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In need of a helping hand - [[LOAN CLOSED REPAID]]

Jerex Deka
Tempest Shipyards
#1 - 2013-09-26 01:12:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerex Deka
I should start this off I have never done this before and am still very new to the game so anything you'd like to know or I didn't know to bring up please post in thread.

I have two accounts in Eve, one is over 3 years old, however it never made it out of trial as I didn't have the time back then to devote to another game. But when I started up again a few months ago I was really hooked, on what exactly, was believe it or not station trading. I loved the back and forth game of controlling a certain item in the market and making immense amounts of isk from little - time consuming - effort.

This account I have mainly focused on trading and recently salvaging for my main.

I went from 50 million to hovering around 900 million in just over a month and a half - however I was extremely lucky with a few items and profited well, also my main was in a decent sized corp and I was moving product into that corp's station with extremely low moving costs so that definitely increased my net worth.

Now here's why I need this loan to begin with -

I was unfortunately scammed sitting in Jita - It was a contract scam in that I assumed the contractor accidentally added an extra zero.

It resulted in me losing ~825 million.

And on top of that I am recently unemployed IRL and planned on using that 900m to restart my station trading in order to plex both of my accounts. So it couldn't of come at a worse time for me.

So what I am asking for is hopefully a 2b loan, in which I can use a little over half to plex my accounts that will be running out in the first week or so of October.

The remainder I will use to station trade and move product to my other accounts corp station.

However to cover your back and mine, I want this to be a little of a longer term loan, in that I will probably need to plex again in November.

My plan on paying this back is - I would pay you 50 million (2.5%) weekly as interest, and monthly I will pay 250 million towards the total loan amount, but still remain to pay 50 million weekly until the loan has been paid off. I kept the monthly payment low on purpose in case anything were to happen I wouldn't "default" but I very much plan on making much higher monthly payments.

If needed I can PM you my other accounts main toon if it needs to be verified or anything, but it will only be disclosed privately as Id like to keep the character's identity separate.

So I guess that's all I have to say, I am open to counter offers on interest and how the monthly payment should go, since I've never done this before. Also any questions or anything needing more information/clarification please just ask.

Thank you for your time.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2013-09-26 05:36:33 UTC
Hey there,

I'm assuming the loan would be uncollateralized?
But yeah I'll help you out. Sending a mail in game with some further questions.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#3 - 2013-09-26 06:16:58 UTC
just name your characters here, or ill PM you with an alt fajking interest then just post them here anyway.

also, proof of your profits req'd. google API + EVE


Setsune Rin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-09-26 07:45:56 UTC
uncollaterized 2b loan with no reputation to bank on, that'll go over well :)

try 500m with proof of profits, I LIKE IT might take a shot
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-09-26 09:52:21 UTC
could mabe do a dragons den on here and spread the 2b between a few of us to lesson to blow to somone if he dont repay. bit more work on his part in breaking down interest payments but....
Jerex Deka
Tempest Shipyards
#6 - 2013-09-26 10:09:20 UTC
Yes I understand this is a big risk being a no collateral loan, but I'm just a new player trying to keep playing during hard times.

But there is one good thing about loaning to me - I will be an unemployed trader, pretty lethal on the market seeing as i can put in any amount of work I need to in order to ensure I keep on my promise of interest and payments - and my orders on top ;)

I got a promising response in-game from Vanchelon. So we'll see how that goes.
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-09-26 10:25:05 UTC
I was unfortunately scammed sitting in Jita - It was a contract scam in that I assumed the contractor accidentally added an extra zero.

Sorry you've fallen on hard times but the above makes me think you don't really understand the market at all.
The above scam targets the greedy and impulsive who think they see a quick profit at someone else's expense. It turns out the old maxim - If you don't know who the victim/ sheep/ moron in the room is, then it's you. - is true.
Any genuine trader can't help but be wise to this scam. The sheer number alone of them being shoved in your face in Jita local is an inescapable clue. Awareness is not voluntary, it's forced upon you through sheer volume of spam. You would metaphorically have to shove your fingers in your ears and sing "la la la, I'm not listening" whilst trading not to pick up on this scam.

So either you are clueless, or dishonest. Add in your request to spend the loan on 2 - 4 months of subscription with no collateral and this offer looks like a mugs game to me sorry.
If you want to prove it's not a scam your API should show the item you bought and what you paid for it. It should be worth a few 10s of millions even though you vasty overpaid for it. I fear you will have reasons why you can't prove it.

In the event this isn't a scam I wish you luck getting back on your feet.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#8 - 2013-09-26 10:53:07 UTC
As above :p

And there's no way this isn't a scam.

Jerex Deka wrote:
But there is one good thing about loaning to me - I will be an unemployed trader, pretty lethal on the market seeing as i can put in any amount of work I need to in order to ensure I keep on my promise of interest and payments - and my orders on top ;)
I'm a multi-billionaire with an army of trading minions playing eve for me. Wait no, I'm a medieval knight, and I beat peons into trading for me. Yeah, that one.

You see you can say literally anything you want, so of course you are the perfect guy to return on your investment.

You're a new alt, with no forum history, that's has been in 2 player corps for shockingly short times. This loan would need some collateral, or considerably higher than 2.5% weekly. You'd also need to detail what you plan to do to raise a profit, since by your own admission, over 50% would be going straight into game time.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#9 - 2013-09-26 10:59:47 UTC  |  Edited by: The Greenmachine Greenmachine
virm pasuul wrote:
I was unfortunately scammed sitting in Jita - It was a contract scam in that I assumed the contractor accidentally added an extra zero.

Sorry you've fallen on hard times but the above makes me think you don't really understand the market at all.
The above scam targets the greedy and impulsive who think they see a quick profit at someone else's expense. It turns out the old maxim - If you don't know who the victim/ sheep/ moron in the room is, then it's you. - is true.
Any genuine trader can't help but be wise to this scam. The sheer number alone of them being shoved in your face in Jita local is an inescapable clue. Awareness is not voluntary, it's forced upon you through sheer volume of spam. You would metaphorically have to shove your fingers in your ears and sing "la la la, I'm not listening" whilst trading not to pick up on this scam.

So either you are clueless, or dishonest. Add in your request to spend the loan on 2 - 4 months of subscription with no collateral and this offer looks like a mugs game to me sorry.
If you want to prove it's not a scam your API should show the item you bought and what you paid for it. It should be worth a few 10s of millions even though you vasty overpaid for it. I fear you will have reasons why you can't prove it.

In the event this isn't a scam I wish you luck getting back on your feet.

OR since hes new to the game and learned his lesson, he gets back on his feet and be more aware then before which will make him a better player in the long run
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#10 - 2013-09-26 11:27:48 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:

OR since hes new to the game and learned his lesson, he gets back on his feet and be more aware then before which will make him a better player in the long run

I think it's safe to say you shouldn't trust anyone asking for a loan if this guy posts in their thread.
Logical Chaos
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#11 - 2013-09-26 11:32:31 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:

OR since hes new to the game and learned his lesson, he gets back on his feet and be more aware then before which will make him a better player in the long run

I think it's safe to say you shouldn't trust anyone asking for a loan if this guy posts in their thread.

He scams in Jita, or?
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#12 - 2013-09-26 11:33:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Logical Chaos wrote:
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:

OR since hes new to the game and learned his lesson, he gets back on his feet and be more aware then before which will make him a better player in the long run

I think it's safe to say you shouldn't trust anyone asking for a loan if this guy posts in their thread.

He scams in Jita, or?

There's that, but I think it's something like you see in crime shows where the killer returns to the scene of the crime. Check his posting history in Market Discussions.

Edit: As for the OP, you can't be trusted with less than 1b of your own ISK, I really hope nobody blindly throws 2b of their ISK at you. Also it's hard to believe a trader had 90% of their NAV in ISK able to be so easily taken from them by a contract mistake/scam-hybrid monster-thing-you-probably-made-up-in-3-seconds.
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2013-09-26 11:34:36 UTC
Yep there's always the chance it's not a scam. Also I do believe in giving people a chance.

He can prove he was scammed with his API as I have already pointed out. This could help him establish credibility with a potential investor.
Also the item he bought in the scam, as I've already pointed out is usually worth a few tens if not the odd hundred million. He could sell it at it's real market value and use that money to get trading again.
Shoot he can show the item in question in a trade window and not even bother with the API key thing.
That's two ( and a half? ) constructive ideas to help him get back on his feet.

I still believe it's a scam but in the event it's not I have provided free genuine advice on how to get restarted.
If you believe it's not a scam put your money where your mouth is and load the guy a PLEX or two.
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-09-26 12:03:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
virm pasuul wrote:
He can prove he was scammed with his API as I have already pointed out. This could help him establish credibility with a potential investor.

This would not only establish credibility but also incompetence driven by greed. Scams rely on the victim's greed overpowering his common-sense - not the trait I would look for in an investee.

Loan him the isk and next thing you know he finds out about margin trading scams the hard way.

But if you believe so much in giving people a chance then why don't you yourself give OP that chance he is asking for?


virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2013-09-26 12:40:08 UTC
I think maybe you read through the thread a little too quickly and didn't pick up all the info.

He's already admitted incompetence - no need to prove it.
He's already found out about margin trading scams - that's what caused his problem in the first place. First post in the thread.
I believe this to be a half hearted plea for others to pay for 2 accounts for 2 months. He will probably pay the first weeks interest then decide what's the point in playing if I am playing to make money for someone else and default the rest.
I am putting my money where my mouth is, I believe this to be a bum deal and I'm keeping my money.

In the event I'm wrong, and it's an honest player fallen on bad times I've tried to give helpful advice in lieu of ISK.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#16 - 2013-09-26 13:52:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
virm pasuul wrote:
He's already found out about margin trading scams - that's what caused his problem in the first place. First post in the thread.

Jerex Deka wrote:
I was unfortunately scammed sitting in Jita - It was a contract scam in that I assumed the contractor accidentally added an extra zero.

He might have stumbled upon one, but it would seem he doesn't yet know it.
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-09-26 14:12:49 UTC
LOL good point.
Maybe ask the OP if he/she understands how he/she was scammed?
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#18 - 2013-09-26 19:25:10 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:

OR since hes new to the game and learned his lesson, he gets back on his feet and be more aware then before which will make him a better player in the long run

I think it's safe to say you shouldn't trust anyone asking for a loan if this guy posts in their thread.

''this guy'' hahaha I love it
Jerex Deka
Tempest Shipyards
#19 - 2013-09-26 21:08:25 UTC
Sure wish you could multi-quote...

Everyone keeps saying "this has to be a scam this has to be a scam" without even giving me a chance at explaining, providing API keys, etc.

First of, I was scammed by Brealynn Omaristos - the scam as embarrassing as it was, is this (Someone in-game mailed me saying they didn't see my contract I accepted, so I am assuming you can see his contracts, I don't know how to provide the link to this)

I didn't ACCEPT the contract, or I would be sitting at a cool 6.5 billion, and not at a loss of 800+m

The scam was a contract for 2x Raysere Giant's Tags and 1x WHAT I THOUGHT Scorch L Blueprint T2

However the contract did not show, even after I right clicked the blueprint in the contract and viewed other contracts for it so I could get one, that he wanted a repackaged BPO, not a BPC, but the contract didn't show that.

The blueprints weren't the bad part, only 15 million for it. (Though I bought two thinking the game was glitching)

The Raysere tags were the tough ones, and yes I know I am stupid for not checking the market history on them but hey, I saw 5-6 for 380+ million with a few market orders, none of them were 89d 23h 54m or anything, so in the rush to make 6.5billion off 800ish million I just bought them. (I also noticed you can see on 9/23 the highest sold were for 388m, those were me)

Now I have mails AFTER the scam went down where he wanted to actually buy them back from me for 50m, I told him I bought plex's for isk and tried to play it off as I wasn't even mad.. Idk it just made me feel better I guess since I lost 80% of my entire net worth as I wasn't playing the market anymore and focusing on missioning/salvaging with my accounts.

I have a few in-game mails that have offered to loan me the amount I requested, and I will be sending them my API once they show me how to do that.

Only reason I posted in this thread with this pitiful scam I fell for is because you're all right, this is Eve and you need to protect your name as much as you can.

If you all still don't believe me then I guess if someone happens to give me the loan, I can prove it that way.

Once again, thanks all for your time and interest in my situation.
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#20 - 2013-09-26 21:36:26 UTC
Jerex Deka wrote:
Sure wish you could multi-quote...

Everyone keeps saying "this has to be a scam this has to be a scam" without even giving me a chance at explaining, providing API keys, etc.

First of, I was scammed by Brealynn Omaristos - the scam as embarrassing as it was, is this (Someone in-game mailed me saying they didn't see my contract I accepted, so I am assuming you can see his contracts, I don't know how to provide the link to this)

I didn't ACCEPT the contract, or I would be sitting at a cool 6.5 billion, and not at a loss of 800+m

The scam was a contract for 2x Raysere Giant's Tags and 1x WHAT I THOUGHT Scorch L Blueprint T2

However the contract did not show, even after I right clicked the blueprint in the contract and viewed other contracts for it so I could get one, that he wanted a repackaged BPO, not a BPC, but the contract didn't show that.

The blueprints weren't the bad part, only 15 million for it. (Though I bought two thinking the game was glitching)

The Raysere tags were the tough ones, and yes I know I am stupid for not checking the market history on them but hey, I saw 5-6 for 380+ million with a few market orders, none of them were 89d 23h 54m or anything, so in the rush to make 6.5billion off 800ish million I just bought them. (I also noticed you can see on 9/23 the highest sold were for 388m, those were me)

Now I have mails AFTER the scam went down where he wanted to actually buy them back from me for 50m, I told him I bought plex's for isk and tried to play it off as I wasn't even mad.. Idk it just made me feel better I guess since I lost 80% of my entire net worth as I wasn't playing the market anymore and focusing on missioning/salvaging with my accounts.

I have a few in-game mails that have offered to loan me the amount I requested, and I will be sending them my API once they show me how to do that.

Only reason I posted in this thread with this pitiful scam I fell for is because you're all right, this is Eve and you need to protect your name as much as you can.

If you all still don't believe me then I guess if someone happens to give me the loan, I can prove it that way.

Once again, thanks all for your time and interest in my situation.

Cosmetics bot strikes again! and if you look closer they might not all be 89d 23h 54m but ill bet my life they are 89 days 29 days 13 days and 6 days haha. same guy just changed the duration.
also please do ''us'' a favor and just sell them back. because we just want to help you (not really) and if it was one of my items and you decided just to sell it to the highest real buy order you would've just sold them to me for even cheaper :)

your not as bad as the ones who tell me they trashed the damn items and sell them to my buy order a couple days later hahaha
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