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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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#881 - 2013-10-06 16:34:01 UTC
i like somer blink dont care its a for profit website... but it seems alot of people are butthurt over them getting some shiny station spining toys... perhaps in the future CCP can give them some free RL merchandice like the guritas hoodie... maybe people will be less upset or hurt (i bet thats the real reason cribbs is upset cuss he runs eve offline and stuff like that which has had a much bigger impact on the game but did not get his free scorp... so he is more then likely why them and not me... which is totally reasonable)

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

#882 - 2013-10-06 16:36:36 UTC
ok i think i figured it out but this thread is a stealth nerf ECM thread right?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Kaivar Lancer
#883 - 2013-10-06 16:40:38 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
ok i think i figured it out but this thread is a stealth nerf ECM thread right?

Damn dude, you cracked it!
Bronco Platz
#884 - 2013-10-06 16:41:34 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
ok i think i figured it out but this thread is a stealth nerf Highsec thread right?


This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#885 - 2013-10-06 16:50:56 UTC
Danny S wrote:
i just wonder why they try'd to keep it secret

Gee I wonder that too... what problem could anyone possibly have with this.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#886 - 2013-10-06 16:54:40 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
i like somer blink dont care its a for profit website... but it seems alot of people are butthurt over them getting some shiny station spining toys... perhaps in the future CCP can give them some free RL merchandice like the guritas hoodie... maybe people will be less upset or hurt (i bet thats the real reason cribbs is upset cuss he runs eve offline and stuff like that which has had a much bigger impact on the game but did not get his free scorp... so he is more then likely why them and not me... which is totally reasonable)

Actually if they wanted to reward Somer employees that is exactly what they should have done. RL goods like hoodies and Rifter USB hubs do not impact the sandbox. Giving an in game corp and its employees billions of free stuff does.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Telepathic Death Mimes
#887 - 2013-10-06 16:56:12 UTC
mentalkiller wrote:
But you ban people for buying ISK from ISK Farmers?

At least ISK farmers really earned the ISK by playing all day
ISK farmers are subscribers. Somer is a parasite.

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Telepathic Death Mimes
#888 - 2013-10-06 16:56:47 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
i like somer blink dont care its a for profit website... but it seems alot of people are butthurt over them getting some shiny station spining toys... perhaps in the future CCP can give them some free RL merchandice like the guritas hoodie... maybe people will be less upset or hurt (i bet thats the real reason cribbs is upset cuss he runs eve offline and stuff like that which has had a much bigger impact on the game but did not get his free scorp... so he is more then likely why them and not me... which is totally reasonable)

Actually if they wanted to reward Somer employees that is exactly what they should have done. RL goods like hoodies and Rifter USB hubs do not impact the sandbox. Giving an in game corp and its employees billions of free stuff does.

No. This is still favoritism.

All favoritism is bad.

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Red Templar
Amarr Empire
#889 - 2013-10-06 16:57:05 UTC
dexington wrote:
Red Templar wrote:
dexington wrote:
Khanh'rhh wrote:
Still, the best thing to come out of this was CCP Navigator recommending people go join a gambling site and take part in their scheme to get you hooked free credit

He is telling people how to enter a competition, without paying somer...

Are goons not all about good posting?, i think you are one post closer to getting kicked.

In order to play promo blink (free one) you had to play at least one not free blink in the last 48 hours. So how is it entering competition without paying somer exactly?

I'm not sure if it works without any deposits, but i use the milestone gifts for playing, i got 25M last time i logged in. Personally i buy GTC using somer because it's cheaper then buying from ccp, which gives 200M for free.

It does not work without deposits. You have to play once, and you cannot play without credit, and you dont get achievement without playing. You have to at least deposit once or buy GTC through them. You have to give them isk or buy GTC. not exactly free.

[b]For Love. For Peace. For Honor.

For None of the Above.

For Pony![/b]

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#890 - 2013-10-06 16:59:11 UTC
Chribba wrote:
So even Somer himself realize this is a bit shady and wouldn't be taken well when it hits the world, why else would he ask people to be quiet about it and not everyone sell at once. Nicely done there...

What separates this from a dev giving his own alliance blueprints...? I'd be very interested in hearing from CCP what made the decision to do this.

*sarcasm*But hey maybe this was discussed with CSM and they said it was a good idea...*/sarcasm*


Secrecy and SOMER's business model are what smells bad in this issue.

And CCP's ability to shoot its own foot with absolute lack of good sense is amazing.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Prince Kobol
#891 - 2013-10-06 17:02:05 UTC
Xaen wrote:
mentalkiller wrote:
But you ban people for buying ISK from ISK Farmers?

At least ISK farmers really earned the ISK by playing all day
ISK farmers are subscribers. Somer is a parasite.

Why is Somer a parasite?

Somer is a business, plain and simple.

It makes no bones about what it is, it doesn't pretend to be anything other then what it is.

Prince Kobol
#892 - 2013-10-06 17:03:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Chribba wrote:
So even Somer himself realize this is a bit shady and wouldn't be taken well when it hits the world, why else would he ask people to be quiet about it and not everyone sell at once. Nicely done there...

What separates this from a dev giving his own alliance blueprints...? I'd be very interested in hearing from CCP what made the decision to do this.

*sarcasm*But hey maybe this was discussed with CSM and they said it was a good idea...*/sarcasm*


Secrecy and SOMER's business model are what smells bad in this issue.

And CCP's ability to shoot its own foot with absolute lack of good sense is amazing.

Again there is nothing wrong with Somers business model.

If anything it has a great business model otherwise it wouldn't have been operating for as long as it has.

The issue is not with Somer but CCP.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#893 - 2013-10-06 17:04:03 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Why is Somer a parasite?

Somer is a business, plain and simple.

It makes no bones about what it is, it doesn't pretend to be anything other then what it is.

The problem is that CCP pretends it is something else.
#894 - 2013-10-06 17:05:37 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
Xaen wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
i like somer blink dont care its a for profit website... but it seems alot of people are butthurt over them getting some shiny station spining toys... perhaps in the future CCP can give them some free RL merchandice like the guritas hoodie... maybe people will be less upset or hurt (i bet thats the real reason cribbs is upset cuss he runs eve offline and stuff like that which has had a much bigger impact on the game but did not get his free scorp... so he is more then likely why them and not me... which is totally reasonable)

Actually if they wanted to reward Somer employees that is exactly what they should have done. RL goods like hoodies and Rifter USB hubs do not impact the sandbox. Giving an in game corp and its employees billions of free stuff does.

No. This is still favoritism.

All favoritism is bad.

are you like a middle child or sometihng?

I can agree that ingame items can and are bad but not out of game items... if ccp wants to give someone a free coffee mug let them.

edit: as long as they are open and transparent about it.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Prince Kobol
#895 - 2013-10-06 17:05:58 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Why is Somer a parasite?

Somer is a business, plain and simple.

It makes no bones about what it is, it doesn't pretend to be anything other then what it is.

The problem is that CCP pretends it is something else.

How is that any fault of Somers?

Telepathic Death Mimes
#896 - 2013-10-06 17:07:07 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Xaen wrote:
mentalkiller wrote:
But you ban people for buying ISK from ISK Farmers?

At least ISK farmers really earned the ISK by playing all day
ISK farmers are subscribers. Somer is a parasite.

Why is Somer a parasite?

Somer is a business, plain and simple.

It makes no bones about what it is, it doesn't pretend to be anything other then what it is.

All gambling is a parasite on people who do not understand gambling/probability. In this case, CCP, and the portion of the EVE playerbase that failed to realize that it is a scam/gambling. This does not inherently make somer any worse than any other scammer. The problem began when CCP fell for it, failed to recognize it for a scam, and then quarupled down (more gambling) instead of quitting. The only way to "win" at gambling is to not play. CCP refuses to not play and is therefore losing very, very badly, at the expense of numerous bittervet subs. Mine included, The Second Decade Collector's edition I already bought not withstanding.

If you think somer is not a scam, read the following until it sinks in that it is in fact a scam:

It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. — Mark Twain

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#897 - 2013-10-06 17:07:59 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
How is that any fault of Somers?
Who said it was?
The fault in Somer is playing along with the handouts and trying to help keep them secret. That's a different (business) problem entirely.
Prince Kobol
#898 - 2013-10-06 17:11:11 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
How is that any fault of Somers?
Who said it was?
The fault in Somer is playing along with the handouts and trying to help keep them secret. That's a different (business) problem entirely.

The OP did : :)
sally Deninard
mss industry
#899 - 2013-10-06 17:11:20 UTC
I like some of the email that was sent.

Sent 2013.08.20 02:42

"I will be providing a list of employees and each one will be recieving an Ishukone Watch Scorpion of their own, direct from CCP. I don`t know exactly how they appear. I think they go into your redemption system."

Lets not mess about, these ships were a reward to individual players with a huge market value (at the time) before the Eve vegas lottery was fixed up. There is no intent to lottery off these items.

"Please do not immediately run to the forums and WTS the ship. 30 of them all appearing at once would be wierd"

Pretty much confirming that the gifts are an isk donation to individual players, but asking them not to spook the market.... classy..

"If you want to sell it and don`t have a buyer in mind , please use a lower-profile alt if you would, and wait a little while. This is a really unique thing CCP is doing that doesn`t directly map to anything they have done in the past"

Somer admitting that this is not standard practice and asking recipients to use discretion. Rule no1... If it sounds dodgy ... it`s dodgy...

But here`s the best bit
"Navigator has already offered to promote our events in the future."

All Web Investigations
#900 - 2013-10-06 17:11:21 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Why is Somer a parasite?

Somer is a business, plain and simple.

It makes no bones about what it is, it doesn't pretend to be anything other then what it is.

The problem is CCP are directly interfering in order to boost that business, while ignoring the fact that it is, indeed, a business and should therefore have to compete legitimately against all other businesses.

People wouldn't be terribly bothered about non-business entities being promoted, and they perhaps wouldn't be terribly bothered if businesses like somer were given some kind of acknowledgement that doesn't directly benefit their business at the detriment of other businesses - something like giving them a high five, or even sending them a little rifter model, or whatever. That's on the line of acceptable.

But directly stepping in to spawn things for their business to use in competition against other businesses, and deliberately excluding the csm from such decisions, and doing even more extra things to directly help those players and their business in total secrecy?

It is indefensible