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Steam version of EVE on Linux?

Ruuku Serperithrym
#1 - 2013-10-05 02:36:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruuku Serperithrym
Hey guys!

Is it possible at all to get the steam version of EVE [EG. account tied to steam and paid for through Steam] to run on Linux?

I'm thinking of trying to run Windows Steam through Wine, restore a backup of it and hope for the best.
I'm going to do it on Ubuntu probably, with an Nvidia card, AMD CPU and a USB headset.

Also, please don't just tell me to "buy the proper version of EVE", Steam was the only way to get it for me, I'm too young to be trusted with a paypal and such.

I'm sick of all these random BSODs and seemingly random HDD failures on Win8, just this morning my HDD fell asleep, and Win8 never bothered to wake it again. The whole OS froze, I was forced to reboot and I lost all my settings in EVE, like my Overview. The second time it happened I had a BSOD of "CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED" and I got stuck in an almost-bootloop of repairing.

Please try to give answers in walkthrough form or just simple terms, I'm still new to linux, but I know how to install packages and add repositories, along with basic Terminal stuff.

EDIT: Oops, almost forget my specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 920 [I think, My Computer just says 20, which is wrong]
GFX: Nvidia Geforce GTX650 Ti
HDD: 500Gb
USB Headset [Can anybody tell me a system wide equalizer that will work with this? Pulseaudio maybe?]
Nebu Retski
Lead Farmers
#2 - 2013-10-05 11:28:15 UTC
Ruuku Serperithrym wrote:
Hey guys!

Is it possible at all to get the steam version of EVE [EG. account tied to steam and paid for through Steam] to run on Linux?

I'm thinking of trying to run Windows Steam through Wine, restore a backup of it and hope for the best.
I'm going to do it on Ubuntu probably, with an Nvidia card, AMD CPU and a USB headset.

Also, please don't just tell me to "buy the proper version of EVE", Steam was the only way to get it for me, I'm too young to be trusted with a paypal and such.

I'm sick of all these random BSODs and seemingly random HDD failures on Win8, just this morning my HDD fell asleep, and Win8 never bothered to wake it again. The whole OS froze, I was forced to reboot and I lost all my settings in EVE, like my Overview. The second time it happened I had a BSOD of "CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED" and I got stuck in an almost-bootloop of repairing.

Please try to give answers in walkthrough form or just simple terms, I'm still new to linux, but I know how to install packages and add repositories, along with basic Terminal stuff.

EDIT: Oops, almost forget my specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 920 [I think, My Computer just says 20, which is wrong]
GFX: Nvidia Geforce GTX650 Ti
HDD: 500Gb
USB Headset [Can anybody tell me a system wide equalizer that will work with this? Pulseaudio maybe?]

Why do you think there is a difference between the "steam version" and the "normal version"?
Just download the normal client from the eve website and then install it on your linux throuh wine by following the guide that's on the first page of the Linux forums.
Ruuku Serperithrym
#3 - 2013-10-06 00:42:12 UTC
There's a slight difference in Launcher. When you launch EVE from Steam while logged into it, it'll automatically log you into your Steam account. Due to the way Steam logs in, with a unique ID code or some, it's impossible to enter the details into the normal launcher. I don't even get the Username and Password fields when I open it through steam.

Do I just have to the WINE version of Steam with a few extra parameters to get EVE to open the launcher that way?
Nebu Retski
Lead Farmers
#4 - 2013-10-06 07:19:32 UTC
Ruuku Serperithrym wrote:
There's a slight difference in Launcher. When you launch EVE from Steam while logged into it, it'll automatically log you into your Steam account. Due to the way Steam logs in, with a unique ID code or some, it's impossible to enter the details into the normal launcher. I don't even get the Username and Password fields when I open it through steam.

Do I just have to the WINE version of Steam with a few extra parameters to get EVE to open the launcher that way?

It seems that CCP have drastically changed the login for steam users when they introduced the new POS launcher. I take it that you only started playing eve after the new launcher was introduced? In that case there isn't much that you can do then to install steam. Most likely you will need to install the win version in wine, but you could check if you can somehow tell the linux version of steam to use a particular launch command and thus force eve to launch through wine (I doubt it will work because I'm guessing that the launcher won't be able to check your credentials through steam).

You could also petition CCP and ask them to give you login details so you can actually login without steam.

As far as how to get it working, I suggest you first try and then figure out what needs to be done to get it to work. This is a relatively new issue and I'm not really sure if there are a lot of people in your situation.
Elmore Jones
New Eden Mining Organisation
The Craftsmen
#5 - 2013-10-07 04:32:07 UTC
With Wine 1.6 onward it *should* be fine. Eve works with 1.6-1.7 with no overrides needed (bar CQ of course) so anything added to make Windows Steam work shouldn't introduce problems for the eve client in the same prefix. Good luck :) Be nice to see your results too.

+++ Reality Error 404 - Reboot Cosmos +++

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6 - 2013-10-08 22:04:09 UTC
You really want to switch to non-steam version if you can. should allow you to recover your username and password, I would imagine.
#7 - 2013-10-09 02:09:48 UTC
Steam itself runs on wine fairly easily which in theory means if you

Install the current version of wine

follow the How-to install for steam:

Then the eve HOWTO - Eve Online install on Linux

Things "should work". You might have launcher trouble, but I suspect it will work.

PS- I run steam in wine (and natively too) and eve separately using the above settings.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Nebu Retski
Lead Farmers
#8 - 2013-10-09 14:12:01 UTC
Kismeteer wrote:
You really want to switch to non-steam version if you can. should allow you to recover your username and password, I would imagine.

He actually can't. When CCP introduced the new launcher they also made a major change to the way people have to log in when they purchased eve through steam after the new launcher was deployed. Their account now gets tied to their steam account and they don't get the usual account (no username/password).

From other threads I gathered that CCP doesn't want to give them a usual account (most likely a technical reason considering the poor quality of the launcher) forcing them to log in through steam.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#9 - 2013-10-10 21:46:48 UTC
Nebu Retski wrote:
He actually can't. When CCP introduced the new launcher they also made a major change to the way people have to log in when they purchased eve through steam after the new launcher was deployed. Their account now gets tied to their steam account and they don't get the usual account (no username/password).

Yeah, that officially sucks. X