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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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All Web Investigations
#941 - 2013-10-06 19:48:55 UTC
My main problem with this is that somer operate primarily for their own in-game (and out of game, even) profit. They are not like EVE Uni, or RvB, or Chribba, or countless others who operate solely for helping the community and providing cool things.

They operate for their own profit, and they compete with numerous other people who do similar things for profit

and CCP directly gifts them things, and gives them exclusive control over content, etc.

It's a bad thing.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#942 - 2013-10-06 19:54:46 UTC
Tippia wrote:
In reality, IshuScorp was created to offer ship bling for the NeX in the same way as pants and monocles provided bling for the avatars. When it became apparent that the NeX code was too incomplete to actually handle this properly, it was put away.

I believe you, but could I get a source for this?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Josef Djugashvilis
#943 - 2013-10-06 19:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
adarma wrote:
What is happening here? No DEV has been up and awake since Saturday morning?

Say as little as possible.

Gather the facts.

Decide course of action, really sorry, tough it out etc.


This is not a signature.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#944 - 2013-10-06 19:55:22 UTC
Ripard Teg post is a disgrace, what a joke of a CSM, the guy must have taken LSD suppositorys...

The Tears Must Flow

All Web Investigations
#945 - 2013-10-06 20:02:13 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Ripard Teg post is a disgrace, what a joke of a CSM, the guy must have taken LSD suppositorys...

no you don't understand, it's no big deal when a CCP dev secretly spawns hundreds of billions of isk worth of items for an in game entity, so long as that entity provides some kind of content

by that logic of course, spawning T2 bpos for BoB is justifiable because BoB created content - I mean think about it. Lots of players were in BoB and logged on to do stuff within BoB. Lots of players logged in to fight against BoB - in open combat, in spying, in meta-gaming, etc. All of that content BoB created. It's totally fine if CCP directly spawn things for them because think of all the stories, all the events, etc that happened because of BoB

Similarly, goonswarm are about to be handed their own unique moon goo type. It's totally ok because they create content that the many many players want to take part in
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#946 - 2013-10-06 20:03:00 UTC
As I said in a previous post, CCP can run their game how they want. I don't even care if CCP wish to give out a ship of their choice to "deserving" individuals.
Now this is just my opinion, and mine only: If CCP wishes to do something such as this in the name of "community", then let the community decide on who receives the gifts.

You have only to look at the isk revenue (and the link to plex sales) on the SOMER Blink site to realize why CCP have given them special attention. CCP, no doubt, make a ton of rl cash generated from plex sales, because of SOMER Blink addiction.

Secondly, giving these ships away secretly does have a large impact in-game on an individual basis. Imagine that collector buying such a ship for 20Bill only to find out, CCP had secretly seeded an extra 40% and the true worth was 12bill. OK, you could say, it's always bad to speculate on such items, and that would be correct....but in one fail swoop that collector had been put out of pocket from forces and decisions totally out of his people who he pays a monthly subscription to (probably with rl money), to create a game that is not only fun but a level playing field for all to enjoy!!

Look at it another way....I defy anybody who would deny that 20bill being given to them, wouldn't change their matter if it was given as an in-game asset, game time, plex etc. I know my game would change with such a windfall.

Who remembers CCP's video the Butterfly Effect a few years ago? The big selling point was, how just you in your little Rifter can have an effect on the whole Universe. Imagine what 20bill could do for that individual!!

My apologies, I seem to be going away from my main point - this was done secretly. When things are done secretly, it arouses suspicion. As a member of the community, I ask CCP:

1. If this give away was done in the name of community, why was SOMER Blink chosen above somebody like Chribba....or EVEMon....or EFT...The Big Lottery etc, etc?

2. Why was it deemed that such a gift was kept secret, knowing that it would effect market speculation of those not in the know. It is clear from Somer's in-game mail that everybody was aware that such a gift would have in-game impact. If there was nothing wrong in the gift, why be so cloak and dagger about offloading them into the market?....maybe that question is more for Somer Roll

3. Why aren't CCP being transparent about these things, like Hilmar said they would be so many times before?

4. How many CCP employees does it take to change a light bulb? Please tell, because I'm starting to wonder!!

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

Kate stark
#947 - 2013-10-06 20:03:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
no you don't understand, it's no big deal when a CCP dev secretly spawns hundreds of billions of isk worth of items for an in game entity, so long as that entity provides some kind of content

or if they're ripard's buddies?

"What Teg doesn’t disclose in his post is that his corpmates have also been recipients of CCP’s secret generosity." ~ Source, for what it's worth.

actually, to be fair, the SCL guys do deserve the scorpions. still, the association doesn't help ripard's argument.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Bronco Platz
#948 - 2013-10-06 20:15:45 UTC
actually, to be fair, the SCL guys do deserve the scorpions. still, the association doesn't help ripard's argument.

And why is it done secretly, too?

Something stinks like hell in the whole affair...

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Kate stark
#949 - 2013-10-06 20:16:51 UTC
Bronco Platz wrote:
actually, to be fair, the SCL guys do deserve the scorpions. still, the association doesn't help ripard's argument.

And why is it done secretly, too?

Something stinks like hell in the whole affair...

indeed, surely the point of the scorpions would be "hey guys, we think these guys have done something really cool so we're giving them scorpions. check them out, we think you'll like what they do"

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Din Chao
#950 - 2013-10-06 20:20:23 UTC
adarma wrote:
What is happening here? No DEV has been up and awake since Saturday morning?

All of CCP is on holiday together in Turkey. No, I'm not kidding.
Josef Djugashvilis
#951 - 2013-10-06 20:26:56 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
no you don't understand, it's no big deal when a CCP dev secretly spawns hundreds of billions of isk worth of items for an in game entity, so long as that entity provides some kind of content

or if they're ripard's buddies?

"What Teg doesn’t disclose in his post is that his corpmates have also been recipients of CCP’s secret generosity." ~ Source, for what it's worth.

actually, to be fair, the SCL guys do deserve the scorpions. still, the association doesn't help ripard's argument.

I have just read Ripard's blog.

Dear Lord, how can one person get it so wrong?

For your information Ripard, I am not jealous.

I do not want CCP to gift me, or anyone else in the game, free, secret or otherwise, stuff, unless it is something like a Barbie outfit, which cannot be sold, traded, reprocessed or given to another player. That should cover itSmile

This is not a signature.

ISD Cura Ursus
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#952 - 2013-10-06 20:29:49 UTC
Removed post about politics.

ISD Cura Ursus

Lieutenant Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

#953 - 2013-10-06 20:40:41 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Molic Blackbird wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

CCP are not lying, they stated a while ago that the The Ishukone Scorpion was going to be used as a gift to give those people who run 3rd Party Sites.

Where was it stated a while ago? The first time I seen a statement like that from CCP was after this Somer gift was exposed. I doubt it was widely known that CCP intended the Ishukone Scorpion to be frequently used as gifts to third party sites.

It doesn't really matter if it was before or after. They're still lying.

The claim that “[t]he Ishukone Scorpion was created for exactly this sort of purpose—a promo ship for giveaways and special occasions to be used on multiple levels” is pure history revisionism. In reality, IshuScorp was created to offer ship bling for the NeX in the same way as pants and monocles provided bling for the avatars. When it became apparent that the NeX code was too incomplete to actually handle this properly, it was put away.

Only much later, when they figured that they needed some kind of special-issue ship to hand out as a promo reward for people attending expos and conventions, they hauled it out of storage because, hey, what's the easiest way to create a new ship? Why, to not create a new ship at all, of course, but to re-use a ship that had lost its original purpose.

so what you are saying is they should finish the NeX store?


There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Tilly Delnero
#954 - 2013-10-06 20:48:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tilly Delnero
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
I do not want CCP to gift me, or anyone else in the game, free, secret or otherwise, stuff, unless it is something like a Barbie outfit, which cannot be sold, traded, reprocessed or given to another player. That should cover itSmile

This is essentially the real issue in a nutshell, well put. Honestly I couldn't give a fig about what happens on TQ since I quit it for Sisi after Odyssey, but I can see why this would get peoples' blood boiling. Even if they 'only' sell for 5-10b each, that's a lot of PLEX (and in turn, real money) that is gifted to specific players by CCP that gives them an in-game advantage over others. How couldn't this be interpreted as a form of favouritism or in-game manipulation?

Personally I think it's much more likely just a poorly thought-out PR stunt, but the conspiracy theories are understandable.
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#955 - 2013-10-06 20:48:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Dolcino
There is absolutely no way to count on the CSM to represent us. They are in another world, the world of blink-blink, glitter pailettes.
The CSM has been created by CCP only to serve as buffer between them and the customers.
We must fight by ourselves.
Literally Space Moses
Caldari State
#956 - 2013-10-06 20:54:58 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
adarma wrote:
What is happening here? No DEV has been up and awake since Saturday morning?

Say as little as possible.

Gather the facts.

Decide course of action, really sorry, tough it out etc.


They've already made several statements to various web sites, they're just refusing to issue a statement to the players. Probably think if they avoid it it'll go away.


Kosakei Sanko
Interstellar Vacancy
Loose Affiliations
#957 - 2013-10-06 20:58:34 UTC
Tao Dolcino wrote:
There is absolutely no way to count on the CSM to represent us. They are in another world, the world of blink-blink, glitter pailettes.
The CSM has been created by CCP only to serve as buffer between them and the customers.
We must fight by ourselves.

I don't necessarily believe this. The CSM is a great idea, but I have to question just how much CCP actually values their opinion. Someone brought up the idea of this Scorp scandal being a huge publicity stunt; I can't help but wonder if the CSM is as well (no offense to the CSM, of course).

Gimme a unique T2 Khanid battleship called the Castigator and I'd be willing to forget all this happened.

#958 - 2013-10-06 21:03:22 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Tippia wrote:
In reality, IshuScorp was created to offer ship bling for the NeX in the same way as pants and monocles provided bling for the avatars. When it became apparent that the NeX code was too incomplete to actually handle this properly, it was put away.

I believe you, but could I get a source for this?

i remember reading about this too. thats why early in the thread i mentioned that if the NeX store had not caused so much controversy that we would have had these ships around Christmas 2011.

Though i think it was in a blog talking about the NeX store or some leadup to the actual release of Incarna... cannot pin it down... but i do remember it.

updon a basic google search i found this link from 2011

second edit:

here is a second link from september 2011 talking about the reason the ship was made to reprocess for 1 trit


honestly i will say it again all NeX gear should have been 5 run BPC only... its stupid the way they did it.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#959 - 2013-10-06 21:12:47 UTC
Well, isn't this interesting.

Back in the day some dev gave free stuff to a major nullsec alliance. Pretty sure that guy got fired.
So... are CCP going to fire themselves now or how does this work? We go to Iceland and take over?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#960 - 2013-10-06 21:15:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Tippia wrote:
In reality, IshuScorp was created to offer ship bling for the NeX in the same way as pants and monocles provided bling for the avatars. When it became apparent that the NeX code was too incomplete to actually handle this properly, it was put away.

I believe you, but could I get a source for this?

Ooof… it's buried in a post about the (in)capabilities of the NeX in one of the bajillion threads on the old forums from 2011 that discusses it and/or the introduction of the IshuScorp. At this point, I don't even remember which dev said it. I don't even think they used any of the nice catchwords (like “singleton”) that would help narrow it down.

My google fu is not strong enough to separate all possible dev posts out of a general query aimed at the old forum url. Straight

edit: Actually, I was wrong… here you go.
CCP Zinfandel wrote:
For those who missed it before, let's go back over this in better detail. The detail is interesting for many.

Team Stonehenge is making the store (Noble Exchange) and is making it in stages. It's fairly simple and straightforward at present but will be getting more sophisticated over time. Right now it can only sell one kind of thing at a time (no bundles) and can only accept one payment at a time (Aurum.)

It can't do trade-in's.
It can't do BPCs.
It can't sell anything that requires a user interface to use.
It can't highlight an item on sale (they will look like the non sale items.)
It can't sort/filter and only show you one kind of item.
But it will get better.
…this in response to the commonly posed question why they couldn't do the IshuScorp like any other faction ship in the regular LP store (i.e. mix of currencies + base item → bling item) to avoid the obvious problem of generating piles of minerals out of thin air. When the NeX failed as a concept, the IshuScorp was never put in (like the majority of NeX content) but the fall-back solution of not making it refine to any minerals was implemented in the meantime.

MeBiatch wrote:
so what you are saying is they should finish the NeX store?