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Market Discussions

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Market data question

Charles Benedict
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-10-02 17:07:28 UTC
Ive played a bit of eve a few years back but nothing fancy. I just started playing again and was trying to learn everything i can about the market.

Something odd striked me and perhaps someone can clarify the situation.
I was checking Price History for allot of items and was amazed and how many items were sold per day.

Lets take titanium for an example. I think it said something like 590000 + sold a day before.
Then i took a look at the market data tab and was checking the cheapest seller for titanium in Jita.
He had a quantity of (example) 39999 for sale.

I was checking the market data tab to see how many he would sell in about an hour as i was just curious.
2 hours gone by, he was still the cheapest seller and he sold absolutely nothing.

I then checked allot of other items which were sold ALLOT per day. And checked the market data tab for the cheapest sellers in jita. To my suprise hours and hours later all the people i kept tabs on did not sell a single piece.

For something that has over 150000 (or more) sells a day. You would think by checking the cheapest sellers you would see there quantity count go down allot over the course of 6 hours.

Whats going on? Am i missing something simple here?
Hammer Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-10-02 20:49:28 UTC
I believe the history chart is for the entire region not just a single station like Jita. So the entire forge region is what you are looking at in the history chart.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#3 - 2013-10-02 23:29:36 UTC
Did you monitor buy orders? If I sell to a buy order, my sale is incorporated in the total amount of sold goods.

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"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

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Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#4 - 2013-10-03 05:04:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabriz Adoudel
The trade in trit is more decentralised than most other items due to the low ISK/m^3 value of Trit.

Example: Trit is ~460ISK per m^3. If I have a billion ISK worth of Trit in a nearby system it is a lot of effort to move to Jita to sell. Then, the buyer will probably need to transport it elsewhere as well.

OTOH consider 'Faint Epsilon Warp Scramber I'. 5 m^3, ~2.5m ISK value. If I have a billion ISK worth of those, it's not hard to get them to Jita to sell them there - I can haul them myself and it doesn't need to be in an industrial, I can even use a nightmarishly hard to gank Gnosis, or get a useful idiot (public courier contractor) to do it for me.

Watch a different item next time. If you want to watch ore, watch one that is at the higher end of ones that can be mined in highsec. (IIRC that's Megacyte but I could be wrong, I'm a miner euthanist, not a miner).

Edit: Also on trit, overwhelmingly it is sold to buy orders. Look at the market again and you'll see buy orders for hundreds of millions up to tens of billions of units, mostly in systemwide or 1j wide orders designed to cover all the areas that mining bot fleets congregate in, often with '5m units minimum' or similar. These will usually be used locally - as an example pre-Odyssey, one person I've talked to in game ran eleven production slots churning out the old tier 1 battleships and would buy billions of units of minerals with those sorts of buy orders, then subcontracted all of their hauling to Red Frog.

The mining bot fleets usually want their ISK ASAP so they can RMT it before their bots are discovered, so they don't invest time in training market skills to put up their own sell orders.

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Invisible Exchequer
#5 - 2013-10-03 05:35:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
The Price history shows both buy and sells.

To work out if it is mostly going to buys or sells, check the average. While this is region wide, in the forge, it is pretty much only jita prices, so aside from any messing with the market graph sales, the low will be Jita buy, and the high will be Jita sell.