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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#541 - 2013-10-05 22:24:53 UTC
sally Deninard wrote:
Community concerns over the use of the ship as a thank-you have been "carefully noted," and the game is "looking into creating a fuller program for those celebrating the amazing EVE community."

It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer
It also seems like CCP have completely misread what the actual concern is.

Ugh I shouldn't be surprised, really…
Gallente Federation
#542 - 2013-10-05 22:24:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Montmazar
Customer complaints: less important to CCP than noted gaming trash mag Kotaku.

Unsurprising, if disappointing.
Anomaly One
#543 - 2013-10-05 22:25:56 UTC
It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer

Are they really this dumb to reply to a 3rd party site before the community? how do people run companies i'll never know, I know that most companies rely on the stupidity of their customers to milk them for profit but I don't think CCP realises you can't do that with kind of playerbase EVE has.
sally Deninard
mss industry
#544 - 2013-10-05 22:26:03 UTC
/grabs popcorn and waits for blue post.
Arkenai Wyrnspire
#545 - 2013-10-05 22:27:10 UTC
Adding my voice to the legion; I am disgusted.


Demon Azrakel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#546 - 2013-10-05 22:27:18 UTC
sally Deninard wrote:

[UPDATE] An EVE Online spokesman responds that "The Ishukone Scorpion was created for exactly this sort of purpose—a promo ship for giveaways and special occasions to be used on multiple levels. It has been given out several times already (including some very analogous to this one) and will be given out again in the future for contests, awards, charity-related efforts, 'thanks' and more."

Additionally, despite this spacecraft's unique skin, it is "actually worse gameplay-wise than the regular Scorpion and refines to only 1 Tritanium—so it is little more than a hangar ornament." The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

Community concerns over the use of the ship as a thank-you have been "carefully noted," and the game is "looking into creating a fuller program for those celebrating the amazing EVE community."

It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer was created to be a gold scorpion bought with Aurum, but CCP got **** all over for that and they are looking for another use for it.

Nevertheless, it has a real isk value and has been given out secretly Somer Blink, which is still favoritism and handing out free, highly valuable items to 3rd party, for-profit (ingame and out of game) services that arguably add much less to the community than most others, and that seem to skirt the edge of RMT.

This also does not act as an excuse for the other items CCP has given Somer Blink to raffle off, again for Somer Blink's profit.
Kosakei Sanko
Interstellar Vacancy
Loose Affiliations
#547 - 2013-10-05 22:28:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kosakei Sanko
sally Deninard wrote:

[UPDATE] An EVE Online spokesman responds that "The Ishukone Scorpion was created for exactly this sort of purpose—a promo ship for giveaways and special occasions to be used on multiple levels. It has been given out several times already (including some very analogous to this one) and will be given out again in the future for contests, awards, charity-related efforts, 'thanks' and more."

Additionally, despite this spacecraft's unique skin, it is "actually worse gameplay-wise than the regular Scorpion and refines to only 1 Tritanium—so it is little more than a hangar ornament." The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

Community concerns over the use of the ship as a thank-you have been "carefully noted," and the game is "looking into creating a fuller program for those celebrating the amazing EVE community."

It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer

There's a difference between giving them out randomly, such as for lottery giveaways, tourneys, etc., and giving 30 of them to the same corporation.

Gimme a unique T2 Khanid battleship called the Castigator and I'd be willing to forget all this happened.

Gallente Federation
#548 - 2013-10-05 22:32:36 UTC
Also, it only refines to a single trit? Well, sounds like there's no problem here at all then!

Are they just trying to win Chriba back or do they think that's an actual reasonable argument?
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#549 - 2013-10-05 22:33:55 UTC
sally Deninard wrote:
The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

So all what they find to tell us is : yes, we give away some ships to some friends-mafia buddies, but as we plan to flood EVE with such ships, it's not important because finally they'll be worth nothing...
They take us for retards or what ?
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#550 - 2013-10-05 22:34:15 UTC
I think it's more like

1) Make mistake
2) Go to 1)
sally Deninard
mss industry
#551 - 2013-10-05 22:34:44 UTC
Montmazar wrote:
Also, it only refines to a single trit? Well, sounds like there's no problem here at all then!

Are they just trying to win Chriba back or do they think that's an actual reasonable argument?

It`s clear they are trying to damage control on a 3rd party site before addressing the problem here. I would expect to see scorps in the post very soon lol
Sunshine and Lollipops
#552 - 2013-10-05 22:36:52 UTC
Montmazar wrote:
Also, it only refines to a single trit? Well, sounds like there's no problem here at all then!
The funny part is that this is how they tried to solve the incomplete nature of the NeX, rather than, you know, fixing the NeX. Lol

It also demonstrates that they've now resorted to lying to the gaming media, and that's always a good sign…
Kosakei Sanko
Interstellar Vacancy
Loose Affiliations
#553 - 2013-10-05 22:40:00 UTC
Tao Dolcino wrote:
sally Deninard wrote:
The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

So all what they find to tell us is : yes, we give away some ships to some friends-mafia buddies, but as we plan to flood EVE with such ships, it's not important because finally they'll be worth nothing...
They take us for retards or what ?

Make Ish Scorps the new Ibis!

Also, I X'ed up a bit ago and I still don't have my Ish Scorp...who dropped the ball on this?!

Gimme a unique T2 Khanid battleship called the Castigator and I'd be willing to forget all this happened.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#554 - 2013-10-05 22:41:01 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Maybe this is the final solution for getting rid of the goons?

I can't see how, but I will say that as long as the goons continue to support the sanctity of the sandbox then I too will support their position regarding this important matter, however if they are simply meta gaming their way to rare and priceless stuff then I will not support them and my respect for their organisation (which has never been too high) will hit an all time low. We need a clear statement from the goon leadership that their present position on this is not one of self interest and that they will be happy if no third parties including themselves are given items that do not originate within the game mechanics. The integrity of the sandbox must be preserved at all costs.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Kate stark
#555 - 2013-10-05 22:42:22 UTC
so i stopped following the thread for a while but what i can tell is that CCP have basically said [and not even to us] "it's nbd, the scorpion only refines to 1 trit so people don't need to worry about us clearly playing favourites?"

is that about right?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Kuni Oichi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#556 - 2013-10-05 22:43:00 UTC
sally Deninard wrote:

[UPDATE] An EVE Online spokesman responds that "The Ishukone Scorpion was created for exactly this sort of purpose—a promo ship for giveaways and special occasions to be used on multiple levels. It has been given out several times already (including some very analogous to this one) and will be given out again in the future for contests, awards, charity-related efforts, 'thanks' and more."

Additionally, despite this spacecraft's unique skin, it is "actually worse gameplay-wise than the regular Scorpion and refines to only 1 Tritanium—so it is little more than a hangar ornament." The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

Community concerns over the use of the ship as a thank-you have been "carefully noted," and the game is "looking into creating a fuller program for those celebrating the amazing EVE community."

It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer

Assuming this is valid, it's yet another mealy-mouthed non-answer from CCP on yet another controversy of late.

CCP doesn't explain why they felt the need to give Somer employees who already receive hundreds to billions of isk per month for 'working' for their corp this ship.
CCP doesn't explain why they felt the need to lavish their largesse on a player corporation that exists to make money (albeit making $$$ for both CCP and themselves).
CCP doesn't explain why this was kept secret
CCP ignore the community and merely respond to an out of game website that regurgitated the investigation done by TMC.
CCP doesn't explain why they have felt the need to give Somer blink such extensive patronage while denying the same to other organisations within the game.

And the list goes on. D- must do better.
sally Deninard
mss industry
#557 - 2013-10-05 22:43:27 UTC
Kosakei Sanko wrote:
Tao Dolcino wrote:
sally Deninard wrote:
The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

So all what they find to tell us is : yes, we give away some ships to some friends-mafia buddies, but as we plan to flood EVE with such ships, it's not important because finally they'll be worth nothing...
They take us for retards or what ?

Make Ish Scorps the new Ibis!

Also, I X'ed up a bit ago and I still don't have my Ish Scorp...who dropped the ball on this?!

I hear Naviga... is the guy to speak to
Mr M
Sebiestor Tribe
#558 - 2013-10-05 22:45:19 UTC
I wish there wasn't so much drama in the EVE community all the time. I don't care if SOMER Blink got some ships. Congrats to them. But if I get a vote on who to give a couple of ships to next time I say Red Frog, those guys are a great service to the community. I would've shot myself years ago if I had to ferry stuff back and forth to Jita every day.

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Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#559 - 2013-10-05 22:46:24 UTC
sally Deninard wrote:

[UPDATE] An EVE Online spokesman responds that "The Ishukone Scorpion was created for exactly this sort of purpose—a promo ship for giveaways and special occasions to be used on multiple levels. It has been given out several times already (including some very analogous to this one) and will be given out again in the future for contests, awards, charity-related efforts, 'thanks' and more."

Additionally, despite this spacecraft's unique skin, it is "actually worse gameplay-wise than the regular Scorpion and refines to only 1 Tritanium—so it is little more than a hangar ornament." The reason it's in-game price is so high because of the craft's current rarity. "Yet as more are introduced I am pretty sure the market price will lower based on total supply, as we see after the first few days any ship has been added to EVE."

Community concerns over the use of the ship as a thank-you have been "carefully noted," and the game is "looking into creating a fuller program for those celebrating the amazing EVE community."

It seems CCP have confirmed this to a 3rd party site, but the community isn`t getting an answer

Oh, if they're going to flood the game with a nearly worthless ship that sounds like a special faction scorpion to anyone who isn't in the know then I take back everything I said because muahahahaha.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#560 - 2013-10-05 22:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Naradius
Well, after reading the CCP 3rd party site statement, I gained some comfort knowing that in the Ish Scorp, I have finally found a ship just as useless as the Phantasm in my hanger...

CCP, I demand reimbursement for my Phantasm (but I would still like to keep it), because every useless ship you have created should be given away.Roll

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams