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[Rubicon] Electronic Attack Ships

First post
Sofia Wolf
Ubuntu Inc.
The Fourth District
#161 - 2013-10-03 14:18:35 UTC
I like that you kept sig radius reduction on Hyena, however I think -3% per level is inadequate. Compared to -15% MWD sig reduction of Talwar and interceptors -3% is kind of underwhelming to say the least.

True, Hyena's sig bonus will benefit even AB fits, but given how small it is, and that Hyena's sig bonus, despite years of service, has newer been found overpowered, I'd like you to consider increasing sig radius bonus to -4%/level, possibly even to -5%/level.

Jessica Danikov > EVE is your real life. the rest is fantasy. caught in a corporation. no escape from banality. open up yours eyes, peer through pod good and seeeeeee. I'm just a poor pilot, I need no sympathy. because I'm easy scam, easy go, little isk, little know. anyway the solar wind blows...

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#162 - 2013-10-03 15:18:07 UTC
That Seems Legit wrote:
Alright, these are awesome. So awesome in fact, that I worry what you can do to the current recons. These look a bit too powerful.

Had this same feeling at the beginning but assumed their range and number of modules abilities will not step on recons ones which would be silly.

You made a point however that must be considered thou.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#163 - 2013-10-03 15:39:01 UTC
Nice, so if you want to solo you can either bring an arty rupture and only be able to volley hyenas off the field at the start of engagements and then run away, or you bring a typical solo ship is designed to do damage at unbonused point ranges and then die to every gang webbing you with a hyena from outside range you can hit back from.

Between this, the warp speed changes and the interceptor bubble immunity this expansion is a triple smack down to the idea of up engaging against bigger gangs solo. Wildly disappointing expansion tbh, seriously wtf ship can viably fight solo against a gang that has a Hyena as part of fleet comp? And now if you disengage to a celestial in your stabber for instance the bigger gang will have tackle waiting for you as soon as you land.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#164 - 2013-10-03 16:03:19 UTC
So far only Harvey James has really jumped out with counter proposals on the EAS. There's only so many things they could have done with the things.

Novelty Item:

They work against supercaps. Roll


They get really small. Really fast. A lot more EHP. Their e-war continues to have a limited range. CCP didn't go this route.


Expand their e-war so they become 'decentralized' per their descriptions. They still have obnoxiously large sig radii and little EHP to keep them squishy and limited in their own way. Current path.

Most of the 'don't like' responses so far could also be written as 'keep them broken. We like it that way.' There is a very thin line with this class between OP and worthless.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#165 - 2013-10-03 16:14:09 UTC
REALLY? after how many years of absolute bitching and people wanting eaf's to be good you still didnt change the fundamental thing that makes them all SUCK? their sig radius? litterly NOTHING has changed with these ships. they will still die to ANY battleship that looks at them funny

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#166 - 2013-10-03 16:15:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyancat Audeles
A 76km web seems a bit OP...

EDIT: It would kill small gang roams, to say the least.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#167 - 2013-10-03 16:24:51 UTC
I have to agree that these changes take EAF from worthless to incredibly OP.

Was there a Plan B for EAS revamp?
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#168 - 2013-10-03 16:35:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tetsuo Tsukaya
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
REALLY? after how many years of absolute bitching and people wanting eaf's to be good you still didnt change the fundamental thing that makes them all SUCK? their sig radius? litterly NOTHING has changed with these ships. they will still die to ANY battleship that looks at them funny

Yeah it's kind of like a 20m ISK frigate was never intended to be part of battleship fleet comps or something...

What CCP isn't getting here is that nobody is going to like balancing ships around the idea of "you know what's a good counter to these? Bring more of them!" and that's exactly what these EAFs are at least within their hull class. You've made frigate hulls that can shut down other ships from well outside every other frigates lock range let alone damage range, wtf is the counter to these ships other than "bring your own!" or sniper ships several classes above them? Give me a gang of ships heavily comped towards EAFs and I guarantee no similar sized frig/Dessie gang is going to have a chance in hell of winning that engagement unless they bring their own EAFs to counter my EAFs, and that's terrible balancing.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#169 - 2013-10-03 16:47:43 UTC
Tetsuo Tsukaya wrote:
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
REALLY? after how many years of absolute bitching and people wanting eaf's to be good you still didnt change the fundamental thing that makes them all SUCK? their sig radius? litterly NOTHING has changed with these ships. they will still die to ANY battleship that looks at them funny

Yeah it's kind of like a 20m ISK frigate was never intended to be part of battleship fleet comps or something...

What CCP isn't getting here is that nobody is going to like balancing ships around the idea of "you know what's a good counter to these? Bring more of them!" and that's exactly what these EAFs are at least within their hull class. You've made frigate hulls that can shut down other ships from well outside every other frigates lock range let alone damage range, wtf is the counter to these ships other than "bring your own!" or sniper ships several classes above them? Give me a gang of ships heavily comped towards EAFs and I guarantee no similar sized frig/Dessie gang is going to have a chance in hell of winning that engagement unless they bring their own EAFs to counter my EAFs, and that's terrible balancing.

Any kind of missiles ship. Kestrel. Talwar. Corax. Load FoF missiles if you can't lock. Any kind of specialized drone boat. Launch drones. Wait for ship to aggro. These ships will have little if any tank. They can't sig tank for ****. And they aren't that fast.
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#170 - 2013-10-03 16:56:08 UTC
Except that you've got no tackle so every ship you primary can just peace out, pull range or bounce out. Unless you count losing a bunch of ships before the enemy gang warps off as winning, you can't really do **** in a small gang without tackle
Be Nice Inc.
Prismatic Legion
#171 - 2013-10-03 16:58:50 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:


  • Make them more useful
  • Make them sensible in relation to the new t1 disruption frigs
  • Avoid overlap with other classes (interceptors and disruption frigs?)


  • Increased the range bonus from Electronic Attack Ship skill on all four ships significantly
  • Slightly increased base hp
  • Slightly increased maxvelocity
  • Increased lock range significantly
  • Increased cap recharge from 1.33/sec to around 2/sec (this is a big deal)

  • Increasing the range for points/webs/ecm/neuts on these ships should hopefully make them useful enough to show up in lighter/faster fleets that need recon type support but want either faster or cheaper ships doing it. The base stat buffs are to bring them close to where the disruptions frigs are.

    Glad to see these getting some attention, but I don't think the ehp and sig radius changes are enough. Interceptors can get away with ehp like that because they're not supposed to get hit. The only plan for these ships seems to be "don't be in range". Increasing the EWAR range bonus helps them do that, but it forces them into fleet roles instead of being good for solo stuff too (except the sentinel, which looks overpowered to me as it's suggested).

    Past 20-30k most frig DPS drops off entirely unless they have drones, especially since these ships have no bonuses to damage projection. Obviously they shouldn't be DPS monsters or anything, but I don't get why they're not at least close to on par with interceptors.

    I'd drop the range bonus, and do some combination of the following: increase their ehp a bit more, lower their sig to around 40m, give them each (except the sentinel maybe) another high-slot and weapon hardpoint. If you really want to make them interesting, give them cloaks too.
    Can you see the rapier?:,GH6lqDE
    Gallente Federation
    #172 - 2013-10-03 17:24:50 UTC
    Definitely seems to me that the keres should be getting a much larger dronebay. Since the sentinel neuts out most tanks, doesn't it make sense the keres does more damage? As it is it's only a fleet support ship, but I think it could use a few more drones.

    Enlightened Industries
    Goonswarm Federation
    #173 - 2013-10-03 17:32:44 UTC
    let the space weeping of the enemy gankers begin.
    Dinsdale Pirannha
    Pirannha Corp
    #174 - 2013-10-03 17:34:40 UTC
    So if I am reading this properly, a Kitsune can lock (with fleet boost) at 134 km, and will be able to use jammers at optimal at 130 plus km with 4 individual jamming strength of about 13.9 per module (Vulture plus 2 sig distortion amps), with a speed of about 2677 m /s......No, that is not OP at all,

    I personally love jamming, and think the module strengths are fine, especially since the introduction of the new sensor skills which nerfed jamming across the board.

    But you will have entire fleets of 30M ships, warping in at 130 km out, essentially untouchable by most weapon systems, and jamming the opposition out of existence as they lock so fast. How long before we see the large blocs flying entire wings, or even fleets, of throwaway cost EWAR T2 frigates.

    And yes, everyone now counter with "well, then fit ECCM". But that does not work when faced with hordes of such ships, which will happen since they are so cheap.

    Frankly, I wold love to be an EUNI Fleet Doctrine director, and telling every UNIsta, "get your jamming skills and T2 Caldari frig skills up, we are heading to Rancer to jam out the entirety of The United, on a Sunday".

    But the fact that such a fast, maneuverable ship is so capable at such an extended range, AND SO CHEAP, is just wrong.
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #175 - 2013-10-03 18:12:43 UTC
    Dex Slim wrote:
    It takes two neut cycles (which takes under 8 seconds overheated and with low-grade talismans) from a maximum range of 32km for a Sentinel to cap out any frigate/assault ship. After that it's game over for any ship not able to return damage. You'll just tracking disrupt ships with projectile weapons so they won't hit you or the drones, and well, all hybrid/laser boats will be sitting ducks after they are drained.

    I'd say this ship is quite overpowered.

    The only real thing I feel needs to be changed with these is the sentinel band width reduced to 15 and drone bay reduced a bit, with the Keres getting a small drone bandwidth/bay increase.

    Anyone who's solo'ing already knows there are ships they cannot fight, that if they try to fight, they will die. A punisher does not try to fight an ishkur or dramiel, as a general rule. A cruiser GTFO's or proceeds very cautiously at the sight of a condor.

    All that is going to happen here are people are going to figure out which ships can and can't fight a sentinel. And most AF's are still going to laugh at these. Missile boats care very little for your tracking disruption. Sure, they're vulnerable to neuts. But an EAF's damage is so low an AF's natural 'toughness for a frig' should just be inconvenienced. 4 unbonused light drones don't really do that much damage. And for the theoretical 'capping out' they have to be neut fit in the highs, so they are it's ONLY damage. Yeah, Enyo, Retribution, and Harpy, might struggle a bit, but all 3 of those are pretty tanky AF's too. They'll just have to adjust their strategy or pick their fights. The world won't end.

    While there are always exceptions to the rule, in general these ships are not going to be well suited to solo work. Too fragile in the event they do get caught, too expensive when a T1 variant can do most the job anyway, and easy to spot on D scan and avoid or counter.

    Yeah, a Kitsune is gonna be interesting, but that fault is in ECM, not the ship. But just keep an eye on your D scan and avoid the fight, or have a plan to deal with it, read drones, or ECCM or neuts, or a great many options available, up to and including calling for back up. And if you're in a fleet.... well then there are options there for dealing with it too.

    EAF's have been pretty much useless for a while. They're still gonna be fragile. Get a condor to go catch it and slow it down, then 1 shot it off field. They're still gonna be in a pretty niche role. They should actually be able to DO the job well enough to justify the added cost/skill now, as opposed to their current iteration where the only reason I might fly a Keres is the point range, because a Maulus does the rest the job pretty well.

    To assume every sentinel is gonna be using Talismans is a bad assumption as well. And to assume Talisman's won't lend to a sense of over confidence is also a bad assumption.

    But until the test server is ready to use with these builds, I'm certainly not gonna cry 'pwnmobile!' just because they're getting a much needed buff. And IF the sentinel does become a monster to deal with... well then it won't be, because either everyone will use it or no one will fight it or everyone will know how to counter it, read another EAF(Kitsune to jam, Keres to damp, Sentinel to Neut, Hyena to web).

    There are some really cool potential relationships going on with these changes. Kinda sad that they're getting whined about so hard.

    The Law is a point of View

    The NPE IS a big deal

    Grath Telkin
    Goonswarm Federation
    #176 - 2013-10-03 18:50:23 UTC
    Tetsuo Tsukaya wrote:
    Except that you've got no tackle so every ship you primary can just peace out, pull range or bounce out. Unless you count losing a bunch of ships before the enemy gang warps off as winning, you can't really do **** in a small gang without tackle

    1) stop whining so much

    2) get a dictor pilot, bubbles don't need a point

    3) alpha won't let them warp off because they have literally no tank and a fairly large sig for a frigate, if you're using missiles against them they'll be warping when the missiles take flight, meaning that ewar wont be applied to your ship

    4) An arazu (or any recon) has a fairly high sensor strength and high lock range, meaning damping or jamming them out is a problem, plus with gang links and a faction point you can reach 100km and hold somebody down.

    Stop crying about what your small gang can't do and use the ships that fit the bill

    Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

    But you will have entire fleets of 30M ships, warping in at 130 km out, essentially untouchable by most weapon systems, and jamming the opposition out of existence as they lock so fast. How long before we see the large blocs flying entire wings, or even fleets, of throwaway cost EWAR T2 frigates.


    This already happens, the CFC uses something called F--- You Fleet, its all Black Birds and Celestis and its dirt cheap (hulls are around 8 mil, fittings aren't much more) and yes it does suck to deal with but its fairly easy to eliminate (except when its backed up by 900 megathrons).

    Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

    Sofia Wolf
    Ubuntu Inc.
    The Fourth District
    #177 - 2013-10-03 19:04:34 UTC
    Claims that new EAS are overpowered are IMHO unfounded. As far as I can see they are simply variation on existing combat recon theme that sacrifices tanking for greater speed. So unless someone thinks combat recons are OP I don't see how they can reasonably maintain new EAS are OP.

    Only place I can see them possibly causing problems, that could not be caused by combat recons before, are FW plexses, otherwise they don't really bring any novel or unique capability that could be more unbalancing then what we already have.

    Jessica Danikov > EVE is your real life. the rest is fantasy. caught in a corporation. no escape from banality. open up yours eyes, peer through pod good and seeeeeee. I'm just a poor pilot, I need no sympathy. because I'm easy scam, easy go, little isk, little know. anyway the solar wind blows...

    Dex Slim
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #178 - 2013-10-03 19:15:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Dex Slim
    Kenrailae wrote:
    Dex Slim wrote:
    It takes two neut cycles (which takes under 8 seconds overheated and with low-grade talismans) from a maximum range of 32km for a Sentinel to cap out any frigate/assault ship. After that it's game over for any ship not able to return damage. You'll just tracking disrupt ships with projectile weapons so they won't hit you or the drones, and well, all hybrid/laser boats will be sitting ducks after they are drained.

    I'd say this ship is quite overpowered.

    The only real thing I feel needs to be changed with these is the sentinel band width reduced to 15 and drone bay reduced a bit, with the Keres getting a small drone bandwidth/bay increase.

    Anyone who's solo'ing already knows there are ships they cannot fight, that if they try to fight, they will die. A punisher does not try to fight an ishkur or dramiel, as a general rule. A cruiser GTFO's or proceeds very cautiously at the sight of a condor.

    All that is going to happen here are people are going to figure out which ships can and can't fight a sentinel. And most AF's are still going to laugh at these. Missile boats care very little for your tracking disruption. Sure, they're vulnerable to neuts. But an EAF's damage is so low an AF's natural 'toughness for a frig' should just be inconvenienced. 4 unbonused light drones don't really do that much damage. And for the theoretical 'capping out' they have to be neut fit in the highs, so they are it's ONLY damage. Yeah, Enyo, Retribution, and Harpy, might struggle a bit, but all 3 of those are pretty tanky AF's too. They'll just have to adjust their strategy or pick their fights. The world won't end.

    While there are always exceptions to the rule, in general these ships are not going to be well suited to solo work. Too fragile in the event they do get caught, too expensive when a T1 variant can do most the job anyway, and easy to spot on D scan and avoid or counter.

    Yeah, a Kitsune is gonna be interesting, but that fault is in ECM, not the ship. But just keep an eye on your D scan and avoid the fight, or have a plan to deal with it, read drones, or ECCM or neuts, or a great many options available, up to and including calling for back up. And if you're in a fleet.... well then there are options there for dealing with it too.

    EAF's have been pretty much useless for a while. They're still gonna be fragile. Get a condor to go catch it and slow it down, then 1 shot it off field. They're still gonna be in a pretty niche role. They should actually be able to DO the job well enough to justify the added cost/skill now, as opposed to their current iteration where the only reason I might fly a Keres is the point range, because a Maulus does the rest the job pretty well.

    To assume every sentinel is gonna be using Talismans is a bad assumption as well. And to assume Talisman's won't lend to a sense of over confidence is also a bad assumption.

    But until the test server is ready to use with these builds, I'm certainly not gonna cry 'pwnmobile!' just because they're getting a much needed buff. And IF the sentinel does become a monster to deal with... well then it won't be, because either everyone will use it or no one will fight it or everyone will know how to counter it, read another EAF(Kitsune to jam, Keres to damp, Sentinel to Neut, Hyena to web).

    There are some really cool potential relationships going on with these changes. Kinda sad that they're getting whined about so hard.

    Your post suggests that you do not solo pvp in frigates a lot, especially your talk about an AF's natural 'toughness for a frig', what does that even mean? A standard Sentinel fit does ~100 dps with hobs (1 DDA), that is more than enough to break the tank of a typical AF. The Sentinel can outrun drones and after this buff it can even stay outside a typical Hawk's rocket range (22,8km) while neuting. You say AFs would laugh at it, then give me an example outside LML Hawk/Vengeance lol-fits. These will be untouchable in most frig/AF 1vs1 situations because they simply will not be caught (unless stupid mistakes are made).

    The Talismans were included to prove a point, but without them you'd cap out any AF in 10 seconds instead of 8. Big difference.

    I think a better idea is to keep e-war as it is or nerf it a bit. Instead buff the ship's survivability and combat ability. A frigate neuting at 32km or webbing at 35km (without links or faction webs) seems immensily overpowered to me. Saying that overpowered ships are okay because "then everyone will use them" or "noone will fight them anyway" is a really crappy argument for letting these ships into the game.
    Maraque Enterprises
    Just let it happen
    #179 - 2013-10-03 19:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldensaver
    Sofia Wolf wrote:
    Claims that new EAS are overpowered are IMHO unfounded.

    I might disagree with you specifically concerning the Sentinel. I've done a little playing on EFT with the current one, which fits just the same as the future one, but with some small changes:

    [Sentinel, test]
    Damage Control II
    Drone Damage Amplifier II
    Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

    Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
    Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 200
    Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
    Warp Disruptor II

    Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
    Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
    Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

    Small Egress Port Maximizer I
    Small Trimark Armor Pump I

    Warrior II x4
    Warrior II x8

    Post buff stats: ~3500 EHP, cap stable with everything but the NOS running (you probably won't have something to drain if you're neuting the other guy), 80 DPS, 30km neuts neuting 108/cycle, ~2700m/s, it *should* be cap stable running at least 1 neut, the tracking disruptor and the warp disruptor without the cap booster after patch.

    Basically what it comes down to is if it has turrets and is within 30km range of you, it's likely about to die a slow and horrible death. It'll have no cap to chase/kill you with, its guns won't be able to shoot anything, including your drones, and it will die as everything shuts down and your drones pick it apart.

    Edit: also, since the NOS should be useless unless you're fighting 2 guys and not neuting them both, you could potentially swap the NOS for a T2 125mm Rail, or something of the sort (T2 250mm Artillery) to add about 15-20 DPS at 20km range. It's not a huge difference, but more DPS is nice. Could also make it a blaster or something and get in nice and close under their TD'd guns to add even more DPS. It's all a matter of preference.
    Kagura Nikon
    Native Freshfood
    Minmatar Republic
    #180 - 2013-10-03 19:22:02 UTC
    Goldensaver wrote:
    Sofia Wolf wrote:
    Claims that new EAS are overpowered are IMHO unfounded.

    I might disagree with you specifically concerning the Sentinel. I've done a little playing on EFT with the current one, which fits just the same as the future one, but with some small changes:

    [Sentinel, test]
    Damage Control II
    Drone Damage Amplifier II
    Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

    Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
    Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 200
    Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
    Warp Disruptor II

    Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
    Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
    Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

    Small Egress Port Maximizer I
    Small Trimark Armor Pump I

    Warrior II x4
    Warrior II x8

    Post buff stats: ~3500 EHP, cap stable with everything but the NOS running (you probably won't have something to drain if you're neuting the other guy), 80 DPS, 30km neuts neuting 108/cycle, ~2700m/s, it *should* be cap stable running at least 1 neut, the tracking disruptor and the warp disruptor without the cap booster after patch.

    Basically what it comes down to is if it has turrets and is within 30km range of you, it's likely about to die a slow and horrible death. It'll have no cap to chase/kill you with, its guns won't be able to shoot anything, including your drones, and it will die as everything shuts down and your drones pick it apart.

    Sentinel neuts should NOT outrange battleship neuts. THey should have same range!!!!

    "If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"