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Move Osmon to reinforced node until Rubicon

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Syntropia Of Avatara
#81 - 2013-10-04 14:34:10 UTC
lets see how long it will take , that the SOE lp farmers will realise , the they need lps and clone tags for the ship exchange.

**EvE-Movie, take a look and enjoy it **PushMe

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#82 - 2013-10-04 14:40:29 UTC
Imiarr Timshae wrote:
I do wish people would stop calling them "Pirate" ships. They are faction ships, sure, just like Navy Caracals etc.

Sisters of Eve aren't pirates. Anyone who could read their corp description or some of the canon would figure that out.

sisters aren't pirates, but their is a distinction between "pirate" and "Navy" factions. Their is a chart CCP had at fansfest that I don't have right now, but it shows the distinction.

"Pirate" ships get bonuses from TWO factions. Navy ships get bonuses from only one. The fact that the New ships will have Gallante and Amarr bonuses makes them "pirate" faction ships.

For example, a Cynabal is a "pirate" cruiser (Gallente and minmatar bonuses), a Stabber Fleet Issue is a "navy" cruiser (minmatar bonuses only).

It has nothing to do with the Lore of the game, Sister's are running around New Eden Yarrrring people to death.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#83 - 2013-10-04 14:41:22 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Imiarr Timshae wrote:
I do wish people would stop calling them "Pirate" ships. They are faction ships, sure, just like Navy Caracals etc.

Sisters of Eve aren't pirates. Anyone who could read their corp description or some of the canon would figure that out.

Pirate ships (or pirate faction ships) are distinctive category though. Ships that require two racial skills to fly and (for now; I don't see it changing in the future tbh) are unavailable without access to nullsec LP. SoE ships kinda fit here from what we know, albeit they are not "pirates" in lore.

On a side nore, piracy isn't definig activity of many pirate factions. They just don't see anything wrong with seizing a worthy opportunity if it presents itself P

Stop posting things I wanted to say before i can say them, damn it!
Imiarr Timshae
Funny Men In Funny Hats
#84 - 2013-10-04 14:52:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Imiarr Timshae
Barrogh Habalu wrote:

Pirate ships (or pirate faction ships) are distinctive category though. Ships that require two racial skills to fly and (for now; I don't see it changing in the future tbh) are unavailable without access to nullsec LP. SoE ships kinda fit here from what we know, albeit they are not "pirates" in lore.

On a side nore, piracy isn't definig activity of many pirate factions. They just don't see anything wrong with seizing a worthy opportunity if it presents itself P

Jenn aSide wrote:

sisters aren't pirates, but their is a distinction between "pirate" and "Navy" factions. Their is a chart CCP had at fansfest that I don't have right now, but it shows the distinction.

"Pirate" ships get bonuses from TWO factions. Navy ships get bonuses from only one. The fact that the New ships will have Gallante and Amarr bonuses makes them "pirate" faction ships.

For example, a Cynabal is a "pirate" cruiser (Gallente and minmatar bonuses), a Stabber Fleet Issue is a "navy" cruiser (minmatar bonuses only).

It has nothing to do with the Lore of the game, Sister's are running around New Eden Yarrrring people to death.

Good points! I hadn't thought of the dual race thing. Made me lookup the Gnosis requirements and was quite surprised when I got there.
Syntropia Of Avatara
#85 - 2013-10-04 14:53:11 UTC
btw. there is no logic behind pirat faction or faction Mr. Hankey (for not Insider the Revenant) is only listed as faction and not pirat faction but the Nightmare is listed as pirat faction ship.... and some industrails are listed as ORE... why you think there will be no new root called SOE in the market browser?

**EvE-Movie, take a look and enjoy it **PushMe

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2013-10-04 15:16:18 UTC
This is strange but approx 5 months ago a corp I was starting to work with had suddenly decided to start staging everything out of Osmon. Big deal you say Osmon is a busy system but that isnt the strange part. The corps ceo in a personal chat told me they were staging out of Osmon because of the upcoming winter expansion and it had to do with the SOE agent in system.

How long ago did they announce the SOE ships?

Signatured removed, CCP Phantom

Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#87 - 2013-10-04 15:23:22 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

These ships probably should have been Thukker or Mordus or something, some faction without high sec access (but maybe with some new agents in low sec, wouldn't wanna give yet another isk mountain to the null sec cartels don't ya know.).

TIL my recent weeks missioning for Trust Partners in Heimatar and Derelik high sec have all been a lie.

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#88 - 2013-10-04 15:36:14 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
Richard Gere is single again, so all the hamsters are on lockdown.

I ain't about to link it, but google Dan Savage and gerbiling, and discover how that particular activity is actually quite impossible to accomplish.

Nobody anywhere ever has done it. You can't. Big smile

Jeff Goldblum begs to differ.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

State War Academy
Caldari State
#89 - 2013-10-04 20:18:22 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Osmon and Korsiki are reinforced for the time being, until the initial gold rush tapers off and load returns to normal.

I have a better solution: Just remove the L4 agents from Highsec.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#90 - 2013-10-04 21:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Malcanis wrote:

The CFC controls the space that the 0.0 Sisters agents are in.

Odd, I thought the Sisters controlled the space in which the Sisters of Eve agents reside. And last time I was in that particular pocket, the locals were definitely not members of the CFC. And a cursory glance at dotlan statistics would seem to indicate that hasn't changed.

Just a fact-check. Blink
Large Collidable Object
#91 - 2013-10-04 21:21:35 UTC
Oleszka wrote:
lets see how long it will take , that the SOE lp farmers will realise , the they need lps and clone tags for the ship exchange.

When did that change? I used to farm cynabal blueprints a couple of years ago and they didn't cost any tags iirc.
You know... [morons.](
Angharradh's Aegis
#92 - 2013-10-04 21:57:23 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

The CFC controls the space that the 0.0 Sisters agents are in.

Odd, I thought the Sisters controlled the space in which the Sisters of Eve agents reside. And last time I was in that particular pocket, the locals were definitely not members of the CFC. And a cursory glance at dotlan statistics would seem to indicate that hasn't changed.

Just a fact-check. Blink
I'm sure people are referring to the fact that one needs to fly through four CONDI-owned systems between Lone Trek and the SSoE constellation. It is probably safe to assume that Goonswarm are paying a great deal of attention to those systems and others nearby right now. The Ship Kill/Pod Kill data from EC-P8R seems to fit my hypothesis.

Until all are free...

Sipphakta en Gravonere
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2013-10-04 22:04:38 UTC
Kueyen wrote:
The Ship Kill/Pod Kill data from EC-P8R seems to fit my hypothesis.

Odd. EC- was always known as one of the safest system in Eve.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#94 - 2013-10-04 22:07:41 UTC
Hey instead of like, everybody complaining about everything, how about some partying instead?

Think about this.

It's like a gold rush? OK. and what 6 jumps from Jita?

- Perfect time for an incursion.
- Maybe the goons can come up with some emergent play that's actually interesting this time
- Some live events of great calamity and disruption would have the potential to be some great "I was there" kind of moment for many.

If it's unprecedented for a "pirate" faction ship to be offered via LP from a faction in highsec, then it's a good opportunity for some other unprecedented things to happen.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#95 - 2013-10-04 22:45:54 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Job Valador wrote:
Someone enlighten me as i have no clue as to whaI'lls going on in that system.

New SoE ships announced.

The ONLY L4 security agent in high sec is in there.

Guess what people are doing....

I've been to osmon once, I didn't like it, it's a **** hole. I wouldn't go there twice. I'll wait a bit for the prices to drop and buy my sisters ships of the market.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#96 - 2013-10-04 23:35:55 UTC
So any parties planned in Osmon tonight?

I'm wearing my pants on my head.

Everybody knows how to play pants-on-the-head, right?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#97 - 2013-10-05 00:59:25 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Kueyen wrote:
The Ship Kill/Pod Kill data from EC-P8R seems to fit my hypothesis.

EC-P8R has almost always been actively camped for as long as I can remember. Anyone that's actually ever been there will tell you the same. It's the HED-GP of pure blind. What you're seeing is the status quo.

Looking at the 7 SOE systems in Pure Blind, I don't see any particular activity from the CFC. From the kills in the SOE systems, it looks like random NPC 0.0 corps with PL or BL occasionally dropping by for a gank. So, exactly the same as any other npc 0.0 space.

Personally, I don't even understand why people bother to use EC-P8R, 93Pl-4 connects to the same exact region and is far, far safer. That's the entrance I used the last time I was over there anyway....
Veritas Vincit
#98 - 2013-10-05 01:49:41 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
[quote=Kueyen] Personally, I don't even understand why people bother to use EC-P8R, 93Pl-4 connects to the same exact region and is far, far safer. That's the entrance I used the last time I was over there anyway....

Thats what I always use. Even back in good ol' CFC days EC- was camped 50% by neuts and reds.

My problem isn't time dialation in Osmon, I have a fleet. *cough* but the new Russian local.......
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#99 - 2013-10-05 03:37:15 UTC
Yeah, being subjected to all that Russian is a bit annoying.

Can we get a google translater built into the chat so stuff like that gets translated for us non-Russian talking people?

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

#100 - 2013-10-05 04:56:10 UTC
Don't worry about it.

CCP will announce a new Sisters of EVE sub-faction from whom the ships are only available and have only one station in null.