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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Looking for nullsec PVE

The Spod
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-09-24 12:05:06 UTC  |  Edited by: The Spod

I'm looking for a nullsec corp to provide me with simply ratting ground and a place to hang out. I would initially bring two of my characters out for just PVE purposes and could not expect to participate in stretched ops. Basically I log on to play an hour per night tops, and I would just like to blap anoms during that time and get to know people slowly.

What I bring to the table is nullsec experience since my first month in EVE. I started at 2008 and have 50+60M sp focused pvp pilots. Note from the SP amount I play on-off with a hectic RL and utter hatred towards the boredom of EVE (very bitter). Later on when/if I have tolerable playtimes, I can do stuff:

  • PVP in big fleets (100+) as fleet prober, grid-fu experience (all 5 probing)
  • PVP as small gang FC, success mostly in getting kills by movement anticipation, odd tactics and multi-system coordination in defence fleets, little effort but no real success in offensive nano gang FC (belt bingo, field probes etc)
  • A little bit of PVP in small gangs as pretty much all roles
  • Some solo PVP

  • Carrier pilot, Nyx all 5 support by the end of year.
  • Black ops pilot with good support by the end of year.
  • Logistics pilot: guardian, oneiros, basilisk.
  • Freighter pilot: obelisk.

  • Not corp hopping around. I have been with one group in EVE and one group in Dust since 2008. The group is not currently doing nullsec stuff.

But all of this is meaningless right now since I just log on to kill rats nowadays. I might get drawn into the rest of it again some day though...

Any corps out there looking for bitter ratters? If you would be kind enough to provide me with a short status of your truesec / tax / rats I would love to hear from you. TBH I don't care about you as players - yet :)
Inoue Zael
Doomed Initiative
#2 - 2013-09-26 18:32:09 UTC
Hey m8, if you are looking for a great corp that has been around a long time look no further. Terra Incognita has been around forever and has experience in every part of the game including some of the highest skilled and oldest players around. We have plenty of services and benefits for all types of players. Currently we are stationed in 0.0 with a large and well established alliance with tons to offer. Hit me up in game or check out our thread:

TINCO Recruiting

You can also chat with us in our in-game public channel: TINCO

Fly Safe!
The Spod
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-09-26 19:54:02 UTC
I will be sure to check you guys out. Thanks for all the mail offers too, I'll look to joining when I have a spare moment off RL.
Zyzz Shavershian
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-09-26 19:56:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Zyzz Shavershian
Maybe RIOT could provide you with a nice cozy 0.0 home! We specialise in small gang warfare but are also a strong supplier of pilots to the large scale-warfare. We are currently looking for more pilots to boost our numbers while we settle down in our new home. We are an experienced nullsec pvp corp with a strong indy wing to support our explosions. After being around for a few years we have taken the step to set out and get our own alliance rolling. You could roll right in and help expand the empire!

We have a RL first mentality meaning that we respect people's jobs and busy schedules during the week. We don't have any hard requirements as long as you show you are putting your best foot forward. We like to see ourselves as a family rather than a strict bootcamp.

For more info send me an eve mail or join 'The Kings Head' in game channel!
Lady Skazka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-09-29 03:31:58 UTC
Hi, and welcome

We are a fairly new alliance currently living out is Oasa, drone regions.
We have our own sov and stations along with many others that are blue to us.
We do not pay rent nor are pets to anyone, but with all null sec alliances there is a sliding scale of who answers to who, and we keep ourselves in check, and by doing that have the backing of our blues :)

Our leadership is built by very experienced players, many of whom have been in the game for as many years as you would care for and have experience in every area of the game.

We are fast growing and looking for new players and corps to join us.

Now our corp, starhunt. Starhunt is one of the oldest corps in the game, over 10 years old and we still have the backbone of what we have always been. We are a mixed timezone corp, and all good friends with many many years of experience in a select few null sec alliances. We know our stuff, don't let that ever be forgotten, we have not survived this long by being noobs :)

We can offer you as much pvp as you desire and also a safe haven to do your mining, ice or ore, along with cyno routes for caps.

As an alliance we have mining ops and standing fleets daily, no persistent ctas, but we do expect people to join the hd fleets and be seen to be active on the killboard.

We have the usual comms, forums and killboards etc as you would expect.

We are a mature alliance and although have a good laugh on comms, when we need things done, they get done, and get done right.

I'd like to open an invite for you to jump into our comms and we can discuss in more details exactly what we can do for you, and in turn you can do for us. It's a mutual thing, you have to like us and vice versa, then everyone is golden :)

You may mail me or reply here and we can work from there.

Many thanks and sorry for the wall of text,


Lady Skazka - FC, Diplo, Recruiter, Internet spaceship nerd