 2013-10-07 12:08:21 UTC
Chance Harper wrote:
Aslong it is not destroying the balance in the game, its not your damn business, what CCP is giving away to who.

except it opens the door for exactly that scenario. by allowing this we're essentially telling ccp they're perfectly fine to hand any players they want, anything they want to give them.

although it seems people are too short sighted to realise that.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1120 - 2013-10-07 12:08:39 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kirren D'marr wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
I have no issue with if CCP have a relationship with Somer.

Both are businesses. Many Businesses have relationships that are beneficial to each other.

I would have no issues if CCP gave any business non in game promotional items in order to make themselves more money by iether encouraging more people to sub or to purchase GTC's.

If CCP gave Somer say Eve Store Vouchers, great, brilliant.. no problems what so ever. Give them limited Edition Tops for example.

If CCP gave Business X something similar, again , I have no problems.

The issues in this case is that CCP gave players free items that can have an effect in game in total secrecy.

The issue I have with a business relationship between SOMER and CCP is that if they are going to be/behave like business partners, then they should be held acountable as such.

This means that SOMER members need to be held to the same standards as CCP employees with regards to their interaction with the game as players. If they are unwilling to do this, then it compromises the integrity of the game.

If you believe this then I am afraid to say your are being very naive.

By the same token you could say if CCP have a business partnership with Nvidia then you expect Nvidia employees to be held to the same standards as CCP employees?

Also in the way you have worded your post are saying that Somer employees have done something wrong, acted inappropriately in some way?

By saying that Somer employees should be held accountable makes it out that they have done something wrong or acted inappropriately.

As far as I am aware no member of Somer has acted inappropriately or done anything wrong.

Yes there have been accusations that they are involved in RMT, but then this is the Eve Forums where every major Null Sec alliance has been accused of RMT numerous times over of the years and will mostly continued to be accused of it.

If somebody can show some proof that Somerblink the business or a employee of Somer has acted inappropriately then fair enough, until then it is very unfair it make out that they have done something wrong.

I know that if the company I work for offers a promotional contest or the like, that both employees of my company and any of our business partners who may be connected to such an event in any way are ineligible for participation. We have very strict ethics requirements in place to prevent even the appearance of a conflict of interest, and such policies are standard practice for most businesses. Is it unreasonable or naive to expect the same from CCP?

Let me be clear: I'm not faulting Somer here, I'm faulting CCP for not taking proper precautions to avoid the appearance of impropriety. If CCP is going to initiate a business relationship with another entity, then they need to enforce similar ethics compliance standards. If they are going to hand over some of the powers of the game developers to another group (distribution of game assets, control over player participation, etc.), then they need to make sure that the ones given those powers are held to the same standards of non-interference as their own employees. To do any less is to do a disservice to their customers. Somer may behave completely upright in their handling of the issue, but CCP has a responsibility to ensure this, and to be in a position to assure their players that everything is handled fairly and equitably. They cannot do this if there is no such standard in place.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_