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[Casino][Closed]Infinity Conglomerate Casino[WIP]

First post
Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#1 - 2013-09-28 20:21:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Regina Gerze
Fiction is currently WIP

Origins/Fiction: Infinity Incorporated was started in early 2025 AD as the revolutionary new R&D department of Japanese mass manufacturer Yuki Corporation and soon enough it began drawing up designs for its latest hopes and dreams. Headed by Theoretical physicist and engineer, Dr. Sora Orion Rose, Infinity Incorporated molded the colony on which is was created by spitting out new designs for its latest starships, warp engines, modifications and implants. Powered by advanced technology decades ahead of anything anyone else was creating Infinity Incorporated was bought by Dr. Sora Orion Rose Rose and they set out with the 3.6 trillion ISK funding behind the now highly influential woman. Despite the hardships faced with the smaller amount of funding given to them than prvided by the Yuki Corporation, Infinity Incorporated has outright opposed the galactic megacorporation and the two companies are now bitter rivals. Countering the Yuki Corporation on the design of advanced ships and weaponry the people that made Infinity Incorporated run, the Infinitis, rose to the occasion and surpassed Yuki Corp. in that area of technological development. Faced with the might of the Yuki corporation and the wrath that was about to rain down upon them Infinity Incorporated illogically decided to try and hold their own with the Yuki.

An unknown period of time later

They had grown, immensely so and while they lost a majority of their knowledge they retained some. Outshined by the Caldari megacorporations they ventured forth, farther and farther until they got into the realm of gambling and now on the darker side of business the you take the risk to rise, my child? If you do remember our story is not over and it may just begin with you for you mold us or break us.

Non-Fictional Origins: We originated on a channel called SCOPE INFINITY after I got the idea and gave it to my corp, of course they went along with it 'cus I'm they're boss, blah, blah and eventually I was driven to make this EVE Forums page in case it was ever needed while I was driving up the possibilities for the Infinity Conglomerate itself, advertising and doing a plethora of other things. Like every project that involves ISK, casinos or time codes, which usually go hand-in-hand, we have earned our fair share of "OMG, SPAMMER/SCAMMER", complete and utter disinterest[some people honestly don't care] and rude jerks who decided it would be a good idea to insult my intelligence. After all of that and the less than a day we've been online, which is at the time of this post, I've gained some insight from my fellow collogues who thought it would be a good idea to wait to turn Infinity Conglomerate into a full fledged Casino corporation and I said that wasn't my goal it would merely be a job we ran on the side.

...To be expanded
Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#2 - 2013-09-28 20:22:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Regina Gerze
- You have to send the correct amount you want to gamble for the item put up
- If you lose you will not be getting the ISK back, obviously due to the fact it IS gambling and wouldn't be if we just gave ISK back, I will be getting 20% while my corporation will be getting the other 80%
- The price per ticket will be 1/3 of the highest price Buyers have offered on the market
- Utilizing an alternate whether it be account or character is not allowed if you have already purchased a ticket
- Only my corporation will be hosting these lotteries
- You may not own a majority of the tickets but you may own a minority

How Numbers & Winners are Decided: I utilize a dice roller to pick out each digit for each ticket after picking the item I will put up for the week along with how many tickets will be available, the prices, buying the item, etcetera. After doing the required research I assign each ticket a 6(Six) digit number "randomly"(it is an internet widget and therefore has programming and therefore has a pattern). After a person buys a ticket we roll the virtual dice once again to assign them a number. And then we wait until the end of the week to hand out the prize...

Trinity Sponsored Casino Staff:

Regina Gerze

Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#3 - 2013-09-28 20:22:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Regina Gerze
Current Week:

Date Started: September 28, 2013

Item Federation Navy Comet

Highest Buyer Price 12 million ISK

Price per Ticket 4 million ISK

Tickets Purchased 1

Tickets Available: 11

Who Purchased: Elvin-Andreas Aldent, reason provided was to help out corporation[he is a corporation member for clarification]
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#4 - 2013-09-28 20:26:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Regina Gerze wrote:
Origins: I am too dumb to think of a way to earn ISK, so I thought I'd also try for a free MD handout

caught just in time
Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#5 - 2013-09-28 20:29:17 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Regina Gerze wrote:
Origins: I am too dumb to think of a way to earn ISK, so I thought I'd also try for a free MD handout

caught just in time

How do I report your post to be deleted? xD This is WIP, AKA a Work in Progress >.<
Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#6 - 2013-09-28 20:44:55 UTC
Starting Funds: Currently gathering

Amount Spent on Items: Around 15 million ISK

Amount gained from Casino: 4 million ISK as of last ticket
Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#7 - 2013-09-28 21:02:50 UTC
Disclaimer: The original fiction I gave as our "Origin story" is set in the EVE Universe and anything that is a reference to the EVE Universe does not belong to me, only the characters of mine, the actual story and really anything that is obvious...
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-09-28 21:18:48 UTC
Regina Gerze wrote:
Disclaimer: The original fiction I gave as our "Origin story" is set in the EVE Universe and anything that is a reference to the EVE Universe does not belong to me, only the characters of mine, the actual story and really anything that is obvious...

In the EVE universe Earth is a legend where it hasn't been forgotten entirely, and between the total collapse of the fledgling societies formed by the original settlers and the resulting thousands of years of "dark ages" there certainly wouldn't be any continuity between any Earth-based corporation's original presence in the cluster and anything that exists now, as your story suggests.

The rest of this thread makes even less sense.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Regina Gerze
The Trinity Conglomerate
#9 - 2013-09-28 21:33:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Regina Gerze
mynnna wrote:
Regina Gerze wrote:
Disclaimer: The original fiction I gave as our "Origin story" is set in the EVE Universe and anything that is a reference to the EVE Universe does not belong to me, only the characters of mine, the actual story and really anything that is obvious...

In the EVE universe Earth is a legend where it hasn't been forgotten entirely, and between the total collapse of the fledgling societies formed by the original settlers and the resulting thousands of years of "dark ages" there certainly wouldn't be any continuity between any Earth-based corporation's original presence in the cluster and anything that exists now, as your story suggests.

The rest of this thread makes even less sense.

They know nothing of Earth....and who said they were Earth-based >.> They were some of the original settlers and of course their corporation failed and died, the only reason they are still around is due to the fact that their archives/ruins of their HQ were found and the corporation was reintroduced as the finder's own creation. Of course no one knew about them, so the only information that would be available from the 2020's or before EVE GATE is, well, not available. Either it's that or it only makes sense in my head, I have Asperger's so the information might not be getting through.Oops

Edit: Thanks for your feedback, it helped me think of something I can do to "fix" the Origin Story and seeing as how this was taken straight from an original fiction of my own with little editing I will need that something...
#10 - 2013-09-29 00:09:10 UTC
So you're expecting to bring in 44mil in ticket sales to hand out a 12mil prize?

Ignoring that:
1) BLINK's pretty much killed the market for lotteries.
2) Lotteries belong in WTS
3) Real lotteries use a third party to secure the prizes

That's a ridiculously low expected value for an EVE lottery.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#11 - 2013-09-29 03:21:06 UTC
I'd like to a vowel please
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#12 - 2013-09-29 04:43:17 UTC
Ask CCP to give you prizes now!!! And make sure they are at least as good as the ones Blink got.

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.