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Training queue problems

Mark Androcius
#1 - 2013-09-22 10:37:25 UTC
Last night, i updated on of my chars skill-queue, since his had only 6 hour left.

The next morning, i launch evemon, only to see the character has no skills in training.

I launch eve, figuring it might be a bug in evemon, but no, the skill is actually not training.

The skill IS in the queue, it is just not training, pressing apply does not make the timer start and the only thing that will start to make it work again, is to remove the skill, press apply with an empty queue and add the skill and press apply again.

Me still thinking it might just be a bug on just that char and just that instance, i try it out on other chars.

I am sad o say that, YES, all chars have this issue.

As soon as a character finishes training a skill, it will not start the timer on the next skill in queue, you have to manually empty an refill and re-apply the skill training.

If you are having the same issue, please make a bug report.
Only reason i put it here, is because you might just not be aware yet.

Fly strong,

ZeeWolf Novus
Saor Alba
#2 - 2013-09-22 10:41:32 UTC
All fine here.
Rengerel en Distel
#3 - 2013-09-22 10:43:05 UTC
This was happening to people a few months ago as well. I believe the fix was to clear the queue, then relog, then start training again normally.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

#4 - 2013-09-22 20:32:05 UTC
I had the same issue this week, put a petition in and got some SP.